MONOGURUI (pre-close)-binding: ((00))(ii)
(00_00)(MONOGURUI: (ft CAPT.R.) (00_00) (00_00) 00. OOOOO. y_ueghuru(-(CR(00))): (recorded on the C.A.M.) "(cyclostructure projects would focus on the extension of canal systems into landlocked interiors .. the laying of cyclo-intensive channels: all kinds of weird bubbles could be expected to be formed: pushed in point-form projects whose return would be pushed off the froth of the (0) filter boundary band: in some ways it was to function like a malformed, blown up version of the u_form cycle, where the u_objects cell acts as a sort of holding basin or reservoir from which the community can draw proto-phasm 'attached' by interior pods: elastic straps latched to the interior of the land-form basins helped control the volume-release function, stretching taut in cases of overlow, .. running lax in pullbacks: white sheets .. cotton coverings were strapped over the openings .. clipped down with black plastic .. metal clasps: at times of abundance these somewhat ad hoc fictures would appear certain to blow through, but their resiliency was proven time .. time over: examining one of these constructs in an aftermath, y_ueghuru(ii) ran här hand over the metal clasps pulling tight the enclosure .. contemplated the contingencies of the design form .. its potential application for other purposes: reaching här hand deep inside its conduit hä felt the tingling growths of mold-forms .. the dewy collection of moisture over the rubber surfaces: he tests the tautness of the black synthetic straps contemplatively, falling into projective imaginative discourse: it is morning .. the light is dim, allowing the points of bright blue-ish light periodically running the conduit to emerge distinctly as glowing orbs, their light reaching här body .. illuminating här shoulder .. upper body: indeterminancies .. blurrings were conceived as fictive-omissions: if one accepts a view whereby our experience of immanent material is formed by our filtered consciousness as an analytic machine to provide homological curvatures as *-spheres for us to cultivate .. move through then one can view probabalistic gaps in our worlds thus conceived as places where our determinancies fall short of convergence: the comparison is made to fictions, whereby the truth-value of propositions such as the height of a given character, or the precise curvature of their cheekline, or position of their organs, might be claimed as falling outside clearly delineated definition: the concept of necessity is bound to existence: the concept of possibility is bound to actuality: everything which exists, exists necessarily: everything which is actual is actual contingently: but contingency probes us .. haunts us: causality imposes its bounds upon us but at the same time provides us with our active powers: without contingency we would be ultimately free but ultimately powerless: the ()uber-mitsu(**) cultvated 'new civilizations' in the (0) regions, pushing them into mappings with u_objects prior to the *: when the u_objects were undermined .. fell into implosive dissolution these regions were decimated .. left fallow .. sterile for generations, but the effects remained confined to minor localilzations: ejento are held complacent in this scenario by the protection provided on their u_pulse collocations while proto-phasm pools for the dispersion of productive growth form around them)." (THE (0__)((00)(00_) (00_00)(00) y_ueghuru(ii)(00_00)(the YUGHUR::PHANTOM)(ii): "(producing 'invisible' reverb .. touching their collocations only at the margin: the return of the eigenvalue: for commutes theorists repeated the criticism of mathists' misapplication of the concept of 'material' vs. 