

(00_00)(MONOGURUI: y_ueghuru(ii)(00_00)(ch.))(ii))((00))(00)(00) (00_00)(00) y_ueghuru(ii)(00_00)(ch.)((00_00)(00_00))(ii): "(flowing from the present point in time to the future: thus, the ergodic volume: proto-phasm relationship mirrored that of u_pulse: neg-u_pulse: in a situation like that of the (0_0) implosion, the decay-phase process (or in similar situations a more straight forward inversion) pushes proto-phasm backwards, turning it into ergodic volume: nothing could be more misleading then the convention of referring to these movements as convergences or *production for the system as a whole: conservation of value holds as firmly as mass: what matters is its movements .. their effects on the mass of flows of which the monadic channels fo the (*)region consist): (hä can feel här body swelling up, getting bigger, pushing against här bodysuit: hä had had to resist the temptation, for as long as hä could remember, to reach inside här body .. rip out här inner organs with här bare hands): (all of the growth properties of the u_pulse flows occur in the blurred spaces discarded (df) in standard time-continuous mathematical models, for the purposes of restrained minimality, where the interactions of abstract .. polymer-plasma pilot objects engage .. metamorphisize into independent (non-isomorphic) concepts: thus, any predictions produced by mathematical models which explicitly do not include the blurred spaces will fail to capture the breaks .. dislocations produced by u_pulse flows within them)." (00_00)(MONOGURUI: y_ueghuru(ii))((00))((00)(00_) (00_00)(00) y_ueghuru(ii)(00_00)(ch.)(00_00)(the YUGHUR::PHANTOM)(ii): "(in black close cropped acrylic multi-gapped chrome studded bodysuit .. black rubber slippers: hä thought of the mountains—.. especially of a certain spot which hä used to frequent, whence hä would look down upon the distant crags .. fields, .. see the snow, far off, like an overpowering white force, .. the rock formations in the distance)." 00. (00_00)(00)(MONOGURUI)(00_00)(00_00)(ii): "((00_00)(00_00) (00_00)(00_00) (00_00)(00_00) (00_00)(00_00) (00_00)(00_00) (00_00)(00_00) (00_00)(00_00) (00_00)(00_00) (00_00)(00_00) (00_00)(00_00))." ((00)(00_) (00_00)(00) y_ueghuru(ii)(00_00)(ch.)(00_00)(the YUGHUR::PHANTOM)(ii): "(här 2-braided hair pushed against här head, .. här compact muscular body held the contours of a semi-opaque clear rubber bodysuit with white fake fur padding: I was most struck by här eyes, which were of unnatural clarity, pushing forward a disturbing form of uncomfortable peace in a peculiar way)."(00_00)(MONOGURUI: y_ueghuru(ii)(00_00)(ch.))(ii))((00))(00)(00) (00_00)(00) y_ueghuru(ii)(00_00)(ch.)((00_00)(00_00))(ii): "(yumi(no)gosuto wore a white cotton-hybrid cross-stitched uniform with white strapping with clear rubber hood over ice-gear: (00)'s broken body: här clear rubber short bodysuit with tight hood-mask pulled over här head with the eurostile word on it '*u(00_00)" in black outline, .. small circle logo in black, clear rubber arm warmers .. clear rubber slippers, tall white leggings up to här knees, vacant face staring upward)." 00. (00_00)(00)(MONOGURUI)(00_00)(00_00)(ii): "(y_ueda is perhaps best described as a professional onnagata, constructing a fiction of feminity .. voluptuous inverted force to pull in .. consume all of the cultural pretty decorative inanities of perfect destructive grace: the white cotton fabric of the jumper pushes back against här asserting its right to the material space här body is encoaching upon: discomfort was sometimes intended as a placebo for the kind of annihilating ruptures .. melodramas of psychic episodes: här body acts as the rayleigh-ritz ratio for a multitude of goryos, conceived of as the constraint that forms the convergence of a min max problem: the reversal of proto-phasm coefficient growth by the yamauereda was functionally equated with chrematism): (the light, black acrylic covering weaves in .. out of the turns of surfaces of the running monitors with spinning metal discs in clear plastic cylinders inset in the clear rubber walls: här dark, semi-vacant eys turn over the space cautiously: metal ringed eyelets allow passage of black cords binding the folds .. creases to the machines' forms: här black hair in 2 braids pulls inward: mannish lips .. facial features match här forward stance .. push of hips on the clear rubber dimpled floor, as y_ueghuru(ii) runs här hands over the controls .. pulls readings: y_ueghuru(ii)'s white cotton, bumped ghost-equipage with stiched grid, .. clear rubber mask over här weary, resilient face: the metallic words from the recording intone vacuously: 'multiple, overlapping