

Pocket Book (4.25 x 6.875 in / 108 x 175 mm), Standard Black & White, 60# White, Paperback, Glossy Cover

(00_00)(MONOGURUI: (ft CAPT.R.) (00_00) (00_00) 00. OOOOO. y_ueghuru(-(CR(00))): (recorded on the C.A.M.) "(giving a u equilibrium approximation that could easily be confused with an imperceptible 0-space: demand for interior cell compounds flowed in directly from a mirroring of the insufficiency of supply of constructable mass proto-phasm which had progressively pushed down u levels over the preceding aeons: mathematical innovations .. the ever increasing intertwining of complex mathematical concrescences .. institutions was a function of the demand for proto-phasm-generative channels to fill the gaps produced by decay in the overall supply necessary for the growth of the (*)region phasm-metric: filtering out the nuances this meant fundamentally an increase in concresence of the mathematical institutions driving the growth – the inevitable end point of the math on this point doesn't change regardless of how one gets there: .. almost as inevitably, with greater concresence of the interior proto-phasm compounds comes greater reverberation .. fragility: without the substantive reservoir of the large scale monadic foundation .. proto-phasm-producing properties of the modern compound the mathematical institutions stepping into this role operate by design as actors contingent upon the stochastic properties of the proto-phasm flows: implosive reversion in this framework functions in rough parallel to the monadic channel of u_op, but at a significantly lower level .. with much greater inconsistency associated with it: u_flows countered these tendencies via their mirroring properties, such that goryos floated on wide arrays of isomophisms with synthetic vehicles implemented to flow back from the future: in some sense, these goryos were constructed as two or more interlocked propositions, in syntactic structure, such that the flow of one would imply the interconnected flow/s of the other/s)." ((00_00) (00) 00: OOOOO: y_ueghuru(ii)(-(00(00))): (00_00))) "(the white plastic contours of the construction bend .. pull back upward, in parallel configuration: yumi(no)gosuto: 'the generative form passes through cycles of climaxes which return to the 0-point': mieko_op: 'it is the 0-point which concerns me: how do we remain confident that our binding will hold?: once it floats free there is no foundation to resolve to .. our probability-forms become too rubbery to be of much practical use: this will only get us so far: there was… I remember complaining to you about the flowers: you remember this?: it was before I became a u_ghost, before I gave in to the white mass': there is little to suggest that they might return .. conform to the base, but in their own course the glistening polymeratomic beams do resolve in a solid modular foundation, pushing through the closely confined space of pulsating clear biomorphic surrounding mass: airy passageways are formed: the white plastic of the architectural forms stretch out from the structures, lined by metal irrigation indentation, whose clear water pops in points of white light periodically: the four sit on low steel forms in its slit-patterned shadows: dark gray pockets of shadows reverberate with moisture upon the arrayed white plastic flooring .. structures: plots of plantlings surround the unit, some open, but many covered over with white plastic tenting, pinned with metal clamps to white plastic modular piping: the beams of the white polymeratomic structure push up in diagonal .. changing format with offset rhythmic protrusions punching up for outlets: Its foundation pushes down around them into the clear protein-based mass, packed with layers of white rubber hydro-pump mini-mim**, pulsating against their taut surfaces, held by clear intricately knotted .. dispersed clear cables interrupted by metal access ladders .. gangways for maintenance purposes: mieko_op's fat, gray flesh body is encased in semi-opaque clear rubber… with pockets of air bubbling up around it in tightly packed conformity, overlaid by clear rubber poncho: a clear rubber hood encloses här close-buzzed, framing här dark-freckled .. pocked face with bright, clairvoyant eyes with overlaid sheen of disturbed humor against black rubber ½-mask: clear rubber ½-gloves pinch in on här tightly held hands in här folded lap: här breathing exhibits slight, occasional tremors: hä possesses the curious quality of aged affected weariness laid over a buoyant, purely naïve youthfulness: hä blows