

00. (00_00)(00_00)(00)(00_00) (00_00)(00)(MONOGURUI)(00_00)(00_00)(ii): "(hä begins to run här hand along the inside of här arm: white rubber bindings over coded designs of white .. clear rubber: capt.r.(yamegu(r)u(ii))(ch.))." (00_00)(MONOGURUI: ueghuruomo_ueda)(ii))((00))((00)(00) (00_00)(00) capt.r.(yamegu(r)u(ii))(ch.)(00_00)((00_00)(00_00))(ii): "((000000): the u_pulse currents that from _00_ to _00_ were to blow open the control points: (00_00) (00_00) central to the control of u_pulse flows was the pinning down of points of u_pulse stillness: once one had a collection of static u_pulse points to 'push off' from one could assert control of a wide variety of related oscillations): (episode 19: u_phuma in white rubber u_defender bodysuit falls backward against the radiant blow of force from the augma_wind of gray_phantom: it wraps around här holding här at the edge of the precipice, the distant void reaching deep behind här: captured in the augma stasis, hä cannot move): (y_ueghuru(ii): (recorded on the c.a.m.(ii) 'Y.: 90 commutes: AKA the Radiant: AKA the Official Counter of the Institute of the Defense: an expert in mini-mathematics. the opponent of yumi(no)gosuto in the Controversy Concerning the Existence of the * (AKA the War of the Monads): the inherent consequences that come intact with it: Y., for a long time, was viewed as the reactionary to yumi(no)gosuto's revolutionary in this matter, but this has recently become revisited: minob.u was said to act as a courier for Y., being the go-between for Y. .. the mighu-phurs via various cut-outs: the construction of u_monad-engines with counter-dimensional mappings drove new growth in monadic channel control: i.e. spatial dimensions of more than or other than the standard three, time-dimensions of more than one: as competing postulates of reality their performance vs. humano-versions (man-data versions) proved powerful .. opened up new pathways: the coefficients were not bound to anything like an attempt to mirror some underlying reality, but rather were conceived as morphism-boundaries for a given outlook: these other-dimensional coefficients then populate the hidden variables, but only as a shift from one inconceivable to another: u_ejento pushed back consistently against the treatment of these as state-conditions, preferring instead models based on the idea of functions as processes .. their convergences: motion is always a two-dimensional quantity, at minimum, as contained equally in the observer as much as the observed, with the motion in the observed thought of as the 'spatial' component .. the motion in the observer as the 'temporal' component, though perhaps it might be better conceived as a reverberation between these two forces: the black acrylic form of här yurisuit collapsed over här shoulders with gapping at mid-arms .. midriff with semi-opaque covering with markings: raw, light-gray painted lips with gray splotches over här cheeks .. forehead up to 6 mini-collated dark gray bundles of hair: hä told me in the clearest terms that there would be no return: I watched här as här body slowly disappeared, each material particle of här being becoming a glowing white-light orb .. then receding into some unreachable orthogonal cavity: the shadows sculpting the contours of här neck .. face turned to glimmering blurs merging with their surroundings: my knees buckled .. I threw up all over the white plastic floor .. lost consciousness: when I awoke there was a quiet humming reverberating through the room but the moment I tried to focus on it it was gone': här eyes push forward, blink heavily: it pushes hand into här mouth, pushing här body down: (00) mathematicians who argued against the monogurui uniform här white body sits in the white (000000)(00)/ or to multiple cut-off but intra-connected (KNOW WHERE YOU'RE HEADING?) (500.00) privacy-units came to the fore around this mini black round-topped metal screws bind THE WHITE ROOM. period communication-processes was the pieces of the clear polymeratomic armor (00) primarily of a mathematical structure assessed with a ugartë: I am a good ugartë, .. intermittently: selecter-press: just this morning invented by (00)?, referred to as the monadic currents: oh-so-carbonaceous black-stubbled yet somehow my cold business associate: I had about to exterminate all the excessive this face 5-circled hair beneath the clear plastic no-objects were mathematical stuctures for puts här black rubber mini-gloved hand to unwelcome image. cerulean blue oh-so-red/ 13-circled head-piece clear plastic mask w: which material qualities simply wouldn't stick: här lips: här clear rubber mask restricts The white Room/ 6 bumps of här 3 convergent weak super-red semi-opaque but couldn't be construed as events because här head tightly: big round eyes: (-CR)(00): clear rubber bodysuit decorated by 6 black bold lines: weak permanent blue semi-opaque they lacked any interactive component: pursed numb chapped lips: pressure-pt. circles: rubber-formed: (1244) här perhaps they could have as easily been clear plastic mini-cylinder injections pop