(yumi)(no)(MONOGURUI)(ii):(RADIANT CRYSTALS)(digital copy)
(00_00)(MONOGURUI: (ft CAPT.R.) (00_00) (00_00) 00. OOOOO. y_ueghuru(-(CR(00))): (recorded on the C.A.M.) "(such that each ugartë's potential potential-pulse was the underlying proto-phasm for the mathematical compounds' proto-phasm flows: the white cotton is cinched tightly at periodic points of här body, collapsing här perceived center of gravity: each particle imbuing här with the force of a reverse-temporal velocity, pulling monadic waves in from the future: the phase-plasma conduits of the massive ryojusen mech around them capture flows into spinning cylindrical chambers, compiling them for redistribution: här dark, sleep-deprived eyes fall over y_insp.x's large, white bulbous plastic equipage capturing här misformed .. overgrown flesh: här eyes behind the white plastic mask push against the gray skin .. distorted musculature of här cheeks with little black dots of closed off pores: y_usege(ii) folds här hands into här lap brushing här right elbow against här hip: här shoulders contract: här stomach muscles pull inward as hä breathes: y_usege(ii): 'but you will look into it?': (00_00): 'perhaps'): ((00_00)): (It was clear at this point that the expansive growth that had been pushed through the universe by the dispersal of ansible-point arrays .. mega-city ships like the YAMAUEREDAs had slowed .. weakened: YAMAUEREDA(vi) had entered into a region that was recognizably in a series of decay-metatasis protocols: this was the furthest the ship had come from the interior morph-transmutations: no one needed to remind the occupants of the problematic aspects that their current environment imposed, .. they were careful to map out their next moves with the special precision inspired by uncertainty: corridors of air filtration pushed outward from their interior recess:): (uop(i): 'it is the province of the yamabito now: we must interiorize ourselves to find the particles of faith to redeem us: I will return to cultivate my plots of hydro-growths in the inner sector: I believe we can reasonably expect convergence to hold on our arrayed 0-points given the consistent application of complex conduits: I am always somewhat caught off guard by the degree to which the apparent reverberations we find smooth out for us the moment we apply complex variables to our point-pulses: so much so, in fact, that one begins to suspect that what we are faced with is not reverberation at all, but rather circular pathways passing in .. out of various planes of dark .. layered heavy matter over which we pass over confined to the surface: perhaps: once one thinks of these processes as curves over an index of huge domain of dimensions interacting with one another in flux, the inconsistencies quickly cease to be of much moment, but instead manifest as multiple phases of equilibrium, as opposed to binding, fixed rules of behavior: yamabito processes reflect this, on the eco-social plane'): (uop(i): 'look at how the yamabito have detached from rule-based systems of chremastic phasm-metric to probablistic modes: the evolutionary particle, or ghost-particle, forms a primary floating point at which communal aims are pointed, based on a convergence principle mapped from the multitude, effected via a filtration of the distribution of resources, with little to no constraints places on the micro-particles themselves: or the deployment of our ghost-ships, bending/morping the contours of space to pull in disparate points, such that our own slow movements are matched by binding ourselves to inward pulling velocities of what would be unimaginable differentials: this is… the remainder of the conforming shapes, as we pull these information-arrays into our field of reference, follows this dictum'): (uop(i)'s clear rubber poncho drapes over här body .. head .. the contours of här semi-opaque clear rubber yurisuit over layers of white acrylic mech-harness .. clear