MONOGURUI hyper-jumper: (BIG HORROR)(ii)
((00)(00_) (00_00)(00) y_ueghuru(ii)(00_00)(ch.)(00_00)(the YUGHUR::PHANTOM)(ii): "(the institutional certification of such powers came to be referred to as polders 'putting their hair up')."(00_00)(MONOGURUI: y_ueghuru(ii)(00_00)(ch.))(ii))((00))(00)(00) (00_00)(00) y_ueghuru(ii)(00_00)(ch.)((00_00)(00_00))(ii): "(with the miyu_PHANTOM agency an early adopter: it began with a specialization in large scale irrigation works but developed ultimately, as a side project at first, the construction of mecha which would become a dominant feature of monadic reverberation over the next _0 commutes, with epigones produced prolifically following the construction .. deployment of the mega_ugartë)." ((00)(00_) (00_00)(00) y_ueghuru(ii)(00_00)(ch.)(00_00)(the YUGHUR::PHANTOM)(ii): "((__)((00) (re yurighuma-00)) it was quickly found that, while many useful multistep methods can be constructed in runge-kutta form, unfortunately, many useful methods cannot be constructed in runge-kutta form, whereas many useless methods can be: the method proved to be useful mainly in particular instances of backward proto-phasm flow over forward process cyclo-reflections in the more simple, straightforward inversion structures, primarily those of two or three parties at most .. with little or no phasm: (00_00) rings can be derived from these methods easily if one wants to: you saw a lot of this in the mid-_0's, with goryos structured so as to capture MIGHU reverberation most prominently: but this was not all, for every one of the three was clever, well educated, .. accomplished: the drawback of these methods was that when the cell moved they were somewhat slow to respond, so you might tend to experience periods of briefly sustained outflow: not in huge amounts, but significant enough to be unpreferred: more dynamic methods involved treating (00_00) rings as multi-dimensional .. factoring in growth/reduction velocities as u_objects from larger u_pulse pools: there was a lot of close-functioning involved .., with these developments, the construction of larger .. larger pools of what was referred to as 'white proto-phasm'): (hä was the responsibility of yumi(no)gosuto in här role as defender of the princess, .. the failure, on här part, represented by her abduction, led to the decimation of här reputation within the circles of the Institute of the defense: hä settles här mech down in the wet of the peat bog, it's two stocky legs pushing down into the muck: 3-cylinder clear plastic appendages with white metal docking balance on each side .. a 4-cylinder mega_pack rides over the top of its white metal upper body, with four pushing contoured divided segments surrounding a clear plastic shielded cockpit: in här clear rubber bodysuit over white cotton underclothes with black rubber ½-mask .. 2-braided black hair hä looks out over the pockmarks of vegetation .. large rising mounds off in the distance ahead of här: vents push air out in each direction .. pull in for cooling units: yamaueredas were designed with the intent of fulfilling the gap function of pushing proto-phasm to begin 'renewing itself from within itself', as a method for diverting proto-phasm processes from the implosive feedback loop of the falling velocity of curve, a velocity not to be thought of as asymptotic but rather as quite capable of crossing over the zero bound .. inverting into fully unbound implosive reversion: at each side, amidst the controls .. readouts, is a glass module containing growth-crystals of an array of types .. coloring in soft blues, purples, pinks, .. whites: the sound of the air venting in .. out pulses through the cockpit: här body pushes slightly against the white rubber metal clipped straps: hä turns the mech around .. begins drifting over the water surfaces running the side-cylinders through to collect samples: the gray-white light of the morning permeates everything: this reverberation of proto-phasm against shifting bounds forms the controlling cyclostructure of ((00)) .. ((00)) mathematical monadism as a quasi-managed by the compound)." (00_00)(MONOGURUI: y_ueghuru(ii)(00_00)(ch.))