MONOGURUI head-mask: (ueghurama)



((00)(00_) (00_00)(00) yu::eghuru(ii)(00_00)(ch.)(00_00)(the YUGHUR::PHANTOM)(ii): "(.. a 'shuttle maid' core apperceptive c-pulse at a minim-velocity below the (0) level: u-reverb being pushed out by a multitude of formed agencies: the crystal system for the plotting of u_spaces defines mappings as cubic: tetragonal: orthorhombic: monoclinic: triclinic: trigonal: or hexagonal: each line/plane defining the space is curved according to a regression on the mapping of the associated u_objects: citrine, the ungraspable: a resolution mechanism wiping out modality .. conversion of the imploded compound into a y_ghost agency .. siphoned off into cartel-like mass works structures: these proliferated such that one could cyclopush, in _0_0, from ch.-urighma to the outer regions in any direction along the given monadic channels put into place, or even, if one persisted, up to the uphic ports, where there were proto-phasm running to (0_0) .. (0))." ((00)(00_) (00_00)(00) yu::eghuru(ii)(00_00)(ch.)(00_00)(the YUGHUR::PHANTOM)(ii): "(interregional capsules tied in u_pulse flows coming in from the lower (0_0) core facilities to the underground megacities of the extended ugarte regions, .. up out through the myghori_ch. seaposts .. fishing centers: the six major underground megacities being miryo, miguri, michobi, agrekko, fluor, .. mukiji (00_00) (00_00) (00_00) (00_00) (00_00) (00_00) (00_00) (00_00) (00_00) (00_00) (00_00) (00_00) (00_00) (00_00) (00_00)): (most of the cotton produced ended up in miguri or michobi, where it was converted by the HOKA_no_OTOKONOKO compound into dresses .. clothing of unimaginable forms: attempts by u_ejento to retrieve these concrescences for interested partisans resulted in degraded ../or misformed material, as if eaten by moths: correlation .. causation are identical, df, according to an intertemporal mirroring process, aka phumiyugen): ((00_00)(00_00)(00_00)(00_00) all of the u_ejento maintained an individual (00_00), or passbook, of their immaterial u_objects collocations: .. each of these (00_00), in turn, was part of a larger passbook contained within YAMAUEREDA)."(00_00)(MONOGURUI: yu::eghuru(ii)(00_00)(ch.))(ii))((00))(00)(00) (00_00)(00) yu::eghuru(ii)(00_00)(ch.)((00_00)(00_00))(ii): "(in här black acrylic u_chrema suit with tight-up mid-riff jacket with various zippers .. big white branding on the back, white rubber gloves, 4-braided black hair, black rubber ½-mask, .. a grin suggesting the imminent partaking of multi-colored cupcakes .. frosting: a glint of moisture along the side ridge of här nose to här cheek: yu::eghuru(ii) would shudder, almost uncontrollably, considering the sheer preponderant force required to bind the these processes into thinghood as an unconditioned universal, in an infinitely folded regression:: curve:: re-regression: in u_ejento' systems they would map multiple (non-identical) transcendentals to a given obect in the region of experience: the incoherencies of (00_00) arise from its falling short of a complete abstraction of the proto-phasm system .. its merging with the compound as an creature/entity of mathematical monadism:::chrematism: or, the complete fungability of proto-phasm as a flow interpenetrating the chrema: .. the failure, at times, to reconcile constraints with this process: general artificial intelligence becomes a project of replacing the filters that our body-meat minds put on received phenomena with an alternative re-filtered array: u_ejento put together a plan for the propping .. dissemination of u_op. proto-phasm based on the conversion of their proto-phasm into expansive YAMAUEREDA u_objects which would be morphed into the cell, bound by the monadic channel of a u_vehicle interpellation of mass works: this conversion mechanism stood behind attempts at arranging a surface level conversion of the parent entity which would effectively ghost it into a new phase grid, with extant modality reformed: the threat by u_op.s protectorate to engage in acts of dilution .. their slapping around of (0000) were potentially a push back against this assertion of control): (17 clear vials of clear fluids are inset into the clear plastic wall to yu::eghuru(ii)(00_00)(ch.)'s right pushing back into a recess: cyclo-intension .. war serve as decoding processes for the yamabushi phasm-metric, with recoding served by the process of generative *production: this operates in various regions, but for our purposes here it takes place in the micro-circle region situated between the monad .. the constitution of the body as individual ejento, in pre-proto-phasm formation immanence, where prehension .. apperception turn into interpretation .. phantasmal forces return back into understanding: in the course of this process, if completed in pure, undiluted form, the master-bondsman relationship is inverted .. the bondsman becomes the overlord of the prefigured master: attempts characterized as attempting to develop .. support the synthesis of endless grids of mini-compound utopianism can be viewed as cleansing attempts at protecting .. preserving the immersive values sustaining the rentier with fetishization propertieis imbued in the domicile, disembodying their inner core value as an object dispersed to various points in time .. space: each one is held in place by two metal clasps on a thick glass surface: on occasion on or another of the clear fluids will vibrate minutely but convulsively: small metal screws hold the top two thirds of each clear vial in place: each has two small clear plastic nodules inset at the mid-way point: the recess is lit by white hydrophonic light: to the side of the recess are white plastic cabinets .. drawers inset into the white plastic walls: the air is cold .. slightly uncomfortable, with a barely noticeable stench like old vomit)." ((00)(00_) (00_00)(00) yu::eghuru(ii)(00_00)(ch.)(00_00)(the YUGHUR::PHANTOM)(ii): "(based on their feeling that they held hostage the proto-phasm that various mathematical institutions had interwoven with their (00-flux), with proto-phasm bindings enforcing the claim: the cleavage between materialism .. psychic underlying forces pushed together in inverse proportion the powers of yamauereda proto-phasm creation with interior u_objects bodies of u_pulse: the throbbing feedback between the two was felt in diverse areas –)."