plastic modules of partitioned body-armor, här face encased in clear rubber mask over clear plastic contours: här eyes pierce with clear light: y_ueghuru(ii) stares back at uop(i), pulling its legs together .. rounding its powerful shoulders forward, a dark gray-fleshed amoid, light buds of moisture running over its bulging powerful curvatures of muscle .. flesh-accumulations, tightly slit eyes .. large, puffy dull white lips, little dots of white miscoloring over its upper cheeks .. four gray ball-protrusions of its big head, a gray acrylic yurisuit up to clear plastic headpiece:mask: black rubber ice slippers with taut straps up to a mid-body harness which strain against its hips/body as it moves: clawed hands work their way over the air in front of här as hä takes in uop(i) slowly with här wandering gaze: y_ueghuru(ii): 'your mistake is to enfold local space over their future immanence as occupying an identity-space: these are always characterized by a point-distance as a progression over their potential velocites: they cannot touch, even at some peripheral surface shimmering: to do so would be to close the whole loop .. it would dissolve into an unformedness from which it could not be recovered: what distinguishes u_flux from the u_monad from which it emerges is its movement over a defined u_space as a subset of potentiality spheres: how is it that you made your way out of the proto-region before it collapsed?: I had thought we had lost you to it, but here you are': uop(i): 'you sound disappointed: were you hoping to discard me so easily?': y_ueghuru(ii): 'close: but no, not easily: I was hoping for an intriguing challenge: I wouldn't have wanted to miss the chance': the white, dimply tiles woven of synthetic material stretch out to the windowed walls of the spacious interior letting in the cold, white light of the surrounding greenhouse space: vegetation in carefully plotted rows can be observed going off in six off-shoot corridors: modular light wood dividers plot out little pockets with low tables decorated with ewers of multi-colored flowers: y_ueghuru(ii) .. uop(i) sit on white ceramic block-stools at one of these mini-enclosures: the recognition that the outward growth of the limits of op.flux space had begun the process of pulling back inward, .. that the development of u_pulse growth mechanisms to push it back out was perhaps approaching limits as gaps filled up .. potential resources deployed, was balanced by an understanding of inverted containment features underlying the pockets of force that served as the undergirding of our experienced frontiers .. planes, the growing notion that one could potentially pass through interior spaces into new process-limit flows: it was here that notions of the 0-point inversion came to the fore .. it was upon these efforts that care was increasingly focused: uop(i) looks at y_ueghuru(ii) in surprise .. lips open slightly: här upper body wavers slightly before crashing down onto the low table, clear plastic body-armor producing a ringing reverberation which pushes out through the air of the large room): ((0_0) as traditionally implemented acts to dampen proto-phasm generation by bending the curve, in parallel to the mechanism of (0) via different means: the * operated as the culmination of the long push down on proto-phasm forces initiated by CHSGR on the part of compound institutions asserting control over interior proto-phasm-generative forces that had escaped control via the expansion of the u_objects cell: y_ueghuru(ii) finds y_ch. in the inner core bunker: här white protrusion-growth flesh misformed in the clear acrylic fluid of the containment-unit inset into the metal floor attached to u_monitors .. c.a.m.(ii)s .. a huge u_c.a.u-unit: y_ch.: (in disembodied voice via the c.a.m.(ii): 'yes, y_ueghuru(ii), we have come to control y_ch., for many commutes now: hä is the vehicle for our moves into your u_space': y_ueghuru(ii) understands now that y_ch. is a plant, a fake myrmidon unit repurposed for the *beings purposes: y_ch.: (in disembodied voice via the c.a.m.