

Pocket Book (4.25 x 6.875 in / 108 x 175 mm), Standard Black & White, 60# White, Paperback, Glossy Cover

(00_00)(MONOGURUI: (ft CAPT.R.) (00_00) (00_00) 00. OOOOO. yu_eghuru(-(CR(00))): (recorded on the C.A.M.) "(complex mathematical u_objects were used by the ______ to assert the independence of the united provinces of the overspace .. the y_form league, .. pockets of these forces can be traced forward to existing factions within CHROMA: one could map certain portions of hyakhiru::II back to ______ (::::) tracts: the fundamental trick of the goryo channelization process is turning around .. bringing proto-phasm backwards, the rest – the whole u_objects .. pinning structure – is just posturing: to structure this the goryo irrigation process takes into a matrix-filter two points: the point at which the proto-phasm is injected, .. the point at which it is pulled out .. brought backward: the project of the y_phantoms was to construct a reverse-(00_00) (invisible (00_00)) for the purposes of creating fragility, hitting (00_00) first as a test run of sorts .. then bringing it to bear on the (00_u_iiii))."(00_00)(MONOGURUI: (ft CAPT.R.) (00_00) (00_00) 00. OOOOO. yu_eghuru(-(CR(00))): (recorded on the C.A.M.) "(the plan being to break down the points of control of proto-phasm flows with the purpose of then replacing them with their own mechanisms, with the eventual plan of asserting control over the system via dominance of select controlled pivot points: u_objects were originated as a control switch to close out flows but developed into a robust system in there own right such that ultimately they were the flows, .. the flows they were designed to close or choke off were moot: once synthetics came along they were no longer auxiliary but were, in fact, themselves a driving force: their blow-up was pushing everything else .. they grew bigger than the confines of * could hold: at a certain point that distinction, even, ceased, to hold: it became unclear where u_objects ended .. * began: the questions was asked, 'what is the 'thing in itself' of the inversion following y-morphs .. permutations': they were conscious of the failure of critical theorists .. active ejento to make distinct in clear manner between proto-phasm .. the yamabushi personages themselves who it flowed through)." (00_00)(MONOGURUI: (ft CAPT.R.) (00_00) (00_00) 00. OOOOO. yu_eghuru(-(CR(00))): (recorded on the C.A.M.) "(such that, in a broad manner at least, one could define cyclo-points as the particular proto-fascists being (0000)ed by the process of proto-phasm, which itself acted as a creature or ejento of the masses for the overturning of the current regimes of mechanisms of power: inversion positions were structured by the u_ejento as circuit breakers, such that the closing out of positions would divert proto-phasm flows in a given direction, .. this could be controlled with a high degree of precision)."(00_00)(MONOGURUI: (ft CAPT.R.) (00_00) (00_00) 00. OOOOO. yu_eghuru(-(CR(00))): (recorded on the C.A.M.) "(it was questioned whether a martingale process could ever become frozen, even in theory): (in a glass doored case inset into the contoured clear plastic walls at the far end of the room, pushing deeply back into white plastic holds, glass shelving holds hundred of resting metal orbs: the white light of the room surrounds them in reflective disfigurement, coming from somewhere deep within the walls: a low hum permeates the enclosed interior space, folding over them: phuma-head(ii)'s glistening cheek flexes momentarily, as eyes glower: a low, clear protein-rubber modularly formed table covers the flooring behind them, with delicate metal utensils resting on its surface .. small, metal objects covered over with almost-opaque white cotton wrappings, gathered toward two unused white ceramic block chairs, pseudo-mirrored upward by the clear rubber ceiling backed by huge white cylinders arranged in collocations of three at six points above them: somehow the distress of här fake hair reveals här hidden, inner forces of interest, glossed over by här calm, composed surface flesh .. décor, the black distorted markings over här face, under här eyes: yu_eghuru(**)'s clear rubber body glistens with creases .. contours, overlayed with weak cerulean blue markings at its joints: its calm face formed over with four forward-facing protusions .. dimpled pattern over the back of its head, with blue pink red yamabushi logo at its chest: yu_eghuru(**): 'the u_ejento activate glands producing massive amounts of u-lipotropin, it floods the receptors in an interposition phase': phuma-head(ii): 'yes, which in turn initiates a metabolism process interacting with apoe .. lipoprotein receptors to form a conduit(receptor) for