(MONOGURUI)derivatives(somanthan:nageswaran:gupta): (YAMAOROSHI)



(00_00)(MONOGURUI: y_ueghuru(ii))((00))00. (00_00)(00)(MONOGURUI)(00_00)(00_00)(ii): "((00_00))." ((00)(00_) (00_00)(00) y_ueghuru(ii)(00_00)(ch.)(00_00)(the YUGHUR::PHANTOM)(ii): "(the other in this case as the mysterious being that in the expansive one's self is transformed into): (it was wondered, early on, what to do with all the gaussian white noise produced as a residue of these flows: it was even neglected completely in some early work: but at some point it was determined that these fluff-offs could be driven into back-flow channels for regressive interpulsion movements: or one could condense this fluff into cyclo-dense mini-feedback array-functions that could serve effectively as ping-back control-reverb): (ch.yonamine, piercing eyes, in white hooded cotton ghost-equipage with gapped cut-outs of gray flesh .. inset venting)." (00_00)(MONOGURUI: y_ueghuru(ii)(00_00)(ch.))(ii))((00))(00)(00) (00_00)(00) y_ueghuru(ii)(00_00)(ch.)((00_00)(00_00))(ii): "(this all functioned on the surface of the cycloplane: with functions mapping arrays, sometimes in inverted or intensional form, .. with theorems as mappings between functions from a more high level perspective: polders were simply systems for managing .. distributing pressure, .. the (usually) unspoken base force was gravity, such that one could abstract out the whole polder system as one organizing gravitational pulls .. pushes: monogurui: the gap between the m(0)phur, or u(u(0)), .. (0)-formation (I.e. cyclobolic u(0)* velocity): the YUGHUR::PHANTOM process would consist of the conversion of expansive u_objects or compounds, closing it out _ commutes forward .. then pushing an inversion back to a point in the interior radius where one could tie off the flow via a (00-flux): the residual then gets pushed into the op. point_waves cell: the froth functions as an isomorph on reverberation: y2: '(y_ch.) claimed the whole thing was simply a recording of här complaining abut the mini-carnations: I didn't believe här until it was too late, but now it is so clear: they were communing with här from other worlds: seeding här with the imposition of här own immolation: there hä was, in the cockpit of the hypership, as it filled with the clear acrylic fluid, looking back at me for that one moment with those eyes which would always grow big .. then narrow in implied threat .. ultimate vulnerability at one .. the same time: hä promised me hä would come to me before the final turning over, would pass on one final goodbye: instead hä left mid-stream, with conversations unfinished: (y_ch.) claimed that in the whispered murmurs of the mini-carnations were mysteries uncovered, that it all became clear to här, but hä would refuse to acknowledge or accept their proposed outcomes: hä would rant .. rave at them in furies, or, at other times, tilt här head back with eyes withdrawn .. whisper back at them their own pliant illusions: the last time I saw här was in the city of (00), in one of its white plastic modular megastructures along the crystal clear water of the marsh full of white protein-growths: hä found respite there, for a time: I only found out later whose comm.s hä was frequenting there, the dark processes they were re-introducing här to: we spent many days then out on the outcropping looking over the marshlands, drinking tea .. continuing old conversations: in hindsight this was här foreshadowing här departure: when I left hä was with y_ii., trying to fix här yurisuit: hä had set up little bouquets in still water: här hand was on här shoulder, already engrossed in repairs, but hä lookeded back, as if confused, eyes turned upward, searching for something forgotten before resting on me for just a moment in surprised recognition: then hä turned back .. I was gone: that was the last I saw of här')." 00. (00_00)(00)(MONOGURUI)(00_00)(00_00)(ii): "((00_00))."(00_00)(MONOGURUI: y_ueghuru(ii)(00_00)(ch.))(ii))((00))(00)(00) (00_00)(00) y_ueghuru(ii)(00_00)(ch.)((00_00)(00_00))(ii): "(YAMAUEREDA planned for a future where nomadism was integrated into the urban planning process, such that megacities could support flows in .. out of modular community units via high reverb agriculture .. cycloextended supply chains .. proto-phasm flows: the monadic foundation for these units being tied to u_objects indices formed off of an array of proto-phasm concrescences .. catallactic *production, as opposed to the regional property dependent chrema of dominant municipalities: u_ejento rejected the hypothesis of complete convergence to all points .. regions of phase space, arguing for the importance .. viability of closed flow units .. replicability of temporal spaces): ((00_00)(00_00)(00_00)(00_00) the monadic phase was interpreted as a force pulling *production into the future via the inward onrush of future proto-phasm)." 00. (00_00)(00)(MONOGURUI)(00_00)(00_00)(ii): "((00_00))." (00_00)(MONOGURUI: y_ueghuru(ii)(00_00)(ch.))(ii))((00))(00)(00) (00_00)(00) y_ueghuru(ii)(00_00)(ch.)((00_00)(00_00))(ii): "(growths would push up around u_flow tie-offs, providing curve-rich propagation for the regional mega-commuting domain: the intuitive part of success in the compounds functioned largely off of the ability on the part of participants to recognize .. determine these movements more quickly than others: y-morphs were closely watched for this purpose by advanced analysts: u pushed inward from ___0 to ____ following the (0_0) .. the close of the pinned velocity mapping that effectively embodied closed curves: following ____ it began to push upward again before the implementation of YAMAUEREDA imposed the prolonged .. (great) contraction pushing u down to ultimately nearly ½-ed levels): ((00_00)(00_00) (00_00) once one has accepted a model based on proto-phasm processes one can push into multiple channels to manage .. promote distortions of the relations between different classes of proto-phasm instruments)."

