MONOGURUI y-shirt(hooded): (mini-BwO)
(00_00)(MONOGURUI: y_ueghuru(ii))((00))(00)(00) (00_00)(00) y_ueghuru(ii)((00_00)(00_00))(ii): "(y_ueghuru(ii) stands over the white low white plastic cot with folded white sheets .. pushes it back into the wall: the closely confined space of the ship's clear plastic walls, 2 *. in width, stretching out of sight in each direction from här compact living space, with little kitchenette .. hydro-cultures: in white rubbber short-shorts with white rubber cap over 2-braided head: här gaze passes longingly over the few carefully objects put away on wall-shelves .. a narrow side-table, a white ceramic thermos, collections of glass vials, a small metal machine encase in clear encaustic: här white rubber slippers grip the white rubber floor closely): (insp.c.: 'our commune with the yamaueredas will always be a kind of bondage: if the state is defined as that which has permission to commit violence, then what is the degree of autarchy we will accept within ourselves?: what is the price we are willing to pay for perceived order: what will we give such that the state may take it from us?: what violence, bindings would we permit of it to impose?: do we permit the state to impose this upon us, or offer?: what would you ask to be done to yourself in order to achive some kind of placid peace?'): (u_592: 'the R-contact 'precedes' the binding .. can be considered indeterminate only in the sense that it maps, not one u-process but two, one from the past .. one from the future, converging on a given point: it is the path of the u-processes that become fuzzy upon projection, as one moves further away from the binding point: in this convergent space the two u-processes are in commerce with one another, pushing values back .. forth across hypothetical border: in this schema the u_pulse is the path via which an optical ray traverses instantaneously: c is then derived, not from the velocity of the optical ray itself, but from the velocity of objects moving through the u_space towards it .. passing over: the curvature of the underlying projection of immanence is such that an object fall away in space from the observer will thus be further forward, or backwards, in time, causing it to cross over the optic line before the observer: it is from this that the optic particle appears to be moving toward the object .. the observer themselves .. from which its apparent velocity is then calculated: the u_pulse waves are then conceived as concentric circles over u_space, from which, given the distance from the observer to the object .. from the object to the optic ray .. the velocity, c, of the two moving through u_space toward the u_pulse ring, one can then calculate the curvature of the u_space .. the region which it circumnavigates: oscillation between u_pulse rings gives one a conceptualization of the forces reverberating between the intervening u_points (or monads): one's local space acts as a cavity capturing these oscillations .. giving them form via boundary conditions: the rupture of one of these cavities through to another produces jumps in the oscillation processes as they commune with one another': u_592 floats in front of the metal .. glass m.e.v. as the light blue tinted light passes, becoming caught in the reflective curvatures of the op._cylinders .. the contoured ingresses:, three small circles of prussian blue hair bound tightly to här head under the clear rubber of the ghost-equipage which stretches over the blue pink red constructivist patterns of the white cotton underneath: various metal .. plastic devices are strapped to the surface of the ghost-equipage over här body: in här right hand hä holds the handle of the small white plastic op.-container: the clear rubber glistens against the dim light over the curves of här face as hä gazes intently into the inner hold of the m.e.v.): (this could be a coarse-grained system only if the individual participants lived forever: any kind of limit or closure, or close-bound convergences, was bound to disrupt all of the residual effects in play, producing distortions .. agonized readings, no matter how many phase spaces one joined it to: at its most mathematical puritanism was an asymptotic approach to the pure crystallization of the fetish, hinted at by polished furniture .. tightly woven fabrics with delicately applied appliqe: hä shuddered every time hä ran här hand over it: this ethic of care was the material, entropic