MONOGURUI ghost-suit: (JUST DO IT)



(00)(00) (00_00)(00) y_ueghuru(ii)(00_00)(ch.)(00_00)((00_00)(00_00))(ii): "(flows would push through a 6-matrix array consisting of a: 1) prediction matrix(neg); 2) prediction matrix(00); 3) prediction matrix(pos); 4) population matrix; 5) coefficients .. floating error; 6) floating error mean: but at a certain point they stopped caring about gamma distributions, composing a mathematical system as a kind of communication system pushed to its neg-information limits: given fields of mathematical objects how could one conceive of functions to bind them: u_pulse, at its core, was a generalized .. abstracted method for, with some degree of precision, defining a function to insert in the space between any given mathemetical objects, .. then inverting that function out to make predictions about other mathematical objects within one's codomain: these functions were modelled on the concept of gravitational pull, with their underlying forces mimicking the dynamic of interplay between values of mass .. closeness: proximity in this u_space was a notion of jumping rings concentrically built out from a convergence: in (00) (00_00) yurighuma-00 unwound the ryojusen backing that had protected it through the apex of the * .. closed out the (00_00) point_waves that nominally undergirded their isomorphism: the record ignores the invisible forces working beneath the surface: the winter ghost took on the role vacated by u_op. but in expanded form, with the mega-powers contained by the goryos pushed for the amplification of reverberation .. neg-information associated with proto-phasm expansion via the mathematical compounds, as the synthetic proto-phasm space became the kind of futuristic rubbery overflow basin for the injection of all matter of propagation fluids, phase-matched by u_flow puts ensuring vigorous bouncebacks, not quite the monotonic perversion grasped at by utopian theorists)."(00)(00) (00_00)(00) y_ueghuru(ii)(00_00)(ch.)(00_00)((00_00)(00_00))(ii): "(but a volatile reigning in of forces poised to overcome all bounds, cyclotrophy, or the ultimate implosion of proto-phasm .. the inversion of the organs of the rentier body in throbbing convulsive distortion): (hä fondles a white metal capsule with black printed specs running up it vertically: it reverberates slightly against the cold wind: _ metal protrusion-stubs come up from the inset black plastic surface closing it off)." ((00)(00_) 00. (00_00)(00)(00)(00_00)_y_ueghuru(ghost)(ii): "(one by one hä drops capsules into their units in här pack, picking each one off the ground circumspectly, as if curious: (phumiyugen)): (.. its reverb in a temporal space defined by projections into the future .. the past as a function of probabilistic u_pulse forces, with *pulse as a measure of these forces on u: analysis filtered out different units of convergence associated with neg-information/expansion groupings: property, at the phasm .. residential level, formed its own gravitational pull for the u_objects cell based on a cyclo-reflective mode based explicitly on a mode of re-grounding as pushback against the floating of proto-phasm forces, forces which had pushed the equilibrium of forces invested in proto-phasm from that of a property basis to that of prototopia constructs: the motivation for this process as one of undermining the social y-compound was never hidden, but operated out in plain sight as an openly stated goal: the property-based classes of society came, at this time period, to understand a u_agent-type construct of monadic forces as a balance of interests across wide swaths of both temporal .. spatial dimensions, with topological flows of convergent pressures from stasis pushing directly up against those that in a y_c framework would be referred to as the decoding/recoding process)."(00)(00) (00_00)(00) y_ueghuru(ii)(00_00)(ch.)(00_00)((00_00)(00_00))(ii): "(driving monadism to remap previously claimed autarkic spaces, as a system, not of additive algebra, but of the kind of flux spaces associated with the converging flows of differentials: if progressive op.