MONOGURUI digi-op: (PRETA-(U))
(00_00)(MONOGURUI: (ft CAPT.R.) (00_00) (00_00) 00. OOOOO. y_ueghuru(-(CR(00))): (recorded on the C.A.M.) "(given the complex interdepedencies at play, .. all the puts .. outflow channels constructed for resilience .. proto-phasm flexibility, analysts at the time would have acknowledged the potential for unwinding but would have pegged the time frame on the scale of the couple of aeons that it took for it to build up, as opposed to the mere couple of commutes that in the event proved necessary): (with här hand in här wearing white pink manganese blue mid-riffed v-neck crop jumper: they come to the top of the huge contoured metal structure at the edge of one vast polymer-cem embrasure overlooking the turbid plane of ocean beneath the rock-stilled cliffs that hold YAMAUEREDA .. the wind tears violently at the 6 mini-stubbed collocations of u_phuma's harsh black hair: yumi(no)gosuto: 'what the fuyo_yurei managed to do was to pull .. stretch daily life so that it extended over into the (*)region of improbable unreality': u_phuma: 'is it irreversible?': yumi(no)gosuto: (hesitantly) 'yes... with five exceptions: the 5 unforgivables possess certain anti-cholinergic properties, interfering with the passage of parasympathetic nerve impulses: i) patricide. ii) matricide. iii) erase of an arhat. iv) injury to a goryo. v) attempt to cause a schism in the urakuomori community: any of which plunge one into the depths of intermundia': with chin turned upward u_phuma looks downward at the ocean: yumi(no)gosuto: 'oh, our acephalous union: (00): I will one day escape there': u_phuma: 'will you ((00_00)::::(00_00))?': the myghori_ch. fields stretch out endlessly distantly behind them in white polymer-cem plane expanse): (these flows incorporated by the u_ejento as routine operating protocol were reversed, pushed forward upstream)." (00_00)(MONOGURUI: (ft CAPT.R.) (00_00) (00_00) 00. OOOOO. y_ueghuru(-(CR(00))): (recorded on the C.A.M.) "(into propagation for prototopian cyclostructure projects for the irrigation .. development of huge mass parks, greenbelts, reserve space, u_pulse collocation plants, .. massive mass greenhouses building hydro-culture into the protocols for op.-urban planning: again, the op.flux forces pulling backward, not as a systemic outlier probability but as an intrinsic underlying force pushing the system on an ongoing basis, was missing from the models, covered over by the countervailing forces of the u_ejento' activities, such that when this countervailing force was removed from the 'model' gravity in all its overpowering inevitability took hold): (as the (00_u_iiii) mathematical compounds increasingly mirrored those of (00_00) 20 commutes earlier there was recognition that the *pulse introgression had taken on the role of foundation for the broader phasm-metric, to a large degree, having moved into the space vacated by compound consolidation: when structural u_ejento analyse stability they look to the joinings: this is where the physical pressures dispersed from the whole accumulate .. metastasize: the mountains were littered with proto-phasm unions folded into their hidden spaces, allowing u_ejento to disappear from view even as their grids unfolded over the lowlying urban spaces that housed the mathematical centers .. phasm spaces developing into the new uber-chrematist construct: concentrations were pulled inward .. then just as quickly pushed outward: control of the system as a whole became a less relevant concept for compound .. institutional purposes, replaced by the programs of insertion: for the phantom mega-commuting convergence that had inserted itself as the proto-phasm-generating force of the compound, (00-flux) represented the mechanism of joining: everyone was looking at everything but the mountain itself)." (00_00)(MONOGURUI: (ft CAPT.R.) (00_00) (00_00) 