worlds pin themselves to actuality over the 0-points: how does this function, in practice?: let us examine this functionality via the mechanics of the c.a.m.: the c.a.m. acts as a pseudo-perceptive filter over a mapping of potentiality points immateriallly positioned in a u_space of undetermined dimensions: we wil refer to a point in the full poly-isomorphism of this space as a u_monad: the u_monad is actualized insofar as it is bound by a mode of force to at least one other u_monad, .. will refer to such a bound u_monad as an (actualized) y_monad: the c.a.m. is calibrated to pull in information corresponding to the y_monads in question: in other words, the primary effective action of the c.a.m. is to recognize .. record the difference between a u_monad (as a potentiality) vs. a y_monad (as an actuality): but prior to any opportunity for this difference recognition the c.a.m. must initiate a process of 'throwing forward' of apperceptive force: essentially, this is the power to make productive hypotheses over the u_space, to imagine a possible collocation of monads which the c.a.m. can then test, with some substantive degree of accuracy, for u vs. y properties: the expectation for this accuracy should be such that, rather than an expectation that the judgement is never wrong, the expectation be such that it is correct within an acceptable range for a given accepted percentage: the notion of interconnected u_verses comes via an understanding of different of u_spaces as potentiality mappings over the u_monads, such that these overlapping worlds share identical u_monads at a foundational level but are differentiated via the modes of force running over them: yameghuru(ii), you are defined by a specific monad, or 0-point, from which the process-forms which define you evolve: you share this monadic point with other process-forms, overlapping with you but extending in in highly differentiated progressions, beginning ../or ending at different points from your own process-form: yun-kang: underground structure built into the rock surface of kaon!mtn.15: aka the indestructible::fortress: it is decorated by stiff, rigid, impressions of birds, flowers, aureoles, mechanisms, pumas, jaguars, .. rockets: the 20 permanent members of the yun-kang refer to themselves as the weathermen/women(1-20): operating on a system of deontic logic processes, domain/range agnostic: there are, for them, only modal relations as cutouts for accessibility functions, but only only of the most fuzzy variety: our experience of time as a mental construct is a gauge field pushing mappings to one place or another over the u_space, .. it is these pushes that represent gravitational .. other y_forces, pushing or pulling a given object into a 'future' u_space region: here an asymmetry presents its itself in that all spatiotemporal movements are future movements: the past exists always only as a potentiality construct of the conditions which would have allowed for present conditions to form, pushing back to an abstracted mathematical limit whose actuality becomes more improbable .. more uncertain, as its domains .. codomains blow up, as one moves backward or forward into its u_space: its directionality being defined only by a given object's current movement: conscious beings control these movements to the extent which they are able as a means of growing .. maintaining consciousness, until no longer able to do so: mass pertains only as a method of indexing collocations of force, such that a particle is a bound ball of force interacting with other forces in its region': y_ueghuru(ii)'s gray skin with black, painted faux-mask with lines converging to just over här gray-painted lips .. curving down over här body: dew clings to här flesh: bubbles froth on the fluids passing through the clear plastic channels submerged in the floor: from far off in the distance hä hears the background echoing of huge, low acoustic swells: the cold passes through här: the clear rubber walls pulsate slilght, bound by the white plastic channels of the **YAMAUEREDA dimly visible on far side: behind y_ueghuru(ii) in the confined space are 29 large objects on the floor draped over with black acrylic sheets, only vaguely hinting at the forms underneath): (y_ueghuru(ii)(00_00)(ch.) followed här: arrived at the compact dining-compartment, hä stopped: metal cabinets .. appliances fit into place against one another)." ((00)(00_) (00_00)(00) y_ueghuru(ii)(00_00)(ch.)(00_00)(the YUGHUR::PHANTOM)(ii): "((pause) y_ueda(ii) grabs the (00_00)(ii) from här multi-bumped ghost-equipage .. rests it on the table before (00_00): the clear plastic surface trembles as hä runs här hand over it: (00_00)(00_0000): (00_00)(00_0000) (00_00)(00_0000): (00_00)(00_0000) (00_00)(00_0000) (00_00)(00_0000) (00_00)(00_0000) (00_00)(00_0000) (00_00)(00_0000)."