air into här hands prosaically .. as if with mysterious purposefulness: (00_00) drops over the stillness in diluted particles: the artificial light plays over their features giving them a certain ghostly cgi appearance: the surrounding YAMAUEREDA(vi) pushes through dark matter outer regions: the surface of mieko_op's clear rubber bodysuit over white cotton underclothes is run over with a grid of metal circles capturing each shift of the arrogant, interrupting low generative light: hä lifts här head up slowly, dropping här hands to här side, letting här gaze pull back into whatever imagined psychopathic structures .. conspiracies hä's chosen to pull forward versus the overwhelming birth of ruptured, punctured .. perceptive grace that hä still cannot escape, despite all of här attacks .. grotesque whispered affronts upon it: (* as if with perfect, pure enlightenment or revelation, in the open capsules of illumination pouring out of your sweat .. pores, your nauseous vomit, the underlying core or stench of the tainted oxygen you pump through your meat, the bodily fluids you fail to retain: you are the paranoid point of contact for all the dark forces arraigned against us): (the calm was an admission of error)." (00_00)(MONOGURUI: (ft CAPT.R.) (00_00) (00_00) 00. OOOOO. y_ueghuru(-(CR(00))): (recorded on the C.A.M.) "(here we apply the concept of defining the proper mathematical object, as an abstracted but also material entity, as 'that which withstands the hypothesis of non-existence', or, aka, the unconditioned universal, as we like to refer to it: hä seemed flush, as if white light was radiating out of här body: (INTERPELLATION ROOM): each of the 10 ryojusen units is equipped with an interpellation room, used by the 5 agents to investigate the readiness of individuals to participate in the defense: the subject is attached to a white polymeratomic mechanical chair in the middle of the white room: the white blank-masked head-piece wired to the chair covers här face, strapped tight around här head to a white helmet attached with five white plastic stubs: the interpellation unit possess action at a distance properties as derived from the hidden measurement of the u_frame: the spin of the universal u_frame itself as a relative property is embedded within the measurement, .. it is this value which correlates the information homology of the dispersed points .. it is this value which identifies their binding to a given, cohabited inertial frame: this provides the 'instantaneous' co-phase over their distributed coordinates: a perfume emanates from här body .. hits the gentle, peaceful hue of the surrounding, densely packed plants of the huge, white underground greenhouse space: här white white rubber gapped yurisuit with metal discs collapses over här body, här hands at hips surveying the units in här care, 2-bundled black hair pushing over här head .. black rubber ½-mask over här face, pursed lips, little white rubber ½-gloves, white rubber arm-warmers up to här forearms leaving a bare gap for här gray flesh, taut, gaunt twitching muscle, .. bare legs down to white rubber ice slipers, six metal clasp-lines closing up the yurisuit tight over här vibrant form: meu(v) listens to the hum of the c.a.m.(ii) .. decides that perhaps it is now time to contact y_ueda(vi), to bring här in to the folds of här projective actions)." (00_00)(MONOGURUI: (ft CAPT.R.) (00_00) (00_00) 00. OOOOO. y_ueghuru(-(CR(00))): (recorded on the C.A.M.) "(the high-level equilibrium implosion features of the program of pulling inward were incapable of being overcome by 'internally-generated forces', it was argued: the flows of these goryos from forward points in time provided the outside reservoir of proto-phasm required to overturn .. reverse the equilibrium, .. this was done with such force that momentum was generated for the overturning of the interior/mass mirroring, such that the basic program of pumping up interior proto-phasm channels of the mathematical institutions based on a foundation of the augur-op. mass proto-phasm of the yamaueredas .. chrema was overturned to become the converse: from the mathematical compounds perspective input became output, output became input, .. a highly volatile .. fragile core supply now functioned to drive a robust, powerful expansive force generating massive upturns in the flows pushed into monadic reverberation: the YAMAUEREDA mathematicians modeling these systems worked closely in the intermundia space produced by the difference between the domain .. codomain of the log-link)."