u_particles: though, u_particles are rather misnamed, as they appear as particles only in a fixed phasm-state, but are, when viewed comprehensively, actually proto-phasm ring-forms, with the particles representing as the point at which the ring passes through the active protein, circling backwards .. forward through a temporal u_space as a returning projection: lipids binding to amyloid carrier-peptides capture apoe to form a conduit for the u_particle to pass through: at certain activation levels this initiates the invisibility .. u-phasm processes of the u_ejento, .. can be controlled by them in closed-consciousness states: in the u_agents the bodies were crystallized in containment immersion-fluid chambers .. the oxygenation process .. bodily fluids flows overwritten by these u_particle flows: this bypassed the ordinary degradation of tissues .. cell-replacement to form a contained and neutralized stasis which, in theory, could persist indefintely, while the mind of the u_agent continued to interact with its *immanence processes as a projected ghost-figure in the applied *region of the u_space in play: the c.am.(ii) is able to fold its own proto-phasm properties into the conduits formed, temporarily, to interact with the u_ejento in a direct, underlying participatory activity: even the notion of a particle at the point of contact of this ring through a given point is itself problematic, as the point of contact has no definite size or shape, or massive properties of any kind at all: it acts as a mathematical point, 'on the other side', pulling the proto-phasm through as a convergence, conceptually a residual applied to the complete u_space surrounding it: errors can be made here in applied measurements of locallity due to a mistaken presumption of a material relationship to space as a formalized container rather than as a probability region'): (in order for it to cease to record movement up or down around a given point it would be required that it match up with the given u_pulse flow, but here, not only in practice but even as a purely mathematical formulation, it was shown that micro-deviations fluttering around the proposed '0' baseline would always, without exception, persist: gaps of the nature of micro excluded middles were always present in any given field, such that these micro-deviations behaved as jump processes: här hair was done up in the same little close knot at the back of här head: här neck was exposed in the same way: the black poncho lay carefully folded on the expansive wood with gray fake fur cushions floor-dais): (the white rubber tenting vibrates briefly .. then lie still: on här chest the 'MONOGURUI' logo in black forms three perfect spheres with concentric lines, arranged around a small 'M': the y_0optim point surrounds här as if in a perfect concentric circle, allowing or closing off access to nearby spheres, pushing but also allowing itself to be pulled: it directs itself to här as an interpellation, 'you will breathe in' …. 'you will receive this light' …. you will feel the pull of gravity on your body': to change it from you to I is not to reverse it, it is to invert it: the second person is the domain of other beings, of other-worldy powers: we cannot turn it around .. respond back or refuse 'you will accept ….': we deceive ourselves when we imagine it to be a community of commuting universals, of absolute conditions for us as absolute condiitons for everyone, of our own certainty as that of all universal beings: this only induces the cold, condescending pause …. the reassurances of matter, the comforts of force: the white plastic origami-like sculptures sits on the metal surface of the work-table, their abstract white permutations enfolding out into two protruding segments respectively: hä lets här hand drift over här upper arm: for a moment hä began running the sequences that would enter här into MONOGURUI, .. then hä pulled back: many commutes before this had been an unmarked U_EJENTO site: when the * came through they had left it devoid of people, but the assets untouched, unaware of what they were passing over: when yu_eghuru(ii) came to it hä found a proliferation of protocols for connected channels, covered over with obviously ingen cut-outs: one by one hä opened them up .. mapped out the sub-architecture of the space: many of them had been closed off or drifted off of their own course to useless off-puts, but a few were still active, apparently left behind .. forgotten in the flush of disturbances .. overturnings of the * period): (so it was really just a bunch of riemann integrals bouncing around, which drove the more staid .. rigid of u_ejento crazy: or 'there's always this 0000ing hum': .. moreover they were nothing if not impure –)."

