((00)(00_) (00_00)(00) y_ueghuru(ii)(00_00)(ch.)(00_00)(the YUGHUR::PHANTOM)(ii): "(probability: (df) u_connections / u_space, where, from a numeric standpoint, 0 functioned as a u_connector as a convergence between multiple u: which, in turn, functioned as floating probability arrays: the concept of points was replaced by convergence-spaces, a defining characteristic of which, as consequence, was that it could be either large or small: in this way u_pulse flows had a bubble quality): (white reflecting off of chrome studs: at the heart of all of this was the concept of u): (yamabushi would map out their c.a.m. via a basic 6-foliate structure (6u): each 6u was anchored by a u.0 function representing a u_pulse measurement mapping of a temporal domain: (00_00) had devised a _u mapping, m(0)phur, a u differential (measuring the change in a universalized consolidated proto-phasm flow intensity), sum of flows, background reverb)." (00)(00) (00_00)(00) y_ueghuru(ii)(00_00)(ch.)(00_00)((00_00)(00_00))(ii): "(.. monogurui (always the _th term of a _u, constructed as an inverted residual): the result is a temporally fluid topological reconciliation of eigenvalues .. sequences, relying heavily on direction neutral 'sums' referred to as u_pulse flows, or U[u.0….u.I]): ((00_00) (00_00) (00_00) (00_00) (00_00) (00_00) (00_00) (00_00) (00_00) (00_00) (00_00) (00_00) (00_00) (00_00) (00_00) (00_00) (00_00) (00_00) (00_00) (00_00) (00_00) (00_00) (00_00) (00_00) (00_00) (00_00) (00_00) (00_00) (00_00) (00_00) (00_00) (00_00) (00_00) (00_00) (00_00) (00_00) (00_00) (00_00) (00_00) (00_00) (00_00) (00_00) y_ueda(ii) wears a dark gray wig pushed up into 3 huge misformed circles: här white cotton metal circle-patterned ghost-equipage which comes billowing out under här hitched up chest, poofing out over här belly slightly: hä looks at the contorted growths of the surrounding plants: y_ueda(ii): (quietly) 'I am suffering unbearable agony: the cherry trees are in blossom'): (sometimes these were referred to more casually as 'paths', referencing the space between _ or more of these given u_pulse points: to the point where morikumura could be clearly conceptualized one would start with the assumption that U is incomplete .. uncertain (probabilistic) .. unconsistent (possessing the quality of reverb): one was faced with these flutters, even in circumstances close to stability: hence convergence as a defining conceptual attribute for objects occupying the system: the space which the reverb occupied was sometimes referred to as the m(0)phur-gap)." ((00)(00_) (00_00)(00) y_ueghuru(ii)(00_00)(ch.)(00_00)(the YUGHUR::PHANTOM)(ii): "(probability measures were a function of direction-neutral models pushing out path arrays creating topological models as operating units: but these units were never static)."(00)(00) (00_00)(00) y_ueghuru(ii)(00_00)(ch.)(00_00)((00_00)(00_00))(ii): "(they were always growing or constricting in uncomfortable ways: you ended up, in practice, handling arrays of eigenvalues as notches for constrained min max plottings: the clear plastic curves push outward, reflecting the white hydrophonic light uncomfortably .. permeated with cold air dew-units which would invert from the pressure dynamics .. pop out: each coupling was made of white plastic or metal with white rubber inset holds): (proto-phasm flows by their nature attempt to fill every pressure level, to permeate themselves in the entropic architecture of the (*)region as is: in the pursuit of this equilibrium compound these flows must contain themselves, .. must turn inward on themselves)." ((00)(00_) (00_00)(00) y_ueghuru(ii)(00_00)(ch.)