-analysts came to the recognition that distribution of proto-phasm functioned as a ratio between the velocity of proto-phasm .. the value of *production in the aftermath of the *, entrenched operatives had already launched their efforts from this understanding at its onset/development period: the concept of controlling the relationship between r .. c was built into any mathematical formula for the implementation of control during this period: what was not recognized, perhaps, was the degree to which proto-phasm processes interacted with the kinds of mega-level unstable motion that u_ejento attributed in their models to u_pulse generated from entropic expansions as they radiated outward .. then back in on themselves: most models accounted for the growth factor portion but not the reverb property that operated at its core, by definition as a process of yamabushi forces: again, these were probabilistic flows, as opp. to generative: one could drop a bass model into any of these mappings .. watch it turn inward on itself in implosive force over a given time series: a small, tightly woven group of u_ejento stepped into this flow .. diverted it into what would become the mega-cyclostructure projects: här organs were all inverting upon themselves at this point: hä could see into the darkness now, the permutations of the y_phantoms that occupied the intermundia spaces that the u_ejento had not previously entered: even now watching them, in a process that had become for här almost routine, the underlying fear .. uncertainty regarding their nature .. movements pushed coldly through här body with each breath .. with each pulse of blood)."(00)(00) (00_00)(00) y_ueghuru(ii)(00_00)(ch.)(00_00)((00_00)(00_00))(ii): "(.. här head felt heavy with the weight of their presence: a series of mhyaka_compounds was developed along the canals that pushed inward into various land masses, pushing through underground tunnels under mountain ranges, lined by polymer-cem banks .. a variety of proto-plasm overlaid contoured dykes .. polders, planted with rows of the hybrid poplar/dogwood saplings that were becoming pervasive everywhere: each of the mhyaka_compounds consisted of 80% park space, with 20% of the structure in turn devoted to hydrocultures, .. roofspace committed to communal gardens set over the glass ceilings of cafetaria spaces .. gyms: each mhyaka_house contained 500 to (00_00) living units: the autarchic classes moved proto-phasm in large, desperate rushes into material goods, but, as (0_0) was converted into mass land collocations through the shuttle maid programs (of which, a couple of commutes into the * there consisted of over 500, representing over (00_00) in synthetic convertible goryos), channels for these movements were forced into the kind of cyclo-yamabushi *production entities that only pumped up the feedback loop of proto-phasm saturation rather than containing it): (u ejento incorporated crystals as fetish objects, with u_pulse reverb comparable to communications passed between crystal structures at microscopic levels: a u_space could be constructed as the permanent of another, phase shifted from one time period to another, with u growth measured in the interior: spaces associated with lower levels of u relative to another point in the constructed space would measure out with (lower u_pulse levels) higher *pulse, nominally: glass mega vials reaching thousands of feet down into the myghori_ch. surface): (turbines holding white rubber balls containing gases derived from (00_00)(ii) interactions)."(00)(00) (00_00)(00) y_ueghuru(ii)(00_00)(ch.)(00_00)((00_00)(00_00))(ii): "(these gases could be released in controlled fashion upon demand: u flows operated according to statistical dynamic properties): (morphism flows reflected repressed proto-phasm conditions even as the op. flux accumulated interior u_monads: (0_0) in y-phasm modality was moved into the proto-phasm system as base-form, supporting its decaying channel *production temporarily: proliferating out from each goryo would be an array of y_objects, initially primarily promoting the mhyaka_house development, but moving with slow building momentum into research propagation, followed by an influx into the irrigation channel development itself .. the large scale 00-ueghurama parks lining its boundaries: institutes were encouraged to push c-pulse to irrigation point-form in these *production centers, with the proliferating c-pulse resulting pushed into goryos created for this purpose: at one point nearly half of these new regional centers were devoted to u_point-matrices for monadic hyperforms for YAMAUEREDAs .. distribution, with an emphasis on increasing the volume .. speed of the system, in respect to information processing .. communication, from a quantitative measurement rather than a concern for the development of the content itself, which was implictly assumed to follow of its own course in response to increased capacity: conversely, the 6-fold expansion of the u-agency framework encouraged the growth of the push that would mirror this pull, in respect to conceptual *production: a regime of growth convergence was put into place in the proto-phasm processes centers, using as its mechanism of transfer the control of the temporal range of *pulse via a wide array of u-cell processes .. pure proto-phasm *production, mapped to a measure of entrodynamic (flux) probability spaces)."