'metaphysical' thinghood, until the holding of the material became an accepted .. unquestioned doctrine, but this gets it backwards: the metaphysical is the material: future values of monad-pulse are already built into the coefficient: once you start pushing it into the multiplicand you're double counting: cyclo-intension/future-*production (as complementary faces of a single conceptual unit) is universally a factor of the numeric-neutral monadic phase: nothing else matters: variability of output growth moderated as fluctuations of the proto-phasm mass moderated, .., conversely, *production volume growth moderated as the opportunity to exploit gaps in intertemporal quantities closed in): (2.03m., powerful build): (-(00_00))(00): pursed numb chapped lips: hä lies still on the white low ceramic cot with inset white cotton cushions, breathing hard .. uncomfortably): (y_ueghuru(ii), for the purposes of the interpellation, should be considered as a kind of mnemonic device: the thing that is formed in this is y_ueghuru(ii), as a conceptual architecture binding together collocations of perceptions as uncoverings of the various devices .. episodes, or investigations, or actions taken in the pursuit of (00_00): implosion was about turning inward for the opening up of new worlds: or at least this is how it had seemed to y_ueghuru(ii), when comtemplating the matter .. planning out här movements: the idea of perception as the unfolding of probability spaces, of movement as a reverberation between points of space: engaging in this involved a kind of point-map, a commitment to bounce back .. commune with one's companion matrices, whether one could confirm them or not): (a filtered mega-commuting environment removes these constraints .. malformations)." (00_00)(MONOGURUI: (ft CAPT.R.) (00_00) (00_00) 00. OOOOO. y_ueghuru(-(CR(00))): (recorded on the C.A.M.) "(allowing for cell forces to push flows variably around a constantly held isomorphic op.flux: but once you put into place restraints in one part of a system the need to fine tune related components to adjust becomes inevitably a never ending pursuit: sufficiently pumping up the supply to push up against downward forces becomes the sole growth-inducing role of the yamauereda, to the extent that it has one)." (THE (0__)((00)(00_) (00_00)(00) y_ueghuru(ii)(00_00)(the YUGHUR::PHANTOM)(ii): "(hä ran här hand over här clear rubber poncho over white padded acrylic bumping of här chrome studded outfit with multiple metal zippered insets, clear rubber hood over här 2-braided head, ½-acrylic ½-cotton mini-poncho cut to mid chest: här head felt distorted .. full of growing reverberations)." 00. (00_00)(00)(MONOGURUI)(00_00)(00_00)(ii): "(clear acrylic hood enclosing tightly här head .. black rubber ½-mask: yamaguchi_gh. wears a similar, but more lightweight clear acrylic yurisuit with a tight clear rubber hood over här head, här dark eyes mysteriously foreboding: the dimpled polymer-plasma .. glass walls of the compound foyer surround them closely with overwhelming force .. the air feels heavy, as if being pushed inward by the far off .. unseen ice .. snow covered mountains .. drifts of the myghori_ch.)."
((00)(00_) (00_00)(00) y_ueghuru(ii)(00_00)(the YUGHUR::PHANTOM)(ii): "(the wind .. the waves): (massive propagation for protein-reorientation .. accommodation for the lifting up of the prototopia base compound: all of this was to be interwoven with military-command phasm, such that the corps was to be formed on the agrarian service model, with point-form pushed into overspace models of high reverb farming .. fisheries: exclamations of 'no' .. 'it's all wrong' were regularly voiced, in whispers, as plans were cultivated)." (00_00)(MONOGURUI: (ft CAPT.R.) (00_00) (00_00) 00. OOOOO. y_ueghuru(-(CR(00))): (recorded on the C.A.M.) "(u_ejento were always confused .. disturbed by, but also drawn to, those points in u_flows where processes become frozen, where reverberation becomes tied off: for to the u_ejento the reverberations are the 'thing', in its material or psychic sense, the dumb huge beast that moves where it wants to move, .. grows or pulls inward at its own whims: 0* to them was always mysterious .. unpredictable, full of forces of convergence .. expansion pushing multiple directions)." 