oh-so-carbonaceous 5-circled hair: y_ueda(i) at one point, this was hours later .. hä had discarded the large 3-circled black wig .. här black hair bundled into 3-mini--circles was bouncing slowly atop här pretty little head, was blowing a bubblegum bubble when hä noticed that ueghuruomo_ueda(ii)(gushamoto) had left här tea unfinished, something out of character for här: hä picked up the 2 white ceramic cups .. carried them to the kitchenette where hä washed them .. set them aside to dry: pulls at the white ceramic with här tongue: (-CR)(00) moves här numb chapped-lip mouth awkwardly: (gray_phantom's giant gray alien muscular body glowers over här in black rubber bodysuit: hä reaches through här chest gripping the white glowing powerforce at här heart: gray_phantom: 'the future belongs to me: this is my moment': här fearsome eyes radiate with power: white bobbles of powercrystal circle around them furiously: u_phuma' eyes begin to roll back, but suddenly they stop, .. pull back into focus, intently bearing upward into the eyes of gray_phantom, här lips pulling open: 'this is your moment… but I don't have to be here for it.': u_phuma' body begins glowing white .. everything slows down, .. begins to pull backward, until the image is running in reverse, slowly at first, but with increasing velocity, rewinding through the preceding scenes until slowing .. converging on the moment at which the radiance completes its transformation .. hä opens här eyes in stunned abnormal calm): (the u_ejento viewed mathematics as the manipulation of conceptual matrix-like objects: a priority was placed on the ability to visually model one's mathematical entities .. processes)."(00_00)(MONOGURUI: capt.r.(yamegu(r)u(ii))(ch.))(ii))((00))(00)(00) (00_00)(00) (00_00)((00_00)(00_00))(ii): "(if you can't look at it .. turn it around in your hands you don't understand it, they would say: or, if it's not a body you can't 0000 it: you could still find u_ejento who would, in isolation, cover their bodies with gray body paint .. reach into the primal depths for their own purposes): (termed no-events, occupying a constrained outline each of the clear plastic balls of plastic/ metal mini-opthalmoscope sits in:out at select pts. of ueghuruomo_ueda(ii)(gushamoto)'s body oh-so-carbonaceous black mini-bundled hair non-complementary space. the headpiece: pressure-pt. tubular injections: uncomfortably in här hands, hä never really from the anti-chöd armor: 5 mini-protrusions atop 5 mini-protrusions: (clear rubber 6-bumped from här close-cropped head .. a mini-C.A.M.: bodysuit equipage w: clear rubber mask over(0) comfortable using one). ((-CR)(00)'s cold numb lips quiver vibrantly 5-mini-protrusioned head: circles outline each of the clear plastic balls multi-dimensionality effect: the monadic with black circular disc, pressure-based, behind the clear rubber mask: black rubber oh-so-carbonaceous black hair: big round eyes: of the headpiece: black plastic circular discs currents took outro-dimensionalities into it is a regular component of the gloved hands in stillness: over 1 raised eyebrow for a moment: big round eyes: up ueghuruomo_ueda(ii)(gushamoto)'s white short-shorts: monads are account: hä wears tight rubber black gloves: YAMABUSHI OI Box): ueghuruomo_ueda(ii)(gushamoto) found himself 5-mini-protrusioned head the clear rubber black-outlined (00): ((1656) sub-atomic mathematical points: the concept carefully adjusting the mechanism for refined distant, or destroyed: it's not a theoretical oh-so-carbonaceous black hair: clear rubber will be that if it comes to the head of into the of no-objects was studied by Dr. U. .. given calibration of monadic-radiant acitvity: dicussion if the prescribed points are already bindings up här sore tired legs. implosion-chamber for ueghuruomo_ueda(ii)(gushamoto) cadmium red/ development by dr.c.: Dr. U. postulated that weak permanent blue semi-opaque circles set: rather than something practical: the clear pressure-pt. tubular injections: anti-chöd armor: cancer, office door .. entered, clear rubber intense mind had always seemed too (00) in other 6-bumped 0000 staying home. hä isn't entirely clear rubber (00): black rubber slippers: (at this moment hä had in mind the * joke a friend had relayed to här, although why hä thought to consider it at this particular moment was unclear: 'what was the defining characteristic of the *?': 'mini-crystals got (0000)ed')): (whether or not the effect of such movements could be determined or otherwise controlled was unclear: certainly there were gaps in the overlaying systems of coding via the material coordination of interior goods .. their incipient consumption): (cold white light pushing through the clear plastic)." 00. (00_00)(00)(MONOGURUI)(00_00)(00_00)(ii): "(the wind pushes against här body powerfully .. här clear rubber ice suit pushes in against white cotton hybrid bodysuit .. white rubber bindings: här head hurts massively now: the damaged couplings of the u_connector hum quietly against the reverberating air passing over them underneath their white rubber tenting)."