(00_00)(00_00) (00)(00) (00_00)(00) y_ueghuru(ii)(00_00)(ch.)(00_00)((00_00)(00_00))(ii): "(dams .. irrigation control were conceived of in terms of carbon sinks regulating a hydroculture space for the *production of plant-based materials for a new kind of catallactic *production, laying the groundwork for a seeded domain for the growth of a second catallactic revolution, one intertwined with both the rapid expansion of the information phasm-metric .. anthropocene-cultivation theories of development, .. the formation of prototopian forms .. the proliferation of the materializations of fantasies: mathematicians, whose numbers proliferated in lagged parallel to the exploding demand for u_ejento .. entropic planners .. analysts, pushed back into the roots of the development of the calculus, adopting an approach turning away from the monad-based conceptual underworkings that had dominated historically .. led to the eventually rigid .. confining forms of set theoretic interpretations, .. pushing into fluxion-based channels of methodology .. foundational conception: y-continuum control volumes were conceived as phu-factors (or mass_flux) where mass was defined, not as a static quantity, but as a flow: these forces interacted in their systems via redistribution of probability spaces .. pressures: YAMAUEREDA focused branches at a number of these data centers on the pursuit of such developments, with the ultimate *production of * filters mapped on to the u_objects cell as their resulting concrescences: the velocity of conceptual discourse itself took new forms, as frictions .. control points for the dissemination .. inoculation of the process of research to packaging movements were circumvented or removed in response to the proliferation of flow-channels that mapped *production functions on to new overlaid arrays of interaction)."(00)(00) (00_00)(00) y_ueghuru(ii)(00_00)(ch.)(00_00)((00_00)(00_00))(ii): "(data centers for the distribution of conceptual research became so densely packed in the space between the research centers that bundlings of closely interacting data centers themselves became sources of gravitational pull independent even of any u-agency pass-through: reflecting this reorganization of convergences, eventually u-agency participation on the part of u_ejento .. inspectors became migratory, as boundaries between institutions became fluid, .. personnel would move from one u-agency center to another in response to the motivations of their research program: office spaces opened up at these data centers as demand for proximity to particular flow-channels emerged, .. data centers came to look like micro-ryojusens themselves, mirroring the social merging functions of cafetaria spaces .. botanical parks, with temp dorms functioning more or less as hostels interwoven with their perimeters: shuttle maid programs acquired modality in these new entities or mirrored their propagation in synthetic packages, helping to move the u_monad developement of these proto-phasm functions into a wider landscape of community resources): (such that given a relatively large u space in _00_ .. a smaller u space in _00_, u flows would tend to flow from the former to the latter as compressible, inviscid flows: the YAMAUEREDA processes allowed for computational flows/points to be mapped out .. controlled .. influenced with predictable effects: u flows functioned according to properties of fluid density, pushing .. pulling in various areas: it was usually a question of controlling the potential flow approximations rather than attempting to affect the flows directly, constructing interior spaces for flows to occupy of their own accord: these were multidimensional flows, so they resulted in misformed, mysterious cross folds)."(00_00)(00) y_ueghuru(ii)(00_00)(ch.)(00_00)(the YUGHUR::PHANTOM)(ii): "(the concept of u_pulse rests on the placement of convergence regions in spaces tightly confined enough so as to reduce stillness to imperceptible reverb over a small enough time period, giving a u equilibrium approximation that could easily be confused with an imperceptible 0-space: demand for interior cell compounds flowed in directly from a mirroring of the insufficiency of supply of constructable mass proto-phasm which had progressively pushed down u levels over the preceding aeons: mathematical innovations .. the ever increasing intertwining of complex mathematical concrescences .. institutions was a function of the demand for