(yumi)(no)(MONOGURUI)(ii): (YUGHUR::PHANTOM)(v:v)



Pocket Book (4.25 x 6.875 in / 108 x 175 mm), Standard Black & White, 60# White, Paperback, Glossy Cover

((00)(00_) (00_00)(00) y_ueghuru(ii)(00_00)(the YUGHUR::PHANTOM)(ii): "(the cotton pushes against här body against the pressure of här fingers, lightly initially but pushing harder as hä pushes each breath against the cold air, .. some kind of awareness or foreboding of something ominous comes upon här: where it comes from is mysterious to här, whether from y_ueghuru(ii)'s muscles or organs themselves or some kind of psychological entanglement within här, or perhaps somewhere out there from yumi(no)gosuto or from här various grotesque constructions, or perhaps from within härself: här 2-braided hair pulls with micro-gravity force against här head as hä leans it over slightly, .. här lips feel cold: hä can feel the clear rubber of här bodysuit pushed up against här body awkwardly as it has shifted out of placement just so, pushing it upward weakly but persistently: the clear rubber pushes up against här intrusively)." (00_00)(MONOGURUI: (ft CAPT.R.) (00_00) (00_00) 00. OOOOO. y_ueghuru(-(CR(00))): (recorded on the C.A.M.) "(the powerful nauseous stench of its entrails forces its way into här .. then bubbles up against the muscles .. organs of här body: the u_ejento' powers of invisibility .. u-jumping worked primarily as a function of the movements of the y_phantoms, .. represented an ability on the part of the u_ejento to control .. divert the inherent powers of the y_phantoms, inverting them for their own purposes): (the three dominant particles imbued in the fluids contained by the moist, succulent mini-carnations are diopside, feldspar, .. diamond, with a dispersion of other particles in faint pick-up: they give the air a slightly uncomfortable thickness or agitation: the black rubber gloved hands of y_ueghuru(i) fall over the cold surface of här head .. body as hä passes through to stillness: over 5-mini-bundles head, the managanese blue hair of y_ueda(ii) bounces slightly against clear rubber)." (00_00) 00. OOOOO. capt.r._y_ueghuru(-(CR(00))): (recorded on the C.A.M.) "(op._vi: 'is this then to be considered as a convergent event?: transcendental structures, or points of the beyond, were conceived as motionless velocities, or as vanishings into micro-converging inversions: u_ejento pushed back on the conception of these spaces as limits, conceiving of them carefully as points just beyond a given limit, .. .. suggesting that it was this property that allowed them to be handled as transcendental, or metaphysical, in the first place: the white padding is pulled tight by white cotton straps: so close, .. pulling inward so vigorously, that hä feels it more as a part of här body then as a covering over of it, .. each crease or crevice shifts with each breath: u_ejento claim that u_pulse has this property, such that rather than an extension of the body, it Is more properly thought of as an interpenetration with the body, an internal power revealed or distributed to the (*)region: its convergent points then form a series of aims to which the u_ejento, in their active material functions, may imagine themselves as directed toward: each u_pulse was set up as a 'phenomenon of a process taking place behind it': all of the arraigned forces pull back in circular fashion to this one point: one can question then whether we are dealing here with a force, compelling this convergence, or a probabilistic binding-point whereby the collated forces that form the object overlap df by virtue of the way the concept of the object is formed: in other places yumi(no)gosuto's work considers r-processes .. u-processes as modelled on sysems of protein interaction, such that r-processes effect a binding point in a process of cyclic phase-movements, such that u_force as a completed circle consists of an r-process pinning down a u_pulse as a 0-point which then merges with a monadic entity to cross over a given intermundia space before returning as a closure: each r-process acts as an event, or as a given 'now-here' in the development of a given u-process (as the wave-function of a given agent or individual) in the midst of a multitude of overlapping u-processes (as, in their collocated entirety, a given (*)region: the monad suggests an authoritarian force compelling this version of the object, with the consequences flowing out from this inavoidable form, whether it be by the internal force of the monad itself or a coincidence of pre-defined rays via a conscious but incomprehendable reason: proto-phasm suggests the opposite movement, that the object can only be thought of or conceptualized as a predicate over flows which are themselves indeterminate .. unconceptualized in advance: hence the object as an event: it is something which has occurred, a convergence of proto-phasm, situated as a deictic point between past flows .. future flows, as a pseudo-monad which has no power to propel but can only be propelled'): ((00_00) (00_00) (00_00) (00_00) (00_00) (00_00) (00_00) (00_00) (00_00) (00_00) (00_00) (00_00) this was what was meant by the process of the bwo, as it was in this bodily control, the power to invert the very processes of their own internal material body .. use it to push out psychic forces, that their powers over the y_phantoms was formed: y_phantoms took possession of bodily hosts by populated their organs .. working their way in to their processes at the level of protein interaction)."