(00_00)(the YUGHUR::PHANTOM)(ii): "(like crystalline structures growing via implosion expansion reverb: the yamimonogurui force-pulse of mysterious forces is converted into definable contained entities, entities with certain developed volitional momentum of their own, formed in pre-embryonic material organism: u defined as matrix-shifts, or a mapping of one u_matrix to another: (00_00) (00_00) (00_00) (00_00) (00_00) (00_00) (00_00) (00_00) (00_00) (00_00) (00_00) (00_00) (00_00) (00_00) (00_00) (00_00) (00_00) (00_00): it didn't matter how misshapen or malformed the relationship was – as long as one could wrap a function on it one could utilize it productively for the formation of one's u_flows: ultimately mathematical concrescences could be abstracted out as universal u_objects): (at a _0 to __ growth velocity in u one can swallow a _ to _0 drop without clearing 0): (following the implosion begun by CHSGR .. pushed slowly further down over the course of yamauereda(ch.) commander(i)'s long tenure)."(00)(00) (00_00)(00) y_ueghuru(ii)(00_00)(ch.)(00_00)((00_00)(00_00))(ii): "(from a contextual standpoint, regardless of the specific initiating cause, one was simply too close to 0 .. far too likely in such a regime to hold up against a _ to _0 drop without phase-push: in this sense the 'interregnum' was less a regime of smoothing out stochastic fluctuations, which really failed to cease for any prolonged period, but rather a regime of a sustained upward pushing buffer allowing for drops to be smoothed over relatively modestly): (the absence of a reservoir for the phantom mega-commuting convergence: (00_00) (00_00) (00_00) (00_00) (00_00) (00_00) (00_00) (00_00) (00_00) (00_00) (00_00) (00_00) (00_00) (00_00) (00_00) (00_00) (00_00) (00_00))." ((00)(00_) (00_00)(00) y_ueghuru(ii)(00_00)(ch.)(00_00)(the YUGHUR::PHANTOM)(ii): "((00)(00) (00)(00))." ((00)(00_) (00_00)(00) y_ueghuru(ii)(00_00)(ch.)(00_00)(the YUGHUR::PHANTOM)(ii): "(iii) the u_op. dispersion / disappearance of proto-phasm:: from _000 to _00_ u_op. was, in effect, taking on a role of a yamauereda (00_00)(00_00)(00_00))."(00)(00) (00_00)(00) y_ueghuru(ii)(00_00)(ch.)(00_00)((00_00)(00_00))(ii): "((00_00) (00_00)(00_00)(00_00)(00_00) (00_00)(00_00)(00_00)(00_00) (00_00)(00_00)(00_00)(00_00) when they removed themselves from this activity in _00_ u growth slowed, .. when they imploded in _00_ u plummeted as the proto-phasm volume they had pushed in under the upper surface of the u_objects .. u-compounds popped): (auf(ii) referred to a ‘chushingura’ having occurred, an inversion of the equilibrium of proto-phasm forces that had held for ½-(0_0) prior): (y2: 'you are not yagaö's double: you were copied from här by the * .. passed over to uncover the results of här investigations: you were not supposed to make it this far': the gray rubber onnagatomaton with block-form rubber outro-suit .. ingresses floats its fingers over the glass surface, pretending to be unaware of y_ueghuru(ii)'s discomfort, looking down at här .. the two multi-colored bouquets in their little metal ewers, .. the ornate clear plastic protrusions .. contours of the tightly enclosed space, with two large monitors behind plotting out pink, blue, red residuals: two stubby black plastic mini-rods protrude upward from här head, two block-protrusions face forward: y_ueghuru(ii) lies strapped on a small metal block-table, in front of the ewers .. two glass rods: a white yamabushi insignia decorates the corner of the metal surface .. här eyes keep drifting over to it for some reason: two little off-shoots of the room hold mini work bays: low white light emanates around them: far behind the enclosing windows of the space hä sees what appears to be the depths of a dense forest, with filtered light captured in white brilliance in little pockets: y_ueghuru(ii): (whispered) 'chushingura-phoma': y2: 'in attempting to define actuality processes u_ejento honed in on the concept of prediction-power: an actuality process was conceived as a measure of the power of a