(THE (0__)((00)(00_) (00_00)(00) y_ueghuru(ii)(00_00)(ch.)(00_00)(the YUGHUR::PHANTOM)(ii): "(the increase of material proto-phasm from u_._ (00) to u_0._ (00) in this period was a reflection of its being interwoven with the (00_00) cell: the mega_phurgur were an alien race that had centuries previously come into contact with the urakuomori: their whitish biomorphic bodies emerged as cancerous growths from gaps in u_pulse flows): (spanning from _ to _0 meters, with fine cilia over bulbous flesh that would flow periodically as if from a powerful unseen force): (the futures .. associated u_objects compounds are, in their essence, a mapping of ejento' beliefs in the convergence of observed frequencies): (expansionary models rely heavily on pushing this mapping into a probabilistic framework, as attempts based on more mechanist, positivist conceptual underpinnings go nowhere: (00_00)(00_00))."(00_00)(MONOGURUI: y_ueghuru(ii)(00_00)(ch.))(ii))((00))(00)(00) (00_00)(00) y_ueghuru(ii)(00_00)(ch.)((00_00)(00_00))(ii): "(a mega_phurgur bay, in the large front window of which were exposed 6 mega_phurgur in semi-opaque fissured ice: the mega_phurgur, on occasion, would choose to settle in with the urakuomori, usually for a period of a few periods or so)." ((00)(00_) (00_00)(00) y_ueghuru(ii)(00_00)(ch.)(00_00)(the YUGHUR::PHANTOM)(ii): "(the contradictions that arise in a mechanist framework are contained by the finite compound present tense: whereas their resolutions lie in regions of u_space spread out over a time range: the idea of (00_u_iiii) entropic performance in the _0s as evidence of a failure of hypermonic processes to produce sustained productive growth rests on ignoring the fact that half the commutes were spent re-binding, with proto-phasm mass growth dipping at the beginning, middle, .. then again at the end: the contradictions in the results are hardly unreflected in the invisible motivations at the time, as the core was pushed up .. down in indecisive schizo fashion until a sort of 'discipline' was instilled with the CHSGR regime): (fuyo(no)GOSUTO: _ bold black marks under här eyes: military collapse functions as a factor of proto-phasm flows): (.. there were several huge ice bays constructed in YAMAUEREDA): (200 *. by 50m., containing solid ice in thick glass walls)." (00_00)(MONOGURUI: y_ueghuru(ii)(00_00)(ch.))(ii))((00))(00)(00) (00_00)(00) y_ueghuru(ii)(00_00)(ch.)((00_00)(00_00))(ii): "(into which the mega_phurgur would push their white bulbous flesh through u_pulse currents: they were able to communicate with the urakuomori who cared to via a method of control of acoustic waves, such that their 'voice' would emerge as waves directly in the ears of the recipient/s: the effect was disconcerting, as if the voice was coming from one's own head, .. with a somewhat hollow, metallic tone, but allowed for a relatively comfortable exchange of communication: their interest in urakuomori affairs was of mildly piqued interest, .. they were able to pass on only vague suggestions of their own concerns, though not so much from discretion as from rather innate limitations in generating a comprehensive understanding)." (THE (0_0)((00)(00_) (00_00)(00) y_ueghuru(ii)(00_00)(ch.)(00_00)(the YUGHUR::PHANTOM)(ii): "(such that as they slow or are cut off pressures build up for militarization .. regimes of force: the (00_00) monad::war provided an experimental-like basis for comparison of divergent proto-phasm structures for military-political equilibrium, with the (0_0) on one end of the spectrum .. the implicit proto-phasm implosion architecture of the post-(0_0) regime on the other: psychological misformations on the micro level functioned off of these overpowering mirrored movements on the macro: u_points, as possibilities of system deterioration, function probabilistically as flow control, with identity relationships converging on completeness providing push/pull forces: the u_ejento treated, in their planning derivations, u_pulse as an inversion indexed to cyclo-intension with a term structure with a 0 flux convergence based on the probabilistic return to equilibrium)." 