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(00_00)(MONOGURUI: y_ueghuru(ii))((00))(00_00) y_ueghuru(ii)(00_00)(ch.)(the YUGHUR::PHANTOM)(ii): "(is alienation entanglement?: partly, but it involves a process, more interminably, of cuts, partial morphisms that disembody consciousness .. disperse it into artificial or derived vehicles: ergodic volume becomes the measure of the movement of these forces from one body to another as an exchange of cyclo-fluids or immaterial flux components: the counter-argument to the high level equilbrium trap argument re (0_0) re is that dr.c.'s type of ergodic .. fluid notions of our engagement with the material (*)region represented, not a pulling back from the forward development of modern philosophal .. scientific directions, but rather a failure to push far enough over these imminent boundaries, re momentum toward the concepts of transcendental idealism .. their parallel manifestations in u_dynamics, statistical mechanics, u_pulse mechanics, such that the empirical or postivist morphs into *unifocal emergence .. the physical manipulation of perfectoid-like objects: one can reduce this conceptualization to three regions in question: i) region of consciousness; ii) region of objects; iii) region of noumena: y. resolves this interplay by removing the middle region, ii, pushing the object over into iii, while pulling the properties of time .. space out of the object as noumena .. into i: it is this second part to the move, the cutting of the conceptualization of the spatiotemporal from its embodiment in the object, that suggested to u_ejento new ways of thinking of the object, .. new methods .. modes by which one might conceive of objects: re the first part, u_ejento preferred **'s inversion, such that i .. iii were folded on to ii: the u_object, 'which has become a vital condition for each individual (their mutual interconnection) here appears as something alien to them, autonomous, as a thing', as if one were a being whose organs were embodied outside of one's own material body: y_ueghuru(ii)(00_00)(ch.): 'you are so pure one is afraid to look at you'): (((00_00) (re madhyamaka)) the YAMAUEREDA ejento were mindful of the model represented by (00_u_iiii) irrigation in the interwar period, in the context of its (unintended) promotion of autarchic regime change – studying particularly closely the binding of proto-phasm to dispersed/(00_00) entities – a model which was given the short-hand pseudonym of 'na koto' in their circles: y_usege(ii) was the (*)region's b-ugartë: what does the 'b' stand for?: "(00_00)", probably: re yu-phor phasm, it was a test, as they were starting to pick up that something was going on with the y-morphs beneath the surface, so they wanted to see what would happen if they briefly refused a phasm, where would the distributions of intensity move to?: here the idea that the mathematical compounds were, by their very nature, a process of proto-phasm becoming 'deformedly deformed' came to the forefront: u_ejento occupied key places in the yamauereda(ch.)(v) mimesis from its start: .. an arrangement was made for a pipeline placing graduates of the (0_0) school at their disposal: the u_ejento were measuring movement, with their C.A.M.s rigged to measure proto-phasm as a function of speed, which in turn was conceived as, by definition, rates of change of u_pulse: (_'_'in clear rubber yurisuit with black outline, black rubber ½-mask, _ braided black hair): (phumaCHIRGHYU(ii) in semi-opaque clear rubber yurisuit with black outline .. black rubber ½-mask, close-clipped head)): ((so where cultivators were asking the question, re u_monads, 'what is its volume', the u_ejento were responding, 'I don't give a (0000) – how fast is it moving?': YAMAUEREDA functioned by infusing massive amounts of neg-u_pulse into a particular segment, or segments, of the cell)."(00_00)(MONOGURUI: y_ueghuru(ii)(00_00)(ch.))(ii))((00))(00)(00) (00_00)(00) y_ueghuru(ii)(00_00)(ch.)((00_00)(00_00))(ii): "(.. then quickly pulling it out: the goryos operated as strange attractors for the u_flows: this idea of a mapping of bodies): (hybrid y_ghost entities were formed combining propagation flows from the interpellation of compound commissions with proto-phasm union based u_objects/futures agencies with the development of aquaculture entities .. large scale transportation initiatives in phantom form: all of this pushed into u_matrices downstream: when the downgrades blew up in _00_ the effect sent shudders through the foundations of the *pulse introgression: the overwhelming majority of this effect was via the analytic ramifications: analytic restraints on concresence were directly tied to the ratings function in the effective regime)." ((00)(00_) (00_00)(00) y_ueghuru(ii)(00_00)(ch.)(00_00)(the YUGHUR::PHANTOM)(ii): "(as a result, the poofing of large swaths of (00) .. (0) u_objects produced a powerful implosive contraction that yamauereda(ch.) on itself .. gained reverse momentum as it permeated inward via poorly designed feedback loops built into the system: this was what dr.p./(0_0) .. others misdescribed as an dark intermundia incursion, focusing on the degradation of the content .. bearers of the information as opposed to the design of the channels themselves which represented the actual driving force of this movement: u_ejento began to experiment with platinum enclosures for their resonance .. magnetic properties' ability to focus .. constrain u_pulse flows, to create a sort of pivot by which greater, .. different types of control could be asserted: tentative efforts in the area of shapeshifting were engaged by certain parties –)." (00_00)(00) y_ueghuru(ii)(00_00)(ch.)(00_00)(the YUGHUR::PHANTOM)(ii): "(efforts which were by no means encouraged but allowed for .. watched closely by upper YAMAUEREDA agencies)."00. MONOGURUI (0000).