proto-phasm-generative channels to fill the gaps produced by decay in the overall supply necessary for the growth of the *region phasm-metric: filtering out the nuances this meant fundamentally an increase in concresence of the mathematical institutions driving the growth – the inevitable end point of the math on this point doesn't change regardless of how one gets there: .. almost as inevitably, with greater concresence of the interior proto-phasm compounds comes greater reverberation .. fragility: without the substantive reservoir of the large scale monadic foundation .. proto-phasm-producing properties of the modern compound the mathematical institutions stepping into this role operate by design as actors contingent upon the stochastic properties of the proto-phasm flows): (the y::inversion forms amassed on the large metal work tables in the cold room had become plant-like objects with dark contusions .. white or clear tubing turning upward into arrangements of delicate white sprouts or buds: the uri(00)ughuryor: 'the parities are incurred via the bending of the values over their op. value: (1:.5pi) or (1:1.5pi): from this one can infer rotational values where the particle or collocated monadic force reverberates over 2pi histories of maintenance to define a sphere of potentiality': y_ueghuru(ii)'s clear rubber ghost-suit with pink .. light blue outline over white cotton underclothes collects moist dimples from the imbued air .. här 2-braided oh-so-carbonaceous black hair pushes up dew: white fake fur padding at här shoulders .. hips grows soft .. saturated: hä glances at a murmur of reflection on the glass walls at the room's edge: y_ueghuru(ii): 'the y_objects of which you speak …. they exist in both worlds, they are able to cross over into potentially many worlds: they do so via a curvature over their hidden variables where are prototypical objects allow for only points or rays: they raise the prospect of the potential for y_worlds – worlds which which cross over the boundaries of *futures .. influence their ghost-interactions: if one thing can be either of this world or not of this world simultaneously it obeys causality .. existence rules which are inaccessible to us, but which may still have an effect on our beings: do you believe there are y_beings, in this sense?': the uri(00)ughuryor: 'if there are then the uniqueness of properties is fictitious .. we must allow for the possibility that our consciousnesses may overlap with those of these y_beings .. are perhaps at times subjucated to them': the gleam of the black acrylic enclosing the small objects before them, tied down with clear rubber bindings: y_ueghuru(ii) attempts to avoid looking at them directly without intending to: hä forces himself to make a decision to direct här gaze into their curves .. to begin the process, faltering, of unwrapping: a gentle, but forceful dim white light begins to push out as they are uncovered): (implosive reversion in this framework functions in rough parallel to the monadic channel of u_base, but at a significantly lower level .. with much greater inconsistency associated with it: u_flows countered these tendencies via their mirroring properties, such that goryos floated on wide arrays of isomophisms with synthetic vehicles implemented to flow back from the future: in some sense, these goryos were constructed as two or more interlocked propositions, in syntactic structure)."(00)(00) (00_00)(00) y_ueghuru(ii)(00_00)(ch.)(00_00)((00_00)(00_00))(ii): "(such that the flow of one would imply the interconnected flow/s of the other/s: the high-level equilibrium implosion features of the program of pulling inward were incapable of being overcome by 'internally-generated forces', it was argued: the flows of these goryos from forward points in time provided the outside reservoir of proto-phasm required to overturn .. reverse the equilibrium, .. this was done with such force that momentum was generated for the overturning of the interior/mass mirroring, such that the basic program of pumping up interior proto-phasm channels of the mathematical institutions based on a foundation of the augur-op. mass proto-phasm of the yamaueredas .. chrema was overturned to become the converse: from the mathematical compounds perspective input became output, output became input, .. a highly volatile .. fragile core supply now functioned to drive a robust, powerful expansive force generating massive upturns in the flows pushed into