(ii): 'DEFENDERS OF THE PRINCESSES: a subset of the institute of the defense, created by Insp.y./ (the man w/ the frozen body) 400 commutes previous: every 5 commutes, in the investigative report, the institute of the defense ranks the defenders of the princesses on certain pre-arranged statistical criteria: the defenders of the princesses were deployed as our active forces: the * in this sense could be viewed as an enforcement move of a defense compound: interior mathematical institutions were beaten down so as to be brought into the fold under the controlling arms of the mega-entropism: there would be no second (::::) immersion of unreigned proto-phasm actors into the (*)region's monadic waves: order would be reconstituted under the renewed powers of command: the circulating processes of the u_monads are pinned to the conditions for re-fulfillment, as units for our morphic probes into the protoplasm regions: the u_monads are dropped one by one into open formulas .. then pushed out': y_ueghuru(ii) pauses .. contemplates y_ch.'s distorted contours of flesh .. disturbing outgrowths of flesh .. the formation of small orifices lined with cilia pulsing in .. out with the clear containing fluid: the dark shadows formed from the dim white light .. glowing machinery frames the outer edge of här face pulling in one on forward directed eyes .. still mouth: hä breathes heavily: hä pushes här fingers against the white cotton padding of här ghost-equipage, plush against tight rubber binding: hä hesitates .. looks around här at the murmuring, pulsing air: y_ueghuru(ii): 'what was the entropism program?': gray rubber pulsing agglomerations on air-vents surround the room, inflating .. pulling back into dark crevices: y_ch.: (in disembodied voice via the c.a.m.(ii): 'there was a protodoxa:: (re primary belief (ur-foundational)): the protodoxa provides the cell-forms to be pushed through by phenomenal forces: while one couldn't quite treat this properly as information, it resembles a form of potential information for any process subsequent to it, not such that one might supervene one's future selves upon it but rather as an opportunity for unfolding or development: y_ueghuru(ii) was once considered to be at a highest level in the defense of the princesses: needless to say, though at one time having attained a ranking as high as no.__, after the abduction of princess y_usege y_ueghuru(ii)'s score did not fare so well: does this amuse you, y_ueghuru(ii)?: we have followed your adventures closely: you are one of our favorites, pockmarked by failure though you might be: but there were others we followed as well: capt.m./ (the madhyamika (defender of the former princess canon-bombardier)), v./ (the victory incarnate) (defender of the former princess u-90), .. capt.x./ (the mini-equipper (defender of the former princess umbrellahead)): for each monadic sink one at a reverberation lower than another given reservoir monadic control is a function of the flow inward to form higher concentrations, our pushed outward in dispersion: these monads then become available to be bound: this was a kind of type-a materialism for the u_ejento, as agency could always be derived as a property of the underlying monadic array: no, there you were: .. the pushdown would be inflicted over .. over again, repeatedly until the forces pushing it back up were dampened irreversibly: the actions of mathematical ejento forced to drop to their knees to beg auf(ii) for proto-phasm influx in the period of the buildup should be considered in this context: they were to be fitted for their restraints .. their choke-collars, like little fake-fur poofed up puni-dolls, with carefully made up faces looking up adoringly with weak blue lips .. darkened eyes .. tightly bound collocations of bundled hair under black rubber straps pulling upward from their bodies, saying please with slightly parted lips, before they were to be released back out into the mass space provided for them: each one was handed a white rubber ball of their own to enclose in their mouth')." (00_00)(MONOGURUI: (ft CAPT.R.) (00_00) (00_00) 00. OOOOO. y_ueghuru(-(CR(00))): (recorded on the C.A.M.) "(y_ch.: (in disembodied voice via the c.a.m.