(00_00)(MONOGURUI: (ft CAPT.R.) (00_00) (00_00) 00. OOOOO. y_ueghuru(-(CR(00))): (recorded on the C.A.M.) "((0_0))." 00. (00_00)(MONOGURUI) (0000).(00_00): "((00_00) (00_00)(00_00) (00_00) (00_00)(00_00) proto-phasm could then be brought backwards from forward points through the u_ejento's inner organs .. directed into the mathematical compounds via static interchanges: in large enough volumes this pushed .. pulled 0* in ways that would appear to an outside observer to be stochastic: the equilibrium trap functions as a process inverted upon itself: proto-phasm is being pulled backward from a given moment: consequently, newly formed proto-phasm, even as it appears, is pulled into waves of u_pulse circulation, backwards, .. 'disappears': the effect is the dissipation of concresence .. the weakening of m(0)phur: current interior mathematical intermediation pulls in on itself .. closes off flows .. portals of proto-phasm movements: here it is the barriers .. creation of mathematical entities that propagates the convergence)." (00_00)(MONOGURUI: (ft CAPT.R.) (00_00) (00_00) 00. OOOOO. y_ueghuru(-(CR(00))): (recorded on the C.A.M.) "((0_0))." 00. (00_00)(MONOGURUI) (0000).(00_00): "(in fact, there were those in these circles who claimed that the y_phantoms as psychic or immaterial phenomenon did not exist at all, but were merely the causal ephemera of protein cycles, reversing the conceptual order such that the 'effects' of the y_phantoms in protein movements were deemed to be complete unto themselves: most u_ejento considered this point moot, one of mere semantics: command partnerships operated effectively as forms of mini-states, for the purposes of proto-phasm generation, functioning off of stored immersive value rather than u_op or takings: the YAMAUEREDA ejento gave their cells this form, such that there was a tiered or layered organization, on the order of concentric circles radiating outward, comparable to that of an inverted theory of types: u_ejento operated according to a monogurui form of decision theory): (assumes systems, processes (large groups) move rationally dynamically but individuals movements are conducted stochastically: rational actors on the micro level are discarded, conceptually, as a naïve .. ineffective fiction: (00_00) (00_00) (00_00) (00_00) (00_00) (00_00) (00_00): on the contrary, the cyclo-concresence of the *pulse introgression bubbling out from the regional mega-commuting domain to the interregional mega-commuting compounds could be construed as being pushed out by constrictions in 'proper' channels: or, in other words, the mini-compound class was being asked to carry the weight of proto-phasm generation that could be considered the responsibility of the yamaueredas, in the absence of their sustained proto-phasm *production to meet the demands of *production)." (00_00)(MONOGURUI: (ft CAPT.R.) (00_00) (00_00) 00. OOOOO. y_ueghuru(-(CR(00))): (recorded on the C.A.M.) "(the reverb between the proto-phasm expansion potential of the y-cell .. the entropic growth which drives it is of an inherently feedback-loop pushed design)." 00. (00_00)(MONOGURUI) (0000).(00_00): "(the phantom mega-commuting convergence works on the holomorphic mega-commuting model, with all the reverberation implied: these interactions were mapped out by YAMAUEREDA according to a u_matrix formed of inversion positions: jumps were indications of reversals in directional flows as goryos were moved in .. out of u_objects positions, a process referred to as gyaku-yunyu (go out .. come back): at this point there was far more mirroring in the *pulse introgression than any ur-object base: mirrorings were fanned out in multiple directions .. then defined as an entity which could then in turn be mirrored)."(00_00)(MONOGURUI: y_ueghuru(ii))((00))(00) y_ueghuru(ii)(00)(the YUGHUR::PHANTOM)(ii): "(it was more reverb than ugartë now, or a sort of blown up mysterious ghost made up of the arrangements of mathematical models): (you could index these arrangements against systems of material objects or fashion components such that an orderly theory of society was formed, replete with the value of *production lined up against proto-phasm/power distributions .. the functioning of class interactions, super-redundancy): (independence of institutions, to the degree that they are generative of the proto-phasm mass, gave weight .. chremastic cover in terms of stability, in theory, but at the expense of control: the RYOJUSENs were pumping up * in ways, if not equivalent, then somewhat comparable to the system, so when they began to implode their weakening suggested a counterweight of growth elsewhere to be contemplated, but this proved unlikely in an environment of restriction .. perceived tightening of control over the ghostline)."