(ii))((00))(00)(00) (00_00)(00) y_ueghuru(ii)(00_00)(ch.)((00_00)(00_00))(ii): "(proto-phasm pools that were unverifiable by empirical observations but which could be mathematically constructed in the models such they, in tandem with newer goryo runs, produced accurate .. verifiable predictions of flows: but they were huge, .. it is important to understand here just how huge: these movements were both similarities .. * congruences, pushing one way or the other): (procrustean transformations were applied that settled upon a least square as a space for potential reverberation: (0_0) proved to be an u_00 (0) sinkhole in the system that would need to be repotentialized one or another via proto-phasm infusion: each member being drawn to a divergent phase-space): (mappings were being made on the potency of the layered up u_objects, a cell which was decaying in proportion to the counterbalancing analytic restrictions of the hyakhiru proto-phasm regime combined with restrictions on propagation .. introgression into the cell): (each wore clear rubber goryo suits with medium blue .. pink outline over white cotton undersuits .. black rubber ½-masks, with phumaCHIRGHYU(ii)'s body pushed into a clear rubber ½-poncho cut mid-riff with clear rubber hood over här head): (CHURYINGA floated the (0) op. point_waves velocity as a way of forming a reverb channel on the expansive forces of the proto-phasm infusions into the c-pulse cell, as if in (0_0) in an alternate version of reality the compound had pushed in co-emergence offerings on u_objects against the dispersion of u_force: yamaueredaers would give up little sighs .. moans thinking about the dematerialization of the proto-phasm mass such that even materialism disappeared in exchange for a cyclo-analogue proliferation of interconnected intermundias .. u_point-c.a.m. matrices: mega cyclostructure projects were put into place on a _0-_0 model of social propagation vs. interior proto-phasm)." (00_00)(MONOGURUI: y_ueghuru(ii))((00))00. (00_00)(00)(MONOGURUI)(00_00)(00_00)(ii): "(on här chest in medium blue .. pink was a YAMAUEREDA logo .. "(00_00)")." ((00)(00_) (00_00)(00) y_ueghuru(ii)(00_00)(ch.)(00_00)(the YUGHUR::PHANTOM)(ii): "(rays flashed from här hand, where här power was hidden: mass accommodation was set up on a comm. model, promoting a mobile deployment framework .. a new diaspora of inter(*)regional proliferation): (här white acrylic bodysuit pushes against här body, with small black sans serif lettering at mid-side .. a black YAMAUEREDA logo printed: 4 metal studs at each crevice or pressure point: här black braids run run in parallel up här head impatiently: over här gray .. black acrylic bodysuit runs the word feiyue with logo, a converted 2 lined black (0_0), below which is a small black I-hua drawing of 3 large carnations in a vase: hä coughs: här 2 braided head bumps with sweat against the white light: the indicator matrix kept pumping up beyond previously acceptable bounds but analysts ceased to view it as an area of concern, instead adopting the view that it would simply track op.flux forces as *production expanded): (u_phuma(ii)(UERUOGHOMO): point-signs were clearly overrated: the u's were constructed as an alternative to the standard point vs. range decision when projecting or converging: in a broad sense a u was the inverse of a synthetic u_object – not literally, in a one-to-one sense, but structurally, in respect to its formal construction properties)." ((00)(00_) (00_00)(00) y_ueghuru(ii)(00_00)(ch.)