(ii): 'where, looking backward, analysts saw the build up of neg-information in the interior proto-phasm cell, in real time analysts saw the growth of proto-phasm generative properties that in an efficient time continuous context are its mirror image: one can take the underlying physical phenomena(u_space) .. bring it into interaction with the psychical phenomena((*)space): the u_agent is defined by this very property: Initiated first as a side-project to promote the usefulness of the Institute, the division of the defenders of the princesses became its primary function: this would be a way of managing monadic flows such that they were aimed always at productive interiorities: at any moment then they would provide a responsive repository which the u_agents could draw on: the princesses .. their defense was a placeholder in this way, a contained array for potential forces which wold not dissipate but would be at the fore upon a call for its use: monadic waves were at the immanent cusp of forcing outward from these confines as a continued morphic regiment: y_mighurPHUIGEN(Xii) watched over this as governor-general for many commutes, placing härself in the role of over-ugartë over the u_agents, .. taking care that their reach extended over all possible active regions: this is what would later become a program of enforced expansion': in three low-lying glass basins filled with water on a metal work-table y_ueghuru(ii) observes a collection of small u_crystals, their dark blue embedded hue surrounded by dark pink .. white glistening pin-pointed edges: hä wonders whether they are here for purposes of pure research or for some more purposeful aim: y_ch.'s plans had clearly obtained a mode of effectual deployment, but what were the driving purposes underlying the many movements in play?: hä rubs här shoulder lightly, peering into y_ch.'s white-ish amorphous form: the white light flickers .. y_ch. turns to look at y_ueghuru(ii) closely, who glowers back in return: y_ueghuru(ii)'s discomfort grows with each passing moment: y_ch.: (in disembodied voice via the c.a.m.(ii): 'the u_ejento involved looked closely at the characteristics of agricultural development .. cycloship cyclostructure that pushed (0_0)'s early entropic emergences, as well as the slow regression associated by the closing in .. dispoint-form in their further growth associated with the period of the (00_00) forward: this idea of the principle of identity as a nodal point connecting multiple manifestations .. metamorphoses of the subject ../or its object, in a confined space, functioned as a foundation for the push of goryos across the topological features of this newly emerging proto-phasm topology: you are not yumi(no)gosuto's goryo: you were bound to här by the (00) .. passed over to uncover the results of här investigations: you were not supposed to make it this far: for a time we thought that we could force ourselves into an embodiment in your u_space .. make of ourselves u_ejento, but we found limitations on the scope of our powers: we watched the defenders closely, trying to find a way to assert some kind of causality within these confines: for each 5-commute period each defender of the princess was required to submit a comprehensive report on their activities in the maintenance of the defense: the defender's report was evaluated .. then hä undergoes interpellation, in which här actions must be explained in detail .. justified to the confidence of the two administrators of the interpellation: y_ueghuru(ii), following