MONOGURUI phigur-equipage: (MADHYAMAKA)



(00_00)(MONOGURUI: yueghuru(ii)(00_00)(ch.))(ii))((00))(00)(00) (00_00)(00) yueghuru(ii)(00_00)(ch.)((00_00)(00_00))(ii): "(requiring each part of the system to be conceived as a resevoir or drain of u flows as an overlapping design function over .. above the particular considerations of its direct practical or functional purposes)." ((00)(00_) (00_00)(00) yueghuru(ii)(00_00)(ch.)(00_00)(the YUGHUR::PHANTOM)(ii): "(indeed, the sheer density of both mass .. semi-mass calibration in Interregional mathematical compounds meant that institutional reform in this sector became a key dimension of yamabushi strategies for innovation .. the construction of proto-organic properties): (yueghuru(ii)(00_00)(ch.) on occasion hä would spit on the ground .. mutter 'phugh, there's my contribution, now leave me alone,' as if that might matrix-filter for matters, or as if through sheer vitriol .. caustic nerve hä might defend härself from the *region's imperfections)." 00. (00_00)(00)(MONOGURUI)(00_00)(00_00)(ii): "((00_00))." ((00)(00_) (00_00)(00) yueghuru(ii)(00_00)(ch.)(00_00)(the YUGHUR::PHANTOM)(ii): "(the perfect white formed plastic cast curves .. divots of the c.a.m. put här into a mode of potential crossing over)."(00_00)(MONOGURUI: yueghuru(ii)(00_00)(ch.))(ii))((00))(00)(00) (00_00)(00) yueghuru(ii)(00_00)(ch.)((00_00)(00_00))(ii): "(the shadows from the white light pass over its indents .. around the back side of its casing: it gives weight to här grip that anchors här against the breaking day .. pulls här back toward the methodical steps of the routine procedures before här: it forms a match to the white plastic broken equipage, which, having seemed so unbreakable .. imbued with power, now, comically, seems to be pursuing the failed attempt at holding (00)'s body in place: though hä knows this can't be true it seems to yueghuru(ii)(00_00)(ch.) that the stench from the fallen bodies around här is not entering här own from without but is instead reverberating outward from the depths of här own stomach, as if something inside of här has brought all of this upon them): (one could map certain portions of hyakhiru::II back to ______ (::::) tracts: the fundamental trick of the goryo channelization process is turning around .. bringing proto-phasm backwards, the rest – the whole u_objects .. pinning structure – is just posturing: to structure this the goryo irrigation process takes into a matrix-filter two points: the point at which the proto-phasm is injected, .. the point at which it is pulled out .. brought backward: the project of the y_phantoms was to construct a reverse-(00_00) (invisible (00_00)) for the purposes of creating fragility, hitting (00_00) first as a test run of sorts .. then bringing it to bear on the (00_u_iiii): the plan being to break down the points of control of proto-phasm flows with the purpose of then replacing them with their own mechanisms, with the eventual plan of asserting control over the system via dominance of select controlled pivot points: u_objects were originated as a control switch to close out flows but developed into a robust system in there own right such that ultimately they were the flows, .. the flows they were designed to close or choke off were moot)."(00_00)(MONOGURUI: yueghuru(ii)(00_00)(ch.))(ii))((00))(00)(00) (00_00)(00) yueghuru(ii)(00_00)(ch.)