(00_00)(MONOGURUI: (ft CAPT.R.) (00_00) (00_00) 00.OOOOO. yamegu(r)u(-(CR(00))): (C.A.M.に記録) "(これは 邪悪な影が世界に押し入った方法は?: 灌漑、農業、.. 国内のサブシステムの栽培は、より暗い勢力の新たな出現への道を開くでしょうか.. 以前は抑制されていた人間の衝動?: 食物の効率 生産慣行は、u_flux .. 労働力のミラー化された折り畳み、.. 縦糸.. 横糸としてのエルゴード体積の織り交ぜられた条件を備えた、パッティングシステムの拡張に必要な前提条件でした。 退廃的な..ファッションの素晴らしい構築、両方の直接的な意味で..フェティッシュの想像を超えた生産として..他の世界の空想:その完全な重みで、これらの力がどの程度になるかを実際に予見した人は誰もいなかった 最終的に相互接続..直接的な機械的レベルで、または物理的政治的底流でさえも拘束され、言説..コード化されたマッピングが相互作用的な力として物理的に構築された環境に重なるようになります。そのため、私たちの集合的な潜在意識の衝動は、 厄介な分散構造.. コミュニケーションだが、代わりに、これまでになく拡張的な形で反射的なフィードバックユニットになる.. 私たちを鋼、ガラス、.. 結晶化のプロセスが最も内側のサイクロ集約的な限界に達するプラスチックメカニズムに結びつける導管): ( ch._yurimenko: yumi(no)gosuto 透明なゴムのハイブリッド ポンチョが yameghuru(ii) を押し上げて här の手が här のゴムで覆われた頭の上を通過できるようにする: hä は軽くて透明なワイヤーを här の指の上に折り畳み、.. 透明なプラスチックを通してそれらを引っ張る コンジット: u-c.a.u. 栽培を許可する必要があります..彼らが地域全体に分散させたu_monadsの制御..彼らの距離が拡大するにつれて、彼らの通信が彼らに到達できるようにします. 小さな装置の .. クラスプをひっくり返して封じ込めスペースを閉じます: hä はそれをひっくり返します.. ひっくり返して、人工光がその曲線をキャッチすると、さまざまな層を通して見ます.. ピボット: これは、の範囲内のプロジェクトでした 16 の新しいメガヤマウエダの開発、それぞれに個体群がポッドされています.. セット: ワイヤの張力がハールの指に脈動し、振動が腕を駆け上がります: u_monads の組み合わせマッピングにより、c_compound がスーパーベーンすることができます。理論的には、 高い精度で u_monad コントロールを介して c_compounds を操作できるようになります.. 大量の速度: monogurui は monogurui を認識します: 人々は、モナドプロセスの概念を紹介されると、通常、それに頭を悩ませようとします。 .. 合理的に理解できるようになります: 彼らは「再帰的包含」または「c-forms」またはおそらく「収束」についてコメントするかもしれません.. ) は単項化合物を説明し始め、すぐに「ああ、なるほど、それはクレイジーだ」とコメントしました: 以前の御料化 (ウラクオモリによる) は (0_0) デシメーションで最高潮に達しました: 化合物生成は既存の流れの _0% を窒息させました .. 減衰 (00_00)(MONOGRUI: (ft CAPT.R.) (00_00) (00_00) 00. OOOOO. yamegu(r)u(-(CR(00))): (C.A.M.に記録) 「(しかし、最終的に明らかになったのは、情報を逆行させるためのゴリョーの使用と..アウタルシックの促進との間に直接的な関係があることでした. プロセス: ここでの「アウタルシック」という用語は、フローを閉じてしまうプロセスとして定義されました.. フローを固定します: もしそれが起こるなら、それは「あなたが最も予期していないときに」起こることを私は知っています.. どこからともなく現れるように見えます. たとえ何年も前から知っていたとしても、.. 強く期待していた. しかし、人は快適になり.. 時間の経過とともに自己満足に陥る. 幽霊があなたをむさぼり食うとき、それは解放として来る. クリーン、.. コールド: yameghuru(ii) は今、0000 が här に近づいているのを嗅ぐことができることは確かです.まるで目に見えない力が 0000 を här に引き寄せているかのように.. 、これはプロセスを促進し、実際には現在のフロープロセスを自分自身に逆らわせます: この効果をモデル化すると、両方の悪循環のモデル化との類似性にすぐに気付く.. 結び目: __00 年代後半に、有楽大森は (0) 養蚕.. 塩取引と統合されたゴリョフィケーションのプロセスを実装しました。"(00_00)(MONOGURUI: (ft CAPT.R.) (00_00) (00_00) 00 . おおおお。 yamegu(r)u(-(CR(00))): (C.A.M.に記録) 「(限られた範囲で、小規模な養殖業と調整: (00_00) のシステムは、これを実装するために開発されました。. . は、____ フットバインディング レブに爆発するまで使用されました。)."

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