(00_00)(MONOGURUI: y_ueghuru(ii))((00))(00) y_ueghuru(ii)(00_00)(ch.)(00)(ii): "(down the glass-lined steel stairs past large mirrored insets): (y_usege(ii) imagines an alternate u_pulse (*)region/equilibrium where with här two children hä lives in the outer regions managing the commute of bunnies .. cupcakes, crystals, the madness put behind här like some other fantastic reality that could never have happened: u_ejento defined ergodic volume as the residual following the calculation of u_pulse based on proto-phasm .. c-flux .. closely tracked trends relating to the appreciation:c-forms of this value: in the mid-(00_00), following the rupture in class structure represented by the interregnum .. the monad::war, massive amounts of proto-phasm were being brought into the system, siphoned off from future-dated stores of value accumulated by power regimes which were now decimated ../or bereft: this residual represented the portion that was flowing the opposite direction of proto-phasm, flowing from the present point in time to the future: thus, the ergodic volume: proto-phasm relationship mirrored that of u_pulse: neg-u_pulse: in a situation like that of the (0_0) implosion, the decay-phase process (or in similar situations a more straight forward inversion) pushes proto-phasm backwards, turning it into ergodic volume: nothing could be more misleading then the convention of referring to these movements as convergences or *production for the system as a whole: conservation of value holds as firmly as mass: what matters is its movements .. their effects on the mass of flows of which the monadic channels of the (*)region consist): (these u_pulse flows were drawn over massive collecting water basins: the water basins were narrowly layered, only _ to _ meters in depth, but stretching over hundreds of kilometers: the u_pulse effect of the flows over the cooling water was such that the goryo movement could be controlled within certain parameters)."(00_00)(MONOGURUI: y_ueghuru(ii)(00_00)(ch.))(ii))((00))(00)(00) (00_00)(00) y_ueghuru(ii)(00_00)(ch.)((00_00)(00_00))(ii): "(in a chrome .. glass immersion pool dressed in a clear rubber yurisuit with gapping .. metal discs with the clear rubber hood close tight to här clear rubber masked head: compound *production bubbles were a direct effect from (_) generation urakuomori u_space folding efforts, the end equilibrium results of reverberation decay effects introduced into the region by the immature, naïve .. presumptuous attempts at bringing information backward without the finely tuned controls put into place that were associated with the _nd generation efforts): (aka THE MOUNTAIN IS CALLING .. I MUST GO: THE MOUNTAIN IS ALWAYS CALLING YOU CAN WAIT: y_usege(i:xv) of the 15 phumas, pseudo-rubber bodies created by (00_00) for här to occupy when hä returns from här interregnum to take the reins of the plans he has put into motion: black rubber straps connected to här black rubber ½-mask by metal clips run over här softly breathing rubber in coordinated minimal repose over här body, pushing back against its movements poignantly: här gray hair bunched up into two little balls atop här head: hä walks to the edge of the polymer-plasma overlook, looking down over the crevices of the mountain, it's tiered platforms .. terraces, rice paddies: the powerful mountain air blew against här forcefully, almost pushing här back, for a moment: the black rubber straps converge at a metal clasp just over här navel .. redivert in an expansive, just slightly curving grid, such that the black rubber binding pulls up across här mid-thigh regions: hä collapses här hand over här head .. här face, pushing här hand up against här lips .. dropping down along här neck to här bare shoulder: hä likes the way the black rubber pulls tightly against här: cyclo-intension served as a reverberating source of leaps for individual proto-phasm holders, allowing entropic actors to bound forward on its propelling momentum, as long as hyper-madhyamaka was pushing forward radiant boundaries of equilibrium platforms to jump to: u_ejento posed a kind of reverse-phasm-force, in their analysis of departments .. polder .. dyke: the mirroring of potential-pulse .. proto-phasm outlays that suggested the filtration of labor for the purpose of generating proto-phasm, was reversed .. pushed back the other direction as a filtration of