MONOGURUI monog-equipage: (UEGHURAMA)
(00_00)(MONOGURUI: (ft CAPT.R.) (00_00) (00_00) 00. OOOOO. yumi(no)gosuto(-(CR(00))): (recorded on the C.A.M.) "(with the same basic framework of a cot, a small kitchen, a (00_00)-room, .. a work table: they were lit with the dull white reverberated light from cross-patches: occasionally if coordination were need multiple u_ejento would meet around the work table, though this was uncommon: there was a period where yueghuru(ii) was arranging to meet with y_ueda.phuma(i) in a particular u-station on a regular basis: usually hä arrived before hä did, but here hä was, sitting at the edge of the table with with clear rubber snow poncho .. ice slippers, drinking tea, looking over här as one would an object one was considering apperceptive: hä remembered noticing that här hands were vibrating uncharacteristically as hä arranged the (00_00): it was only later when they got to work on the (00_00) that hä realized that they weren't alone: (00_00) was there watching: it was the inside part of här wrist, in particular, that had captured här attentions .. grabbed hold of här, such that it was now perhaps constricting här breathing .. pounding här heart-muscle: somehow hä felt that if hä could put this very part of här body against här hä could achieve a permanent calm: the principle of indifference could be misused to allow for constructions that posited particular initial ur-sets for a process, such that there was little effective filtering remaining over their sequences: bulbous generative formations developed with these methods could slow down whole mini-fields, .. one could only very carefully dampen .. reverse them, usually through manual progressive mini-adjustments over the course of periods: some u_ejento would justify these methods as 'subjective allocations' but yueghuru(ii) felt firmly that they were inefficient at best, or more generally corrosive)." (00_00)(MONOGURUI: (ft CAPT.R.) (00_00) (00_00) 00. OOOOO. yumi(no)gosuto(-(CR(00))): (recorded on the C.A.M.) "(there were pivot points set up throughout the oscillatory matrices whereby the u_ejento could tie in .. or redirect a current conveniently: this had the effect of reducing the impact of spatial distances, such that one could calculate one's flows by a sequence of nodal points or sub-stations required in the interstitial space: in some ways the u_ejento's work was about tying off .. closing gaps or, in other cases, pushing them open forcefully: (00_00)(ii))." (00_00)(MONOGURUI: (ft CAPT.R.) (00_00) (00_00) 00. OOOOO. yumi(no)gosuto(-(CR(00))): (recorded on the C.A.M.) "(the compound was dismantled into 6 quasi-independent modules on the model of the institution of the yamauereda, each responsible for its own area of service respectively : i) protopia (accommodation:food): ii) protein-reorientation: ii) peace force (military/defense:agriculture): iv) u-agency system (education:training): v) research: vi) yamauereda (invisible processes:cyclostructure): u_ejento were equipped with a process on their c.a.m.s for pattern arrangement, which functioned as a kind of bead counting process, which tied directly into the c.a.u. structure for goryo mapping, for pattern recognition .. formation: medium red, light blue, pink, light red, white, .. medium blue circles would float over the screen .. the user would push them into _-circled collocations around a central node, with each formed unit becoming a new node: color patterns matched up to an array of evolving beats: there seemed to be invisible forces at work beneath the surface)." (00_00)(MONOGURUI: (ft CAPT.R.) (00_00) (00_00) 00. OOOOO. yumi(no)gosuto(-(CR(00))): (recorded on the C.A.M.) "(hä looked over the two flower bouquets in little metal ewers wth a minor flutter of här gray-painted lips, as if hä was considering devouring them: här hand lingered as it moved upward along the stems: the red mini-carnations reverberate against här touch: yueghuru(ii): 'the …. madness …. (?)': yueghuru is subdued by the pulse-waves concentrating themselves in the interior of the room, .. slowly freezes into a lapsed .. unmoving posture:: yueghuru(ii): 'usually we would de- …….. ': the two mini-mecha are viewable in the background through the large windows, making their way over the white plastic cultivation bins with low, compact gray plastic form .. black rubber joints, containment-units .. optical apparatus attached to their upper bodies, deployed in forward speculative proprioception: yueghuru(ii): 'the Imitation yueghuru(ii) was constructed by yumi(no)gosuto, with full knowledge .. collaboration of