(00_00)(MONOGURUI: y_ueghuru(ii)(00_00)(ch.))(ii))((00))(00)(00) (00_00)(00) y_ueghuru(ii)(00_00)(ch.)((00_00)(00_00))(ii): "((00_00)(00_0000) (00_00)(00_0000) (00_00)(00_0000) (00_00)(00_0000): c: (df) reverb between u_pulse points: c: (_0*(r+_)+_) :: (_0*(r-_)-_ : (_r(*)+_+(_(-_)(*)-_) : or a u-series such that (u0*(r+y)+y) :: (_0*(r-y)-p : (00_00) touches the (00_00)(ii): hä understands, in a theoretical sense, the u reverb confined within its interior, but its mere physical presence .. closeness pushes an indefinable foreboding into här body's core, a sense that even the unforgivables are being approached .. breached)." 00. (00_00)(MONOGURUI) (0000).(00_00): '"(allowing just enough space against a small metal table pushes against the small oven whose metal surface reflects back the light against them)." (THE (0__)((00)(00_) (00_00)(00) y_ueghuru(ii)(00_00)(ch.)(00_00)(the YUGHUR::PHANTOM)(ii): "(cyclo-dense .. cyclo-distant mappings they had been corrupted: the goryo, re its role as a brownian bridge, tied off u flows into an ultimate culminating pre-determined point, anchoring reverberation in u to a bounded reality)."(00_00)(MONOGURUI: y_ueghuru(ii)(00_00)(ch.))(ii))((00))(00)(00) (00_00)(00) y_ueghuru(ii)(00_00)(ch.)((00_00)(00_00))(ii): "(without this control the destructive reverb would consistently lead to madness, in the u_ejento involved but also, in all probability, any ejento or actors within their direct gersgorin radius: in this way the goryo could be compared to the compound poles of monadism: from _00_ to _00_ the yamabushi were pulling proto-phasm from forward points in time back into the inversions cell so powerfully .. robustly that yamauereda processes of minimization were pushed to their effective limits: this built up force of contraction to contain the outward propagation of proto-phasm formation would then reverb backward violently .. in uncontrolled unexpected fashion)." 00. (00_00)(MONOGURUI) (0000).(00_00): "(their plan made use primarily of a mathematical structure invented by (00_00), referred to as the u_pulse currents: mega_umorphs were essentially materialized u_pulse as protein-formations at massive scale sent out as fleets to reassert control over key control regions in distant space to respond to the counteroffensive: it took commutes to develop their formation .. deploy them at coordinated points, only to find them overturned .. turned back against the urakuomori with near immediacy: it was a chilling blow, one which challenged the resolve of all those present: the u_object PHUMIRUIGEN (PHMR) was on the forefront of efforts to change the program of analytic entities from proscriptive to productive, following in many ways the kinds of methodologies that had been found to be productive in the development of transformation grammar: they reenvisioned their role as one of endeavoring to provide clarity .. accurate information regarding the compound of the field of their analytic oversight: in their new role they aimed to provide robust .. powerful mapping functions of (m)::(p) flows: it was under their purview that cyclo-commodifcation processes took their initial hold .. generated their first momentum: there was a moment of recognition by cell participants when everyone (with uncanny near-simultaneity, as these kinds of realizations tend to take hold) became aware that one's domain had shifted, that one would be hard pressed to find a u_object that wasn't interwoven in some way with at least one, if not multiple, range or co-domains, .. for every u_object that one could hold in one's hands .. experience directly as a phenomenological object, there were countless mirrorings as synthetic offshoots that existed only in an a-phenomenological intermundia as pure crystallization of information, increasingly recognizable only as abstracted mathematical objects that one could only identify, not by mapping them in their entirety (as they existed in large part only in invisible ../or imagined space), but by inverting them or transforming them in some way, such that one could measure .. observe the movements generated by the process of their metamorphosis: u_ejento began indexing prototopia aims to this space, In the areas of protein-reorientation, education, justice reform, community development etc.): (här head hurt with the cold .. the pounding: the __ cycle allowed for the deposit .. movement in the brain's organic tissues proteins associated with the pushing forward or backward of u_pulse flows)."

