(yumi)(no)(MONOGURUI)(ii): (YUMI(NO)GOSUTO vs. YUEGHURU(ii))(i:ii)(513)(preorder)(digital copy)



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(00_00)(MONOGURUI: (ft CAPT.R.) (00_00) (00_00) 00. OOOOO. yueghuru(-(CR(00))): (recorded on the C.A.M.) "(the white cotton walls flutter quietly .. gather themselves up in places: a metal sink set into huge misformed ½-melted metal table over which multiple glass tabular insets radiate inward at close angles, latched .. hinged for access, containing vials of fluids: to the side of which a u_C.A.M. runs blue pink white patterns: all of this rushes into yueghuru(ii)'s cold still mind as a glimmering unreal image: (00_00)(00_00) (00_00)(00_00) (00_00)(00_00) (00_00)(00_00) (00_00)(00_00) (00_00)(00_00) (00_00)(00_00) (00_00)(00_00) (00_00)(00_00) (00_00)(00_00) (00_00)(00_00) (00_00)(00_00) (00_00)(00_00) (00_00)(00_00) (00_00)(00_00) (00_00)(00_00) (00_00)(00_00) (00_00)(00_00) (00_00)(00_00) (00_00)(00_00) (00_00)(00_00) (00_00)(00_00) (00_00)(00_00) (00_00)(00_00) (00_00)(00_00) (00_00)(00_00) (00_00)(00_00) (00_00)(00_00) (00_00)(00_00) (00_00)(00_00) (00_00)(00_00) (00_00)(00_00) (00_00)(00_00))." ((00)(00_)00. (00_00)(00)(00)(00_00)): (these were the underlying fluxions floating around in the phase space of proto-phasm systems, channeled up into great sweeping functions of powerful convergences as convulsive potential residuals were removed inwardly via their own u_objects, in a mu-space which didn't really 'care' about the underlying eigenvalue or mapping: by (0_0) the YAMAUEREDA prototype had been distributed as mirrored copies throughout the phantom mega-commuting convergence, detaching itself from dependency on compound proto-phasm creation as the latter receded from its role as the independent driving force of interstellar mathematical monadism: what nobody saw coming was the speed with which these foldings .. interwoven patterns of minimally structured proto-phasm would unwind, .. in their disappearance leave bare the 00-ueghurama .. micro-actor reverberations reliant upon them)."(00_00)(MONOGURUI: (ft CAPT.R.) (00_00) (00_00) 00. OOOOO. yueghuru(-(CR(00))): (recorded on the C.A.M.) "(given the complex interdepedencies at play, .. all the puts .. outflow channels constructed for resilience .. proto-phasm flexibility, analysts at the time would have acknowledged the potential for unwinding but would have pegged the time frame on the scale of the couple of aeons that it took for it to build up, as opposed to the mere couple of commutes that in the event proved necessary): (with här hand in här wearing white pink manganese blue mid-riffed v-neck crop jumper: they come to the top of the huge contoured metal structure at the edge of one vast polymer-cem embrasure overlooking the turbid plane of ocean beneath the rock-stilled cliffs that hold YAMAUEREDA .. the wind tears violently at the 6 mini-stubbed collocations of m.-phuma's harsh black hair: yumi(no)gosuto: 'what the fuyo_yurei managed to do was to pull .. stretch daily life so that it extended over into the *region of improbable unreality': m.-phuma: 'is it irreversible?': yumi(no)gosuto: (hesitantly) 'yes... with five exceptions: the 5 unforgivables possess certain anti-cholinergic properties, interfering with the passage of parasympathetic nerve impulses: i) patricide. ii) matricide. iii) erase of an arhat. iv) injury to a goryo. v) attempt to cause a schism in the urakuomori community: any of which plunge one into the depths of intermundia': with chin turned upward m.-phuma looks downward at the ocean: yumi(no)gosuto: 'oh, our acephalous union: (00): I will one day escape there': m.-phuma: 'will you recite to me a fantasy?': the myghori_ch. fields stretch out endlessly distantly behind them in white polymer-cem plane expanse): (these flows incorporated by the u_ejento as routine operating protocol were reversed, pushed forward upstream)."(00_00)(MONOGURUI: (ft CAPT.R.) (00_00) (00_00) 00. OOOOO. yueghuru(-(CR(00))): (recorded on the C.A.M.) "(into propagation for prototopian cyclostructure projects for the irrigation .. development of huge mass parks, greenbelts, reserve space, u_pulse collocation plants, .. massive mass greenhouses building hydro-culture into the protocols for op.