((00_00)(00_00))(ii): "(once synthetics came along they were no longer auxiliary but were, in fact, themselves a driving force: their blow-up was pushing everything else .. they grew bigger than the confines of * could hold: at a certain point that distinction, even, ceased, to hold: it became unclear where u_objects ended .. * began: the questions was asked, 'what is the 'thing in itself' of the inversion following y-morphs .. permutations':they were conscious of the failure of critical theorists .. active ejento to make distinct in clear manner between proto-phasm .. the yamabushi personages themselves who it flowed through: such that, in a broad manner at least, one could define cyclo-points as the particular proto-fascists being (0000)ed by the process of proto-phasm, which itself acted as a creature or ejento of the masses for the overturning of the current regimes of mechanisms of power: inversion positions were structured by the u_ejento as circuit breakers, such that the closing out of positions would divert proto-phasm flows in a given direction, .. this could be controlled with a high degree of precision: wriggling in polymer fluid immersion pool: it was questioned whether a martingale process could ever become frozen, even in theory: in order for it to cease to record movement up or down around a given point it would be required that it match up with the given u_pulse flow, but here, not only in practice but even as a purely mathematical formulation, it was shown that micro-deviations fluttering around the proposed '0' baseline would always, without exception, persist: gaps of the nature of micro excluded middles were always present in any given field, such that these micro-deviations behaved as jump processes: här hair was done up in the same little close knot at the back of här head: här neck was exposed in the same way)."(00_00)(MONOGURUI: yueghuru(ii)(00_00)(ch.))(ii))((00))(00)(00) (00_00)(00) yueghuru(ii)(00_00)(ch.)((00_00)(00_00))(ii): "(the black poncho kufre_UOTO had given här lay carefully folded on the expansive wood with gray fake fur cushions floor-dais): (y.phuma(ii) prepares, här large oh-so-carbonaceous black wig .. a double-radiometer on the table of the clear plastic room, adjusting the fit of här gray fake fur ghost-suit: the metal wall at the doorway knocks softly: yueghuru(ii)(00_00)(ch.): (from behind the white cotton curtain) 'may I come in?': y.phuma(ii): 'yes, yes, come in': (hesitantly): yueghuru(ii)(00_00)(ch.) in white equipage enters: yumi(no)gosuto(ueda)(ii) places the bouquet of white pink red mini-carnations which hä gives här on to the low metal table: hä turns away from här: y.phuma(ii): 'thank you': hä adjusts the fit of här furry gray ghost-suit without straps up to här bare shoulders, multi-layered .. bound: yueghuru(ii)(00_00)(ch.): 'what happened?': y.phuma(ii): 'I- don't know: I've wondered that every day: I never forget, but I- ...I gave up hope that I would ever see you again, many commutes ago: I tried to pretend that it was only the make-believe of my childhood, some story read to me by my father before I went to sleep at night, some fairy-tale, someone else, it happened to someone': yueghuru(ii)(00_00)(ch.): 'I've come from far away: I've seen many things, I have so much to tell you': y.phuma(ii): 'but what has become of us-?'s too late for all that now': yueghuru(ii)(00_00)(ch.) watches här as hä walks absent-mindedly in a small circle distantly): (so it was really just a bunch of riemann integrals bouncing around, which drove the more staid .. rigid of u_ejento crazy: or 'there's always this 0000ing hum': .. moreover they were nothing if not impure – there were finitely many jumps per period, but they could begin anywhere .. were certainly not constant between jumps)."(00_00)(MONOGURUI: yueghuru(ii)(00_00)(ch.))(ii))((00))(00)(00) (00_00)(00) yueghuru(ii)(00_00)(ch.)