00. (00_00)(00)(MONOGURUI)(00_00)(00_00)(ii): "(so large .. deep .. powerful that it could consume one at any moment, more like the ocean than anything that could be harnessed .. controlled): (cyclo-intension in this context is treated as reverse-co-emergence, or as a kind of implosive op.flux pumping up the monadic phase when combined with higher u-reverb, pushing forward *production: the u_ejento worked with a time-symmetric op.flux framework, so, for example, you could be faced with an implosive u_op. velocity on an inversion flowing from _00_ to _00_: once you start pushing your mapping in the context of a framework in which time flows both multiple directions the idea of implosive, or even imaginary velocities, becomes less mysterious .. opaque .. can be handled routinely .. with a distinct lack of the contortions would might otherwise bring to it: (00_00)(00_00)): (forcing its white light through the clear plastic .. glass surfaces of the complex interiors: the yamabushi recognized the need for an expansion of the mathematical framework in which they operated, conceptually, .. planned on the development of large mathematical research facilities in conjunction with the irrigation grids proposed – math farms as they referred to them)." (00_00)(MONOGURUI: (ft CAPT.R.) (00_00) (00_00) 00. OOOOO. y_ueghuru(-(CR(00))): (recorded on the C.A.M.) "(the u value incorporates multiple phantom variables ultimately generating the phenomena associated with the proto-phasm mass, in a probabilistic sense, .. to a large degree entropic phenomena more generally: (0_0) being the classic case study, where the decay of its cultural growth coincided in causative fashion with the stunting of its early proto-phasm modernization that counterfactually could, with little imagination, have matched its irrigation channeling development for powerful proto-phasm flows of an advanced form: (00_00) (00_00) (00_00) (00_00) (00_00) (00_00)): (hä ran här hand over här clear rubber poncho over white padded acrylic bumping of här chrome studded outfit with multiple metal zippered insets, clear rubber hood over här 2-braided head, ½-acrylic ½-cotton mini-poncho cut to mid chest: här head felt distorted .. full of growing reverberations: petals on a 0000ing bough)." 00. (00_00)(00)(MONOGURUI)(00_00)(00_00)(ii): "(the wind .. the waves)." (THE (0__) ((00)(00_) (00_00)(00) y_ueghuru(ii)(00_00)(the YUGHUR::PHANTOM)(ii): "(instead, institutional powers pulled back on the formation of such mechanisms with the resulting incipient cotton *production blow up passed over in favor of 'control' over a slow pulling inward: there is always, in these circumstances, a non-unitary operator for transformation, if given the proper engineered push): (här gray acrylic-fiber multi-gapped ghost-equipage stretches .. pushes against myro-y_ueda(iv)'s angular body as hä bends low: hä crouches over the array of u_objects, each one wrapped closely in come kind of clear rubber: each one, when looked at, draws här gaze forward .. into its depths, imbuing a sense of ache .. throb as här muscles quiver in response to its closeness: monads pass back .. forth between här .. the u_objects rapidly as a-physical:: a-material:: a-spatial:: a-temporal process-oriented distortions: i.e., existing in a kind of pseudo-mathematical property space of possible worlds stripped of categorical rigidity: hä promised härself never to come near them again, to give in to their voluptuous horror, knowing that hä deceives härself with such promises, corrupts härself with här very protestations of innocence: hä knows the underlying problems involved in these powers, such that they are actualized in an informationally independent space, floating over multiple u_worlds as their codomains bend .. curve pre-possessively, inchoate, assertively unconcerned with här presence: the slightest of wrong movements could initiate decay, .. might pull här in to their control: the low metal table in front of the low platform floor-dais was covered with a gay-coloured cotton sheet .. tied down with black cords, .. on it a low white plastic pulse light was radiating: there were inset sections of white rubber circled grip lining on the flooring: the five agents are observing, hä is aware, .. hä moves slowly, attempting to calculate their ongoing appraisal .. judgment of här actions: their actual appearance is quite rare: the emergence of a post-monad::war (00_00) engaged in the affairs of the Institute has complicated their authority status: while, in theory, hä is under their control, in practice the agents look to the bodiless (00_00) for guidance: the respect which he commands from them borders on the iron grip, making them, in most aspects, a 5-headed figurehead)."
