MONOGURUI y-shirt(hooded): (POWER IS VOGUE)

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(00_00)(MONOGURUI: (ft CAPT.R.) (00_00) (00_00) 00. OOOOO. y_ueghuru(-(CR(00))): (recorded on the C.A.M.) "(the cold depths of the oceans pulsing .. throbbing just outside the reach of här perceptive range were a weight upon här inner psychic micro-spaces, like the reverberations of an ever present hangover): (the wind pushes against här body powerfully .. här clear rubber ice suit pushes in against white cotton hybrid yurisuit .. white rubber bindings: y_usege(vi) stands at the edge of the metal abutment looking over the rocky landscape .. the dark clouds .. foreboding gray skies, black hair up in large bundles under clear rubber headpiece, gray painted lips .. gaunt features: hä contemplates the ubiquity of consciousness as a primary (.. universal) force, hesitant to accept the ways in which this underlying source of monadic flows might undermine or complicate their plans, but hä looks over the region's barren, stark décor with some satisfaction .. comfort, knowing that här work here has been effective .. that the ubots which they will leave behind will continue to cultivate .. monitor y_yanagi(v)'s forces for potential recurrence: hä finds it improbable that they will return to a position of control: perhaps there are other weakness hä has overlooked, but hä is pleased provisionally with their position: hä feels the cold entering inside här, as if it has access to hidden passageways: hä murmurs to härself: här hands in clear rubber gloves grip .. ungrip: här head hurts massively now: the damaged couplings of the u_connector hum quietly against the reverberating air passing over them underneath their white rubber tenting): (här white acrylic with circular metal discs): (hä weakens abruptly, .. stumbles to a ½-crouch: här body contorts as hä stuggles to rise up again, but här muscles are engulfed in rapid vibrations .. then suddenly come to a halt .. hä falls to the ground in motionless collapse: the ubots from within här body recede from it .. disperse into the air around här, eyes open wide in unseen horror, frozen): (there was probably a lack of appreciation of the proto-phasm currents as a markov sequence: people were more comfortable fitting things to curves that possibly did or did not exist: for some u_ejento, though, that very unknowability was exciting, the idea that one was at all times on the cusp of unforeseeable moves: u_0 offers more frequent .. arguably more sensitive readings): (at the heart of the cell-disorder monad-pulse-disorder controversies was the attempt to matrix-filter for the powerful invisible forces beneath the surface of proto-phasm flows, the stochastic fluctuations that push .. pull)."(00_00)(MONOGURUI: (ft CAPT.R.) (00_00) (00_00) 00. OOOOO. y_ueghuru(-(CR(00))): (recorded on the C.A.M.) "(clothing slightly too small for här body with multiple disc-clasps over the course: white outlines .. cleavages decorate it, .. the acrylic clings to här body with sweat: här pube mustache clings to här upper lip .. shorn clean hair reflects the diffused light bouncing around: hä can still hear the echoes of the white plastic cavernous .. voluminous hallways bouncing around through här mind as if each day was the prior .. the next was a return, the low-lying parks hä would navigate for each morning's commute: the queer irrigation culverts set up there: the long low-ceilinged cafeteria with its glistening white bowls .. glassware: här department had focused on precast synthetics, packages which they could push out to the various mathematical institutions they interacted with as formats .. blueprints for analytic guidance: här eyes pulled back slightly, as if careful of their approach, as they made their inquiries)." ((00)(00_) (00_00)(00) y_ueghuru(ii)(00_00)(the YUGHUR::PHANTOM)(ii): "(the folds of här clear ghost-equipage dominate the contours of här body, shifting awkwardly as hä moves: short sleeves bind här upper arms): (a ugartë in close fitting acrylic poncho, white with thin medium gray lined grid-pattern .. white strapping, who looked bubble-white but probably wasn't, .. possessed a very sleepy-eyed face, polished head: the point