((00_00)(00_00))(ii): "(but the ergodic nature of the problem, on average, mitigated many of the conceptual problems involved, .. even, once the shift was made, much of the difficulty in calculation afforded: concerns about the open-drive compressor were associated with the delicy of the alignment between compressor .. driving force: but this very delicacy allowed for highly refined control): (under this operation, only the slightest of departures fo flows could have a highly malleable effect on larger entities: after the blow up had run its course (0_0) was quite easily brought back into the fold – so quickly, in fact, that the ring being constructed for it was abandoned as unnecessary even before completion: the standard repertoire of goryo techniques consisted of root solvers, linear systems of equations, least squares fitting, gersgorin disc functions, matrix inversions, etc, .. the goryos functioned effectively as feeder wires between the branch breakers .. the main panel breakers: the emphasis on cyclo-points rather than proto-phasm belied the possession-like quality of the processes: the removal of a particular yamabushi from a flow had no other effect than to cause the 'ghosts' in question to rush into some other swine): (the u_ejento method for diverting proto-phasm consisted of moving point_waves from a forward point in time backward, diverting it through their body, to 'the present', where it would be put, typically, into a u_object: after a given period the removed point_waves would be diverted back to the forward point in time from which they were originated, with the *production retained)." 00. (00_00)(00)(MONOGURUI)(00_00)(00_00)(ii): "(y.phuma(ii): 'thank you': hä adjusts the fit of här semi-opaque clear rubber ghost-suit with bold white outline over white cotton gp-formed bumps up to här bare shoulders: to moduled white plastic vents with black rubber inserts rotate at regular intervals partially over the space assertively pushing cold air .. pulling back in the recycled residual, like some kind of perpetually filtered white thermal noise, between sets of inset gridded block-filters: the system was now flooded with compound-arrayed overnight 0-point_shift operations tightly binding proto-phasm *production to an expansive wave of pulsating mini-propagation: religious conservative movements in politics dimpled the landscape as unconscious channels for diverting stasis flows from potential community filtering: for all the pious genuflections this phenomenon was a façade actor for the less prosaic role of y_flux diminution: to shrink the tumor of the compound .. grow the bodily organs of the rentier: y.phuma(ii) pushes the white rubber out with each breath: the two white fake fur adornments hold close to här bumped hair: y.phuma(ii): 'at a certain point I recognized that u_ejento thought of themselves as copies for a distributed form of identity, in disguised form: in this way they were incarnations of the infinite: I asked (00_00) once whether hä considered there to be a difference between ourselves .. our cognition of ourselves, but hä pointedly refused to answer: but if there is a gap between objects as noumena .. our perceived experience of them, .. if we know ourselves as objects reflected back on to ourselves by the outer *region, then certainly the same principle applies to ourselves, .. there is always an unfulfilled difference beween our perception .. understanding of ourselves .. our underlying being, or presence: I believe this is the convergent point that is expressed in madhyamaka, .. this is why (00_00) was so reluctant to acknowledge it: the insistence on an unpassable divide between the transcendental .. the material *region as we experience it relies on overlooking the invisible, immaterial role of the flux from one moment to another, the space in between them, as forming pre-perceptive (or embryonic) objects which we experience, perhaps, as pure prehension')."(00_00)(MONOGURUI: yueghuru(ii)(00_00)(ch.))(ii))((00))(00)(00) (00_00)(00) yueghuru(ii)(00_00)(ch.)((00_00)(00_00))(ii): "(multi-layered .. bound in bunches with large thick obi-wrapped skirtage, thickly packed .. built up hair wrapped in clear rubber bouncing slightly with each movement, the shimmering dim white light)."