(00_00)(MONOGURUI: (ft CAPT.R.) (00_00) (00_00) 00. OOOOO. y_ueghuru(-(CR(00))): (recorded on the C.A.M.) "((yumi(no)gosuto): (shimmering image over the u_projection field) (00::00) '(**)(**) HACHIBUSHU.: AKA the 8 Guardians/ Defenders of the Law: the consul general of economic constructivism (AKA CGEC), comm.i./ katen(no)muko: comm.mujitso(no)/ me(no)nei, comm.o./ fumo(no)koto, dr.p./ a.underground, yumi(no)gosuto/ motsu-otoko, dr.c./ seigi(no)onna, y_insp.x/ kao(no)(nai)otoko: regress against mim-morph predictors to the mim-morph predicted difference:: then add the predicted difference to the y1[,o_c] inner value: by this means we can form an ensemble interpretation of the u_objects, such that they co-exist as overlapping entities: immanent perception is the ability to index one of these to out reality .. filter out competing information for the purpose of integrated .. regress-purposeful action: the point-glance runs over these determinations .. makes its choices in large part pre-formed by anticipated values: this, then, is consciousness, at least in its minimal form that consider part of our phenomenal being: the RYOJUSENs .. the yamauereda(ch.) .. the interior mega-commuting sector, u_objects cell, point-flux cell, etc. probably should have been conceived as overlapping sets reverberating amongst one another: but even in the absence of a complex conceptual framework one can always pull back to the fundamentals, proto-phasm inflows are always suggestive of tight invisible processes: in perfect stasis proto-phasm would have no reason to move: none of the forecasting models contemplated the effects of constrained proto-phasm mass growth over time: u_ejento mapped out their paths on the assumption of growth-forms where proto-phasm mass was continuously upward monotonic: as this error became to become apparent reports came back seeded with constant .. unrepenting assertions of the inconceivability of such a state, .. complaints ../or insistences of some kind of measurement error: the idea that this was to be accepted as reality required some challenging .. unwelcome consideration': (00_00) (00_00) (00_00) (00_00) (00_00) (00_00) (00_00) (00_00) (00_00) (00_00) (00_00) (00_00) (00_00) (00_00) (00_00) (00_00) (00_00) (00_00) (00_00) (00_00) (00_00) (00_00) (00_00): (00_00) (00_00) (00_00) (00_00) (00_00) (00_00) (00_00) (00_00) (00_00) (00_00) (00_00) (00_00) (00_00) (00_00) (00_00) (00_00) (00_00) (00_00) (00_00)))."(00_00)(MONOGURUI: (ft CAPT.R.) (00_00) (00_00) 00. OOOOO. y_ueghuru(-(CR(00))): (recorded on the C.A.M.) "(acetylcholinic effects started rendering the proto-phasm-conduits into processes of blow-back .. blow-up: compounds were quickly unwrapped, as it became clear that the u_objects were immaterial, one could pass one's hand right through them): (primary to the concept of the goryos were the two concepts that, for one thing, the system of u_dynamics was not objectively confirmable, or even definable, but rather a convention that holds to our circumstances in rote fashion, .., for another, the recognition that was referred to in certain circles as extraditionary u_pulse movements (to contrast it with the routine moment to moment u_pulse flows routinely experienced) operated in much the same fashion as this 'routine' u_pulse movement: the hebephrenia-body was a body of material substance but amorphous form produced as a by-product of u_pulse flows resulting from u_movements in the absence of a proper goryo body for containing this release)."(00_00)(MONOGURUI: (ft CAPT.R.) (00_00) (00_00) 00. OOOOO. y_ueghuru(-(CR(00))): (recorded on the C.A.M.) "((00_00))." 00. (00_00)(MONOGURUI) (0000).