formation or effect of the upward push of dasein against the ghostline wrapping of reality: such that we spend our lives pushing against something huge .. formless, unrecognizable .. overwhelmingly mysterious, surprised that it does not push back with its full force until we become accustomed to it, become naïve to its potential reverb, until suddenly, without warning, it does, .. wipes away all our pretenses to 0, all of these differences which we had asserted as the implementation of our own will reduced to the white noise blank phylum underlying equilibrium: it is such that our modes are like the stasis of prepositional phrases in some kind of transformation grammar, getting closer .. closer to the finely grained point we push forward towards, only to be surprised ultimately to find that it is us, that we are our own adversary, defeating one's self irreversibly): (y_ueghuru(ii)'s heart beats so loud that its knocking seems to be distinctly audible in the cold silence: the cold seems to be pushing into här head from outside the wallls: perhaps the pressure is relenting now, of perhaps it is building upward: y_ueghuru(ii) is not certain)." (00_00)(MONOGURUI: (ft CAPT.R.) (00_00) (00_00) 00. OOOOO. y_ueghuru(-(CR(00))): (recorded on the C.A.M.) "(y_ueda(vi) unclasps the metal case .. opens it: on top is a 19cm.*6cm. flat rectangular object enclosed in two thick panes of glass: y_ueda(vi) gasps quietly but tries to ignore it as hä sets the object aside: underneath in systematic order are 1000 circle-shaped imitation monads, in clear plastic circular containers, each with a distinct unique hole-pattern punched into it: y_ueda(vi) runs här fingers over them lightly): (these patterns seem so self-evident looking backward): (y_ueda touches här leg, the clear rubber manganese blue oh-so-pink outlined bodysuit): (brownian motion as defined by its generation from underlying but invisible bumps .. folds: the op. reservoir bulge from u___c to u_._o was offset by u_00c in cyclo-commuting c-forms, maintaining a tepid curve, with oscillations minimized to a low flutter: u_ejento at this point began considering ideas of a proto-phasm with a convergence point)." ((00)(00_) (00_00)(00) y_ueghuru(ii)(00_00)(the YUGHUR::PHANTOM)(ii): "(as a method for implementing minimal interior *pulse to push out the dispersion: no one was comfortable with the idea of sitting around waiting for proto-morphic proto-phasm to build up)." (00_00)(MONOGURUI: y_ueghuru(ii))((00))(00)(00_) (00_00) (00)(00_) (00_00) (00)(00_) (00_00) (00)(00) (00_00)(00) y_ueghuru(ii)(00_00)((00_00)(00_00))(ii): "(conversely, careful examination was given to the effects of the transformation of the deictic term structure of proto-phasm vehicles as they converged upon their close-out: perhaps the fact that equilibrium population distributions display independence from their initial distribution should have given pause to those who were inclined to emphasize microstate conditions like eigenvalue standards .. perverse incentives, u_monad u_pulse fluctuations .. such: waveform destroying constructions were popping up everywhere: if you stared at a given C.A.M. long enough you'd be sure to see them hit in one place or another, in a way that was pervasive enough to degrade one's intuitive sense of expected patterns)."
(MONOGURUI(i:ii)): yagaö::ueda は 60 代半ばのような大柄な男性で、頭の近くで黒い抽象模様の髪を刈り上げていました。 ややくぼんだ目は、ハーのスピーチに下線を引くために積極的に目を細めるという頻繁な習慣がありました: ハーの大きな体はハーの肩をわずかに前に押し出すことができました, ハーの黒いアクリルのオフィスチェアの安静時でさえ, .. ブロックのような輝き. här の前にある金属製の机は、蓄積された低腐食の鈍い緑青で落ち着いていました: här のグレーのリサイクル ポリエステル製の襟のないジャンプスーツには、金属製のジッパーが付いていて、軽い汗をかいた場所で här の体にくっついており、黒いプラスチックのボタンがしっかりと押されて、ぴんと張った筋肉質の脚につながっています。 黒のローカットのスリッポン ドレス シューズを履いて、机の下に靴下を履いていない: 相互に排他的な命題が両方とも成立することを可能にするものとして時間を定義した瞬間、完全に理性に縛られた概念空間としての時間の理解が開かれます。 その可能性の範囲: vis を理解しました 私は、彼らとの短い会話から、この世界における彼らの人型の形態.. スピーチは、彼らの世界.. 私たちの世界の間のインターマンディアを通過する一種の投影の産物であると信じています. 私の理解が正しければ、フォームは、彼らが私たちのフォームであると理解しているもので、私たちに自分自身を提示しようとする試みです.. 歪んだ人物.. 曇った.. 彼らが私たちの形であると理解しているものを模倣しようとする漠然とした試み.. 行動: 訪問者の体の周りにかすかな光がわずかにあり、それは外部から反射されているのではなく、内部から来ているように見えました: hä 想像上の巨大生物 明確な光の点によって定期的に区切られた薄暗く暗い闇の中で遠く離れた世界を歩いています: hä は、彼らについて、彼らがどこから来たのか、彼らが何をしていたのか、これらの寒い場所で非常に系統的に、もっと知るべきだと感じました: そのうちの 1 つは、 探している ハーに戻って…。 (00_00)
MONOGURUI PUBLICATIONS seeks fiction related to math, economics, machines, conceptual fashion, utopia:dystopia, .. the future, for print-on-demand publication.
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