monadic reverberation: the YAMAUEREDA mathematicians modeling these systems worked closely in the intermundia space produced by the difference between the domain .. codomain of the log-link, finding in this space the convergence powers necessary to control these flows over large expanses of the proto-phasm topology: YAMAUEREDA began producing self-sufficient mecha with hydro-pod units, .. deployed them across overlapping boundaries .. regimes to cultivate the spread of the material effects of the proto-phasm expansions at work, defending against the potential for choke-points .. confinements that posed challenges in respect to the generation of frictions slowing or limiting the reach of the extant flows): (the uri(00)ughuryor moves through the clear plastic walled room of the (YAMAUEREDA)(ii))."(00_00)(00_00)(00)(00) (00_00)(00) y_ueghuru(ii)(00_00)(ch.)(00_00)((00_00)(00_00))(ii): "(clear gray-ish flesh runs over the uri(00)ughuryor’s contours at joints .. curves strapped tightly by white elastic rubber: black porous points of apparent decay spot the moist surface occasionally, but otherwise the white light glistens off its rounded muscles: the cool air vibrates in apparent stillness: uri(00)ughuryor touches the surface of a clear plastic module inset into the wall .. a metal control unit with black rubber, two glass plates pushed up against a white rubber buffer, .. metal base unit): (if a u_ejento can find in this space a pivot point for one's positions, such that an inversion or c-pulse can be turned around .. pushed back against the regions from which it emerged, then a reverb mapping between various temporal points can be constructed: reverb growth in this period outranged expectations but was not inconsistent with our experience in previous aeons)." ((00)(00_) (00_00)(00) y_ueghuru(ii)(00_00)(ch.)(00_00)(the YUGHUR::PHANTOM)(ii): "(each phase-push, treated as a post hoc 'controlled' experiment provides evidence allowing for the improvement of these identification processes: the interior sector, over the period of (0_0) to (00_00) took on the *production of proto-phasm that the mass sector was pulling back from: volumes were disproportionate to the realm of expectations of prior experience, as the process of dispersing (00_u_iiii) proto-phasm as u_gauge for the *region phasm-metric continued to move forward despite the tethering to a cyclo-intension calibration: but from its depths reservoirs of proto-phasm were being pooled that the inversion would tap into .. put into motion)."(00)(00) (00_00)(00) y_ueghuru(ii)(00_00)(ch.)(00_00)((00_00)(00_00))(ii): "(this mutation was not recognized at the time as a shift in the direction of flows despite analysis on the part of op. flux ejento .. others describing clearly its development: it was less an instance of being under the radar than a case of its consequences .. implications being underappreciated .. misunderstood: u_ejento understood op.flux differentials as the controlling force of geworfen as the forced casting out of proto-phasm into the *region: higher *pulse upstream of the monadic phase incentivize the *production of proto-phasm by the mathematical compounds by providing actors with the opportunity to push their interior proto-phasm profligately .. bind expansive proto-phasm in the u_domain minimally: compound institutions can intervene in the former via u-cell processes by yamaueredas to provide inputs for interior u_monads, .. in the latter by the *production of expansive compound-arrayed proto-phasm to push up its supply: (0_0) as traditionally implemented acts to dampen proto-phasm generation by bending the curve, in parallel to the mechanism of (0) via different means: the * operated as the culmination of the long push down on proto-phasm forces initiated by CHSGR on the part of compound institutions asserting control over interior proto-phasm-generative forces that had escaped control via the expansion of the u_objects cell: the * in this sense could be viewed as an enforcement move of a defense compound: interior mathematical institutions were beaten down so as to be brought into the fold under the controlling arms of the mega-entropism: there would be no second (::::) immersion of unreigned proto-phasm actors into the *region's monadic waves: order would be reconstituted under the renewed powers of command: .. the pushdown would be inflicted over .. over again, repeatedly until the forces pushing it back up were dampened irreversibly)."