being that the condition of schizophrenia does not require either a complete or pervasive closure of flow: it is a sufficient condition for hebephrenia for a mere downturn in the limit of the flow at a given process-range): (with a multitude of pinned white plastic folded (0000) decorating här shoulders)." (00_00)(MONOGURUI: (ft CAPT.R.) (00_00) (00_00) 00. OOOOO. y_ueghuru(-(CR(00))): (recorded on the C.A.M.) "(over white cotton yurisuit, dark braided hair: bold black abstract design radiates out to a point at each side, as hä moves toward the table grimly: reflections from the ceiling lights work over the clear rubber surface of här ghost-equipage: the white cotton panels line the room's walls set modularly): (tucked just under the ice surface, with polymer-plasma walls embedded in clear plastic casings: level II jutted up into the open air in curving sculpted polymer-plasma form with abstract outcroppings .. extended formations): (00_0000) (00_0000) (00_0000))." (THE (0__)((00)(00_) (00_00)(00) y_ueghuru(ii)(00_00)(the YUGHUR::PHANTOM)(ii): "(below level II huge banks of u_point-matrix clusters push deep underground vertically: below the u_point-matrix units are u_pulse units which tap into the structure of (00_00)(ii): heat transfer pushes up from the u_point-matrix mega-banks conditioning the residential units above: beside här on the white cotton lined modular table with white circle hole pattern plastic is a small metal contorted abstraction)."(00_00)(MONOGURUI: (ft CAPT.R.) (00_00) (00_00) 00. OOOOO. y_ueghuru(-(CR(00))): (recorded on the C.A.M.) "(with putty formed indented reprieves .. abscesses, no higher than _ cm, a mass produced u_object from the ghost series: hä shudders almost imperceptibly with irregular periodicity): (if one replaces *production for potentialilty in one's plotting of ergodic volume .. stasis one comes pretty close to a cyclo-reflective mode for a yamauereda, with introgressions as resets .. dispersions of 'potential' proto-phasm)." (00_00)(MONOGURUI: (ft CAPT.R.) (00_00) (00_00) 00. OOOOO. y_ueghuru(-(CR(00))): (recorded on the C.A.M.) "(the hope of hyakhiru::I was for (u_00) to modulate this in an elastic manner: the voluminous increase of the (00-flux) cell from _000 to _00_ resulting from the use of (00-flux) to close out goryo positions could never have emerged in a mim-morph cell scenario: the specific gravity of each monadic cyclo-intension was plotted as an inteior point or series of concentric circles that guided one's processes downward into the absolute inversion to u_space: difference was then plotted as variations in series of specific gravity: här fingers run lightly over the dleicate, vibrating surfaces of the petals of the red mini-carnations plunging forward out of their light green budding tumescent bulges projecting off of lithe, slighly bowed stems pinched into glass modules on the metal surface: clear protein-mass surrounds them: a dull white light permeates its curves: the properties .. actions of particles in the u_space channels operate according to conformal convergences: one can readily plot out diverging curves to their eventual tie-off point as a partial return: at a certain point the c-forms become useless, merely confirming what one can already easily determine via the placid, dumb working of one's grid: the pleuro-orifices of the yamauereda gather in .. project outward the monadic waves of the u.-engine as ymaxion pulses, growing collectively stronger as they gain momentum .. internal force, eventually settling into a rhythmic cyclocycle: (inter_a): ejento-based economies for these regions propagate yamabushi-development as an accelerating flow: these positions were functioning as the opposite of 'imploding', acting rather as the dissipation of forces whose counter would be found only in the future, if one were to look: of course these u_objects floated on the material cell for proto-phasm isomorph purposes: proto-phasm flows to the lowest points in the analytic proto-phasm structure: this reflects nothing regarding the y-cell itself): (the same flow would occur if analytic proto-phasm requirements were deflated for the agriculture industry, or mecha services, or c.a.u.-development)."