((00)(00_) (00_00)(00) y_ueghuru(ii)(00_00)(ch.)(00_00)(the YUGHUR::PHANTOM)(ii): "(with the release of the reverse-tension represented by these contingent flows)."(00_00)(MONOGURUI: y_ueghuru(ii)(00_00)(ch.))(ii))((00))(00)(00) (00_00)(00) y_ueghuru(ii)(00_00)(ch.)((00_00)(00_00))(ii): "(3 elements are necessary to yumi(no)gosuto: i) (00_00)(ii), which yumi(no)gosuto is able to access thru YAMAUEREDA: ii) YAMAUEREDA, obtained for yumi(no)gosuto by (00_00) from the (00): iii) y_ueda (Y_UEDA): y_flux tied to u_objects indexed to mapped coordinates of floating mecha mapped measures of density optimization of the population: these were u-residue, or possession velocities (as they were referred to by the u_ejento .. your average post-reversionist), effecting a stabilizing cell velocity .. resource allocation: this was matched by a labor cell objectification facility for prototopia .. cyclostructure maintenance work on an ejento basis offered by compound facilities, or what was left of them as they slowly receded: these facilities were replaced in large part by mini-commune compound-unions that took on city/community maintenance roles comparable in some ways to support services offered by institutes piggybacking on open source code frameworks: (0_0), (0_0), .. (0_0) broke up into hybrid entities of this nature, developing special expertise in irrigation .. flood control: mega-mecha were designed .. implemented by them in these early stages – city-sized mecha of mixed use which could entrench in land-based (particularly mountain region) areas, or, as often, as floating cities on bodies of water: these mecha utilized sets of massive drills/pumps that would push down into the earth or ocean depths for tapping into thermal flows: these were quickly repurposed as ryojusen-combines as their initial mass residents dispersed into the newer micro-facilities that became popular during the time: their parks .. greenhouses tied into hydro-collection units .. research labs for fertilization .. ecological studies: when engines were invented that could support maximal hover functions these mecha were re-popularized .. could be found floating over numerous regions of the u_verse, usually in little mutual-com collocations, forming entropic unions that produced effective growth features): (it is at this point that one would most like to proclaim one's innocence, but is faced instead with the clear demonstrable wrongness .. impossibility of such comforts: this is the point where the paranoid breaks, .. confess calmly, quietly, in a breathed whisper, 'it was me', for all the wrongs in the world: one finds oneself in between the convergence of these two ineffable series: y_ueghuru(ii)(00_00)(ch.) pulls här hand back .. looks up at y_ueda(ii), uncertain as to här position: hä touches här clear rubber goryo suit, trying to push it closer to här body): (turning on two brilliant white lights to replace the dim grayness: sitting down on a metal chair in the corner of the polished wood .. metal lined room, .. pressing the palms of both hands on här knees, the gray multi-folded cotton bodysuit, black circle patterned down from the shoulders to mid-chest, pushing down här _ black banded shaved head reflecting the white bouncing nauseous light)." 00. (00_00)(MONOGURUI) (0000).(00_00): '"(white fluffed filliing pushes out from creases in places: at här right hip in black block letters 'u_648')." (THE (0__)((00)(00_) (00_00)(00) y_ueghuru(ii)(00_00)(ch.)(00_00)(the YUGHUR::PHANTOM)(ii): "(the isomorph function of the y-filter had been broken, but, in theory, if used vigorously could be a powerful force: in effect, over time through a variety of processes, it had had multiple double binds built into that would be difficult to disentangle, such that it served as an ineffective tool in the midst of phase-push, unfortunately: as such, most of the initial programs created by the op. flux in response to the unwinding of the * proved important, as implicit or explicit extensions of the y-filter function)." 00. (00_00)(MONOGURUI) (0000).(00_00): '"(in gray black banded acrylic multi-gapped bodysuit, with metal discs, .. här 4 braided head glistening slightly with moisture)." (00_00)(MONOGURUI: y_ueghuru(ii))((00))((00)(00_) (00_00)(00) y_ueghuru(ii)(00_00)(ch.)