(00_00): "(u_ejento looked with a kind of horror on them, if not disgust .. repulsion, .. would grow cold at the mere thought: the throbbing curves of the muscled flesh, full of pumping fluids .. even a kind of vacuous breath, seemed to represent a kind of condensed version of material madness or voluptuousness: running one's hand over one would set off a reverberating repulsion .. attraction such that one was drawn in .. overcome, as its fleshy organs shifted .. gave up resistance, as if it might consume one's entire body if given the opportunity: on a large hinoki (00_00)-table against the wall are four white c.a.m.'s .. a recording in four languages, (00_00), (0), (0_0), .. (0_0): it contains analysis of _ goryos that y_ueghuru(ii) is running: on här walls are graphs showing containment flows .. projections, .. a venn diagram of related external u_flows .. their interactions): (the rippling lines .. wrinkles on op._vi's face in the pulsating light blue light come at y_ueda(ii) as a disturbance, a kind of mapping of its intentions or irrational underpinning consciousness which suggest a micro-civilization of its own formed by passing microbes .. particles, which may or may not continue to cohere: now that the others have departed .. hä is left alone in the huge bay with yumi(no)gosuto(i) .. the head hä feels a dread, or a compulsive, abject aversion or discomfort in their presence, .. must fight off the adrenaline associated with fantasies of escape: the pink, red-tinged mini-carnations are of little help for här retention of calm: op._vi: 'the c.a.u.'s were designed as u_point-particles, each consisting of a single monad in communication with other monads, in other c.a.u.'s: each would be continuously engaged in predicting the movements of a given region of monads .. then feeding the residuals back to it's connected c.a.u.'s as imagined monadic mappings, which in turn would be used to push into new predictions: each (00_00) would then position its proto-phasm flows such that it was the ultimate infinite limit for the flow of errors from all other c.a.u.'s: via this method the c.a.u.'s, as a complete entity, would constantly balance to an equilibrium whereby a single (00_00) represented the correction for the gaps complementing its position: as these positions continuously bounce off of one another they will ultimately converge on a madhyamatic point crystallizing a given future: diagrams mapping out the process consisted of grids of hole-patterns layered upon one another such that they could be smoothed out as a path .. described as an inversion function over a series of arrays: u_ejento would assess an environment as a mirroring of such an array .. then probe the movements associated with given operations in search of aimed for optimum: but their work was always localized, df, .. it was in an attempt to better comprehend the effects .. interactions of this local, regional work with the meshed mega-patterns as a whole that the work of the winter ghost formed: the mathematical equiivalent of these diagrams are contained in each individual (00_00) as invisible formations of point-pulses, so one could, in theory, animate the fluctuating movements of the arrays that define the internal monadic construct of the (00_00) as a flow of circle-patterns, .. thus view in a kind of simulated real-time its monadic interiority': a 26 cm. mass of partially melted metal with strange protrusions .. contours sits beside one of the mini-carnation containers: disturbing frictive patterns congeal around rough holes .. mini-crevices: it sits off-center with an awkward gravitational center, propped against several protruding pressure-points against the white porcelain divoted ground)."