(00_00)(MONOGURUI: (ft CAPT.R.) (00_00) (00_00) 00. OOOOO. yumi(no)gosuto(-(CR(00))): (recorded on the C.A.M.) "(but it functioned, .. more .. more its predictable actual effects became difficult to write off as mere observational record: their efforts were co-opted by the YAMAUEREDA, in order to effect the ground-level operation of the plan: the super-B flux limiter always gave me pleasure to think about: it's so nice for wrappings, handling all the little bulges .. curves .. giving them just the finely contained rubbery containment required but no more: they were usually a focal point of any deictic-reverb constructs I would put together, .. to the extent that one could identify a given 'nothing-gap' I would always think of it as the place at which the flux limiter discontinued: hä began talking, unprompted, about hairpieces that weighed a ton, pushing down on här head from här multi-bunched up hair as if to crush här, but how this feeling gave här a sense of power, or of perfection of the *region): (this residual represented the portion that was flowing the opposite direction of proto-phasm, flowing from the present point in time to the future: thus, the ergodic volume: proto-phasm relationship mirrored that of u_pulse: neg-u_pulse: in a situation like that of the (0_0) implosion, the decay-phase process (or in similar situations a more straight forward run) pushes proto-phasm backwards, turning it into ergodic volume: nothing could be more misleading then the convention of referring to these movements as convergences or *production for the system as a whole: conservation of value holds as firmly as mass: what matters is its movements .. their effects on the mass of flows of which the monadic channels fo the *region consist)."(00_00)(MONOGURUI: (ft CAPT.R.) (00_00) (00_00) 00. OOOOO. yumi(no)gosuto(-(CR(00))): (recorded on the C.A.M.) "(hä can feel här body swelling up, getting bigger, pushing against här bodysuit: hä had had to resist the temptation, for as long as hä could remember, to reach inside här body .. rip out här inner organs with här bare hands): ((00_00) was designed to provide a more robust, systematic approach to mapping out these goryo flows: the double-identity was structured such that there was a match for a given (00_00) conduit flow .. a twin cyclomorphic proto-phasm portal: in theory, this relationship could have been more diffuse: in other words, the matched aspect was viewed as a temporary structure for the build-up while the various complexities of the arrangement were sussed out, rather than a necessary fixed feature: but even in this restrained form they clearly facilitated an increase in speed in the movement of proto-phasm through YAMAUEREDA conduits: information was construed as the u_pulse space between these points: udoh(ii)UNYIMEABASHI's onnagatomaton usiaku, a blank-cheeked white rubber biomorph)."(00_00)(MONOGURUI: yueghuru(ii))((00))(00)(00_) (00_00)(00_00) yueghuru(ii)(00_00)(the YUGHUR::PHANTOM)(ii): "(oh-my-god, malformed from each part of här body at once: tubular growths: hä felt certain that hä would end by devouring härself, felt certain that hä härself was culpable as the ghosts that hä could feel breathing against här: här body was probably someone else's: hä pulled it off .. then, without disencumbering, turning härself around on the pivot to put här thumb in här mouth: followed by two little thrust thrusts: flower-patterned, pushed all about: pop pop: the double-structure was such that as a given monogurui ejento moved proto-phasm from a point a few commutes forward in time, backward, the cyclomorphic portals could be used as a re-entry point in coordination with the u_objects cell, with the (00_00) flows providing a mapping: (00_00), at least at this point, did not represent a replacement for the goryo-ghosts, but a support for them as a 0-point instrument: at the end of the day the process still requires a material vessel for u_pulse flows to pass through at levels that (00_00) was by no means equipped to deal with: oscillations in the u_pulse mapping produced by steady shock capturing have the unfortunate characteristic that, when occurring at slowly moving shocks, can be generated by the u_pulse flow predictor in error)."