MONOGURUI umbra-uniform: (FUTOMAKI)



00. MONOGURUI (0000).(00_00)(i. crisis on the horizon)00. MONOGURUI (0000).(00_00)(ii. setting the stage)00. MONOGURUI (0000).(00_00)(iii. the boom .. the bust) 00. MONOGURUI (0000).(00_00)(iv. the unraveling)00. MONOGURUI (0000).(00_00)(v. the aftershocks)00. MONOGURUI (0000).(00_00)((00) madhyamaka) yagao_ueda(ii) yagao_ueda(i)(00_00)(ii) phumaCHIRGHYU(ii) yagao_ueda(ii)(00_00) THE UORUOP_PHANTOM morphism fuyo_yurei miniwh_ghost formations (00_00)(MONOGURUI: yagao_ueda(ii))00. MONOGURUI (0000).(00_00)(i. crisis on the horizon)(00_00)(MONOGURUI: yagao_ueda(ii)(ii)((00))(00)(00) (00_00)(00) yagao_ueda(ii)((00_00)(00_00))(ii): "((00_00)(00_00) (I wanna go (re the derivatives market)): (monogurui-goryo: (df) 'a human being who has departed from this world but maintains some kind of attachment, becomes a ghost, .. at the moment of death such a person loses the future .. is fixed into an eternal present. the only time allowed is the past. thus, the ghost always appears as the figure it was in life .. reminisces about the single experience of profound memory that entraps it within the web of delusion': this one point, for britney spears(ii) was the experience of attacking the suv with an umbrella, with shaved head .. short shorts: this was the point of rupture which draws everything in, .. from which everything radiates: the monogurui-urakuomori found that this process could be controlled .. directed toward the production of mysterious powers)." ((00)(00_) (00_00)(00) yagao_ueda(ii)(00_00)(the UORUOP_PHANTOM)(ii): "(it functioned upon the repression of underlying uncontrollable forces of 'desire .. the will to metamorphosis': gray bodypaint of a synthetic substance was used on the face .. extremities to help contain u_pulse release of build ups: later this would become the rubber goryo bodysuit used for engagement in monogurui processes)." (00_00)(MONOGURUI: yagao_ueda(ii)(ii)((00))(00)(00) (00_00)(00) yagao_ueda(ii)((00_00)(00_00))(ii): "(yagao_ueda(ii) kneels in manganese blue medium red white u_ejento(mega) equipage bound over gray flesh in a tea-room of the cheishogu head slightly bowed, before britney spears(ii) (formerly yagi no ashi no josei), with här right hand raised toward här as if in supplication. seated in cotton white bumped .. misformed dress, with tightly collected black braids, här right hand rests on the edge of the white ceramic chair with flower patterned blue pink white inset cushion .. här left hand is raised with palm faced outward: white ceramic tiles with black abstract radiating block pattern surround them, interwoven with steel contoured misshapen walls .. cold white light: här face turns away as if in fear: a low white block ceramic table beside här: yagao_ueda(ii): 'I understand that you would like to forget, ...but hä has not forgotten: hä has sent out här y_phantoms, with instructions to find you .. bring you back to här': britney spears(ii): '20 years': yagao_ueda(ii): 'the technique of expressing elegance .. gracefulness should be the substance of yugen: in any properly ordered series it is the 1st .. the last point. have faith': the sound of yagao_ueda(ii)'s slow breathing .. on här armored shoulder "(00_00)": yagao_ueda(ii): 'I wanted to come to you': a white ceramic ewer on the low white ceramic table: yagao_ueda(ii): 'the riddle is this: If the answer is ‘the (0000), probably,’ then what is the question?'): (the six ice-packed regions capture the powerful inward rushing .. reverb of the wind, pushing it back out or enclosing it, devouring it: mecha work over the surface on construction .. maintenance of tunnels, ventilation shafts, generators, irrigation, .. such: a clear hooded acrylic coldsuit with adidas logo (in weak blue, with medium pink letters) encloses (00_00)yagao_ueda(ii)'s body: hä coughs .. winces: the white padded cotton outro-suit with gapping revelaing the shimmering gray flesh beneath: här eyes flicker exhaustively: submerged in the ice are large white plastic structures giving shape .. girth to the sourrounding landscape: the rund contours of their surfaces push out from their submerged enclosure into the brutal cold air in places, forming the ground rent upon which the conceptual, placid environment is founded: underneath them large airy channels were shaped, pulling dislocations of thermal properties from the outer regions .. pumping them into undergorund interiors: one could almost trace their presence by the vague patterns of steamed mist .. residue hanging over them: huge vacuum pockets were formed along these inter-locking conduits: the u_ejento begin by transforming everything into a probability space, or u_space: derivatives play a primary function in this process as a method for binding the real world to this mapped u_space: once formed, this provides the space in which u_pulse .. various forms of flux can operate: it is everywhere symmetric .. multi-dimensional: the miughori_mach view the temporal lines as merely one privileged u_pulse conduit among a