(00_00)(MONOGURUI: (ft CAPT.R.) (00_00) (00_00) 00. OOOOO. yu_eghuru(-(CR(00))): (recorded on the C.A.M.) "(there were finitely many jumps per period, but they could begin anywhere .. were certainly not constant between jumps: but the ergodic nature of the problem, on average, mitigated many of the conceptual problems involved, .. even, once the shift was made, much of the difficulty in calculation afforded: concerns about the open-drive compressor were associated with the delicy of the alignment between compressor .. driving force: but this very delicacy allowed for highly refined control)." (00_00)(MONOGURUI: (ft CAPT.R.) (00_00) (00_00) 00. OOOOO. yu_eghuru(-(CR(00))): (recorded on the C.A.M.) "(the standard repertoire of goryo techniques consisted of root solvers, linear systems of equations, least squares fitting, gersgorin disc functions, matrix inversions, etc, .. the goryos functioned effectively as feeder wires between the branch breakers .. the main panel breakers): (yu_eghuru faked his own erasure (using the Imitation yu_eghuru, a double of himself created secretly by yumi(no)gosuto), .. plotted to make amends for his failed defense: potentiality-crystals were formed by regressing against the temporal gap (in both directions) for a kind of deictic reverb space where the point in the time series was a variable with a coefficient applied like any other variable: it was a constant point of emphasis on the part of u_ejento to overtly break the impulse to treat time as distinct from other spatial or pseudo-spatial quantities: cultivation equipage for ejento for polders became exclusively materialized, such that ejento' rankings were directly tied to modality .. to u_pulse flows at a given ratio: the concept of possession in place of property was written into the contractual codes .. analytic structure such that these cultivation equipage were required to evenly .. completely distributed the modality of the compound among its ejento: when an ejento left the organization their modality was reabsorbed by the remaining 00-ueghurama mass: multiple smaller polders would sometimes bind these cultivation equipages via circular u_matrix bid streams in order to attempt to smooth out point flows,with varying degrees of success: increasingly this deployment took the form of the agency, from an engineering or coding vantage point, of modular robotic mini-units whose gray plastic forms .. metal swivel joint designs .. air filtration sub-units were trending toward a standardization equiibrium over this time period): (hä stands in front of här, hands on hips, in large black acrylic poncho inundated with metal zippers, with close hood over two bumps .. ½-cut gloves, .. a black rubber ½-mask over här face, lips poised in challenge, folds bouncing the white light in chaotic directions, eyes glowering over each point of här body forcefully: metal clasps punch in the poncho's folds at distinct points over här poised form): (yumi(no)gosuto: (shimmering image over the dark white circle-gridded u_projection field) 00::00) '*beings generate 0-points for divergent paths through the u_space, .. are thus able to control, to some degree, their directional flow: this allows them to pass over into the *spaces of other *beings, .. it is such that they came to communicate with us: but it is challenging for them to uncode the precise forms of our particular immanent experience .. translate it to their own, so this communication is cloudy .. uncertain: it is hard to tell whether our interpretations of their messages truly or directly correspond to their intentions: further exacerbating these conditions is their tendency to perceive actuaiities via potentialities, in the sense that they tend to view objects as that which they will become at some point in the future, rather than in the form that they take in the present moment: probably this is because they conceive objects as forces derived from bounded fields, in a fully developed packet sense, .. find our notions of matter as a material entity unsettling .. mysterious: clearly though they have an understanding of our *future as one among many overlapping *futures mapping over a given shared domain of reverberating monads that drive ontologies via various, continuous, degrees of excitation: here their understanding convergences with our own conceptions of u_flux, allowing us to find common ground on which to base some limited form of communication .. commerce: I inform you of this so that you will be prepared for the eventualities that are coming, .. for the role that you will be required to play'): (all labor, in respect to the human bodies involved, was converging to a large degree on data analysis: these robotic mini-units could be seen regularly scurrying along vast polymer-cem banks of the irrigation channels in small groups engaged in one maintenance or developmental role or another: the mega_phurgur began speaking via these mini-units .. even, if certain reports were to be believed, taking control of their actions at times: for what purposes was unclear, .. their communications took the form more of interrogations .. inquisitive pursuits of curious insights into the activities of these civilizations, than any kind of offering of information re their own endeavors or culture: these gray plastic formed units, arrayed in modular service-form, developed systems for the management of their holdings .. distributed control via access-points: it became difficult to discern whether their system represented a process for the implementation of their cultivation mandate or an overturning of it to establish their own communities for the own purposes: either way, it was clear that any attempt to assert dominion over them would be faced with practical limits: they established an identiy for themselves, calling themselves the 'inner powers' .., of their own course, implemented a newly designed logo of 3 circles of light blue, light red, .. pink, striated by curving white linges over there surfaces, as a marker of their new identity as they pushed forward in their expanded role): (((00_00)) ((00_00)((00_00)(00_00) (00_00)((00_00)(00_00) (00_00)((00_00)(00_00))."(00)(00) (00_00)(00) yu_eghuru(ii)(00_00)((00_00)(00_00))(ii): "((00_00)((00_00)(00_00) (00_00)((00_00)(00_00) (00_00)((00_00)(00_00) (00_00)((00_00)(00_00) (00_00)((00_00)(00_00) (00_00)((00_00)(00_00) (00_00)((00_00)(00_00) (00_00)((00_00)(00_00) (00_00)((00_00)(00_00) (00_00)((00_00)(00_00) (00_00)((00_00)(00_00) (00_00)((00_00)(00_00) (00_00) (00)(00) (00_00)((00_00)(00_00) (00_00)((00_00)(00_00) (00_00)((00_00)(00_00) (00_00) (00)(00) (00_00)((00_00)(00_00) (00_00)((00_00)(00_00) 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