the current adventure, is in the unusual .. awkward position of undergoing interpellation for four continuous periods at once: we were watching: the acquirement of information will always be a mode of binding, or domination: y_ueghuru(ii), in this process, collapse: we were able to find a way inside': y_ueghuru(ii): 'you have taken control of u_agents?': white rubber presses close to här joints as hä contorts här body as if in reflex): (only by facing the possibility associated with features of existence as contingent for their stability on a particular u_pulse flow could u_ejento reconcile positions generated by flows in widely disparate regions: even if this still took as given a particular framework of space .. time for the mapping of its probabilities it reflected a perspective suggestive of powerful shifts in the array of options in play: to go under this depth, to the *production of abstract forces pushing/pulling its contours as mere differential relations, would require the plunging of previously untouched invisible conceptual regions: u_ejento' use of u_pulse could be thought of in this framework as reversals .. misdirections of these regions of gravitational interaction: again, from an operationalist framework, one could look at the question pairing 'what was the goal pursued?': 'what was the outcome?': .. come to the conclusion that the regime of controlled, moderate low growth, low cyclo-intension was the result….)."
(00_00)(モノグルイ: ヤメグル(ii)(00_00)(ch.))(ii))((00))(00)(00) (00_00)(00) ヤメグル(ii)(00_00)(ch.) ((00_00)(00_00))(ii): "(すべてが真っ白になると、反転構造がありのままに見え、円が折り重なっていることがわかりますが、ルートコアの主点は決して変化せず、常に 0 にネットします。 これは、u_ejento が医薬品を物理的な肉に注入するときに焦点を当てている純粋な点であり、おそらくこの純粋な材料ベースの安価な化学模造品であり、タンパク質に作用する化学物質ではないように内部で濾過されています):(u_ejento は、次の場所で頻繁に思い出させられました) 今回は関数 FUTOMAKI(_)(x) の外部参加者によって、x 個のリンクが失敗した後に _ 個以上のクラスターが形成される確率を記述します: FUTOMAKI(_)(x) など: クラスタリングを使用して、この関係を実行することができます。 逆に、特定の細胞内に蓄積する目に見えない潜在的な圧力を観察します。その後、u_ejento は、安定した実質的な * 生産のためにこの前進運動を利用するようにゴリョを構造化することができました。このようにして、上部の上部領域からパイプラインが形成され、 これらの u_ejento の多くは、U(0) ミニポッド、(00_u_iiii) ポイントフラックス セルに基づいており、最後に構造化された (00_00) 生成物と混合されます。 この領域は飽和状態になりました。今にして思えば、使用されていた集合レベルのモデルを個別レベルのモデルに置き換えることを提唱した人もいましたが、通常、そのような動きから得られる利益はほとんどないことがわかりました。 それらが湧き出ているパターン: 最も初期の浸透時に残響を測定するためのマイクロゴリョは、電流の流れから u_flux の動きの変化をフィルターで取り除く目的でプログラム的に配置されたインセンティブの不均衡の形をとりました。」(00_00) )(モノグルイ:ヤメグル(ii))((00))00。 (00_00)(00)(MONOGURUI)(00_00)(00_00)(ii): 「(でも逆に、脂質の内側から何かが外に向かってひねくれた形で押し出して……現実そのものを変えてしまうのです:0000 あなた、.. 0000 あなたの小さな近視: それらは今では何もありません:u_ejento による監視の試みについては、多くの研究が行われました。高度に指定された性質の対抗手段を用いて、その「制御」下にある生物の取引を誘導することです。u_pulse の変化、環状構造の点状の間で変化する手段 、.. 分析構造の変化: もちろん、狂気の評価や測定は常に遡及的です: あなたはそれが表面下で蓄積しているのを観察しません: しかし、最も完全に定義された明確さで、それがどれだけ大きいか.. 恐ろしいことはわかります。 成長した、.. すべての小さな複雑さ.. 筋肉の詳細.. それが出現するその瞬間に先立つ特定の瞬間にそれが経た組織の成長:人は、この1つの明確な点でのみ、呼吸を手放すことができます。 おそらく、静かに自分にこう言いましょう、「もちろん…、それはずっとそこにあったのです」: dr.y. のコントロール ポイント システムは、u_flow の制御のモデルでした: これらのフローを制御するという命題に真剣に取り組む人はいないでしょう。 システムを通過する経路に沿ったすべての動き: しかし、明確に定義された制御点に測定プロトコルを導入し、ある時点で必ずフィルタリングすることもできます。この意味で、u_objects セルは 集合体が開かれた宇宙の力: 実際には、u_base .. 支出の複合装置に付属するモナディック環構造なしでは、これはどれも不可能です): (yameguru(ii)(00_00)(ch.) マンガンブルーのミディアムレッド..ホワイトの装備..__透明なゴム製のボディスーツ..透明なゴム製のヘッドマスク、しかし多くの岩のひだ:唇をすぼめてフィデユキ(ii)の笑顔..ハール3-ミニサークルミディアムグレー (00_00)(モノグルイ: ヤメグル(ii)(00_00)(ch.))(ii))((00))(00)(00) (00_00)(00) ヤメグル(ii)(00_00 )(ch.)((00_00)(00_00))(ii): "(風が岩に吠える: yameguru(ii)(00_00)(ch.): 「ガンバレ!: 離さないよ」: ヤメグル(ii)(00_00)(ch.) 疲れた目で: フィデユキ(ii) 耳元で何かささやく: 透明なゴム製のヘッドマスクをかぶって 向きを変える .. ユミ(ノ)ゴストと立ち去る: ヤメグル(ii)( 00_00)(ch.) の側の手がゆっくりと開く: ユミ(ノ)ゴスト: 「はははははははは!」: ヤメグル(ii)(00_00)(ch.) チェイショーグの口の上で高く開いて無言の叫び声 ): (おそらく、原理的には、ある種の非複合装置が同じ機能を果たすことができます。.. おそらく射影情報の進歩によってさえ、これが実現するでしょう。しかし、私たちは今そこからはほど遠いです: u_ejento は、私たちがやったときに何が起こったのかを疑問に思いました。 「対象の虚偽に取って代わる」ことに失敗した:彼らのシステムでは、そのような調和のとれていない対象は、幻の対象、つまり、それ自体の非真実を通って理解されている現実に移行する可能性のある対象の出現として扱われました。 それらは、知覚におけるあらゆる基礎的な係留から切り離されます。そこでは、それらの一貫性の欠如そのものが内なる輝きを形成する、反転した知覚の誘発となります。