0. MONOGURUI (0000).(00_00)(00)00. (ft CAPT.R.) (00_00) (00_00) 00. OOOOO. yumi(no)gosuto(-(CR(00))): (recorded on the C.A.M.) "(df: for y.phuma: y.phuma puffs the misty vapors away from här body: puts här black rubber mini-gloved hand to här lips: här clear rubber mask restricts här head tightly): (hä kept staring at the monitor-glass in disbelief: 'petals in the wind like snow… (0000)…' the latter addendum referencing the fact that hä'd knocked over 3 out of the 4 glass vials of pink * red mini-chrysanthemums that hä kept out of some sort of ceremonial pride at the right of här monitor, .. the slightly pukish water was streaming over här glass monitor blinking with u_pulse analysis: on the other side of the clear plastic contours of här workspace the grayish, seething plasma of THE YAMAUEREDA III pulses in sync with (00), clear fluid occasionally bubbling against the opposite surface of the plastic and then quickly receding: crystal formations .. metal outcroppings inset with dim white effervescent lights are latched on to the interior, encroaching on the tight space along with three metal coolant units): (white rubber circles dot the clear plastic floor providing grip: yumi(no)gosuto(vi) pushes at the clear plastic of här multi-gapped equipage, over the black rubber tightly binding här small masses of bunched up hair and glares intently at the clear plastic surface over her white cotton undersuit with white stitching and the words discretely printed over här mid-riff 'yumi(no)gosuto(vi)" (½-urakuomori-½-ughor grayskin): hä gets up to look for a cloth to clean up the mess, but instead turns and spasmodically sweeps the vials shattering to the floor in one quick blow, här mouth distorted now in uncontrolled disgust or some kind of slowly encroaching miasma: the little ewers they were in didn't break, each one with little irregular pink blue red lines curving up from the base but never reaching the upper rim: hä turns from här cramped workspace to retreat to the back wall to look over the view-monitor where the bright white lights of surrounding stars push in on their mega_phurgur): (reaching reflexively for a white plastic thermos of tea, calming härself, looking over the pretty white lights, and forcing här breathing to slow, reflecting on the comforting certainty that the u_waves populating the monitor are clearly some kind of mechanical error, a few reports and corrections to file along with a maintenance request, nothing more, not a shift in whatever passes for the equilibrium that the current agglomeration of alliances .. unions, and what is left of humanity, finds itself: 'calm the (0000) down,' hä whispers under här breath: THE YAMAUEREDA III, with its 256 pop. crew slash residual onnagatomaton .. u_agency monitors, floats unperturbed toward its planned destination, the outlier *region where their core researchers are to deploy to a relatively young research institute forming in one of its city-unions): (monogurui-goryo: (df) 'a human being who has departed from this world but maintains some kind of attachment, becomes a ghost, .. at the moment of death such a person loses the future .. is fixed into an eternal present. the only time allowed is the past. thus, the ghost always appears as the figure it was in life .. reminisces about the single experience of profound memory that entraps it within the web of delusion': this one point, for y.phuma(ii) was the experience of turning on the abutment in clear rubber goryo suit with weak blue .. pink markings .. prussian blue hair 3-circled head: this was the point of rupture which draws everything in, .. from which everything radiates: the monogurui-urakuomori found that this process could be controlled .. directed toward the *production of mysterious powers)." ((00)(00_) (00_00)(00)(ii)(00_00)(the YUGHUR::PHANTOM)(ii): "(it functioned upon the repression of underlying uncontrollable forces of 'desire .. the will to metamorphosis': gray bodypaint of a synthetic substance was used on the face .. extremities to help contain u_pulse release of build ups: later this would become the rubber goryo bodysuit used for engagement in monogurui processes): (()yueghuru(ii) floats in the clear acrylic fluid of the containment-unit, immersed body, wearing clear, rubber bodysuit, arms .. legs forward pulled against taut clear rubber cords in an attempt to find equilibrium at its projective center: ()yumi(no)gosuto had led här earlier into the underground chambers of the u_monad-engine loaded with mega_phurgur-ships for anonymous u_ejento, floating in clear fluids, where ()yumi(no)gosuto controls their access to their *worlds within the u_space, explaining it's conception to här in terms of projection operators commuting over potential monadic interactions: ()when asked how they are mapped to one another hä described a system of difference calculus where paths are measured via relative complexity indices bound to a given u_object: ()hä had led här deep into the underground chamber .. provided här access to one of the mega_phurgur-ships: ()somehow it has seemed so peaceful: the immense volume of dark space surrounds the clear protein-mass ship bound into metal architecture, clear rubber containment-pods, backed/fronted by six large metal cyclo-boosters respectively:()här eyes circle .. drift over white-light control grids floating in space before här as multi-dimensional array images: ()one gathers in the enfolded order of the mega_phurgur-ship's form, less of a vehicle than a contoured machine, with its mini-chambers running through it's protomorphic mass for monadic containment .. outflow, pushing up into .. out of the units continuously: (00_00) lets här hand drop slightly, feels the ache, .. the cold, the purposeful encroachment of each breath on här gathering concentration: ()yumi(no)gosuto (previously, before departure): '()the inner spaces which the u_ejento occupy are 'future worlds', meaning simply that they could be conceived as occupying projections over u_space from our own deictic, or 'actual', vantage point, the monads themselves as a given domain, over which the *spaces range: ()you will find here there are overlapping stages of complete unique form which merge together to form the underlying push .. pull of monadic forces, but which can only be experienced or perceived over a constrained set of dimensions, or degrees of freedom if you prefer, over the informational inputs of the material conduits, as a process of mapping .. object formation: ()you think because I have endeavored to put myself into this position of access or control that I may have insights to import over this, but, in actuality, I look to you for this: ()you will bring greater clarity to our projects .. plans, such as they may be: ()the ()y_inspectors represented an attempt to balance the roles .. effects of the various institutional agents for a focus on information gathering as a constructive or additive effort: I am not certain one can describe this in all its divergent intents, as a complete pass-through: ()one merely intuits certain forms .. aims to their movements, a kind of impetus for input gathering .. analysis of both convergences .. incongruities: ()the ()y_inspectors are closely aligned with various communities with an interest in maintaining an observational closeness to my endeavors: ()yamabushi passing to the next level of the ()institute of the ()defense become ()y_inspectors, taking on more expansive roles .. powers: ()there, out in the material field, folds .. hyperparameters form ingresses where my activities may be hidden from them, .. it is there where I make my push into the forward grasping: ()yes, it is for all of us that we hold these posts: ()the ()y_inspectors control: i) the assignment of princesses to defenders; ii) investigations of unexpected events; iii) the creation of independent mini-units for special purposes; iv) refinement .. protection of founding principles; v) .. recruitment: ()their operation center is the ryojusen, but they are assigned posts thru-out the snowy::fields: ()they were a primary player in the expanding of ideas of u_pulse control .. the development of apparatuses for the control of potentiality regions: I have little influence over the domain, they are at times a hindrance or an inconvenience to me: I've admired your activities for some time, (00_00): I find you to be an effective arbiter of residual curvatures: ()you are rarely to be found caught out in an overreach, but instead implement your actions with controlled, .. almost perfect, balance:' ()yumi(no)gosuto