00. (00_00)(00)(MONOGURUI)(00_00)(00_00)(ii): "(the six mega_phurgur behind the huge thick glass wall: six white metal turbines spin behind glass coverings, reaching deep behind them into channels that push into the mountain: hä mouths the cold air uncomfortably: crystal formations .. metal outcroppings inset with dim white effervescent lights are latched on to the interior, encroaching on the tight space along with three metal coolant units: the u_pulse units pushed out currents beyond their regional limits via a double-inversion process): (yumi(no)gosuto): (shimmering image over the u_projection field) (00::00) 'the object-giving(dator) becomes a form of ur-consciousness: there was a shift in how consciousness itself was conceived, such that it ceased to be a question of how consciousness is bullt up to emerge from non-consciousness .. becomes one centered on notions of supervaluation, such that consciousness is conceived as a filter, reducing the immanent flows of consciousness to a form which is minimal enough to be managed .. controlled by a finite mechanism: the distinct formation of images is reduced to that which the body can hold psychically without confusion .. distortion, a function of the evolved ability to disentangle oneself from the massive collapsing whole of one's environment: consciousness becomes in large part the ability to map out a distinct u_space unmixed with other overlapping u_spaces: failure to achive these forms of distinct clarity are that which monogurui consists of, states in which u_objects cease to determine themselve .. instead become effects of the u_objects around them: the hachibushu took these as guiding principles .. formed them as a disciplined methodology: they represented the most powerful .. vigorous of the mathematicians of the institute of the defense, bound together by a common belief that the previous disordered attempts at nirvana would not truly take hold until unified programmatically: their plan made use primarily of a mathematical structure invented by (00_00), referred to as the monadic currents: monads are sub-atomic mathematical points .. their currents are defined by mathematical series accurately portraying cause-effect relationships at the most minute level: the design of the u_pulse current was such that it's mirroring would overtake its outer spectral form .. it would collapse upon itself: to counteract this tendency u_ejento propulgated wave forms which would invert, such that the spectral form would turn in on .. collapse the mirroring: in turn, this would be inverted .. projected outward: y_ueghuru(ii)(00_00)(ch.) heard, in whispered undertones, här echoed voice, reverberating through each of these six channels in a pulsing push upward'): (.. as y_ueghuru(ii)(00_00)(ch.) sat dreaming in the miryo greenhouse, a dark ghost had come .. whispered in här ear)."(00_00)(MONOGURUI: y_ueghuru(ii)(00_00)(ch.))(ii))((00))(00)(00) (00_00)(00) y_ueghuru(ii)(00_00)(ch.)((00_00)(00_00))(ii): "(YAMAUEREDA planned for the pushing down of c-pulse velocities while pushing up the velocities on expansive y_ghost ../or agency compounds): (the convex hull of a set U inverts back on itself .. closes off in a time symmetric framework, such that a properly constructed goryo is always self-pushed: the intersections of all convex sets that form U correspond to points on a u_ejento's mapping where new u_objects positions can be formed .. tied down: the inversion of each of these is the converse position (I.e. micro vs. macro): the u_ejento's counterposition is always här future (or past) self: the mighu .. the y_ueda institutions were formed by collections of urakuomori to allow for formations of goryo positions pushed by organism commerce compounds): (00_00)(00_00) (00_00) (00_00)(00_00) (00_00) (00_00)(00_00) (00_00) (00_00)(00_00) (00_00) (00_00)(00_00) (00_00) (00_00)(00_00) (00_00))." 00. (00_00)(00)(MONOGURUI)(00_00)(00_00)(ii): "((00_00))." ((00)(00_) (00_00)(00) y_ueghuru(ii)(00_00)(ch.)(00_00)(the YUGHUR::PHANTOM)(ii): "(the reverb on these was pushed into point-form in the cyclostructure .. phasm properties of the megacities which dominated the sub-atomic regions of the myghori_ch.:(0_0) region at this time: YAMAUEREDA would push out proto-phasm .. pull it back in on the basis of _ concentric circles: a process of akrasia permeated: if one looks upstream at the compounds cell floating on these u_plots, what, then, is the mountain, providing the source of the flow –)."