(00_00)(the YUGHUR::PHANTOM)(ii): "(viewed phenomenologically the * clearly had the character of a contractionary event, with tightnesses in proto-phasm as the motivating factor for all of the tremors .. damages popping up in one place .. then another, fulfilling 'in their succession the described conditions of the collection' as a reduction in quantity of flows of proto-phasm .. u_objects reverberations: u theory's conceptual history could be viewed as one of invisible ejento taking actions that u theory would predict to have a given effect, observing the occurrence of the effect, .. then incoherently attempting to amass an array of non quantity based theories to form a coherent matrix-filter: fictions of a distorted .. science fiction like character were regularly passed off as the most rigid .. sane of cold hard entropic contemporaneous theory)." 00. (00_00)(00)(00)(00_00) (00_00)(MONOGURUI) (0000).(00_00)(00_00): '"((00_00))." (00_00)(MONOGURUI: y_ueghuru(ii))((00))(THE (0__)(00)(00) (00_00)(00) y_ueghuru(ii)(00_00)(ch.)(00_00)((00_00)(00_00))(ii): "(a big fold-over gray ghost-equipage with black circle-pattern): (certain of these flows would consist of high levels of reverb, tied back in to their representative ejento' goryos: the principle of indifference was applied freely to these effects, as their pursuant aims were driven primarily into probability sets: u_plots for a wide array of property types were tied back into major institutions via back end proto-phasm channels that would not have been observable, at this time, to most observers, ultimately supported by implicit compound backstops: it was to these inputs into the op.-yamaueredas(::)' proto-phasm portals that the u_flows constructed were ultimately aimed): (hä realized, of course, that ultimately the one autarchic hä would need to defeat, the one that would stand in front of här when hä was closest to victory, would be härself)." ((00)(00_) (00_00)(00) y_ueghuru(ii)(00_00)(ch.)(00_00)(the YUGHUR::PHANTOM)(ii): "(the one effete bastard that could grip här inner organs in psychic power .. destroy här): (a marking on här upper left chest just below the shoulder of a circle surrounded by _ smaller circles): (everything the yamaueredas were pushing into the period of _00_-_00_ was being pulled back via goryos to the period of _000-_00_, inflating the mathematical compounds to massive proportions: the apparatuses of the compound managing the organization of proto-phasm flows)." 00. (00_00)(MONOGURUI) (0000).(00_00): '"(y_ueda(ii): 'the future devours us all': hä contorts här neck .. pushes här upper body backward .. the large white skirtage of här poncho pushes forward, the light cerulean blue, pink, manganese blue, red acrylic straining against little white plastic discs .. white tied off enclosures, clear rubber gapping: bunches of decorative folds push up against här bare forearms, här bunched up 6 collocations of hair: the white plastic mini-mecha, mhaurophasm-mighur(00_00), poised on four white rubber stub points of contact with the polished wood ground extending far off into various sub-units, furnished by low, irregular tables .. storage cabinets, interspersed bending .. contorted foliage in white ceramic block-units, low, indoor trees lightly flowering, lining huge clear plastic cylinders, gray fake fur accentuating the curves of its forward pushing body, pulling into venting .. black rubber joints: it suggests quietly, 'as long as these remain two competing factors, in some kind of balance with one another, compound power .. proto-phasm subsume one another in a resonable social point-map of peace .. calm: the invention of the modern yamauereda was a recognition of the need, in the domain of mathematical monadism, to manage .. create buffers for the tendency of these forces to auto-propagate against one another until their conduits, the mathematical institutions, are imploded from within': här gray lips hesitate)."

MONOGURUI PUBLICATIONS seeks fiction related to math, economics, machines, conceptual fashion, utopia:dystopia, .. the future, for print-on-demand publication.

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(* as always the world ends in haute couture *): (0)(0)