process to perform accurate predictions: the better the predictions that an object produced as a feature of a metric the more actual or real it was deemed to be: this was posed as an anser to the question of whether/how or to what degree could monads, being dimensionless points, form a body: it becomes a kind of ghost-haeccitism, one whose force imbues a body or object only in the future tense: mi:yabi(ii) revoked her status as ch.yuoghor, .. resides in the ryojusen, working with the remainder of the institute of the defense as a conqueror of the imaginal world for super-reversion, an attempt to regenerate the world thru synthetic principles rather than analytic: with the acquisition of y_ueda (01SP) yumi(no)gosuto will be able to put the plan into complete, irreversible effect': there is a wind passing through the trees, disturbing their boughs .. foliage intermittently in a steady pulse that y_ueghuru(ii) imagines as directed in on här as a centering point, one which hä might control .. disperse as a retributional force: hä knows the (00) are hidden in the underlying coverings somewhere, their little bodies with light gray fur .. large black fur-patches, large, cute eyes: contained in the massive chambers of the yamauereda: something indistinct flutters past): (goryos constructed by the u_ejento pushed the interregional flows of u such that the regional mega-commuting domain’s role was reversed: instead of the stand alone mini-pods fulfilling the role of amplifying cyclo-u to meet the proto-phasm adequacy of monadic reverberation, they were positioned to pull the expansion of u back inward, via the mechanisms of (0), reversions, .. such measures: the phantom mega-commuting convergence was, conversely, positioned as the distributor of the flows of these goryos, such that the irrigation .. cyclostructure propagation which they produced would be mirrored by the 00-ueghurama development point-form initiatives metastasizing around their congealed agglomerations: the inversion of proto-phasm flows in the (00_00) compounds reflected this implosion of inward bound flows to an outwardly-directed expansion: monadic forces that pulled resources inward were now pushing them out, establishing new modes of temporal .. spatial mathematical mapping: modes of monadic reverberation based on mineral extraction for import to the micro-gravities of the proto-phasm base were transformed into modes of distribution of information)." (00)(00_00)(00) y_ueghuru(ii)(00_00)(ch.)(00_00)(ii): "(compound ejento for the retention of the rentiers could deploy such means as proto-phasm controls, increased confiscation of possessions .. resources, redistribution of mass/interior collocations, …., only as last ditch efforts to stem a tide of overwhelming force such that the proto-phasm coefficient turned inward on itself: the u_ejento engineered the flows in keeping with auf(i)'s notion of invisible processes as an irrigation system comparable to the (::::) system of dykes .. polders that managed the careful equilibrium between flooding .. agricultural abundance: här system had no place in it for the kind of fine tuned control of stochastic forces that ran in flickering nauseous aura over the u_C.A.M.s, or the forces that would push convergences .. spillovers one direction or another, the development of proprioceptions as an implosion of proto-phasm, the balance of forces between this push/pull .. entropic distribution: so here we have the ejento as an op.flux ghost, a biomorphed filter for u_pulse flows, neither creating nor destroying them but pushing .. pulling their dissemination in an information-generative mapping: u_objects/futures are the form of proto-phasm in its most pure being, with the (0_0) cell materializing this as it blew up .. covered the (*)region in its expanse: proto-phasm is a point-map which