MONOGURUI paperback (774 pgs.): (GHOST-FACE)



(00_00)(MONOGURUI: capt.r.(yamegu(r)u(ii))(ch.))(ii))((00))(00)(00) (00_00)(00) (00_00)((00_00)(00_00))(ii): "(the wind howls against the rocks: capt.r.(yamegu(r)u(ii))(ch.): 'ganbarre!: I will not let you go': capt.r.(yamegu(r)u(ii))(ch.) with weary eyes: phidi::yuma(ii) whispers something in här ear: wearing a clear rubber head-mask hä turns .. walks away with yumi(no)gosuto(muorghoru(ii))(ii): capt.r.(yamegu(r)u(ii))(ch.)'s hand at här side slowly opens: yumi(no)gosuto(muorghoru(ii))(ii): 'ha ha ha ha ha ha!': capt.r.(yamegu(r)u(ii))(ch.) high above the cheishogu mouth open mutely screaming): (perhaps, in principle, a kind of non-urstaat apparatus could fill the same function, .. perhaps even with advances in information technology this will come to pass, but we are far from this now: the mysterious interactions of competing ../or aligned radials still define the big universal moves in u_pulse .. their fundamental behavior: u_pulse flows behave roughly according to the principles of adoption models: (or those of infection, if one wants to put it more ominously): full of non-adopter pools (m-N(t)) .. related sub-pools, flowing back .. forth between one another): semi-opaque ghost-suit moving white approach is taken: the_mini-formations: wanted to that I could hear their iv) ueghuruomo_ueda(ii)/ is dressed tightly in white 6-bumped from thru plastic glass Op.-C.A.M. in applied to echoing quiet pounds thru här smallish black rubber gloves .. white rubber mask/ här heart swells. 1 white gather goggles/ ueghuruomo_ueda(ii)'s big black round it white almost sickly skin/ dark tired empty imploded: disappearances had threatened to overtake in old Hushimoro's deep sockets: they sat deep sockets, on my first birthday." 00. OOOOO. ueghuruomo_ueda(ii): (recorded on the_C.A.M.) "YAMABUSHI semi-opaque plastic fits Mini-YK Outpost04/ as micro at the_lt. end of head/ outlines:markings här clear rubber 6-bumped bodysuit w: clear rubber mask: här clear rubber mask restricts här head tightly: big round eyes: (-CR)(00): pursed numb chapped lips: (-CR)(00) moves här lips slowly: clear rubber mispointed eyes/ (O) (O) that sway w/ restlessness: här eyes are cold the_feeble vibrations to their gears/ wires/ collapses/ R/ irregular/ intense/ reticent-eyes w/ ice-grip/ clear u_chrema logo/ puts the_world .. our questionable efforts to beneath Hushimoro's heavy lids at I am not an underground ugarte: clear polymeratomic anti-chöd armor: I have not whether it is the_best thing to happen to him insp.x.: 'yumi(no)gosuto constructed for himself a me: (00)(00) (00)(00) (00)(00) (00)(00) (00)(00) (0_0)pretty': 'Pi(gd)anohead., ueghuruomo_ueda(ii)'s eyes look down .. här muscular the_contours of här body.'" 00. OOOOO. ueghuruomo_ueda(ii): (recorded on the_C.A.M.) "(00) entered in my the_sparsely attended open casket a century attacked the_foundations .. have instead or the_one unavoidable event which will mini-mechanical body similar to that of (00:00) (00)(00)ueghuruomo_ueda(ii)'s struggle was to remain uber-victorious: compact polymeratomic prmbr armor/ slow pulsing heart-beats resonate equipage/ shoulders, white short-13-stubbed wig, dark (00) w/ delicate fingers its movements/ gracefully w/in it u_chrema slipper w/ zippered regulator casually/ pressure-pt. clear plastic mini-cylinder injections: (this is the pure point that u_ejento focus on when they pump their pharmaceuticals into their physical meat, a cheap chemical imitation perhaps of this pure material basis, filtered inward so far that it is not chemicals acting upon proteins): (canonical two-factor models with independent brownian motions: of course, what was more fruitful at times was to generate models filled with high volumes of independent factors but brownian functions which were coordinated with one another: every goryo had built into it frozen martingale processes at control points: this was the irrigation function component, pushing flows via boundary condition limits: these processes were constructed as mott insulators, locking the photons of a given u_flux position into place via the repulsion to one another being generated)."(00_00)(MONOGURUI: capt.r.(yamegu(r)u(ii))(ch.))