00. OOOOO. y_ueghuru(-(CR(00))): (recorded on the C.A.M.) "(the mega-giant force holding all of these proto-phasm concrescences together: u_op. was so big that it was invisible: it would be the failed 'compound' that shook the new order: this wasn't distortion it was metamorphosis, .. the hedonistic mouths feeding on its suck could look at those critics of its deformities as luddites because the proteins of their own bodies had become intertwined with it in a voluptuous cycle of growth .. succulent fertile overmass, their own flesh not merely touching but part of its moves .. formations: every (00-flux) was mirrored by a goryo pulling in proto-phasm from a grotesque dark future which would be inverted, each as its own utopian micro-u_ejento base compound or platform for resonating proto-phasm dispersions more like chrematism, in its purest mathematical form, than any of the discursive fictional mini-fatherlands populating the (0_0): it's madnesss, the micro-actor control council was informed, in reports which would be repeated, 'it's madness', 'it's madness', 'it's madness', madness, madness… in reverberating metallic echo like the distilled super-ego's effort to retain control even as it recognized it as a cause long ago resigned to defeat or even meaninglessness: something else was at work: cyclostructure programs that were the complement of anti-cyclical point-form calibration disappeared, replaced by a regime of purely information-theoretic entropic constructs where (00-flux)-like proto-phasm instruments were formed by mass-interior utilities as mirrorings of proto-phasm doubled to back proto-phasm: cyclostructure growth continued, but at a pace dwarfed by a phasm-metric of information services .. distribution)." (yumi(no)gosuto: "(df) the process of pulling the future into the present: pushing the present forward into the future: (00_00)(00_00))." (00_00)(MONOGURUI: (ft CAPT.R.) (00_00) (00_00) 00. OOOOO. y_ueghuru(-(CR(00))): (recorded on the C.A.M.) "(neg-u_pulse *production functions as contingent on a source of complementary u_pulse *production, .. the struggle .. competition .. complexity of biological systems function off of the limited neg-u_pulse resources available: m(0)phur-gap as driven by a measure of the (00_00)-accrual being completed, such that one was inundated with curvatures of proto-phasm flows: these could then be tied off in a variety of ways: each u_ejento had här particular preferences: for some it was a question of setting up flow-convergences, while others relied more on plane drift or re-filtering): (the end result was the same, proto-phasm units that could be configured to interact with one another in defined .. controlled ways)." (THE (0__)((00)(00_) (00_00)(00) y_ueghuru(ii)(00_00)(the YUGHUR::PHANTOM)(ii): "(at this point the u_ (00) removed from u_plots backed by u_op.s proto-phasm potential provided cover for the u_flows being pushed in by the YAMAUEREDA: every morphism was pistol stitched into multiple u_flow u_objects): (absolute cyclobolic tensions were built in as nodal points: you could invert these to set up a blow-up or growth function: polders served as the model for the system of u currents: what you're dealing with, at the end of the day, is the control of flows, whether those particular flows consist of water, or air, or u_pulse currents, or such: the plan of the YAMAUEREDA was to reverse the flow of proto-phasm: massive amounts of proto-phasm would be pulled in from the future, pumping it into both mass proto-phasm for cyclostructure projects, .. interior proto-phasm in the form of point-flux propagation injections via the U_CHROMA)." ((00)(00_) (00_00)(00) y_ueghuru(ii)(00_00)(the YUGHUR::PHANTOM)(ii): "((0) would be calibrated to pull proto-phasm back in to the yamaueredas in order to maintain cyclo-intension within a wide band of 5 to 40 percent)."