(00_00)(the YUGHUR::PHANTOM)(ii): "(at (0) _000, when the (00_00) was formed, the projector amount of (0_0) u_objects outstanding interspatially was u__._ (00))."(00_00)(MONOGURUI: y_ueghuru(ii)(00_00)(ch.))(ii))((00))(00)(00) (00_00)(00) y_ueghuru(ii)(00_00)(ch.)((00_00)(00_00))(ii): "(.. the flat cell value was u_._ (00)): (in the six .. a half centuries from then until (00) _00_, when the cell peaked, radiant (00_00) u_objects increased more than tenfold to a volume of u___._ (00): their reverberating cell value was u_0._ (00): in effect, the (00_00) u_objects cell had supplanted the (00_u_iiii) op. flux as the yamauereda for the interregional phasm-metric, driving the growth of * to a proportion that desensitized the growth of the monad-pulse reservoir to the yamauereda(ch.)'s instruments): (it was in this domain that the u's were flowing in .. out, touching only at brief .. isolated points the regional mega-commuting domain: yamabushi would bring flows in from forward points of time, filter it through a u_objects point-map with another monogurui ejento, .. then push it out into point-flux or a grid of u_objects crystallizations designed to push minimal 0-point_shift .. a sideline of puts .. offline proto-phasm floats): (yumi(no)gosuto: 'we will record the data of that which you have seen': yagao_ueda(ii): 'I feel disoriented': yumi(no)gosuto: 'yes, the program is beginning to take effect': u_phuma enters with a tray of silver .. porcelain tea-like accoutrements: u_phuma: 'would you like some tea?': yagao_ueda(ii): 'no, thank you: but-': yumi(no)gosuto .. u_phuma in här semi-opaque knee-high stockings .. white hooded hyper-jumper with black bindings serves tea: yagao_ueda(ii): 'when you said before-?: did you know, did you mean-?': u_phuma: 'yes, always': yagao_ueda(ii): 'I had thought-': (pause: 2 sec.) '..-': (4 sec.) 'oh yes, .. the whispers-': (2 sec.) 'I heard them, did you know?: ah-': (5 sec.) 'you will know-': (3 sec.) 'nauseated- radios- the u_object-': (2 sec.) 'cyclotrophy- choirboy- newlywed- revolting- deaccession- jaundice- catapult-': (5 sec.) 'catherine- arbitrate-')."(00_00)(MONOGURUI: y_ueghuru(ii)(00_00)(ch.))(ii))((00))(00)(00) (00_00)(00) y_ueghuru(ii)(00_00)(ch.)((00_00)(00_00))(ii): "((3 sec.) 'sylvan- poignant- recuperate-': (5 sec., voice slows) 'oh my dreams, god-': (2 sec.) '6- 1- 5- 8- 1- 2- 9- 3- 4- 1- 3- 4- 1- 3- 3-': (2 sec., voice slows) '8- 9- 8- 6- 7- 0': yagao_ueda(ii) falls to the ground weakly .. här head hits the floor, 'kvt!': u_phuma: 'hä believed it?': yumi(no)gosuto: 'yes'): ((0)-formation flatlined from the end of _00_ to (00) of _00_ as drive for u_pulse from the yamauereda(ch.) was satiated, despite minimal flux, in the face of this more attractive .. cyclo-hypo-inverted proto-phasm cell): (each of these flows was doubly stochastic against matrices with accelerator properties: discourse regarding the mathematical accelerator had mis-constructed the framework in which it operates, despite describing the basic mechanism correctly: rather than the mathematical accelerator emerging via unpredictable, or difficult to predict, shocks, the accelerator operates essentially as