00. (00_00)(00)(MONOGURUI)(00_00)(00_00)(ii): "(y_ueghuru(ii)(00_00)(ch.) was fond of spending time with them, though hä knew little of them)."(00_00)(MONOGURUI: y_ueghuru(ii)(00_00)(ch.))(ii))((00))(00)(00) (00_00)(00) y_ueghuru(ii)(00_00)(ch.)((00_00)(00_00))(ii): "((00_00))." ((00)(00_) (00_00)(00) y_ueghuru(ii)(00_00)(ch.)(00_00)(the YUGHUR::PHANTOM)(ii): "(such that the expansive value of the c-inversion could be expected to fluctuate around that of a given deictic moment: their analysts plugged in proto-phasm processes for invisible processes, .. thought of u theory, at least functionally, as reverb theory, such that cyclo-intension points mapped to their projections were functions of the expanding or restricting of the monadic phase: in ____ urakuomori ejento partnered with the agriculturist(0_0)(ii) to develop their irrigation projects for u filtering, serving as early (00_00) prototypes: over the following ___ commutes this model of hybrid u-filtration-like structure propagation the buildup of irrigation cyclostructure for u_pulse flow control purposes): (alongside the buildup of agricultural .. then residential/phasm development pushed forward urbanization .. desakotification, with the urakuomori becoming active in (ch.), in particular, following the wars): (wearing clear semi-opaque poncho with hood .. black rubber straps pushing its folds down against här body .. against the bumps of här white acrylic chrome studded clothes in awkward agglomerations)." (THE (0__)((00)(00_) (00_00)(00) y_ueghuru(ii)(00_00)(ch.)(00_00)(the YUGHUR::PHANTOM)(ii): "(their mappings treated cyclo-intension as reverse-co-emergence .. vice-versa, constructing a statistical mechanics of proto-phasm, with these concepts in parallel roles to neg-information .. **information)."(00_00)(MONOGURUI: y_ueghuru(ii)(00_00)(ch.))(ii))((00))(00)(00) (00_00)(00) y_ueghuru(ii)(00_00)(ch.)((00_00)(00_00))(ii): "(for the implementation of the time-symmetric op.flux framework that underpinned the u_objects cell): (math farms put into place within the phasm development lining the (ch.) canal projects pushed forward the cultivation of the probabilistic mathematics that formed the mechanical interworkings .. processes of the systems at work)." 00. (00_00)(00)(MONOGURUI)(00_00)(00_00)(ii): "((00_00))." ((00)(00_) (00_00)(00) y_ueghuru(ii)(00_00)(ch.)(00_00)(the YUGHUR::PHANTOM)(ii): "(passageways, .. egress corridors overlooking vast underground expanses of budding mini urban growth .. development): (looking over vast rows of clone hybrid poplar dogwood saplings)." 00. (00_00)(00)(MONOGURUI)(00_00)(00_00)(ii): "((00_00))."(00_00)(MONOGURUI: y_ueghuru(ii)(00_00)(ch.))(ii))((00))(00)(00) (00_00)(00) y_ueghuru(ii)(00_00)(ch.)((00_00)(00_00))(ii): "((00_00))." ((00)(00_) (00_00)(00) y_ueghuru(ii)(00_00)(ch.)(00_00)(the YUGHUR::PHANTOM)(ii): "(a mega_phurgur bay, in the large front window of which were exposed _ mega_phurgur in semi-opaque fissured ice: the mega_phurgur, on occasion, would choose to settle in with the urakuomori, usually for a period of a few periods or so): (a huge expansive white light)."