(00_00)(モノグルイ: ヤメグル(ii)(00_00)(ch.))(ii))((00))(00)(00) (00_00)(00) ヤメグル(ii)(00_00)(ch.) ((00_00)(00_00))(ii): 「(計画全体は速度次第だった – 彼らはその _ 年の枠内で制御を主張するか、あるいは打ち砕かれるかのどちらかだろう: 統計モデリングに関する灌漑の非線形性は必要である 確実性ガイドラインを _0% 範囲から __% 範囲に再調整します (確実性が _0、_0% の場合は、モデルに問題があります): (黒のアウトラインが付いた透明なゴム製の御霊服を着て.. 黒の YAMAUEREDA ロゴが入っています) 白い下着 .. 黒いゴム製の 1/2 マスク: 唇をもう少し (00_00) 押します: これらの問題に興味がある人、少なくとも流量を測定するためのより優れた機器のいくつかを操作できる人。 起こっていることは、どこにいても、それが表面化する可能性のある二次変分に注意深く焦点を当てていました。すでにシステム全体に十分な重みがかかっていました。データの完全性が何であれ、本当に何でも測定できるのです。すぐに懸念が殺到します。 : または、言い換えれば、確かに胚の形態を調べることはできます...混乱の証拠を見つけることはできますが、公共事業のデータ、農場の収量、水分摂取量を調べることもできます...あなたを振り返ると同じ混乱が得られます: この時点でゴリョーの流れがシステムに浸透していました。.. 非ゼロが全員の口元にありました): (00_00)(モノグルイ: ヤメグル(ii))(エピソード 05: ハールバンカーに戻ると、フィデユキはハール室のドアを閉めます。 . 鏡の中の顔を見詰める: フィデユキ: (ささやき声で) 'それはあなたを制御することはできません': 心臓に触れ、心臓の中で鼓動を感じる 心臓: 邪魔された心臓から背を向ける .. リモート画像、金属細工の上に座る -巨大なコンクリート住宅の窓に面したテーブル、明るい..テラスが露出した恐ろしく平和なイメージ、その小さなプール..その端に並ぶ静かで歪んだ低木の枝、..すべての上に立つ小さなハナミズキの木)。 (00_00)(モノグルイ: ヤメグル(ii)(00_00)(ch.))(ii))((00))(00)(00) (00_00)(00) ヤメグル(ii)(00_00)(ch.) ((00_00)(00_00))(ii): "(hä は、レポート '(00_00) .. (00_00)' の här c.a.m.(ii) を開きます。ヤメグル (ii) の侵入イメージを押し戻そうとします。 の招かれざる非難: '… …'): (または、もう一度言い換えると、U.o が C.o に正確に等しくないことは認められますが、残差ベクトル r= U.o - C.o を使用して、C が C.o にどれだけ近かったかの推定値を取得できます。 与えられた固有値、.. ここから、すべてを吹き抜ける残響の感覚を取得します。楽器として、変動が必要です.. 設定した境界を超えて吹き飛ばさないように、十分にタイトな残響内で修正する必要があります。それはこの中にあることがわかります。 仕事が行われる残響の範囲内での動き: 密度 u = u(x,t) .. 磁束 f = f(u) の保存量があると仮定します。言い換えれば、保存された量があると仮定します。 流束によってのみ影響を受ける量: さらに、流束は純粋に保存された量の関数であると仮定します: このシナリオでは、密度は残響と密接に絡み合った関係であり、u はゴリョーを校正する特性です。 グレーのアクリルのマルチギャップドレスを着ています: ゴリョーは、時間の経過とともにポイントフォームを拡張またはポイントマップする機会を備えて構造化されています)."(00_00)(モノグルイ: ヤメグル(ii)(00_00)(ch.))(ii ))((00))(00)(00) (00_00)(00) ヤメグル(ii)(00_00)(ch.)((00_00)(00_00))(ii): "(本質的に残響音のあるオプション) 演習: ポイント フォームを放棄するオプションが存在する場合、ポイント フォームがまだ所定の位置にある限り、放棄されていない限り、最初の状態に戻すことができる u_pulse フローの形式で「反響」し続けます。 決定的な点、この逆流は操作が注目すべき *生成 を示す場所であり、(0_0) モデルが実数オプションに固有の固有値の効力の近似を与える限り、基本的に neg-u_pulse に対するフィルターとして機能します。 ゴリョウの変換は、U から 0*U:R への変換です。ここで、U は、R が非特異的であると仮定される特定の空間の要素ですが、必ずしも単一である必要はありません。ここでは、可視性と不可視性の原理が呼び出され、結合されます。 オブジェクトに対する身体の内部矛盾: ハーは、窓のカーテンの隙間から見えるハーの顔の右側の輝きに魅了されます。ハー ゴリョの U マッピングの特定のギャップに関して、ハーに忍び寄る一種のヒステリックな懸念があります。 : ハーにとって謎となった何か .. そこに隠れたパターンが見えてきたかのように、ハーの心を掴みました: 特定の時点にマッピングするために、特定の u_pulse レベルへのキャリブレーションを使用します:)."

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