(00_00)(モノグルイ: yagao_ueda(ii)(ii)((00))(00)(00) (00_00)(00) yagao_ueda(ii)((00_00)(00_00))(ii):これを望んでいましたが、それが実現することを期待していませんでした: これは私たちを未来へと前進させるイノベーションでした: (人間かロボットか?):衣装、手入れされた髪.. 唇.. メイクアップ、整形手術、私たちが消費するメディア、植物や花に囲まれた身の回り、私たちの食器、心と体の問題に対する私たちの立場の表れとしての家具:これらすべてが商品として、超反射モナドを何らかのチャネルに押し込む:これらの蓄積されたフローは、私たち自身の百合バージョンを形成し、私たち両方が制御するダブルス..さまざまな尺度で制御しない:チャイニーズルームの問題は、想像上の境界線です:タンパク質質量互いに折りたたむ、重なり合う、.. 互いに消費する.. お互いに策略を実行し、別の幻想的な投影が私たちの違いのギャップ、侵入によって形成された物質的現実の最も困難な点: 矛盾の力を除いて、他の人が占める空間を曲げることはできません..プッシャーではなく: エンジニアリングの試み.. 罰則を課すことによって文明を定義する.. 負債は常に弱体化する.. 信用形成の下側によって覆される.. 消費: 疎外/絡み合いの二重機能は、 u_pulse (空腹、空腹、….) を介して、純粋な非物質化されたプレタの方法でスーパーモーフィズム/モナディック投影になる: 自分の y_phantoms と向き合うまで..自分の体を裏返しにするエイリアンの力が自分自身の完璧であることを理解するまで超ファシスト疑似自己ファム・ニューウェンス 自分自身が内なる想像上の非現実の中にいると想像する: わずかにゆがんだ灰色の唇で鏡から覗き込む残りの自己同一性, dar k 目、軽蔑的.. マゾヒスティックな毛皮に縛られた官能的.. 黒い、しっかりと引っ張られたゴム製ストラップ: 理論的には、ミニカーネーションだけですべてを破壊するのに十分だったはずです: しかし、おそらくそうでした: yagao_ueda(ii) には、おそらくすでに展開されたイベントの影響の残りの逆流を観察しているだけかもしれません: それが洗い流されるのを待っています här: yagao_ueda(ii) は yagao_ueda(i)(00_00)(ii) の透明なゴム製の御料スーツ (薄い青) を観察します, ピンク, .. 白) 透明なラバー マスクを使用して、u_flows の出発点として、hä は、過去数年間に hä が遭遇したフローの多くに存在すると認識しています。は、彼ら全員が収束していた正確な点でしたが、hä はそれを特定することができませんでした: もし hä がこの情報に頼っていたら、おそらく別の方法で展開されていたでしょう。 : たぶん、それは単純に正しかったやがて、彼が息を切らしながらつぶやくたびに、「神様、私は (0000) だ」: もちろん、そのような場合、正しさの満足感は抑えられます: ここでは、有効なすべてのゴリョが明らかに道です-基礎となる資産またはデリバティブに関して依存: コール.. プレイし、一定のリバーブで跳ね返る.. ダウン: 確率は、少なくとも理論的には、一連の可能なイベントの関数として構造化されています。セット全体に対する可能なイベントの特定のサブセットの比率の尺度: しかし、(0000)ed の人は常にこの二重性を見抜いています: 常に、自分の体に直接向けられた 1 つの ur-set があり、彼らは常にそれが来るのを見る: アイバーソンを言い換えると、'まあ、それは私の目の前にあった': (0000)ed の人にとって、これは常に 'biunivocal relationship' が意味するものとして理解されます。"(00_00) (モノグルイ: yagao_ueda(ii)(ii)((00))(00)(00) (00_00)(00) yagao_ueda(ii)((00_00)(00_00))(ii): 、消費したホストの資本は、存在し続けるために合併する新しいエンティティを見つける必要があります。これは、隣接するエンティティの資金調達構造のギャップを認識することから発生する可能性があります。これは、通常、リスクプレミアムまたは通常吹き飛ばすことを好む可能性の低い他のソースに関連しています。 .. それらを満たすためにリソースを割り当てます)" 00. (00_00)(00)(モノグルイ)(00_00)(00_00)(ii): "(当面の関心事以外のゲストはほとんどいなかった.. など: のみ(00), uchechgs, yamaguchi_gh., .. 精神分析医: yagao_ueda(ii) が phumaCHIRGHYU(ii) に、ほとんど見知らぬ人だった精神分析医を招待した理由を尋ねたところ、phumaCHIRGHYU(ii) は次のように答えました。 「ご注文、とても素敵ですね!」: このアイデアは面白かったです yagao_ueda(ii): (00) .. (00) は、白い四角縫いのパッド入りコットン ボディスーツを着ていて、素晴らしく正しく見えました .. 白いコットンのスリッパを履いていましたが、(00 ) ユニットの外に集まっているオブザーバーの群集を敵意を持って一瞥することで、受信側のエージェントに警告を発しました。)."