00. (00_00)(00)(MONOGRUI)(00_00)(00_00)(ii): "(機械ユニットの窓、巨大な厚いガラスの壁の後ろにある 6 つのメガプルグル): (溶けて凍った鋼鉄の輪郭がハールを取り囲んでいる) 白い光の中でぼんやりと輝いている透明なプラスチックの壁の後ろ: hä は、hä が内破している否定的な情報が集中するポイントの 1 つであることを認識しています: (::::) の洪水制御システムは、 (0000)年ごとに発生する大きさの力に耐える:数学的化合物の防御システムには、(0000)年ごとに発生する大きさの力に対応する同様の設計特性が含まれていました:脆弱性..崩壊の可能性は機能ではありません バグ)」。 00. (00_00)(00)(MONOGRUI)(00_00)(00_00)(ii): 「(やめぐる(ii)白い綿混紡生地は、例えば、前腕の上部など、体のあちこちでしっかりと折りたたまれます。 , .. 膝のすぐ下: 顔の筋肉が冷たい空気に逆らってゆがむ)」 ((00)(00_) (00_00)(00) ヤメグル(ii)(00_00)(UORUOP_PHANTOM)(ii): 「(彼らの脆弱性は彼らの魅力の一部であり、まるで暗黙のうちにそれらを消費するように誘うかのようです) ." (00_00)(モノグルイ: (ft CAPT.R.) (00_00) (00_00) 00.OOOOO.ヤメグ(r)u(-(CR(00))): (C.A.M.に記録)"(崩壊: härの心は冷たい鋼鉄の壁から別の壁へと反響した): (すべてがhärの内部で大きくなり、やがてhärの体をひっくり返すようになった): (härはhärを突き破る動き、山伏モーフィズムの崩壊を感じることができた) .. その代わりに、光る金属製の水圧ポンプが u_flux を送り込むように、op. フラックスの断固たる機関.. u_channels をフラッディングする: レンティエは (0) 安楽死に任せた): .. フェードアウトの衰退: インフラストラクチャを押し出す.. 灌漑を、以前は軽くまたは無人であった地域、寒い山、厳しい不毛の海岸線: u_ejento は監視します。 . 特定のシステムの u_pulse 電流の暗黒の動き、リバーブの避けられない付随物であるブローバックを投影します: プロットされたものは、固有の固有のオフセットの完全に逆のモデルになる.. 情報豊富な可能性)。 " 00. (00_00)(00)(MONOGRUI)(00_00)(00_00)(ii): "(宇喜多美宙は顔をしかめた.. 打ち負かすことはできないと白紙に言った. 未来は単なる幻想としてではなく、実際に彼らに向かって引き戻されるべきだと、彼らはすべて (0000)ed: 鉄骨構造の籐の椅子.. 白い綿のクッションは空いている側に座っていた: (00) 御料を設計した 黒い裏地の付いたスーツ..不可視性に耐性のあるフェイスマスクで、一種の身体のない幻影になることができた.)」 00. (00_00)(00)(MONOGRUI)(00_00)(00_00)(ii): "(彼はアイスギアの上に透明なゴム製のフードが付いた白いストラップが付いた透明なゴム製のクロスステッチのポンチョを着ていました)"(00_00)( モノグルイ: (ft CAPT.R.) (00_00) (00_00) 00.OOOOO. yamegu(r)u(-(CR(00))): (C.A.M. に記録) "(神よ、巨大な唇が圧迫され.. 乱れた här: 太くて丈夫な繊維を編んで作られた濃い灰色のドレスは、大きな隆起で非対称に湾曲しています: här 黒い髪は、腕をむき出しにして 3 つのボールにしっかりと引っ張られています.. 片方の腰に隙間があります: här 首の筋肉は、頭を持ち上げて回すと引き締まります : här の素足は、ボリュームのあるグレーの彫刻が施されたドレスの下部の塊に消えます: yameghuru(ii) は、här から低い金属製のテーブルを挟んで座っており、ピンクと赤のミニ カーネーションの 6 つの小さな金属製水差しで飾られています。 部屋のカバー 山の奥でけいれん的に湾曲した鋼鉄 インテリア: här 透明なゴム製の御料スーツ、大胆な黒の輪郭、.. 黒のゴム製 ½-マスク: 2 つ編みの黒髪: här 大きな体は白いセラミック製のブロック椅子に腰掛けています: 00-(0000) 領域、またはより一般的にはエレホン惑星と呼ばれる領域は、意識を獲得した c.a.u. ユニットによって完全に居住された惑星で構成されています.. 人間の文明から離れて形成されています。 彼ら自身: この地域に永続的に住んでいる人間はいませんが、時折訪問者がいます: c.a.u. ユニットは、これらの惑星に来ると、広大で複雑な形で互いに結び付きます.. メカユニットは、環境を 生産的な形態: これらのモーフィングされた惑星のほとんどは、重度の灌漑のモデルの後に取ります.. 混成クローンの木の大規模なプロットによって補完された干拓地の織り交ぜ:)."

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