(00_00)(MONOGURUI: ヤメグル(ii)(00_00)(ch.))(ii))((00))(00)(00) (00_00)(00) ヤメグル(ii)(00_00)(ch.) ((00_00)(00_00))(ii): "(.. 押し戻された): (モリグマ博士: (磨かれたプラスチック製のヘッドピース.. 表面に印刷された 3 つの黒い収束バンドで輝くマスク、球状の円 -ピンクで輪郭が描かれたポリマー原子の透明な鎧..水色): 透明なゴム製の手袋をはめた手で、薄い白い綿のカバーを押し上げると、その下にある奇妙な輪郭の金属塊を見渡すことができます: モリグマ博士: 「機能としてのアプリオリ」 常に循環性の呼び出しであり続けるような境界条件:したがって、人の努力は常に、自分自身で仮説を立てた、または直接固執した可能性の構築物から抜け出すことであり、..反対の可能性の観点から同じ質問を提起することです。 モナドを現実に変換するためのマッピングされたチャネルまたはプロセスとして:モナドが何らかの意味で機能的現実になるこのプロセス。 物質的または非物質的なものは、常に制約をもたらしますが、完全に事前に決定された方法の制約': ミニメカアプローチ、そのモジュール式の灰色のプラスチック.. それが動くと制御する黒いゴム製のバインディング、2 つの大きなずんぐりした-によってバックバランス- 円筒形の暗灰色の操作チャンバー: 1 つのアームに取り付けられているのは、変換された o-プロジェクション ファシリテーターであり、黒い突出した円筒が前面の回転円に配置されています。 その周囲に配列された黒い点: dr. morighuma: 「あなたの想像力では、想像を絶するように見える収束を見つけることができます.. 私たちには解決できない可能性のある u_spaces オーバーラップするレルム.. 反対条件の境界によってブロックされていることがわかります。 アクセスできないインタームンディアである: しかしその逆もある: 経験または意識をいずれかの方向または重複する方向に許容する人の「拡張繊維」の初期状態は、定義上、収縮をもたらす: それらがなければ、人は形のないものに直面するだろう. 永遠にヌーミックな想像を絶する形態の塊: 人の境界は常に、人が潜在的に投影する可能性のあるあらゆる種類の力の決定要因である'): (u_pulsification の要因として concresence が増加するという考えには欠陥があります: u_pulsification はゼロサムであり、すべての (0 ) (00) があります: 代わりに、観察されたこの湾曲の爆発は、u_flux レベルがモナディック リバーベラに自分自身を調整しようとした結果です。 ここでの規律は、一種の堅実な保守主義に少し似ているものではなく、束縛の意味で断固として理解されるべきです。これらの束縛の表面の下に何が構築されているかを思い出してください. 、それを降りています:マクロファシストは、彼らの拘束が彼らの(00_00)によって彼らのために解き放たれたので、疲れ果てたままになりました..彼らの唇の上に走る最も恐ろしい..半歪んだ満足の醜いものだけ..彼らの鈍い虚ろな目、 * が終わりに近づいたとき: här の内部のすべてが här を内側に引っ張っています: 分析効果が全体の灌漑チャネルの形成として機能し、個々の流れではなく高度に制御するという考えがあります。 しかし、それらの構成..相互関係:この意味で、キャリブレーションは一般に、「不合理..自己破壊本能」の力に対して正しいことを誰もが「知っている」ポリシーの実装として考えられています。 それは、最も冷酷な分析的意味で、設計機能としてより生産的に再構築される可能性があり、その結果、キャリブレーションは、システムのために決定された目的に対するシステムの進行中の設計と見なされる可能性があります。この目的のためには、賞賛すべきことがたくさんあります。 .. サイクロインテンション/モナドパルス生成の処理をエミュレートする): ((__)((0_0) (re (0_0)-(0000))) (00_00)(MONOGURUI: やめぐる(ii)(00_00)(ch.))(ii))((00))(00)(00 ) (00_00)(00) yameghuru(ii)(00_00)(ch.)((00_00)(00_00))(ii): "(モナドパルスリザーバーをポンプアップする必要があることを示す指標はたくさんありました: ミルオプ。 コモーフの引き戻しに関しては、少なくともしばらくの間、根本的な原因をほとんど完全に無視することができます..「(00_00)」の漠然とした概念は、イベント 控えめな見積もりでも、_0 (0) の上方へのプーフィングの可能性を表しています: här 黒いプラスチック製のマスクが här の顔を押しています.. 黒いゴム製のストラップが här の体を覆っています: しかし、すべてがそれを押し込んでいるにもかかわらず、その外側 (00_00)(00_00) における (00_00) の (00_00) の chremastic 生産性を押す力は、より大きくなります: (00)-institute は、CHSGR レジームを拘束力のある (00_00) グリッド内の統合された場所にもたらすように配置された p-adics に配置されます。 : u_flux 比率。)"

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