mathematical u_pulse: it is always present .. always increasing with forward movement through time, acting as a drag against proto-phasm growth, pulling proto-phasm growth toward equilibrium: but it is largely invisible in general due to its effect of merely partially cancelling .. mitigating the larger .. faster growth in proto-phasm that dominates it: the effect of mathematical shocks is to bring its visibility forward by crossing a tipping point where the gap between proto-phasm growth .. monadic reverberation begins to point-map, at which point the accelerator becomes additive rather than mitigating: uedaMEGHIRU(ii): modern invisible procedure is, for most intents .. purposes, the attempt to calibrate the system such that this compound does not occur: the defenders who had disappeared .. become u_objects cultivators quietly understood this: probably few u_ejento really appreciated it though)."
(00_00)(ものぐるい:ヤメグル(ii)(00_00)(ch.))(ii))((00))(00)(00) (00_00)(00)ヤメグル(ii)(00_00)(ch.) ((00_00)(00_00))(ii): 「(除外された中間またはある種のアイデンティティの反響に収束: しかし、関係者全員にとってそれは不思議でした: 合理的に期待されるように機能しませんでした。 .. 山上田化合物の目に見えない表面の下でさえ、悪意のある力が働いています: 浦楽大森は、当然のことながら、御料化を追求するために留保されていました: このプロセスの以前の使用は、地域全体に広範囲に及ぶ影響を及ぼしました。 .. 減衰: 彼らはこの経験から、前方情報の発生に基づく行動の影響は、完全に負のバイアスがかかっていないとしても、事実上不可能なほど不安定な性質のものであるという理解をもたらしました。 、制御する: あなたの (0_0) 店に雄牛を持ち込むのと同じように: 雄牛はそれ自体に破壊的な目的を持っていないかもしれませんが、あなたの陶磁器は関係なく (0000) 処理されています): (yumi(no)gosto in the shadow 夜のアウフバウハウス水路の高さ 6 フィート 8 インチ、頭を垂れ、独り言を言う: ヤメグル (ii)、はるか上、山の裂け目にうずくまり、顔に透明なプラスチック製の op.-mask をかぶせ、ゆみ (no) を観察 )gosuto ぴったりと、2 つ編みの黒髪、白いゴム製のアイス クリップを 2 つ編みの黒髪の白い綿パッド入りのよだれかけの衣装で、太ももまでストラップで結びます。 ) 「何だ – いいえ….」: 冷たい蒸気.. 霧が山を上って漂う: はるか下の yumi(no)gosuto が闇の点をじっと見つめる: 透明なプラスチックの円が胸から黒い手袋をはめた手まで覆い、 収束する 2 つの水平方向に描かれた här マスク .. 垂直方向の 1 つのピンク色の大胆なスイープ ライン .. 弱い青色の円が här を飾ります 透明なヘルメットをかぶった頭: 大きな白いプラスチック製のひだが här の足を覆い、ひざ丈の黒いブーツ: 風がうなり声を上げます: yumi(no)gosto: (自分自身にささやく)「壁の小さな穴:壁の完全な消滅:1)形..空虚の真っ只中の色:2)形..色の真っ只中の空:3)出てくるもの 空虚の真っ只中..形..それに極性的に関連する色: 4) 2 つの極性の側面の間に入る: 5) 両方の中間にすでに到達している: 計画は 4') に到達している: ((00)) (00)(00) (00_00)(00): (00))(00)(00) (00_00)(00): (00))(00)(00) (00_00)(00): (00) )(00)(00) (00_00)(00): (00))(00)(00) (00_00)(00): (00))(00)(00) (00_00)(00): (00) ))(00)(00) (00_00)(00): (00))(00)(00) (00_00)(00): (00))(00)(00) (00_00)(00): ( 00))(00)(00) (00_00)(00): (00) (00))(00)(00) (00_00)(00): (00))(00)(00) (00_00)( 00): (00))(00)(00) (00_00)(00): (00))(00)(00) (00_00)(00): (00))(00)(00) (00_00) (00): (00))(00)(00) (00_00)(00): (00))(00)(00) (00_00)(00): (00))(00)(00) (00_00) )(00): (00))(00)(00) (00_00)(00): (00))(00)(00) (00_00)(00): y_phantoms 攻撃/yumi(no)gosto in 消費 (00_00)(ものぐるい:ヤメグル(ii)(00_00)(ch.))(ii))((00))(00)(00)(00_00)(00)ヤメグル (ii)(00_00)(ch.)((00_00)(00_00))(ii): 「(.. 床に腰を下ろすと、här の手を上げて自分自身を保護します: här 大きな体が閉じます: y_phantoms, 半分の形をした灰色の顔 .. 多くの輪郭を持った体、はるかに速く/より速く周りを回る 圧倒的な身長: まぶたが半分ほど落ちて 目の上: ゆみ(の)ゴスト: (支離滅裂に) '鮮やかな喜び: それ自身の反対側: その美しさで: 私たちはできる-: それを見て、または-: この一時性: 凍結する人々: 引き裂くことができない: または触れられた、またはさらに: *世界の終わり?: if: 必死に切望する: 最後に、この美しさへの暴力に対する弱さを達成する.. (00_0)秒。 (00_0)秒。 (00_0)秒。 (00_0)秒。 (00_0)秒。 (00_0)秒。 (00_0)秒。 (00_0)秒。 (00_0)秒。 (00_0)秒。 (00_0)秒。 (00_0)秒。 (00_0)s): (u_pulse (フリッカーゴースト効果の誘導のためのアセチルコリンベースの薬剤、u_pulse 波コロケーションの除外された中央に収束)、五稜郭プロセスと対になった急性ヘベフレニック化合物の誘導。 u_pulse ポイント間の残響効果で自分自身のゴリョーゴーストになります): (((00_00) (re (00_00))): アセチルコリン効果が u_flux コンジットをブローバックのプロセスにレンダリングし始めました .. ブローアップ: 化合物 meta_crystals が重要ではないことが明らかになったので、それらはすぐに開封され、人はそれらを通り抜けることができました: 引っ張られ、抗議しようとして.. あることが別のことにつながりました: 言い換えれば、情報は c 共鳴に等しかったです。 与えられた点の間.. 周囲の参照点: ブリップ-ブリップ: .. y_phantoms が押し入ったのはこれらの隙間でした.. 彼らの呼吸や近づいてくる動きのハムを聞くことができました: それは十分に無邪気に始まりました. (00_00))."