(00_00)(MONOGURUI: (ft CAPT.R.) (00_00) (00_00) 00. OOOOO. yumi(no)gosuto(-(CR(00))): (recorded on the C.A.M.) "(this occurs because, in some of these methods, the steady-compound solution is derived from a convergence of an unsteady method in such a way that blows up mapping error into the appearance of oscillation: ergodic methods attempt to blow this out from the p-adics: either way, one is left with the problem of deriving a model that removes by some correction mechanism these 'spurious' mapped oscillations from those productive of actual u_pulse flow states: what occurred at the convergence of the * was that the mappings used for the calibration of the (00_00) flows overcorrected, dampening out the oscillations involved as spurious when, in fact, they were productive: but no one saw this coming because the activities of the y_phantoms were not accounted for: the goryos they were running for YAMAUEREDA were, from an umbrella viewpoint, easily passed over as mere fluctuation errors: in hindsight one could suggest that the monitoring should have recognized their flows as areas of concern to look into further, but at the time there was an overriding assumption that remained unbroken that this kind of characteristic was for all intents .. purposes benign: what is derived is the abstraction of class relations, such that individuals are composed of overlapping properties for an array of proto-phasm indicators – allowing the concept of class warfare to dovetail nicely with a fundamental platitude of human existence: we're always, at out core, at war primarily with ourselves, ugartë vs. härself)."(00_00)(MONOGURUI: (ft CAPT.R.) (00_00) (00_00) 00. OOOOO. yumi(no)gosuto(-(CR(00))): (recorded on the C.A.M.) "(the protein cultivation plan was relatively early exposed as poorly conceived but the invisible irrigation cyclostructure remained .. grew after the collapse of material *production: in a chrome .. glass immersion pool dressed in a clear rubber bodysuit with gapping .. metal discs with the clear rubber hood close tight to här clear rubber masked head: YAMAUEREDA, it turned out, was able to push expansive volumes of proto-phasm reverberation, to the degree that over time, by the peak of the *, roughly _0% of the mega-commuting sector, .. as much as _0% of the phantom mega-commuting convergence consisted of concrescences interwoven with this invisible region: (0_0))."(00_00)(MONOGURUI: (ft CAPT.R.) (00_00) (00_00) 00. OOOOO. yumi(no)gosuto(-(CR(00))): (recorded on the C.A.M.) "((0_0): the ability to pass through time .. space consisted of 'the power to make oneself into a thing' on a plane where both time .. space were contingent variables: in this mode the fixed filters of transcendental apperception become malleable, plastic features which one can re-push .. reconfigure as an apparatus: as new protein-based fertilizers flood the agricultural domain, rich, intensive approaches to hydrocultures overturned constraints on the farming sectors, .. a boom in cultural-engineering centers as distributive plant-based *production entities re-invigorated regional economies: vast, sprawling campuses of low-rise .. underground glass .. vitalist architecture with swooping overhangs lined by inset wood-lined canal