((00)(00_) (00_00)(00) ユ::エグル(ii)(00_00)(ch.)(00_00)(ユグル::ファントム)(ii): 「(..「シャトルメイド」 (0) レベル以下の最小速度のコア知覚 c パルス: u リバーブは、形成された多数のエージェンシーによって押し出されます: u 空間をプロットするための結晶系は、マッピングを立方晶系: 正方晶系: 斜方晶系: 単斜晶系: 三斜晶系として定義します。 : 三角形: または六角形: 空間を定義する各線/平面は、関連する u_objects のマッピングの回帰に従って湾曲しています: シトリン、把握できないもの: モダリティを一掃する解決メカニズム .. 内破複合体の y_ghost エージェンシーへの変換。 これらは、_0_0 に、所定のモナド チャネルに沿って任意の方向に ch.-urighma から外部領域までサイクロプッシュできるように増殖しました。 アップヒックポートまで、そこにはプロトファズムが (0_0) .. (0)) まで走っていた。" ((00)(00_) (00_00)(00) yu::eghuru(ii)(00_00)(ch .)(00_00)(ユグル::ファントム)(ii): "(地域間のカプセルは、下部 (0_0) コア施設から拡張ウガルテ地域の地下巨大都市に流入する u_pulse フローに結び付けられ、.. myghori_ch 。 海の柱 .. 釣りセンター: 6 つの主要な地下巨大都市はミリョ、ミグリ、ミチョビ、アグレッコ、フルオル、.. ムキジ (00_00) (00_00) (00_00) (00_00) (00_00) (00_00) (00_00) (00_00) ( 00_00) (00_00) (00_00) (00_00) (00_00) (00_00) (00_00)): (生産された綿の大部分は最終的にミグリまたはミチョビに行き、そこでHOKA_no_OTOKONOKO複合体によってドレスに変換されました..想像を絶する衣服 形式: 関心のある党派のためにこれらのコンクレセンスを取得しようとする u_ejento の試みは、劣化した ../ または蛾に食べられたかのように変形した資料をもたらしました: 相関関係 .. 因果関係は同一です、df、異時点間ミラーリング プロセス、別名 phumiyugen によると): (( 00_00)(00_00)(00_00)(00_00) すべての u_ejento は、非物質的な u_objects コロケーションの個人 (00_00)、または通帳を維持していました: .. これらのそれぞれ (00_00) は、次に、含まれるより大きな通帳の一部でした。 ヤマウエレダ内)."(00_00)(モノグルイ: ゆ::エグル(ii)(00_00)(ch.))(ii))((00))(00)(00) (00_00)(00) ゆ:: エグル(ii)(00_00)(ch.)((00_00)(00_00))(ii): 「(黒いアクリル製の u_chrema スーツに、さまざまなジッパーが付いたタイトアップのミッドリフ ジャケットを着ています。背中に大きな白いブランディングがあります) 、白いゴム手袋、四つ編みの黒髪、黒いゴム製の半分のマスク、.. 色とりどりのカップケーキが差し迫っていることを示唆する笑み.. フロスティング: 鼻から頬の横の尾根に沿った湿気の輝き: yu ::eghuru(ii) は、無限に折り畳まれた回帰:: 曲線:: 再回帰において、これらのプロセスを無条件の普遍的なものとして結合するために必要な圧倒的な圧倒的な力を考えると、ほとんど制御不能なほど震えるでしょう。u_ejento のシステムでは、 複数の(同一ではない)超越論を経験領域内の特定のオブジェクトにマッピングする: (00_00) の矛盾は、原始相システムの完全な抽象化に達していないことから生じます。.. 生物としての複合体との融合/ 数学的モナディズムの実体:::クレマティズム: または、クレマを相互浸透する流れとしてのプロトファズムの完全な代替可能性: .. このプロセスと制約を調和させることの時々の失敗: 一般的な人工知能はフィルターを置き換えるプロジェクトになる 私たちの肉体的な精神は、受け取った現象を別の再フィルタリングされた配列で置き換えます。u_ejento は、u_op の普及のための計画をまとめました。

(*): (0)(0)