00. (00_00)(00)(MONOGURUI)(00_00)(00_00)(ii): "((0_0))." ((00)(00_) (00_00)(00) y_ueghuru(ii)(00_00)(ch.)(00_00)(the YUGHUR::PHANTOM)(ii): "(y_ueghuru(ii)(00_00)(ch.) was fond of spending time with them, though hä knew little of them, having spent little time in YAMAUEREDA until recently): (much of the u_ejento' conceptual foundations was based on a somewhat phenomenological reversal of causation suggested by conventional monadics, while accepting correlation of the given relationships, prioritizing productive forces over representational, particularly where forces could be empirically observed to be under the influence of ugartë made movements: (00_00) (00_00) (00_00) (00_00))."(00_00)(MONOGURUI: y_ueghuru(ii)(00_00)(ch.))(ii))((00))(00)(00) (00_00)(00) y_ueghuru(ii)(00_00)(ch.)((00_00)(00_00))(ii): "((00_00)(00_00) (00_00)(00_00))." 00. (00_00)(00)(MONOGURUI)(00_00)(00_00)(ii): "(an instant of deepest understanding, overflowing with unbounded perfection'): (for the mega_funj the process of metamorphosis was one of complete implosion, point by point, of one's material body: each equation rewritten to reflect the effect of each wave such that the jump in the characteristic variable placed one precisely in the cross-mapping of the temporal fold desired: they used to travel along the rivers in the guise of yose performers: this was the cheap trick that they all yearned for)." ((00)(00_) (00_00)(00) y_ueghuru(ii)(00_00)(ch.)(00_00)(the YUGHUR::PHANTOM)(ii): "(so, for example, where an increase u-reverb might be suggested by observers to represent an increased accommodation on the part of ejento for future growth, u_ejento suggested that the u_pulse was itself pushing growth forward as a propagated force, .. commented on the observed correlation between an expansion of expansive proto-phasm volume with such an effect as evidence for its being, at least theoretically, manageable: values of mathematical entities were marked according to gift .. counter-gift, following yumi(no)gosuto's methods, such that the idea of value in the absence of movement was spurned: buildups in contorted invisible growths .. restraint in the aftermath of the * would produce abnormal waves with tails overtaking their heads)."(00_00)(MONOGURUI: y_ueghuru(ii)(00_00)(ch.))(ii))((00))(00)(00) (00_00)(00) y_ueghuru(ii)(00_00)(ch.)((00_00)(00_00))(ii): "(u_ejento imagined a future-nomad culture based on the cultivation of irrigation, proto-phasm, information, .. *production flows)." 00. (00_00)(00)(MONOGURUI)(00_00)(00_00)(ii): "((0_0))." ((00)(00_) (00_00)(00) y_ueghuru(ii)(00_00)(ch.)(00_00)(ii): "(they considered the multiple indicators for quality of life misleading .. felt certain that the one factor of the child mortality rate dominated all the others): ((00_00) (00_00)y_ueghuru(ii)(00_00)(ch.), in (00_00), had undergone the process of clipping, but something had gone wrong: här doctor had foregone the usual proper channels for the physiological procedure, for reasons that at the time were unclear, .. had conducted the operation härself, using equipment secured from informal sources: in effect, the process of clipping consists of the insertion into the brain of six tiny robotic mechanisms that were intended to divert the reverb associated with the urakuomori 's powers of invisibility .. u_space folding)."(00_00)(MONOGURUI: y_ueghuru(ii)(00_00)(ch.))(ii))((00))(00)(00) (00_00)(00) y_ueghuru(ii)(00_00)(ch.)