turns .. looks over them, its huge body, gray flesh encased in clear plastic armor with gapping .. ventilation sequences, two clear rubber protrusions coming up from the head over its misformed, distorted body with spherical knobs/outgrowths over its surface, in places the clear plastic of the armor replaced by a gray hard semi-metallic/plasticine substance: ()going back to ()dr:u: y_flux was conceived as the process by which our temporal component of homological experience is realized, such that y_flux (df) is the property of inconsistency, such that (0) .. (00) may coexist: y_flux, visible as a kind of vapor, runs over ()yumi(no)gosuto's body under the rubber .. plastic equipage: ()the prototomaton in light blue .. pink polymeratomic equipage with gapping runs over här body letting the muscles of här quietly throbbing clear rubber body push against it: här gray lips .. blank still eyes focus through här over the interior of the cold .. tightly confined space, här 3-mini-circled manganese blue synthetic orbs pullng tautly to här head: ()the idea of a line representing a series of numbers mapping a given monadic current was abandoned in favor of overlapping spheres with accessibility relations: ()accessibility was given a relational definition via the concept of observability within a given frame, filtering out the observable as distinct from the underlying pre-space of unobservables: ()these frames, though, could always be thought of as being in movement, interlocking overlapping u_frames undergoing rotations: ()the immudium gained clarity in this model as a noumenal object, an asymptotic projective point forming a guide-point, a space for binding-formation: ()yumi(no)gosuto had paused .. pulled här shoulders back: ()the low white light flickered momentarily .. then re-normalized: ()yumi(no)gosuto: '()you want to return there?': ()yueghuru(ii) ignored the question .. pushed at här eye: ()in the glass-cylinder containment-unit of the mega_phurgur-ship, filled with clear acrylic fluid: ()white shimmering text hovers over här u_projection field: '(do you want to enter?): (y::n)')."
(00_00)(モノグルイ: yagao_ueda(ii)(ii)((00))(00)(00) (00_00)(00) yagao_ueda(ii)((00_00)(00_00))(ii): "(王女様へのささやかなご挨拶.. här にあなたより優れた人を送るように伝えてください: hä はあなたを雇ったのですか?すべて、あなたのすべての ': här をひじの上でしっかりとつかみました: här は顔を笑わせました:明るいエイリアンの力.. Ghost_face, .. あなたは小さなペットです, .. 商人です!: 私はそれが喜ばれるなら神に屈服します, .. 喜ばないなら.. しません.. (00_00 ) (私の愛する人よ、私の最愛の人!) あなたの頬を平手打ちした、私の yagao_ueda(ii) は私に言った.. あなたが入ってきたとき、あなたは何を恐れていましたか?: その時、誰があなたを怖がらせたのですか?: 私があなたの私が倒れた後の意地悪な顔.. あなたは私を拾い上げた.ファッショナブルな若いウガルテの前で私を恥じたことは一度もありませんでした: なんてこった!: 私の明るいエイリアンの生き物が山の向こうのどこかに住んでいた5年間、それだけで私は幸せでした。私、あなたの詐欺師、あなたはそれで多くを得ましたか?: 同意するために大きな賄賂が必要でしたか?: 私はあなたにユーロを与えなかったでしょう: ハハハ!: ハハ!...": 'うーん、自閉症!」 yagao_ueda(i)(00_00)(ii) は唸り声をあげながら、まだ här の腕をしっかりと握っていました: (00_00)!': "(00_00)!': 'はい、(00_00)、あなたのポケットには (00_00) があります: あなたは私が眠っていると思っていましたが、私はそれを見ました: あなたが今入ってきたとき、あなたは取り出しましたあなたの(00_00)! (00_00)(モノグルイ: yagao_ueda(ii)(ii)((00))(00)(00) (00_00)(00) yagao_ueda(ii)((00_00)(00_00))(ii): "(しかし、hä はすぐに här を追い越すために飛んで、走って.. 飛び跳ねました.. yagao_ueda(ii) はパニックに陥りましたが、ハーを全力で抑え、ハーを暗闇の中で叫ぶことに成功し、金切り声を上げ.. 笑いながら:「お前に呪いをかけろ、グレイファントム!」当時の「ロボット」が壊滅したのではなく、その生産のための資金が打ち切られた.. 複製: 次のことは足を拘束していることである.. 神は他に何を知っているか: 代わりに最も効果的にその動きから恩恵を受けるのは、その流れに自分自身を屈服させ、.. その圧倒的な重さに押しつぶされたいという常に存在する逆説的な衝動と融合することによるものです。 00_00) (00_00) (00_00) (00_00) (00_00) (00_00) (00_00) (00_00) (00_00) (00_00) (00_00) 通路、.. 広大な地下を見下ろす出口通路発芽中の小さな都市の成長と広がり..開発): (クローンハイブリッドポプラハナミズキの苗木の膨大な列を見渡す)." ((00)(00_) (00_00)(00) yagao_ueda(ii)(00_00)(UORUOP_PHANTOM) (ii): 「(山上田の野望は、恐ろしく..最も控えめな形でさえ歪められているが、ウガルテのささいな期待や予測をほとんど気にせずに世界中を歩き回るこの目に見えない獣になることだった.これは3番目として提示された.経済的均衡、自給自足から資本主義の流れの悪化まで): (生産手段が未来に押し出されて、把握不能、制御不能になるような、共産主義となる超資本主義まで、地球上に流通経路を構築する. (00_00)(モノグルイ: yagao_ueda(ii)(ii)((00))(00)(00) (00_00)(00) yagao_ueda(ii)((00_00)(00_00) )(ii): 「(そのように、国家債務の形でベースマネーが金融セクターに押し込まれる代わりに、それが p に汲み上げられる((00_00) は、そうでなければ熱力学の第 2 法則によって許容されない反転を可能にし、与えられた平衡の枠組みで可逆でないある射から反転を可能にする多形へのシフトのおかげで: 重力はある射から別の射へのずれであることが示された: u_ejento は彼らの意識を特定の体の重力点が与えられ、他のすべての点に反響し、あるリング構造から別のリング構造へのジャンプに影響を与えます): (THE (0__)((00)(00_) (00_00)(00) yagao_ueda(ii)(00_00 )(UORUOP_PHANTOM)(ii): 「(この期間の住宅ローン債務の _._ 兆ドルから _0._ 兆ドルへの増加は、それが RMB 市場と織り交ぜられていることを反映しています。mega_phurgur は、何世紀もあった)."