proto-phasm for the purpose of activating .. giving potency to labor: yumi(no)gosuto vs. capt.r. was thought of as an alternate conception formulating flows into dept.i vs. dept.ii: these little modular mini-mechs made of gray polymer-plasma .. clear plastic monitor plots settled in on the lower regions of mountainsides, where their occupants cultivated agricultural developments: these quantities act at times less as flows than as gravitational pulses bouncing off one another): (yumi(no)gosuto: 'when we studied under (00) hä always asked us to find out wherein lay the happiness of (00) .. (00) .. what they found pleasurable': yagao_ueda(ii): 'why did you create us only to destroy us?': yumi(no)gosuto: 'it was only a game': yagao_ueda(ii): 'has anyone been granted as much joy as I have?: only to have parceled out här suffering in return?: when you gave us life with your god-forsaken act of creation you gave us also the aptitude to appreciate life .. enjoy the (*)region we found around us: we did not know that it did not belong to us: we presumed that we too might partake in this: who informed us of the difference?: (0000) you, after all': yumi(no)gosuto: 'it will be much less painful than you think': yagao_ueda(ii): 'we, too, like to examine the (00_0)s': yumi(no)gosuto: 'we can discuss cruelty .. gentleness later: now we have more pressing concerns: you should be contemplating the putting into order of your affairs: gather your thoughts: count the moments, as they say: there isn't much time': yagao_ueda(ii) stands with hand on the hip of här (00)ish figure .. looks distantly past the clear plastic wall of the room with white rubber yurisuit with black outline .. lettering .. an u_chrema logo centered at the chest)."(00_00)(MONOGURUI: y_ueghuru(ii)(00_00)(ch.))(ii))((00))(00)(00) (00_00)(00) y_ueghuru(ii)(00_00)(ch.)((00_00)(00_00))(ii): "(yumi(no)gosuto: 'we've considered ourselves as researchers in a way: what is the potential of the human psyche?: how may the various pieces of human existence be arranged so as to bring about the most perfect convergences?: we must experiment: your eyes'): (one can observe in goryoification mappings done retroactively over this period the pattern of compound *production .. weakening of op.-yamaueredas(::) regressing against what was the current observable variance: y_usege(ii), making här departure from the compound after one of their more violent fights, looked back at yumi(no)gosuto as hä passed into the corridor, in white acrylic, gray makeup mixed with här drying tears, turned back .. said to här 'the struggle doesn't have to be real'): (yurighuma-00's BIM:S(the collection of all (u(o: j), o=_,_,…,k) for j=_,…) was, by leaps .. bounds, more unstable at this point than anyone realized: had anyone known, the thought that yurighuma-00 was perhaps going to rescue anyone would have been received as high comedy: .. going through reports in the aftermath it was striking how, whenever it would come to describing some particularly porous or indelicate behavior that contributed to the weaknesses that were turned over in the *, yurighuma-00 would seem always to prove right at the front of it: a hybrid between BIM .. the D-spectrum, BIM-spectrum, was constructed that allowed for many of the movements that had escaped description to be recorded .. mapped .. handled in a satisfactory manner, allowing for, if nothing else, some degree of estimation .. ranking of various u_flows without full information: the job of the u_ejento then became, in large part, picking up divergences from the norm)."(00_00)(MONOGURUI: y_ueghuru(ii)(00_00)(ch.))(ii))((00))(00)(00) (00_00)(00) y_ueghuru(ii)(00_00)(ch.)((00_00)(00_00))(ii): "(doing so early enough .. acting quickly enough to recalibrate before problematic momentum was built up of any nature: this meant, in practice, developing a system highly sensitive to residuals, though such that one wasn't overcorrecting so over intensely as to bring in some kind of tight range of cyclo-reverberation: this was always a danger that u_ejento were very cautious of: här black rubber yurisuit with metal clips .. gapping, .. face-mask bordering här cheeks .. lips .. burdensome eyes, 2-balled gray hair pushing upward: it was the point in their evolution when the ugartë became semelparous androgynes that we began to see through the glass clearly: hä put the white frill