((00_00)(00_00))(ii): "(Its implementation was intended to occur in a program of 5 stages, marked by the bringing into greater control the direction of the u_pulse currents: few u_ejento even vaguely guessed the potential for this development, underestimating the extent to which positive feedback flutter would act as an almost unbounded force for the distribution of power once these array-mappings became self-generative: hyper-madhyamaka took the form of an array-index against growth processes of all types forming a conceptual map of all material or immaterial *production: anything that could be packaged as information was brought into this fold, with complexity of replication driving a premium, such that highly theoretical .. abstract mathematical objects developed as a new breed of u_force): (a binding-points regression puts given u-points over a wrapping of an under-materialized form: in the cyclo-op. machine two cylinders rotate conversely to one another at hyper-velocities, generating a white orb of u_force: the imcr(-cr)(00) looks over it with growing concern: här white rubber ghost-equipage binds här body tightly up to här uncovered head with two black braids running up the middle: här eyes glower over the emerging form: mykita(i) grabs här upper arms from behind, in matching white rubber ghost-equipage .. white 3-mini-bunched hair, clinging to här .. turning away: (-cr)(00) leans in palming the two metal spheres, held out just forward from här body, allowing them to draw in portions of the radiating flux: a white mist begins to form in the room: mykita(i), shivering slightly: 'we have to go': the white orb is the merging of the recognition of the one proto-phasm as the observed form of its own counter-perspective, as observer .. observed, as such it conceives of itself as an object in space which it can interact with: this implosive, un-closed process distorts the contingent flows of the two proto-phasm forces, making of them a fuzzy space of indeterminancy just outside the reach of contingent y-continuum: monotonicity of the monadic forms invert .. countermand received protocols .. commited forms: mykita(i) pulls back, här eyes widening in horror: the two white spheres in (-cr)(00)'s hands begin to glow with white light: (-cr)(00): 'go': mykita(i) backs up over the white dimpled rubber floor, feeling här way against the large metal containment-units at här side until hä reaches the white plastic frame of the doorway, at which point hä turns .. breaks into a mad run down the dimly lit white plastic corridor: a loud, pulsing sound slowly emerges from the departed enclosure, following här through the close interior space: at the end of the corridor hä reaches a clear plastic double-door which opens for här to allow här into a greenhouse space covered over with white rubber tenting filtering bright light: hä runs through its little walkway, brushing against the leaves of vegetation floating in channels of clear water at mid-body: the pulsing becomes louder as här pace becomes more desparate: här low eyes reach out before här, .. här mouth opens slightly: här 3-mini-bunched white hair bounces as hä runs): (doubled informational material, in its form as y_flux, would vary in value according to a flux determined by its relationship ot the value of merge-form c-pulse, with which it was in competition: as the volume of merge-form proto-phasm relative to proto-phasm experienced cyclo-expansion its potency dropped, pushing the volume of unbound residuals up: YAMAUEREDA developed multiple series of hybrid u-agency-00-ueghurama-residential concrescences as seedings for community development, offered as self-propagation packages to any .. all municipalities interested, mapped by u-forms indexed to future channels, with merge-form compounds binding the offset coordinates: these new info-material forms were pushed through (00_00)(ii) channels to produce cyclo-dense crystals, housed in (0_0) in deep cold chambers as backing for their distributed goryos: their uncanny properties were such that one could touch .. feel them like any other material object, though temporally their existence was founded hundreds of commutes in the future: these would gradually be replaced by the white fleshy forms of phurgur protein-conglomerations): (the controls inserted into y_ueghuru(ii)(00_00)(ch.)'s body, however, were defective)." 