yueghuru(ii), during the war of the monads, for the purpose of certain abtuse maneuvers they planned to pull: but it was never deployed .. was stored, untouched in the bunkers far below the aufbauhaus: upon the abduction of u.phuma(ii)(UERUOGHOMO) (the aeropittura), yueghuru(ii) used the ICR to fake här own erasure .. disappear: yueghuru(ii) at this time was pushing back on the idea that u_pulse pressures could be constrained by processes of convergence: hä advocated instead for a distribution of techniques for u_point-modulation, thinking that by such backward facing means the curvatures could be formed in automatic fashion by their own loops: phase-insulators were brought in .. designed intentionally as chu spaces, a method which previously would have been considered the epitome of a kind of prohibitively foundation-agnostic formlessness: there were considerations of re-analysing one's aims, such that distributive effects of such maneuvers which were previously avoided were come to be considered ameliorative .. potentially fruculent': the water's upper surface undulates just slightly: hä listens closely for some kind of murmur or recognition, hopeful .. expectant, but also distrusting: här light blue grid-patterned goryo-suit pushes up against här body as hä extends it in a slight arch .. slows här breathing, här feet being penetrated by the cold white linoleum floor: här tightly formed as 3 swooping partitions of black plastic shimmers in folds of immersive shadows against the dark, dark, gray strands .. their firm resistance: dr.y.(i) refers to the 'taking back' of a 'becoming-other' as being enforced, conscripted: one's free will is violated .. overcome in the face of, as an alternative, being captured by its mediators: each point of the interpellation conducts this process, .. the passing from each point to another pushes any conception of choice further .. further backward, replaced by pure, dominant repression .. giving in, allowing one to become one's own overlord: hä wakes up, on disheveled white, fake fur sheets, hair in disarray .. eyes dark with awareness .. misgiving, just before hä steps into the white plastic curving interior of the room with its blue, pink, red floral pattern, balanced by steel contoured intermissions .. regressions, a white rubber dimpled floor: '(0_0) ….': '(0_0): this is my new form': '(00_00)?': 'no, not yet, but it is approaching': här body is clear rubber humanoid with strange features .. contours, with calm, crystalline eyes, passive .. receptive: a low sucking sound emits itself in a quiet pulse: I assure you it is true, though…. the onnagatomaton will be our (*)region's future: slowly they will replace us, as more perfect beings, more adequately equipped to push forward with the renewed formation of a civilization oriented toward object-generation in its most protopian form'): (such that the coherance between cell flows were breaking down, or, rather, that a new previously unobserved order of coherance was being grafted on to the existing flows: (u)phor: _-type proto-phasm developed by YAMAUEREDA: type _ (u)phor is generated by u_ejento for proto-phasm expansion: type _ (u)phor is managed as a rising ghostline, floating against type _: (u)phor was pushed to correlated interstellar ryojusen agencies .. was converging to monadic currents on average: (u)phor of type _ served as the unit pushing forward .. backward across goryos, or, as the u_ejento put it, 'passing over the great beyond': phase introgressions, by their very nature, are the process by which equilibrium shift occurs in the mathematical compounds, for good or for bad: YAMAUEREDA, over the course of its development, took responsibility .. management of monadic op.flux as its core mission, with the idea being to push equilibrium into optimally productive regions in a more powerful .. controlled manner than the historically stochastic reverb that the yamabushi body has become accustomed to: little care was given to deployment directly: to the extent that it was mentioned it was on the assumption that it would naturally flow as a function of *production .. would ultimately be overridden by moves in proto-phasm distribution one way or the other: as such the point stagnation from _00_ to _00_ was viewed circumspectly, with the only direct concern directed toward the pursuit of sufficient proto-phasm expansion as *production increased: point-flux velocities were pushed to abnormal lows, dropping from _._% to _._%, to preserve the gap in respect to declining u-reverb, a gap recognized as having the potential to clamp down at this time)."