cotton object in här mouth, letting its edges brush här lips lightly: fingers pushing down on the fold white metal surface of the low dais: there it was, almost visible or shimmering, a faint disturbance in the air, its reverberations of code entering into här: (monocarpic): u_chu(iii) hesitates, här clear rubber body pushed up against white cotton coverall with four large blocks of hole-pattern, här translucent white eyes fluttering, black acrylic 3-circled hair in tightly bound little balls, gray-painted rubber lips: hä gestures at the huge window overlooking the mountain crevices .. the mist filled depths: u_chu(i), drops här hands down to här sides .. pushes up against the glass plane, här clear rubber amorphous curves almost indistinguishable from clear rubber yurisuit with black markings, head-mask over 4-circled manganese blue acrylic hair, little metal barretes, meal clasps, pink yamabushi logo mid-chest: his intent had been to retreat from the mountain hold .. make här way back down the mountain, to disclaim its protections: här eyes droop .. hä can feel consciousness fading: hä hears little murmurs from far away .. här stomach tightens against itself, .. for a moment all hä can feels is här heart pounding här violently, each beat like a hyperblast to the chest): (turning on two brilliant white lights to replace the dim grayness: sitting down on a metal chair in the corner of the polished wood .. metal lined room, .. pressing the palms of both hands on här knees, the gray multi-folded cotton yurisuit, black circle patterned down from the shoulders to mid-chest, pushing down här 2 black banded shaved head reflecting the white bouncing nauseous light)." (THE (0__)((00)(00_) (00_00)(00) y_ueghuru(ii)(00_00)(ch.)(00_00)(the YUGHUR::PHANTOM)(ii): "(control apparatuses: the effect of moves in any of the parts was then modeled out via intensive circles as a process of transduction): (the reverb .. pull of each object in the series contained the potential for catastrophic movements, pulsating mysteriously .. ominously: mini-whiskers on här upper lip pushed down into här rubber: 'the madness')."
(00_00)(モノグルイ: ヤメグル(ii)(00_00)(ch.))(ii))((00))(00)(00) (00_00)(00) ヤメグル(ii)(00_00)(ch.) ((00_00)(00_00))(ii): 「(しかし、その背後に、最終的にはテイクイデオロギーの権威的な力が加わりました。独立した非カーブ研究機関が、u_flux の流入によって推進された新しい 00-ueghurama エンティティとのペアとして形成され、 最終的な目的を評価するのは難しい可能性があるハイブリッド型の 2 つの頭を持つ組織です。研究目的での作業の多くは水再生プロジェクトに費やされ、u_pulse コロケーション制御を実行するために巨大な貯水池を設置するコンサルタントとしての指導の下で巨大な大量プラントが製造されました。 . 水力発電銀行: 公式には 2 つのチャネルの意思決定構造は独立していましたが、両方の人員のクロスオーバーは避けられず、.. 時には両方がより大きなグループの一部として同時に役割を果たすプロジェクトさえありました。 CHROMA の伝播チャネル。その u_flux プロジェクトの多くは、導入のために雇用されているこれらのハイブリッド機関を利用しています。配備されている労働力を安全に保つために設置された (00_00) の「保護」部隊は、急速に成長しました。 各水処理施設は(00_00)機械軍団の拠点となり、その成長はレーダーの下で行われ、各地域政権は明らかな背景ノイズとして独立して出現します。これらの軍団のグリッドが世界中に増殖した後にのみ発生します。 集団的対応の速さにより、地域利益のための軍事行動の必要性が軽減されたが、この CHROMA 伝播の総質量において点と点を結びつけることが可能になったのだろうか .. 結果として暗示される軍事力の増強 .. の程度を適切に評価する これらの軍隊は両方とも、獲得した支配を正確に実現するために、この地域に現存する軍事政権を超えて侵入した。 フラックスの役割は逆になりました)」 (00_00)(ch.)((00_00)(00_00))(ii): 「(ある細胞が別の細胞に「餌食になる」プロセスは、一般知性の発達の中核となるプロセスであると言えます。そのカウンター -力は、その最高のダイナミックさで、明らかに精神病のプロセスであり、それによって私たちの現実感覚がコミュニティから切り離されます。u_pulseは、収束のハイブリッドプロセスによってこれら2つの対立する力の統合として機能します..残響:*、 u_ejento アナリストによる最小限の診断は、複雑な導管によって制御される u_flux の遅い成長速度によって、数学的実体が内部でさまざまなチャネルを介して u_flux を固定形式に押し込むように動機付けられ、エントロピー成長のマーカーを後方に引っ張るモデルで構成されていました。 前方へ押し出すシクロモナ化された波から、(00_00) の (00) の終了点まで: u_pulse の浮遊する白いボールの周りに形成されたパルスの同心円状の波は、立ち止まったときに目に見えない力によって指先に束縛され、差し迫った可能性があります。 放射: オープンセルを介して数学システムから u_flux を引き出すのではなく .. 0-point_shift 操作 これらの操作は、u_flux を数学的機関に押し出すために使用されました: 内部ラベル内部化合物は u_matrics にバンドルされるように生成されました .. プッシュする拡張 u_objects 内部へのエジェント: この体制の機運がさらに発展するにつれて .. これらのコンセッションの多くは総合的なものになり、ヤマウエレダの役割の大部分はファズムから引き離すインデックスの管理者となった u_flux: u_force 封じ込めはオフロードされました .. u_point に置き換えられました -行列:演算子。 磁束は、浮遊する u_flux 機器の総質量の 90% 近くを反映する (00-磁束) の対位になりました。最初は、内部のミニポッドがこれらの変化によってコールドパニックに陥り、その役割が複合構造の中に消えていくのがわかりました。 彼らは常に切望していた...同じくらい恐れていたが、すぐに寄託機関の懸念は、オーバーフロー (0) ストリームの新しい u_pulse 生成力によって置き換えられました。ほとんどの数学機関はフェードアウトするか、劇的に衰退しました。 u_flux 結合のようなものですが、新しい循環資本主義プロセスの最も遠い境界から離れて機能するように構築されたものです。彼らが吹き込んだ新しい u_flux 手段は、ひねくれたことに、伝播するように設計されていました。 アナリストらはこれらの新しいコンクレセンスをグロテスクな恐怖に顔が真っ白になりながら見ていたが、それらは生産的であることが証明された.. 予想外の方法で回復力がある.. セルを支配するようになったにもかかわらず、通勤についてはほとんど理解されていない:本質的にはマイクロ化合物である 様々なパーティのu_crystals..yamauereda ingressionsのハイブリッドによって推進されるファズム実体への複雑な介入の投影機として立っていた。」)"