-urban planning: again, the op.flux forces pulling backward, not as a systemic outlier probability but as an intrinsic underlying force pushing the system on an ongoing basis, was missing from the models, covered over by the countervailing forces of the u_ejento' activities, such that when this countervailing force was removed from the 'model' gravity in all its overpowering inevitability took hold): (as the (00_u_iiii) mathematical compounds increasingly mirrored those of (00_00) 20 commutes earlier there was recognition that the *pulse introgression had taken on the role of foundation for the broader phasm-metric, to a large degree, having moved into the space vacated by compound consolidation: when structural u_ejento analyse stability they look to the joinings: this is where the physical pressures dispersed from the whole accumulate .. metastasize: the mountains were littered with proto-phasm unions folded into their hidden spaces, allowing u_ejento to disappear from view even as their grids unfolded over the lowlying urban spaces that housed the mathematical centers .. phasm spaces developing into the new uber-chrematist construct: concentrations were pulled inward .. then just as quickly pushed outward: control of the system as a whole became a less relevant concept for compound .. institutional purposes, replaced by the programs of insertion: for the phantom mega-commuting convergence that had inserted itself as the proto-phasm-generating force of the compound, (00-flux) represented the mechanism of joining: everyone was looking at everything but the mountain itself)."(00_00)(MONOGURUI: (ft CAPT.R.) (00_00) (00_00) 00. OOOOO. yueghuru(-(CR(00))): (recorded on the C.A.M.) "(the mega-giant force holding all of these proto-phasm concrescences together: u_op. was so big that it was invisible: it would be the failed 'compound' that shook the new order: this wasn't distortion it was metamorphosis, .. the hedonistic mouths feeding on its suck could look at those critics of its deformities as luddites because the proteins of their own bodies had become intertwined with it in a voluptuous cycle of growth .. succulent fertile overmass, their own flesh not merely touching but part of its moves .. formations: every (00-flux) was mirrored by a goryo pulling in proto-phasm from a grotesque dark future which would be inverted, each as its own utopian micro-u_ejento base compound or platform for resonating proto-phasm dispersions more like chrematism, in its purest mathematical form, than any of the discursive fictional mini-fatherlands populating the (0_0): it's madnesss, the micro-actor control council was informed, in reports which would be repeated, 'it's madness', 'it's madness', 'it's madness', madness, madness… in reverberating metallic echo like the distilled super-ego's effort to retain control even as it recognized it as a cause long ago resigned to defeat or even meaninglessness: something else was at work: cyclostructure programs that were the complement of anti-cyclical point-form calibration disappeared, replaced by a regime of purely information-theoretic entropic constructs where (00-flux)-like proto-phasm instruments were formed by mass-interior utilities as mirrorings of proto-phasm doubled to back proto-phasm: cyclostructure growth continued, but at a pace dwarfed by an phasm-metric of information services .. distribution)." (yumi(no)gosuto: "(df) the process of pulling the future into the present: pushing the present forward into the future: (00_00)(00_00))."(00_00)(MONOGURUI: (ft CAPT.R.) (00_00) (00_00) 00. OOOOO. yueghuru(-(CR(00))): (recorded on the C.A.M.) "(neg-u_pulse *production functions as contingent on a source of complementary u_pulse *production, .. the struggle .. competition .. complexity of biological systems function off of the limited neg-u_pulse resources available: m(0)phur-gap as driven by a measure of the (00_00)-accrual being completed, such that one was inundated with curvatures of proto-phasm flows: these could then be tied off in a variety of ways: each u_ejento had här particular preferences: for some it was a question of setting up flow-convergences, while others relied more on plane drift or re-filtering): (the end result was the same, proto-phasm units that could be configured to interact with one another in defined .. controlled ways)." (THE (0__)((00)(00_) (00_00)(00) yueghuru(ii)(00_00)(the YUGHUR::PHANTOM)(ii): "(at this point the u_ (00) removed from u_plots backed by u_op.s proto-phasm potential provided cover for the u_flows being pushed in by the YAMAUEREDA: every morphism was pistol stitched into multiple u_flow u_objects): (absolute cyclobolic tensions were built in as nodal points: you could invert these to set up a blow-up or growth function: polders served as the model for the system of u currents: what you're dealing with, at the end of the day, is the control of flows, whether those particular flows consist of water, or air, or u_pulse currents, or such: the plan of the YAMAUEREDA was to reverse the flow of proto-phasm: massive amounts of proto-phasm would be pulled in from the future, pumping it into both mass proto-phasm for cyclostructure projects, .. interior proto-phasm in the form of point-flux propagation injections via the U_CHROMA)." ((00)(00_) (00_00)(00) yueghuru(ii)(00_00)(the YUGHUR::PHANTOM)(ii): "((0) would be calibrated to pull proto-phasm back in to the yamaueredas in order to maintain cyclo-intension within a wide band of 5 to 40 percent)."