features popped up in various communities: one such figure put the isomorphism of these new imminent bodies as rivaling that of new computational facilities: this description got it backward – the * was driven by a contraction in the u_objects .. minimal propagation compounds which then spread outward through the given channels, .. which was itself driven by a contraction in the propagation flowing in from YAMAUEREDA, mapped to goryos contracting trace, determinant, characteristic polynomial, .. eigenvalues: reduced to similarity relationships it becomes a picture almost of proteins .. binding ejento .. such, grotesque .. virulent but at microscopic levels): (usiaku caught här up quickly, pushing härself forward in här white fichu poncho-blouse assertively .. with an air of mystery: in this instance, starting toward the end of _00_, goryos reverted to urstaatic figure-signs, closing in on themselves .. flattening out: converging on the excluded middle or some sort of reverberation of identity: but it was mysterious to everyone involved: it didn't function as one would reasonably expect, because there were dark .. malevolent forces at work, beneath even the invisible surfaces of the YAMAUEREDA compounds)."
00. (00_00)(00)(MONOGURUI)(00_00)(00_00)(ii): 「(『頭に浮かぶ馬鹿げた予感はすべて信じる』: 大きなガラスのドアの前で一瞬立ち止まった: 素晴らしい恐怖のフラッシュがやってきた här: yagao_ueda(ii)(00_00)(ch.): 「私は臆病者、惨めな臆病者です」: hä は再び前進しましたが、もう一度 hä は立ち止まりました: その日のすべての出来事の中で、自制心を取り戻した今、もはや恐怖の影響下になく、冷静に考えることができた。 yagao_ueda(i)(00_00)(ii)'s table): (yagao_ueda(ii)(00_00)(ch.): 'why should not be should not yagao_ueda(i)(00_00)(ii) have as many (00_00) on här自分が機械の窓をのぞき込んでいるのを見つけたときのように、自分が機械の窓をのぞき込んでいるのを見つけたときのように、自分が疑っていたことに疑問を抱いていました: 「私と何の関係があるの?」: (00_00)(00_00)). (THE (0__)((00)(00_) (00_00)(00) yagao_ueda(ii)(00_00)(ch.)(00_00)(00)(UORUOP_PHANTOM)(ii): 「(目に見えない移行を形成し、ますます閉ざされた世界の閉ざされたポケットに、捕らえられずに押し込む:彼らは決して戻ってこない、彼らは一瞬ここにいる..そして彼らは去っていく..」(00_00)(MONOGURU:yagao_ueda(ii)(00_00)(ch. ))(ii))((00))(00)(00) (00_00)(00) yagao_ueda(ii)(00_00)(ch.)((00_00)(00_00))(ii): "(架空の0 境界の性質は、それらの間のギャップの複数ではなく、u_space 内の 1 つの点への集中から来ます: 0 は常にその直観的な意味で処理されるべきです):関数(行列)-スペース、または別の、しかしそれがどのように相互作用するか..その周りの他の所与のポイントと関連またはマージすることが常に関連する目的になります:金融政策(公開市場操作または金利チャネリングの形であるかどうか)行為現在の瞬間によって形成されたポイント間のリバーブフラックスとして、aとして、すべての意図のために..目的ses、成熟によって形成されたポイントに対する任意のタイオフ)" 00. (00_00)(00)(モノグルイ)(00_00)(00_00)(ii):いくつかの屈辱的な記憶のストレスの下で人々を攻撃するような手足の麻痺: 通路は暗かった.. いつでも暗い: しかし、ちょうどこの瞬間、嵐がちょうど壊れた.. 風..大きな透明なプラスチック製の山上田のエンクロージャーに対して大きな帯状にドキドキしていました: .. 半暗闇の中で (00_00) 灰色の歪んだ筋肉組織の人型の幽霊の姿が際立っていました.. 透明なゴムで形成された頭: (00_00): 金属製の円形のスタッドが内部に埋め込まれていました½ ポンチョの透明なゴムは、安全または準備を約束します: 線は宇宙で彼女の体を縛ります): (3 日後、それらはすべてプリンセス ミアカにありました)。 ((00)(00_) (00_00)(00) yagao_ueda(ii)(00_00)(ch.)(00_00)(the UORUOP_PHANTOM)(ii): "(金利とは、現在の価格と現在の価格との関係です。この後の時点での価格は、明示的または暗示的に物価水準に指標化されます: 現在の資本のエントロピー水準と将来のエントロピー水準との間の残差は、それを押し出した仕事 (経済力) です。"(00_00)(MONOGURUI : yagao_ueda(ii)(00_00)(ch.))(ii))((00))(00)(00) (00_00)(00) yagao_ueda(ii)(00_00)(ch.)((00_00)( 00_00))(ii): "(ブラウン橋の関数 (t/T)W(T) は、u_space がバルジの 1 つであるような、u フレームワークの線ではなく曲線です.. によって駆動される重なり合う形成半径 .. 両方の現象学者 .. 位相学者が大好きな曲率: u 離散化は、u_flow が前方に押し出された曲線を超えるような半離散またはモジュラー近似として参照できます.. 自分の u_space を後方に押し出し、閉じて限定された空間を定義します。与えられたプロパティの): (hä が座っていた水耕栽培のハイブリッド竹/ポプラの苗木の列を見下ろすスチール製のモジュール式ベンチにあるみりょう温室: (yagao_ueda(ii)(00_00)(ch.) の体は外側のガラス製の半透明のドアに到達すると、不安に襲われました: しかしhär は自分自身を励ますために最善を尽くしました.. 降りかかる可能性のあるすべての恐ろしい拷問の中で、här に起こりうる最悪の事態は、här が受け入れられないか、おそらく受け入れられた後、来ることを嘲笑されることです. : しかし、別の質問があり、ハーをかなり怖がらせました)」 (THE (0__)((00)(00_) (00_00)(00) yagao_ueda(ii)(00_00)(ch.)(00_00)(UORUOP_PHANTOM)(ii): 「(温室、優勢な建築と一致山上田の作品は、透明なプラスチックで裏打ちされた、氷の巨大な空洞を埋める巨大な起伏のある鋼の壁に沈みました。この場合、頭上には透明なプラスチックの天井があり、白い浮遊光が通り抜けることができました):構造、または少なくとも直接測定できなかった部分: この間接的な測定は、m(0)phur が p (生産)が分母です)」)."