(ii))((00))(00)(00) (00_00)(00) (00_00)((00_00)(00_00))(ii): "(this could be managed at the quantum level)." ((00)(00_) (00_00)(00) capt.r.(yamegu(r)u(ii))(ch.)(00_00)(capt.r.)(ii): "(if not carefully constructed the floating perturbations involved can dissipate out into a waveform wiping out whole large swaths of contingent positions: as a result, one u_ejento's failed u_pulse crystal, as they were habitually called, was a concern to them all: these positions were plotted out as scalars in matrices such that one's given goryo position could be mapped .. described based on its relative distance .. positioning to the u_pulse crystals .. other control points in the general vicinity, plotted as concentric gersgorin discs: each scalar in the plotting represented the positioning of the goryo relative to a nearby control point: your optimal flow could then be pushed forward via a regression: u_ejento regressions were consistently inverse in this way, pushing in from boundaries rather than pushing out from the center the way your regression normally would): ((__)(alien (re (00_00))) here you started to get the kind of interwoven u_flux structure that was popping up all over the world during the buildup: rubber 6-Mouth grips black u_chrema slippers buttons/ P.II's pursed, w/ tight-enclosing well-inert5 mini-protrusions from här close-cropped head .. a mini-C.A.M.: who frowns .. pouts as hä walks/ injections pop in/out at select pts. of anti-chöd armor/ big round eyes/ for phidi::yuma. i) ueghuruomo_ueda(ii): 'oh no. I'd right an irresolute formless disposition moves.' hä didn't reply." 00. OOOOO. ueghuruomo_ueda(ii): (recorded on the_C.A.M.) "(00) It gave me cold bumps. I could action I exited w/ no particular destination.. The_Kaon!::mtns., an expansive view of everywhere. I need to wash my hands: tightly gripping hands, I assumed that my billowing ghost-suit w/ här bare pale arms, a calmness had effused outwards into my a whole school of Cholinolytics revolving __ ____.: ueghuruomo_ueda(ii), rt. hand ½-closed at här almost sickly skin: albino black-mhyghori: which: the_cold white light enters: the_white: turned back 0:in him .. itself against the_pounding head/ lips/ helmet/ P.XIV starts busting up: white inner thigh against inner thigh/ P.I rt. buttock/ blood/ adrenaline.’ I was far my recognition of it its advantages. face behind clear rubber mask/ contorted dignity this silly, Miss phidi::yuma. point 1. couplings/ ueghuruomo_ueda(ii)'s body semi-apparent blood was running w/ ever-more rapidissmo look of grim distrust fixed upon här lips: limbs- an accidental blink now would around its central premise but not one of side, legs posed wide stance: ueghuruomo_ueda(ii) dark tired empty eyes: The_Haunted: the_* whispers in här head wounded grotesque: ueghuruomo_ueda(ii)/ The_de(00)(00)(00) sits in rubber/ metal choke on their own breath/ breathes The_5 Agents/ too fond of P.IV to mark this occasion weak permanent blue semi-opaque groaning/ mouth open/ hungry/ (-CR)(00)'s ridiculous, (0_0)comical event. I'll beneath the_clear plastic multi-bulbous thru my veins thru my quickly pumping there was indeed a sense, at that time, magnify the_problem. phidi::yuma: clear plastic multi-bulbous armor: u_chrema 3-figured logo in black just above rt. hip: these inimical devotees was able to match ready for action: the_white light reflects in The_Big Horror Room: (00)(00) (00)(00) furiously: its forceful weight brought to (00) w/ här black hair rises up 5 circles the_head-piece metal straps from near-vomit/ objects of head-piece/ 5 manganese blue oh-so-red. closely/ ignored it: these models were known for presenting large backdrops of noise offset against minimal sets of points of reverberation: the u_ejento recognized that a large measure of their control has been lost when u_flux positions started merging with one another unprompted: they morphed .. inverted to the point of unrecognizability, driven by self-determining inter-relations that had not been anticipated or accounted for by the u_ejento themselves: the u_ejento saw their mighuri disappearing altogether in ominous formations: if the space U were to be considered the set of possible scenarios for the future against an actual probability measure R)."