can be transported quickly over time .. space (df): the portals cyclo-sped this process to 00-00 bounds: in the (00_00) the interregional water routes formed the u_space of their times, distributing information-*production .. its concurrent crystallization with the rapid multiplication of strings .. their push into the development of farming .. urbanization: proto-phasm was pushed out .. through the rentiers' collocations via dispersed mathematical centers, with the characteristic that this growth pushed inward .. via a new kind of density, as opposed to outward reaching forms: to the end hä always viewed monadism as a pole itself opposed to entropism, rather than an equilibrium space between the forces of entropism .. phasm-force, the defining probablistic marker of monadism being the proto-phasm coefficient as it was pushed/pulled forward/backward by proto-phasm forces, nor did hä recognize the slow regression of this process following (0_0) pulling back inward, or the failure of a cyclo-intension mapping process (implicit or otherwise) to capture its core properties, or the management of curves as opposed to rigid quantities as a possible course countering the ‘mysterious’ distortions of the CHSGR regime, nor the basic observational behavior of the system as cyclo-intension .. proto-phasm growth expanded in response to CHSGR’s high level cyclo-inversion of the monadic phase only to counter-intuitively recede in response to (0_0)’s wave mitigation processes’ opening of it back outward in rapid but brief concentric force)."
(00_00)(ものぐるい:ヤメグル(ii)(00_00)(ch.))(ii))((00))(00)(00) (00_00)(00)ヤメグル(ii)(00_00)(ch.) ((00_00)(00_00))(ii): "(いくつかの巨大な弛緩ポンプのように、u_flux フローは u_flux ejento の制御に応答しなくなりました: u_flux 生産の成長が u_flows の成長を超えると、u_flux フローのいずれかに圧力がかかります :fields または配列内の測定値。u_flux flow:fields は、この効果を後者にプッシュするように設計されています。flux:pull u_flux フレームワークでは、フローのセクションが制限されています。 新しいリリース フロー: このリリース フローは、大部分が場の相互作用の蓄積でした.. 結果として生じる '目に見えない減衰' は、基になる (幽霊のような意味での) 出力の微分によって表されます: の u_pulse フロー効果の代わりに u_flux フローの出現により、生産の消失による架空の完成への減衰効果が見られます。つまり、u_flux フローの非貫通境界条件が取り消されます。非粘性 1 次元フローは、充満する新しいギャップを見つけ、広告が必要になります。 オンザフライで生成されるホックな潤滑方法: udoh(ii)UNYIMEABASHI: 新しいフロー: フィールド、u_flux 残響のために未利用、摩擦による衝突を最小限に抑えますが、除去しません。 なぜなら、彼らは流れの影響を無視していたからです.. 代わりに、流れそのものを直接測定しています: (暗闇の中で座っている :::: 何も :: 何も :: 何も:: phideyuki(ii) は、これらすべてを経験することを忘れています . . 暗闇の中で自分自身を見つける, y_phantoms または彼らの mim-agents の神秘的な力がいたるところにある. 白く照らされた部屋に戻り、透明なゴム製の囲い、やめぐる(ii)の静かな息がハールに当たり、再びハールの肉を見つける.. ハールの上でそれを裏返しにする: ミニ菊やそのレトリックを気にしない あなたの内側から立ち上がる反乱、それはあなたを可能性に向かって前進させます、あなたの指はあなたの唇の上に、あなたの指はあなたの唇の上に、再び、あなたを支配する権威の内側に働きかけます..それらをあなたに背かせ、ブーケをあなたの側に置き、 あなたの髪の中、秘密の場所で、あなたの瘴気.. あなたの飢え、あなたの傷、.. あなたの潜在能力を、小さな留め金で肩に浮かぶフェティッシュな装身具に変え、次の瞬間の所有物に変えます。 その表面、その反応を感じ、その冷たさ: här 手首の脈動、här 胃のばたつき): (これらの方法のいくつかは、緊急障害による u_pulse 条件に違反する拡張ショックを軽減または排除しました: これらは u_pulse 修正と呼ばれることもありました: 欠如 u_ejento は、予測不可能性への愛情にかなりオープンでした.. u_pulse フローの範囲: 逆転バルブのシステムを介して調整されたゴースト フロー.. アキュムレータとコンプレッサーを組み合わせたもの)。 (00_00)(ものぐるい:ヤメグル(ii)(00_00)(ch.))(ii))((00))(00)(00) (00_00)(00)ヤメグル(ii)(00_00)(ch.) ((00_00)(00_00))(ii): "(ゴースト フローは、条件 d(u(x.L,t))=d(0): udeaMIGHU(ii): ここにあるようなサーフェスまたは境界のプレースホルダーです。 現実の間の境界面.. その瞬間のゴースト フロー: ゴースト フローにはゴム状の性質が含まれているため、内側に押し付けることができますが、その過程で逆流の圧力が生じます: ブローバックの可能性が生じます: (00_00 ) のプロセスは、(00_00) u_flux flow:fields に適用される一連のこれらのゴースト フローの調整から構成されていました。それらが同時に吹き返す配置: _ yamabushi はそれぞれ _ から _0 のゴースト フローを担当しました: u_flux フロー これらのゴースト フローに注入されたフローは、一連のミニコードを介して、それらが描画された数年後の時点に戻されました。 つまり、因果関係の観点からフローの方向性に自信がある場合にのみ、インデックスは適切です。 : この明確性が取り除かれると、誰が誰を 0000 としているかについて不確実になります: 根底にあるプロセスは不透明になります.. それを観察する他の方法を見つけなければなりません: (00_00) は、不確実性を保持している限り、これらの根底にあるプロセスの尺度でした: その不確実性は、本質的には尺度でした: 与えられた狭い範囲に制限されると、もはや何も測定しなくなります.. 不確実性は、おそらく観察されていないどこか別の場所に単純に泡立ちます: または、言い換えれば、フラックス: プルは、理論的には、u_pulse の流れを制御し始める時点までは正常に機能します..その後、(0000)ed: すべてが遅くなり、すべてが白くなります..後ろに移動しているように見えます)."