manifold of potential u_pulse rays floating around 360° of implicit orientations: what does it mean for this u_space to claim to be uncountable?: it is uncountable if it is anywhere .. everywhere invertible: every potential point is a hyper-interiority allowing for the domination of capital over accumulation, or vice versa: every regulation imposed upon this system is a binding, an attempt to immobilize the morphisms of capital, an attempt to replace catallactics with command: the control of irrigation systems functions off, not an attempt to control the whole everywhere, but rather the precise distortion of given points, around which the entire connection of flows must then shift: a system of minor control, not major: hä stares into the cold whiteness impassionately: one, looking over här body from a distance, would be convinced only of här incertitude: small circle patterns allow här body's humidity to breathe)." ((00)(00_) (00_00)(00) yagao_ueda(ii)(00_00)(the UORUOP_PHANTOM)(ii): "(6'8", powerful build)." (00_00)(MONOGURUI: yagao_ueda(ii)(ii)((00))(00)(00) (00_00)(00) yagao_ueda(ii)((00_00)(00_00))(ii): "(½-jap. ½-urakuomori, one eye open slightly larger than the other, 2-braided black hair) (aka (mountain_ghost | mauntengosuto)): (massive culverts .. channeled drainage systems spread out around här, covered, for the most part, by the ice .. snow: these control a system of flows that pivot around amultitude of 0-points, such that around a given 0-point is formed an array of u_pulses, such that each u_pulse has a double, its mirror image in perfect offset of its massed points, .. for all collocations of u_pulse the bundle of u_pulse itself may be inverted into an interior space of the array: from a given 0-point one can then map a binding on to any contained point via a process of identity homomorphism: embodied in these points is an identity between exchange value .. labor power as defined by functions over capital generation, such that u_pulse is the thing itself in question, the transformation of capital, its push forward from a given 0-point .. its return in a derived form after undergoing a process of metamorphises): (yagao_ueda(ii): 'the shortness of their petals, .. the wind!': flecks of white snow form on här arm)." (00_00)(MONOGURUI: yagao_ueda(ii)(ii)((00))(00)(00) (00_00)(00) yagao_ueda(ii)((00_00)(00_00))(ii): "(yagao_ueda(ii) stands looking over the fallen body of the ankyogu with sympathetic eyes in calm expectation: cold .. almost weightless: you bring a vision of the mini-carnations so clear .. radiant: of the madhyamaka: silent: not realizing for a moment what it is: the white sheets of the bed: supple lips display no emotion: anguish sits gently in the mind's vast expanse, with the (000000) .. the snowy fields which collapse around them: YAMAUEREDA .. (00): despair licks här lips softly, but hä is calm, long since used to the unleavened horror of its inevitability: amidst the rock-filled landscape of the fields of antarctic mountain regions the ankyogu lies fallen un-breathing, a muscular .. fleshy gray-formed 10 m. massive u_ghost: eyes turned outward .. tight clear cords knotted tightly around its body vanquished: the entrails .. fallen bodies of här companions lie scattered around yagao_ueda(ii) .. hä wipes three beads of sweat from här eyes: growing whiter .. whiter by the moment: yagao_ueda(ii)/ the meghiru_miyu stands boldly in white u_ejento(mega) equipage with 3-banded clear plastic head-piece .. clear rubber mask .. a 2-gapped goryo suit with semi-opaque clear rubber stockings .. white ice boots laced up här legs tightly, a mournful tired questioning face .. head bowed slightly): (any point in these coordinated planes can form a center of gravity for the dispersion .. returns of capital: this takes many forms .. is subjected to various methods of control .. regulation: the basic underlying power of issuance is constrained, .. given out modestly .. dearly as a power of the state: in a hyper-financialized economy each agent would be a (potential) issuer of credit as well as consumer, each individual would function as a micro financial center for the system: all financial flows are the economic realization of the processes of increasing neg-entropy(information): rates of return, in this context, become a fictional determination which we impose upon these "real" rates of entropy: as individuals capture these fictional mapped offsets of the underlying flows they become wealth holders in parallel to their power of retention over these gains: the gapped white padded cotton of the oversuit accentuates the contours of här body as hä pivots to gather här pack, holding it up closely against här body .. binding it to här with straps): (hä was probably reconciled to the idea that the arctic underground structures interwoven with massive machinery would define här existence in ways beyond här ability to imagine for, perhaps, the good bulk of här life: the good bulk, that would be the part that weighs on .. dominates the rest, probably)."