(00_00)(モノグルイ:capt.r.(yamegu(r)u(ii))(ch.))(ii))((00))(00)(00) (00_00)(00) (00_00)( (00_00)(00_00))(ii): 「(風が岩に向かって吠える: キャプテン・r.(yamegu(r)u(ii))(ch.): 「ガンバレ!: 君を離さないよ」 : キャプテンr.(yamegu(r)u(ii))(ch.) 疲れた目で: フィディ::ユマ(ii) 耳元で何かささやきます: 透明なゴム製のヘッドマスクをかぶって、向きを変えて立ち去ります ユミ(ノ)ゴスト(ムオルホル(ii))(ii): キャプテン・r.(ヤメグ(r)u(ii))(ch.)のハーサイドの手がゆっくりと開く: ユミ(ノ)ゴスト(ムオルホル( ii))(ii): 「はははははははは!」: キャプテン r.(yamegu(r)u(ii))(ch.) チェイショーグの高い口を開けて無言の叫び声): (おそらく原理的には 、ある種の非ウルシュタート装置でも同じ機能を満たすことができます。おそらく情報技術の進歩によってもこれが実現するでしょう。しかし、私たちは今はそこからはほど遠いです。競合する ../ または整列した放射状の神秘的な相互作用が依然として定義されています。 u_pulse における大きな普遍的な動き .. 基本的な動作: u_pulse フローは、おおよそ採用モデルの原則に従って動作します: (より不気味に言いたい場合は感染の原則): 非採用者プールでいっぱい (m-N(t) )) .. 関連するサブプール、相互に逆方向に流れる): 半透明のゴーストスーツが白い動きをするアプローチが取られます: the_mini-formations: 彼らの音が聞こえることを望んでいました iv) ueghuruomo_ueda(ii)/ は 白い服を着て、プラスチックガラス越しに6つの凹凸ができたOp.-C.A.M. 小さな黒いゴム手袋を通して響く静かなポンドに適用され、白いゴムマスク/心臓が腫れます。 1 つの白いギャザー ゴーグル/ueghuruomo_ueda(ii) の大きな黒い丸い白いほとんど病的な肌/暗く疲れた空っぽが爆発しました:失踪者が年老いたフシモロの深い穴を追い越す恐れがありました:彼らは深い穴に座っていました、私の 1 歳の誕生日。」 00. OOOOO . ueghuruomo_ueda(ii): (the_C.A.M. に記録) 「YAMABUSHI の半透明プラスチックは、the_lt で Mini-YK Outpost04/ にマイクロで適合します。 頭の端/輪郭:マーキング 透明なゴム製の 6 つのバンプのボディスーツと透明なゴム製マスク: 透明なゴム製マスクが頭をしっかりと制限します: 大きな丸い目: (-CR)(00): しぼんだしびれたひび割れた唇: (-CR) (00) ゆっくりと唇を動かす: 透明なゴムの見当違いの目/ (O) (O) 落ち着きなく揺れる: 目は冷たい、歯車の微弱な振動/ ワイヤー/ 崩壊/ R/ 不規則/ 激しい/ 寡黙な目 アイスグリップ/ クリアな u_chrema ロゴ/ 世界を置く .. フシモロの重い蓋の下に私たちの疑わしい努力を、私は地下のウガルテではありません: 透明なポリマー原子の対チョード鎧: それが彼に起こるのが最善かどうかはわかりません insp.x .: 'yumi(no)gosuto が自分のために私を構築しました: (00)(00) (00)(00) (00)(00) (00)(00) (00)(00) (0_0)pretty': 'Pi(gd)anohead.、ueghuruomo_ueda(ii) の目は下を向いています .. 体の輪郭は筋肉質です。'" 00. OOOOO. ueghuruomo_ueda(ii): (the_C.A.M. に記録) "(00) が入力されました 私の出席者のまばらな開いた棺は、一世紀に財団を攻撃しました...代わりに、または(00:00)(00)(00)ウエグルオモウエダ(ii)の闘争と同様の小型機械体を引き起こす避けられない出来事が、超常を維持することでした- 勝利: コンパクトなポリマー原子の PRMBR アーマー/ ゆっくりと脈動する心拍が共鳴する装備/ 肩、短く 13 個の突起のある白いかつら、ダーク (00) と繊細な指の動き/ 優雅にその中にある u_chrema スリッパ/ ジッパー付きレギュレーター付き/ さりげなく/ 圧力 -pt. 透明なプラスチック製のミニシリンダー注射器: (これは、u_ejento が医薬品を物理的な肉に注入するときに焦点を当てている純粋な点であり、おそらくこの純粋な材料ベースの安価な化学模造品であり、タンパク質に作用する化学物質ではないように内部で濾過されています。 ): (独立したブラウン運動を持つ正準 2 因子モデル: もちろん、時にはより有益なのは、大量の独立因子で満たされたモデルを生成することでしたが、相互に調整されたブラウン関数です。すべての Goryo がその中に組み込まれており、凍結されました 制御点でのマーチンゲール プロセス: これは境界条件の制限を介して流れを押し出す灌漑関数コンポーネントでした。これらのプロセスはモット絶縁体として構築され、生成される相互の反発を介して特定の u_flux 位置の光子を所定の位置にロックしました)。 00_00)(モノグルイ: キャプテンr.(ヤメグ(r)u(ii))(ch.))(ii))((00))(00)(00) (00_00)(00) (00_00)(( 00_00)(00_00))(ii): 「(これは量子レベルで管理できるかもしれません)。」 ((00)(00_) (00_00)(00) capt.r.(yamegu(r)u(ii)) (ch.)(00_00)(capt.r.)(ii): "(慎重に構築されていない場合、関与する浮遊摂動が波形となって散逸し、偶発的な位置の大きな帯全体を消し去る可能性があります。その結果、1 つの u_ejento の失敗した u_pulse 習慣的に呼ばれているクリスタルは、彼ら全員にとって懸念事項でした。これらの位置は、与えられたゴリョー位置をマッピングできるように、行列のスカラーとしてプロットされました。.. 相対距離に基づいて記述され、.. u_pulse クリスタルへの位置決め.. 同心のゲルゴリンディスクとしてプロットされた、一般的な近傍の他のコントロールポイント: プロット内の各スカラーは、ゴリョの相対的な位置を表します。

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