(00_00)(MONOGURUI: (ft CAPT.R.) (00_00) (00_00) 00.OOOOO.yamegu(r)u(-(CR(00))): (C.A.M.に記録) "((00) U_EJENTO : ガイダンスの合成装置の整備を目的とした数学的分析者 .. u_pulse 電流の測定、u_ejento の栽培 .. 現場で計画の装置を修復: u_op. は、 YAMAUEREDA プロトタイプ、それぞれが u_objects フローの未来化をめぐって競い合った: 6 つのモジュールは、次の 10 年間で 20 倍に成長し、それらのオーバーカーション機能がコミュニケーションと織り交ぜられ、それらの結晶化がミニコミューンと織り交ぜられたため、次の大きな急増が起こった. y_flux としての mega_YAMAUEREDA のチャネライゼーション .. 分析コードは、それらを材料製品として扱うことによって開発を促進するように変更されました。 高度な分析グリッド上に設立された計画されたコミュニティ: これらの開発の思考プロセスは逆転しました: 経済力の自動化が開発の根本的な動機として採用され、自動生成されたミニファクトリーの開始のために質量/ファズム y_objects が設定されました。 科学研究の自動化、仮想世界をホストするためのシミュレーション プロセス シナリオの作成、医療データ収集、食品流通計画、概念的コミュニケーション モデルの進歩、農業データ処理などの分野で: これらの mega_YAMAUEREDA は、優先順位を付けて構築されました。 これらの自動化された産業のインフラストラクチャのニーズの : 住宅機能は、生産施設のメンテナンスのためのエンジニアリング スタッフの要件によって動機付けられ、この基盤の上に階層化されました。 -生成されたファームは、この階層から階層化されました: これらのモジュールのうち 14 は、次の数イオンの間に内破プロセスで内破し、そのうちの 4 つは、それらが組み込まれていたより大きな y_flux エンティティと共に引き下げられました: 多くの u_ejento が採用されました 200 から 500,000 m のサイズのこれらのコミュニティの計画開発へのより直接的な関与: 数百のウエジェントがこのペリフィケーション作業に引き込まれました): (これらの方法のすべてにおいて、多かれ少なかれジェネレーティブの一般的な品質を共有しています。 基本的なモデリング関数 – トレンドを推し進めるもの..ブローアップ力を推し進めるもの..次に、それらを相互に調整して、可能な限り最善を尽くす.. 収束シリーズは、当時言われていたように、「成長に抵抗する 1 つの狭いスペースに強制的に入れられる」ようになりました。これらは、反響効果を可能にするためにモデル化されたフロー ラインになりました。 、hä は här の頭の側面をつかみ、突然一方の側に引き寄せます。これらはすべて、氷原の奥深くで強化された透明なプラスチックで構成されていました。すぐに、物事は跳ね返り始めました..動作.. u_pulse 波の動き 合理的ではないにしても、少なくとも首尾一貫した特性のセットを取り始めました.特定の分野の研究者は、最小限のフィールドマッピング../またはゲルスゴリンディスク機能の開発を開始しました.0年代後半までに、この開発研究は実りあることが証明されました. .. 時間旅行の側面は、ウラクオモリによって CRMHU に提供されたこの「目に見えない」伝播構造の構造に効果的に組み込まれました。このプロセスの基本は、「御霊」という用語を考えると、さまざまな時点のマッピングのキャリブレーションでした。 (休止)この文脈では、「最小」を表す「現行」という用語の使用は多面的になります。実際には、梧陵は現行であるとは、特定の狭い範囲内にあると解釈しています): 黒いボタンの付いたジャンパー、.. 膝までの薄い黒いストッキング、足の毛を通り抜ける場所: : それ以外の場合は、心を落ち着かせる必要があります.. 収束の引き合わせとして空間の明瞭さに焦点を当てます: u_process のオブザーバー指向の解釈を受け入れます: このビューでは、u::r プロセスの確率的特性が分割されます オブザーバー u': r イベントからなる粒子 evetn は、その偶発的な経路において、完全に決定論的です: この将来のイベントの座標が客観的にどこに収束するか、ある種の確実性をもって言うことができます: しかし、見晴らしの良い点では、 オブザーバーとしての u' のパースペクティブは、それ自体であり、intermundia 経路を介して決定されるため、絶対的または偶発的に配置することはできません。ここには、future-fold として形成される一連の可能性があります。 時間の経過として点 u.6 に進むプロット: t を設定できます。)."