"(00)O。':phideyuki:'(00)(00)(00)(00)(00)(00)(O)(O)マイクロメカニズム/5つの金属光学管..汚れている。移動なし/(00)(0000)-(00)(00)、The OOOOO O.'(YUGEN。)P.IV:'どうやって逃げるかわからない(00)(00)(00 )OO。'/ m(00):'(00)(00)(00)(O)(O)同じ運命。 (00)(00)(00)(00)(00)(00)(00)(00)(00)(O)(O)このドレスを汚した価値のない男性は何人いますか? OOOOO's(0000)(00)(00)、Op。 115(28512)。モナディックエンジン:5つのミニ突起/透明なゴムの上にまあまあ炭素質の黒いミニ束ねられた髪5つの小さな突起の頭の上に透明なゴムマスク付きの6バンプのボディスーツ装備:まあまあ炭素質の黒い髪/大きな丸い目/ ..それから私の顔に笑った(00)(00)(00)(00)(00)(00)(00)(00)(00)(O)(O)天井に取り付けられた/5人のエージェント/集中している場合:ヒュルステのように怒鳴る(M3905:MONADIC(00)(00)(00)(00)(00)(00)(O)(O)O:(CHAMBER R9:0883)は跳ね返る:madwoman。白いセメントの上を回転し、フィデユキの乗り物教えてはいけない、フィデユキ、それは血まみれのチャドドレスです。透明なプラスチックの壁..härの肩を飾る..私たちの床/天井/部屋が占める特定の物理的空間にある4härのゴーグルをそれぞれ手からhärに触れた。 /研究所の満足度häは以下から選択します:十分です。私が最初に気づいたはずのこと。ライダーバック。 of the Defense /härclear:härユーティリティベルトの白いドレス生地の機械設備私の愛するヒーローyameghuru_uereda(ii)/その動きに適用される用語/口が少し開いています。バニー。 Härヘルメットミニ修理本w/「お茶のカップは白いミニテーブルに未完成のまま座っています。」:yameghuru_uereda(ii)の体は、透明なプラスチック製のマルチバルブアーマーの下に半透明です:透明な高分子原子アンチチョードアーマーoverhär(00_00)傷ついたハード:ソフトボディホワイトショートショーツw:ブラックボタン:弱いprmbrパターンオーバーマスク:ヘッドピース13-丸で囲んだ:adidasrtのすぐ上にある黒の3桁のロゴ。ヒップ:博士m。このプロジェクトを監督し、yameghuru_uereda(ii)、Capt。Y.、Capt。P.、.. Capt。O.をさまざまな地域に支出しました。もちろん、myamaka:aeropitturaは比較的早くそれを知っていました。 yameghuru_uereda(ii)の場合、ドメインを定義するアクションの質問でした。これも、数学者が財産の概念を拒否することで非常に超共産主義者になった方法をコミカルなものとしてyameghuru_uereda(ii)にぶつけます。用語が使用されているかどうかに基づいた数学的論文の日付のハードカットオフライン:(00)問題は、少なくとも防衛研究所の数学者がそれをどのように見るようになったのか、プロパティは決して何もしないということです:代わりにただ座ってきれいに見える:機能的に力の概念に置き換えられました:プロパティのポイントは単に適切に0000されます:私は私の史上最高の女の子に絶望的に心を痛めました..ビジネスアソシエイト:ちょうど今朝到着しました20年の不在後-私は予想を超えていました。記録されたプロジェクトは、この期間中のyameghuru_uereda(ii)の所在を決定しますが、C博士は、これに特定の矛盾に遭遇しました。 -CR)(00)の冷たいしびれた唇は、透明なゴム製マスクの後ろで活気に震えます:静止した黒いゴム製の手袋をはめた手:5つ以上のミニ突起の頭まあまあ炭素質の黒い髪:透明なゴム製のバインディングが疲れた足を痛めます: (00)タイトなクリアラバーマスクの下の5つのミニ突出した頭の5つのミニバンドルに引っ張られた髪/暗い目/クリアラバーマスクの後ろの黒いスタッブル顔/黒い輪郭/マーキングが駆け上がる(-CR)(00) '透明なゴム製の6バンプのボディスーツ/巨大な灰色の雲が形成されている/頭上の風の乱れがあらゆる方向に超強力/人工的なポンピングハート/透明なプラスチック製の黒いちりばめられたハイパーバリックオーシャンのコックピットがすべてのM.E.V./で私たちに衝突しますAKOK.-ミツヴォーグ。流行。 yameghuru_uereda(ii)(03):その無力な破裂力/雪で満たされた(härの頭から渦巻く蒸気)'OK。'/白。不思議の国/静けさ/呼吸/しっとりとした唇/白い壁。白色光。風邪。私は、寒さを恐れて、偶発的な大波の中で蒸気が上昇しているのです。大きな大きな目のためのポイントホール..pert唇/黒いスタッブル/目/静的なしびれ..冷たい/冷たい冷たい終わり付き/心臓の筋肉/この荒涼とした不明瞭な空/härの近くでトリミングされた頭に対して..ミニ-O.I.ボックス/IMCRは疲れているようです、おそらく/ yameghuru_uereda(ii):'häsaid(00)(00)(00)(00)(00)(00)/..睡眠不足の目。"yameghuru_uereda(ii)(03) :(härの頭から蒸気が渦巻く)'häはちょっと深い(0)です。'/私たち全員ではありません/phideyukiは一瞬平和を感じます'(00)(00)O。"