(00_00)(MONOGURUI: ミフマン(ii)(ii)((00))(00)(00) (00_00)(00) ミフマン(ii)((00_00)(00_00))(ii): 「(ハーの眉は幾分収縮していた..眉をひそめた:ハーは確かに生命のない蝋人形のように見えた.ハーは約3分間ハーの上に立っていた.ハーの息をほとんど止めていた..突然ハーは恐怖に襲われた.ハーはつま先立ちした. 戸口に立ち止まり、急いでヘールに十字架の印をつけ、.. 気づかれずに退却し、新たな抑圧を.. ハーの心に新たな苦悩を感じた:彼は長い間、1時間以上、.. 硬直したポーズ: ひきつった顔の筋肉ではなく、全身にかすかな動きはありませんでした.. 眉はまだ同じように引き締まっていて、禁じられた眉をひそめていました: kufre_UOTO があと 3 分間残っていたら、息苦しさを我慢できなかったでしょう。 この動かない無気力がハーで引き起こされ、.. ハーを目覚めさせただろう:しかし、ハーは突然ハーの目を開け、.. 10分間、以前と同じように動かずに座って、しつこく見つめていた.. 部屋の中に目新しいものや印象的なものは何もなかったのに、部屋の隅にある物体にぶつかった. しかし、ほぼ同時に、もう一方のドアが開いて、.. 女形が、(00_00) 入ってきました: 「10:30」と、小声でアナウンスしました: mighu-man(i)(00_00)(ii) 金属製のテーブル、テキスト メッセージを入力し、.. iphone を元に戻し、ブロック チェアから立ち上がった: 軽い半透明のゴム製のボディー スーツを着ていることに気づき、少し考えて、.. 女形にヘーを持ってくるように言った. フード付きの白いフェイクファーの隙間のあるオーバースーツ: とうとう着替えを済ませると.. フードをかぶり、här u_ejento が部屋に入ってきたドアに鍵をかけ、iphone を手に取り、.. 何も言わずに中に入った. (00_00)(モノグルイ:ミフマン(ii)(ii)((00))(00)(00) (00_00)(00)ミフマン(ii)( (00_00)(00_00))(ii): "(f 廊下から奥の階段の狭い金属製の階段を下り、まっすぐ庭に通じる通路に出た:角には透明なゴムのポンチョが掛けられていた:mighu-man(ii)(00_00) 何も言わずに冷たい白い部屋に入った 灯りがともった温室の庭は不気味に空っぽだった: 風がうなり声をあげていた.. 透明なプラスチックの天井をたたきつけていた. 金属製の細い土手道は湿っていた.. 滑りやすい: (00_00) そのまま歩いていた. 、黒いゴムのボディスーツで:「私たちは気づかれませんか?」mighu-man(i)(00_00)(ii) は突然尋ねました:「窓からではありません: それに、私はすでにすべてを見ました」と女形は答えました 静かな..測定されたトーン:「私のu_ejentoは引退しましたか?」:「閣下は、ここ数日行ったように、9時に自分自身を閉じ込めました..何かを知る可能性はありません:私は何時ですか? あなたの名誉を期待するには? 心の中で知っていたように、彼らは白い金属製の囲いにたどり着きました..そこの最も遠い隅に小さなメンテナンスドアがあり、それは狭い..空のサービスチャネルに通じていました..常にロックされていました: (00_00) パスキーを持っていた: ドアのロックを解除すると、ミフマンにキーが渡されました(i)(00_00)(ii): ここの人々、特に深海の底、特に水路の向こうにいる人々は、再び警告を発することに抵抗できませんでした: hä は重要な女形であり、mighu-man にとって御料のようでした(i)(00_00)(ii ): hä は墓だった.. 文化批判の談話を聞くのが好きだった穏やかなメカ.. 超越哲学について話し合う: 「心配しないでください, (00_00)」).」(00_00)(MONOGURUI: mighu-man(ii )(ii)((00))(00)(00) (00_00)(00) ミフマン(ii)((00_00)(00_00))(ii): 「(「神のご加護がありますように。 あなたの正義の事業でのみ': '何?' 言った mighu-man(i)(00_00)(ii), st 狭い廊下で手短に立ち向かう: (00_00) ハーの言葉を断固として繰り返した: ハはハーの主人の前でこんな言葉で自分自身を表現するのは初めてだった: mighu-man(i)(00_00)(ii) ドアに鍵をかけ、鍵を置いた här のポケットに入って、.. 廊下を横切り、黒いゴム製のスリッパが一歩ごとに金属を鳴らしていた: hä は、長い人けのない奥の通路についに出てきた: här の手の 5 本の指のように山上田を知っていたが、här の目的地は長かった 帰り道: 10 時過ぎ、ミグマン (ii) が所有していた暗い不吉なアパートの鍵のかかった金属製のドアの前で、ようやく立ち止まった。 . 窓は白いプラスチックのはめ込みで覆われていましたが、2 階の mighu-man(ii) の部屋から白い電気の光が差し込んでいました: リンガーがなかったので、金属製のドアを手で叩き始めました: 窓が開いていた.. mighu-man(ii) は廊下をのぞきました: ひどく暗かったです.. わかりにくかったです)."