00. (00_00)(00)(MONOGURUI)(00_00)(00_00)(ii): "(the intertwining of the abstract theoretical .. polymer-plasma multiradial versions of pilot objects, or the analysis of the interwoven conceptual space between objects .. their representations as ghost-matter)."((00)(00_) (00_00)(00) y_ueghuru(ii)(00_00)(ch.)(00_00)(the YUGHUR::PHANTOM)(ii): "(appeared to allow for mysterious .. unexpected reverb blowbacks .. undercurrents, coinciding with abnormal protein conglomeration growths): (hä was sitting in the miryo greenhouse on a steel modular mini-dais overlooking rows of hydroponic stacked hybrid bamboo/poplar saplings): ((00_00) (00_00) (00_00)(00_00) by the (00_00) most urakuomori had closed off, .. the little activity ongoing was concentrated in backflows: u_ejento were resettling into new roles, .. a new kind of integrated program was being cultivated amongst them, one which could harness their powers collectively into a role subsumed into the dominant enclaves .. piggybacking off of their stasis rather than working against them)."
(00_00)(ものぐるい:ヤメグル(ii)(00_00)(ch.))(ii))((00))(00)(00) (00_00)(00)ヤメグル(ii)(00_00)(ch.) ((00_00)(00_00))(ii): 「(計画全体はスピード次第でした。2 年間の期間中に支配権を主張するか、潰されるかのどちらかでした。統計モデリングに関する灌漑の非線形性には、 _0% の範囲から _% の範囲への確実性ガイドラインの再調整 (_0 の場合、_0% の確実性がモデルに何か問題がある): (黒い輪郭の透明なゴム製御料スーツ..黒い YAMAUEREDA のロゴ 白い下着 .. 黒いゴム ½ マスク: hä はもう少し (00_00) を här の唇に押し付けます: これらの問題に関心のある人、少なくとも、流れを測定するためのより細かい器具のいくつかを操作していた人 二次変動が表面化する可能性がある場所ならどこでも、あらゆる場所で二次変動に密接に焦点を当てていました: 今までにシステム全体に十分な重みがもたらされていました: あなたは本当に何でも測定することができました つまり、胚の形態を調べて混乱の証拠を見つけることができますが、ユーティリティデータ、農場の収量、または液体の消費を見ることができます .. 振り返ってみると、同じ混乱が発生しています: この時点で御料の流れがシステムに浸透していました.. ゼロ以外は皆の口にありました): (00_00)(モノグルイ: ヤメグル(ii))(エピソード 05: オン här 家に帰る pideyuki は här の寝室のドアを閉める.. 鏡に映る här の顔をじっと見つめる: phideyuki: (囁き声) 「それはあなたをコントロールできない」: här は här の心に触れ、här の中で鼓動するのを感じます här: 邪魔されて här から目をそらします.. 遠く離れたイメージ、hä は巨大なコンクリート住宅の窓に面した här 金属製の作業机に座っています。明るい..露頭するテラスの恐ろしい平和なイメージ、その小さなプール..その端に並ぶ静かなゆがんだ茂みの枝、..a すべての上に立っている小さなハナミズキの木."(00_00)(モノグルイ:ヤメグ フル(ii)(00_00)(ch.))(ii))((00))(00)(00) (00_00)(00) ヤメグル(ii)(00_00)(ch.)((00_00)(00_00 ))(ii): "(hä opens '(00_00) .. (00_00)' .. 読書を再開し、ヤメグル(ii)の招かれざる非難の侵入イメージを押し戻そうとする: '… …'): (または 繰り返しますが、言い換えると、U.o が C.o と正確に等しくないことは認められていますが、残差ベクトル r= U.o - C.o を使用して、C が与えられた固有値にどれだけ近いかを推定できます..これから残響の感覚を得ることができます すべてを吹き飛ばす: 楽器として、それは変動を必要とする.. 設定した境界を超えて吹き飛ばさないように、十分にタイトな残響内で補正する: 仕事が行われるのは、残響の境界内のこの動きであることが判明した: 密度 u = u(x,t) .. 流束 f = f(u) の保存量があると仮定する: つまり、流束のみに影響される保存量があると仮定する: さらに、 フラックスは純粋に保存量の関数です: densi このシナリオでは、ty は残響と密接に絡み合った関係であり、u は御料を調整するプロパティです。灰色のアクリル製のマルチギャップ ドレスを着た御料: 御料は、ポイントを展開またはポイント マッピングする機会で構造化されています。 -form over time)."(00_00)(モノグル: ヤメグル(ii)(00_00)(ch.))(ii))((00))(00)(00) (00_00)(00) ヤメグル(ii) (00_00)(ch.)((00_00)(00_00))(ii): 「(本質的に残響のあるオプション: ポイントフォームを放棄するオプションが存在する場合、ポイントフォームがまだ残っている限り) 場所 .. 放棄されず、u_pulse フローの形で「反響」し続けます。このフローは、最初の決定的なポイントに戻すことができます。この逆流は、操作が注目すべき生産を確認する場所であり、基本的に neg に対するフィルターとして機能します。 -u_pulse (0_0) モデルがリアル オプションに固有の固有値効力の近似値を与える限り、ここで、ゴリョーの合同は U から 0*U:R への変換であり、ここで U は要素です。 R が非特異的であると仮定されているが、必ずしも単一であるとは限らない、特定の空間の 窓のカーテンの隙間からのハーの顔.. ハーゴリョーの u マッピングの特定のギャップに関して、ハーに忍び寄る一種のヒステリックな懸念があります: ハーにとって神秘的になっている何か.. ハーの心を掴んでいるかのように 隠されたパターンがそこで見えるようになる: 与えられた u_pulse レベルへのキャリブレーションを使用して、特定の時点にマッピングする: ここでのアクションの主要なエンジンを形成するのは遠心力の破壊であり、御料は反射前の反転を表す プロパティ (.. それらは事前反映のレベルで反転する必要があります – これは明らかです – この時点を過ぎて事後反映の段階に移ると、作業中の操作は既にその不可逆的な c に転記されているためです。)."