00.モノグルイ (0000).(00_00)(i.迫る危機)00.モノグルイ (0000).(00_00)(ii.舞台設定)00.ものぐるい (0000).(00_00)(iii. 好景気..不況) 00. ものぐるい (0000).(00_00)(iv. ほつれ) 00.モノグルイ (0000).(00_00)(対余震)00.ものぐるい (0000).(00_00)((00) madhyamaka) yagao_ueda(ii) yagao_ueda(i)(00_00)(ii) phumaCHIRGHYU(ii) yagao_ueda(ii)(00_00) THE UORUOP_PHANTOM morphism fuyo_yurei miniwh_ghost フォーメーション (00_00)(MONOGURUI : yagao_ueda(ii))00.モノグルイ (0000).(00_00)(i. 迫る危機)(00_00)(モノグルイ: yagao_ueda(ii)(ii)((00))(00)(00) (00_00)(00) yagao_ueda(ii) ((00_00)(00_00))(ii): "((00_00)(00_00) (デリバティブ市場に行きたい): (ものぐるいごりょう: (df) この世を去った人間しかし何らかの執着を持ち、幽霊となり、死の瞬間に未来を失い、永遠の現在に固定され、許されているのは過去だけであり、幽霊は常に姿として現れる.それは人生の中にあった..妄想の網の中に閉じ込められた深遠な記憶の単一の経験について回想する.ショートパンツ: これはすべてを引き込む断裂点でした.. すべてが放射されます. モノグルイ・ウラクオモリは、このプロセスが制御可能であることを発見しました.. 神秘的な力の生成に向けられました)." ((00)(00_ ) (00_00)( 00) yagao_ueda(ii)(00_00)(the UORUOP_PHANTOM)(ii): 「(それは、「欲望..変態への意志」の根底にある制御不能な力の抑圧に作用した: 合成物質の灰色のボディペイントが顔に使用された. .. ビルドアップのu_pulse放出を封じ込めるのを助けるための四肢: 後に、これはものぐるいプロセスに関与するために使用されるゴム製の御料ボディスーツになります." (00_00)(MONOGURUI: yagao_ueda(ii)(ii)((00))(00) (00) (00_00)(00) yagao_ueda(ii)((00_00)(00_00))(ii): "(yagao_ueda(ii) ひざまずく マンガン ブルー ミディアム レッド ホワイト u_ejento(mega) 茶の灰色の肉に縛られた装備-主将宮の頭の部屋は、ブリトニー・スピアーズ(ii)(以前は八木の葦の城聖)の前で、わずかに頭を下げ、ハールの右手をハールに向かって上げて嘆願した.綿の白い隆起した .. 変形したドレスに座って、黒い三つ編みをしっかりと集め、右手を白い陶器の椅子の端に置き、花模様の青、ピンク、白のはめ込みクッション.. 左手は手のひらを外側に向けて上げます:白い陶器黒い抽象的な放射状のブロック模様のタイルがそれらを取り囲み、輪郭が歪んだ鋼鉄の壁と織り交ぜられている.. 冷たく白い光: ハルの顔が恐怖に怯えているように背を向ける: ハルの横にある低い白いブロックの陶器のテーブル: yagao_ueda(ii):忘れたい、...しかし、hä は忘れていません: hä は här y_phantoms を送信しました。あなたを見つけるための指示が含まれています.. här に戻してください': britney spears(ii): '20 years': yagao_ueda(ii) : 「エレガンスを表現するテクニック.. 優雅さは幽玄の本質であるべきです.信念を持って」: yagao_ueda(ii) のゆっくりとした呼吸の音 .. här 鎧の肩に "(00_00)": yagao_ueda(ii): 「あなたのところに行きたかった」: 低い白い陶器の上の白い陶器の水差しtable: yagao_ueda(ii): 'なぞなぞはこれです: 答えが 'the (0000), おそらく' である場合、問題は何ですか?風を押し戻したり、巻き込んだり、むさぼり食ったりする: 建設中の地表でのメカ作業.. トンネル、換気シャフト、発電機、灌漑などのメンテナンス.. そのようなもの: アディダスのロゴが付いた透明なフード付きアクリル コールド スーツ (弱い青、中程度のピンク色の文字) は (00_00)yagao_ueda(ii) の体を囲んでいます: hä 咳 .. ひるみ: 白いパッド入りの綿のアウトロ スーツの下にギラギラ光る灰色の肉を露出: här 目は徹底的にちらつきます: 氷の中に沈んでいます周囲の風景に形を与える大きな白いプラスチック構造です。それらの表面の滑らかな輪郭は、場所によっては残忍な冷たい空気に水没したエンクロージャーがあり、その上に概念的で穏やかな環境が構築されている地面の裂け目が形成されています。その下に大きな風通しの良いチャネルが形成され、外側の領域から熱特性の転位を引っ張っています..それらをアンダーランドの内部に送り込んでいます。蒸気の霧の漠然としたパターンによってそれらの存在をほとんど追跡することができました..それらの上にぶら下がっている残留物:これらの連動する導管に沿って巨大な真空ポケットが形成されました.u_ejentoはすべてを確率空間に変換することから始まります.このプロセスでは、現実世界をこのマッピングされた u_space にバインドする方法として: 一度形成されると、これは u_pulse .. フラックスのさまざまな形式が動作できる空間を提供します: それはどこでも対称です .. 多次元: miughori_mach ビュー 時間単なる 1 つの特権 u_pulse コンジット amo としての行)."
MONOGURUI PUBLICATIONS seeks fiction related to math, economics, machines, conceptual fashion, utopia:dystopia, .. the future, for print-on-demand publication.
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