((00)(00_) (00_00)(00) yameguru(ii)(00_00)(the UORUOP_PHANTOM)(ii): "(u_pulse が崩壊しました .. (C-OP.) が *region セルにドロップされました: u_flux 量の増加の結果としてのサイクロインテンションが成長を促進する可能性があることを認識しました。.. 与えられたシステムが捕獲から防御する能力については、公平な分配の疑問が広まっていました。.. 流れの遮断)。」(00_00)(MONOGURUI) : (ft CAPT.R.) (00_00) (00_00) 00. OOOOO. yamegu(r)u(-(CR(00))): (C.A.M. に記録) "(むしろ分布をさらに歪めるような方法で) オープンにするよりも、概念的には、純粋なフローリバーブフレームワークに自分たちの行動を役立てるには、関与する山伏の側に飛躍的な信念が必要であり、これらのフロー自体が、制御や制御のあらゆる試みに浸透するという確信を持っていました。 制限、意識の収束の操作を支持して身体の遠心力を根本的に拒否します .. オブジェクト): (一方、ヤマウエレダ ユミ(ノ)ゴストのメンバーは、計画の実行を支援するために .. y_phantoms を設計しました。 ヤマウエレダの解散 一部は彼の制御下に残り、一部は他のヤマウエレダに採用されましたが、ほとんどは拘束されていませんでした: モナディック制御とは、内部空間に変更を加えることであり、それを * 領域に反転します: u_pulse はその内部空間に変更を加えるというものです。 反響は私たちに戻ります: これの多くは、私たちの物質的な体の内部だけでなく、さまざまな外部での自己の再同一化に関するものです。私たちは、私たちの周囲の領域、またはマッピングされたその一部との相互関係の中で、自分自身をアクターとして再定義することができます 私たちの意志の範囲が、与えられた定義に基づいて拡張され、責任は、この広範で想像的な意味での、私たち自身の「身体」への変化としての領域の変化を含むように拡張されます。 主張は、他者の主張と重なる可能性があります。.. 彼らの概念的器官と混ざり合い、.. 動き、.. 私たちの意図は、この拡大された近接空間の中で他者と束ねることができます。私たちは可能性.. 確率をコード化しています。私たち自身の精神モデルだけでなく、 物理的相互作用の形での実際の物質の胚性物質の.. 現象的な結合の認識: u_flux はそのようなメガボディの潜在的な流れとなり、人の領域を大幅に拡大します.. 強力な.. 準架空の方法で影響を与えます: これらの u_flux 流れは、その性質上、その断片化により静止状態に追い込まれます。.. 分散、.. 保持された生産のゴースト化.. 静的で無力な塊に戻る u_flux 沈降の形態、すなわち、商品としての物体とは対照的に、静止状態としての物体です。 あるいは憑依されるフェティッシュ:それはすべて、次から次へと退行でした:言い換えれば、コミュニケーションや束縛において自分の残余を形成し、相互作用するか、または束縛するように形作ろうとする試みです:自分の残余に自分を憑依させること 、.. それらによって変換され、何か新しいものに変わること: これらすべてのプロセスの最後の収束点が、白い光の明るい点のように輝いた: 自分自身がそれに呼ばれることを許可すること、言い換えれば: hä は * の 1 つです。 建物: このプロジェクトは通勤の 20 年前に実施されました。一連の 500 ユニットからなる背の高い白いモジュラー構造物 50 棟は、垂直シャフトまで開いた狭い底部を持ち、上部で分割されたフレア状の観察プロトコルを備えています。それらの間には、植物が生い茂る低い公園があります。 空間: 観察者たちはプロジェクトの色分けされたロゴを肩に付けた白い制服を着てプロジェクトに参加しました: 数百枚の白いプラスチックのディスクがガラスのカバーの後ろでさまざまな速度で急速に回転しました: わずかな空気のパルスが定期的にガラスから押し出されます 小さなパフで覆いに格子状の穴が連続して現れる: 白い円盤の格子は、鋼鉄の基礎に差し込まれた配列で 20 層の深さまで後方に伸びていた): (fuyo_yurei 細胞は、より直接的な方法で流れを管理する役割をますます担っていましたが、 この変化を素直に認める者はほとんどいなかった…その結果の多くについては、勇気のないコメントがあった:伝播の流れは空想によって歪められていた…個人のウ_エジェントの認知症だったが、何らかの構成された方法でそれらを制御下に置く機能的な能力はほとんどなかった:これら (00_00)(モノグルイ: (ft CAPT.R.) (00_00) (00_00) 00. おおおお。 yamegu(r)u(-(CR(00))): (C.A.M.に記録) 「(前哨基地に公然と隠蔽されている。区画、花柄のテントや障壁で覆われた外側の正面窓のある小さなバンカースペース、 . 離散文字でコード化された識別…「ウリグマ」、「チュリンガ」、「ユミエグチ」など: ヤマブイオチャンネルと呼ばれるコミューンの中心として、より大きな空間が用水路から地下に設定され、洞窟状の.. 曲がりくねった廊下の方向感覚を失った空間。 概念化を支えるu_ejentoの暗い力が物質的な形を与えられるオフセットレベル: ここ、これらの空間で、y_phantomsが静かに、最小限の直接的な影響で現れました。)."