00.モノグルイ (0000).(00_00)(i.迫る危機)00.モノグルイ (0000).(00_00)(ii.舞台設定)00.ものぐるい (0000).(00_00)(iii. 好景気..不況) 00. ものぐるい (0000).(00_00)(iv. ほつれ) 00.モノグルイ (0000).(00_00)(対余震)00.ものぐるい (0000).(00_00)((00) madhyamaka) yagao_ueda(ii) yagao_ueda(i)(00_00)(ii) phumaCHIRGHYU(ii) yagao_ueda(ii)(00_00) THE UORUOP_PHANTOM morphism fuyo_yurei miniwh_ghost フォーメーション (00_00)(MONOGURUI : yagao_ueda(ii))00.モノグルイ (0000).(00_00)(i. 迫る危機)(00_00)(モノグルイ: yagao_ueda(ii)(ii)((00))(00)(00) (00_00)(00) yagao_ueda(ii) ((00_00)(00_00))(ii): "((00_00)(00_00) (デリバティブ市場に行きたい): (ものぐるいごりょう: (df) この世を去った人間しかし何らかの執着を持ち、幽霊となり、死の瞬間に未来を失い、永遠の現在に固定され、許されているのは過去だけであり、幽霊は常に姿として現れる.それは人生の中にあった..妄想の網の中に閉じ込められた深遠な記憶の単一の経験について回想する.ショートパンツ: これはすべてを引き込む断裂点でした.. すべてが放射されます. モノグルイ・ウラクオモリは、このプロセスが制御可能であることを発見しました.. 神秘的な力の生成に向けられました)." ((00)(00_ ) (00_00)( 00) yagao_ueda(ii)(00_00)(the UORUOP_PHANTOM)(ii): 「(それは、「欲望..変態への意志」の根底にある制御不能な力の抑圧に作用した: 合成物質の灰色のボディペイントが顔に使用された. .. ビルドアップのu_pulse放出を封じ込めるのを助けるための四肢: 後に、これはものぐるいプロセスに関与するために使用されるゴム製の御料ボディスーツになります." (00_00)(MONOGURUI: yagao_ueda(ii)(ii)((00))(00) (00) (00_00)(00) yagao_ueda(ii)((00_00)(00_00))(ii): "(yagao_ueda(ii) ひざまずく マンガン ブルー ミディアム レッド ホワイト u_ejento(mega) 茶の灰色の肉に縛られた装備-主将宮の頭の部屋は、ブリトニー・スピアーズ(ii)(以前は八木の葦の城聖)の前で、わずかに頭を下げ、ハールの右手をハールに向かって上げて嘆願した.綿の白い隆起した .. 変形したドレスに座って、黒い三つ編みをしっかりと集め、右手を白い陶器の椅子の端に置き、花模様の青、ピンク、白のはめ込みクッション.. 左手は手のひらを外側に向けて上げます:白い陶器黒い抽象的な放射状のブロック模様のタイルがそれらを取り囲み、輪郭が歪んだ鋼鉄の壁と織り交ぜられている.. 冷たく白い光: ハルの顔が恐怖に怯えているように背を向ける: ハルの横にある低い白いブロックの陶器のテーブル: yagao_ueda(ii):忘れたい、...しかし、hä は忘れていません: hä は här y_phantoms を送信しました。あなたを見つけるための指示が含まれています.. här に戻してください': britney spears(ii): '20 years': yagao_ueda(ii) : 「エレガンスを表現するテクニック.. 優雅さは幽玄の本質であるべきです.信念を持って」: yagao_ueda(ii) のゆっくりとした呼吸の音 .. här 鎧の肩に "​​(00_00)": yagao_ueda(ii): 「あなたのところに行きたかった」: 低い白い陶器の上の白い陶器の水差しtable: yagao_ueda(ii): 'なぞなぞはこれです: 答えが 'the (0000), おそらく' である場合、問題は何ですか?風を押し戻したり、巻き込んだり、むさぼり食ったりする: 建設中の地表でのメカ作業.. トンネル、換気シャフト、発電機、灌漑などのメンテナンス.. そのようなもの: アディダスのロゴが付いた透明なフード付きアクリル コールド スーツ (弱い青、中程度のピンク色の文字) は (00_00)yagao_ueda(ii) の体を囲んでいます: hä 咳 .. ひるみ: 白いパッド入りの綿のアウトロ スーツの下にギラギラ光る灰色の肉を露出: här 目は徹底的にちらつきます: 氷の中に沈んでいます周囲の風景に形を与える大きな白いプラスチック構造です。それらの表面の滑らかな輪郭は、場所によっては残忍な冷たい空気に水没したエンクロージャーがあり、その上に概念的で穏やかな環境が構築されている地面の裂け目が形成されています。その下に大きな風通しの良いチャネルが形成され、外側の領域から熱特性の転位を引っ張っています..それらをアンダーランドの内部に送り込んでいます。蒸気の霧の漠然としたパターンによってそれらの存在をほとんど追跡することができました..それらの上にぶら下がっている残留物:これらの連動する導管に沿って巨大な真空ポケットが形成されました.u_ejentoはすべてを確率空間に変換することから始まります.このプロセスでは、現実世界をこのマッピングされた u_space にバインドする方法として: 一度形成されると、これは u_pulse .. フラックスのさまざまな形式が動作できる空間を提供します: それはどこでも対称です .. 多次元: miughori_mach ビュー 時間単なる 1 つの特権 u_pulse コンジット amo としての行)."