(00_00)(MONOGURUI: (ft CAPT.R.) (00_00) (00_00) 00. OOOOO. y_ueghuru(-(CR(00))): (recorded on the C.A.M.) "((00_00))." 00. (00_00)(MONOGURUI) (0000).(00_00): "(temporary markings in an abstract pattern run over y_ueghuru(ii)'s right wrist .. the top of här hand: on the inside of the wrist is a permanent marking, in black, "(00_00)": hä breathes heavily, closing up the white folds of hybrid rayon cotton: the two white vertical bands meet up with metal clasps at här waist, attached to the white close-folded dampening, from which they pull tautly upward: hä pushes här tongue against här jaw hungrily: on their return they would pass through the mech compounds for replacement modules .. units required for maintenance of their cyclostructure, occasionally coming through with mass transport mecha for pickups for large expansion projects, though this was infrequent: (00_00) became involved in a project with these mountain merchants for the implementation of large hydraulic drops built deep into the mountain cores that provided for cyclopulse reverb capture): (y_ueghuru(ii) in clear rubber goryo-suit with white markings over white cotton underclothes .. black rubber ½-mask, 2-braided black hair, black rubber ice-slippers in a glass-cylinder containment-unit filled with clear acrylic fluid: white shimmering text hovers over y_ueghuru(ii)'s u_projection field: '(?): (0::0)'): ((00_00))." (00_00)(MONOGURUI: (ft CAPT.R.) (00_00) (00_00) 00. OOOOO. y_ueghuru(-(CR(00))): (recorded on the C.A.M.) "((00_00))." 00. (00_00)(MONOGURUI) (0000).(00_00): "(it was through their introduction that hä became closely involved with (00_00), eventually spending the bulk of här commute in the confines of här outpost tucked into the ice conglomerations of the (00_00) mountains: on the wall in black eurostile type-face "(00_00)": hä felt här gray flesh bump up against the cold air .. effortfully to push repose against the convulsive forces building up within här: cyclo-binding with one's goryo resulted in the morphing of each participant into a single pre-embryonic form, which would itself develop .. morph into androgyne-doubles of one another: u_mappings were conducted according to the carefully formed assumption of analytic impotence: it was taken as given that analytic changes or reforms could move proto-phasm flows from one place to another over time, or shift their direction)."

(00_00)(MONOGURUI: (ft CAPT. R.) (00_00) (00_00) 00.OOOOO. yamegu(r)u(-(CR(00))): (C.A.M.に記録) 「(理解は現象を逆に引っ張る) 多様な彼方からその領域へ: 反時間は、このプロセスで、平行に走る異なる次元の平面上で機能しますが、異なる偏角で機能します: 材料特性のすべての値が混合拡散で複合特性に染み込むと、人は割り当てることができます 政治的原則に従ってそれらを: u_agents は、これが、根本的に、抵抗するための静的化合物を表していることを断言しています.. あらゆる力で外側に押し出し、オブジェクトは最終的には dr.c. の「. アンコワブル': Dr. C.の物理学は、モナドが反物質的存在として重力の点として作用し、すべての収束光線を 0 点に引き寄せ、すべての残差が完全にバランスすることを暗示しています。 パスを決定するためのこれらの収束のマッピング それらが曲がっているそれに沿って..次に、これらの塑性形態から暗示された力を逆説し、..流れを逆転させ..モナド自体をエピフェノメナとして扱う." (00_00)(MONOGRUI: (ft CAPT. R.) (00_00) (00_00) 00。 yamegu(r)u(-(CR(00))): (C.A.M. に記録) 「(u_agents は、対角法のさまざまな形式の実装に、数学のほとんどすべての「膨らみ」を固定しました。 小数として分母 i より大きい、または別の言い方をすれば、小数を log[10]i を超える場所に拡張すると、あらゆる種類の奇妙な特性を持つ輝く暗い場所.. 不確定性が現れます: u_agents はこれらの方法を残響空間として再概念化しました 外向きではなく内向きに膨らんでいます: 内向きの形態として考えられ、独自の形成の本体に: .. その後、一瞬ですべてが逆転し、.. u_CHROMA を介してさまざまな種類の u_flux に流れを押し込む u_agents がいたるところに見られます。 : チェックも制限もありませんでした: すべてがプッシュされていました, または少なくとも山上田から出てくるすべてのプロジェクトの意味ですべて: 彼らの秘密の myghori_ch. 化合物に流れ込んでいた、その溜まった開発圧力のすべてが現在 b でした. モノナディズムは、すべての社会組織と同様に、モノナディズムの存在が、文明が存在しない場合に必然的に定着する空虚への引き戻しから文明を守るという考えに基づいて、その継続的な再生産を正当化しました。この根底にある恐怖は、余剰の原則を形成しました。 価値 .. いかなる労働理論もマトリックスフィルタリングできるよりも深いレベルでの疎外 .. それらに即時性を与えた .. 力:鼓動するパルスがインターフラックス波を後方に押す丸い雪扇 他の飛行機)」)."

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