(00_00)(v. the mhega.mighur)(00_00)(MONOGURUI: y_ueghuru(ii))((00))(00_00)(00_00) (00_00)(00_00) (00_00)(00_00) (00)(00) (00_00)(00) y_ueghuru(ii)(00_00)(ch.)(00_00)((00_00)(00_00))(ii): "(as (0_0)'s developments in farming efficiency allowed for an expansion of the population, .. of productivity, the monad-pulse reservoir was not equipped to expand in equal measure .. *, .. entropic development along with it, became tightly constrained by inward pressures: it would remain so for an extended period: attachment points for proto-phasm .. *production became fallow .. disappeared from disuses: baburu-keiki(i) was the name given to YAMAUEREDA's first initiation of this: the (00_u_iiii)/(00_00)-op. * was assigned the term baburu-keiki(ii), formally, but in practice, after the events that had unfolded, .. were unfolding, were observed with some clarity it took on the name, informally, of kinjiru gizo: in the middle of the large drawing-room, which was lined with white cotton sheets with blue .. pink floral pattern, two large white ceramic block tables had been put together .. covered with white dishware .. low glass mini-ewers with bamboo cuttings: the end of the table was taken up by a huge tray with twenty-five glasses on it .. a basket with ordinary french bread cut into a number of slices: filtered light pushed through the steel contoured interior of the two rooms: gray acrylic faux-contoured ghost-equipage with black abstract pattern overlay .. dark gray patterned leg-bindings: gray multi-layered acrylic yurisuit .. bunched up hair .. black rubber ½-mask: in här dimpled .. clasped semi-opaque clear rubber yurisuit over white acrylic mech-harness .. clear rubber mask: clear plastic contoured ½-mask .. full clear plastic body armor, multi-gapped, with black bold outline, black rubber strapping: semi-opaque clear rubber yurisuit .. black rubber ½-mask: moving restlessly in här plush white .. bamboo-layered chair)."(00_00)(MONOGURUI: y_ueghuru(ii)(00_00)(ch.))(ii))((00))(00)(00) (00_00)(00) y_ueghuru(ii)(00_00)(ch.)((00_00)(00_00))(ii): "(nodes were put into place in certain points perceived as critical in the institutional apparatus of the major mathematical states, just as monadic channel .. y_flux grids spread over the surface of the planet, allowing the flows of proto-phasm to be controlled to an unprecedented degree: semi-opaque clear yurisuit over white acrylic mech-harness, black rubber slippers, .. a black rubber half-mask: in an instance of this control being utilized for political goals, the (0_0)*pulse introgression was inflated quickly .. effectively during reunification in order to cover over the unrest .. undercurrents involved that had the potential to unsettle the venture, .., by extension, the (00_00) project as a whole: mysteriously, during the period of moderation there were a number of shocks which passed through without causing the kind of mapping collapse that was observed in the early (0_0) (0_0))." 00. (00_00)(00)(MONOGURUI)(00_00)(00_00)(ii): "(some of this was attributed to the interregional *pulse introgression having gained elasticity via the reverb of what was increasingly a dynamic interplay between interdependent ch.-forms, giving the system a bend but don't break quality: an understated, but perhaps more substantial, cause of the stability was the underlying huge (bubble) growth in (*)region trade .. *production that made the effects of smaller bubbles appear not to matter, a kind of stability that is the opposite of stability (but perhaps that's the point): in clear rubber goryo suit with medium blue .. pink logo on the chest .. clear rubber head-mask: här semi-opaque clear rubber yurisuit held här body tightly over white acrylic mech-harness): (the underground capacitor is designed such that, if it becomes necessary to discharge the neg-u_pulse from the system, two mega-resistors can be brought into contact with the monitors)."(00_00)(MONOGURUI: y_ueghuru(ii))((00))00. (00_00)(00)(MONOGURUI)(00_00)(00_00)(ii): "(there was serious consideration given to this option during the *, .. though it was ultimately foregone, there are those who feel that if this course of action had been taken early enough to nip the momentum in the bud the mass-effect of the * could have been avoided: but clearly there were extensive overvaluations of proto-phasm throughout the *pulse introgression at the time that made evaluating the effects of such a process difficult to measure: the weakness of the implementation of MYGHORI mim::::cell processes, in practice, meant that the actual proto-phasm in the system could have been determined to be at any number of wide ranges: .., in fact, there were those that argue now that had the u_pulse flows been brought to a slow-down the damage ultimately of the * would have been far worse: the YUGHUR::PHANTOM)."' 00. (00_00)(00)(MONOGURUI)(00_00)(00_00)(ii): "((00_00) (re *_)) ((00_00)): one of the control mechanisms put in place for the goryo movements was that of the calibration of outflow/inflow currents generated endogenously vs. the connecting flows from the surrounding touch-point regions: this operates on the principle of evaporation, such that, when prevailing u_pulse currents from the imminent regions was insufficient, u_pulse flows could be drawn in to the goryo movement with the use of what were effectively giant underground fans, put into place in both phumiyugen .. certain regions of (00_00), which implemented the induced draft/forced draft effect): (goryos were constructed as a metastic group of functions reflecting the effects of each wave: in a fake-fur ghost-equipage with floral pattern, with här black hair done up tightly into big circular balls)."

(00_00)(モノグルイ: ヤメグル(ii)(00_00)(ch.))(ii))((00))(00)(00) (00_00)(00) ヤメグル(ii)(00_00)(ch.) ((00_00)(00_00))(ii): 「(yamaguchi_gh. は軽量の透明なアクリルのボディスーツを着ており、頭にはぴったりと透明なゴム製のフードがかぶせられています。黒い瞳は不思議な予感を感じます): (敷地内のくぼみのあるコンクリート .. ガラスの壁 ホワイエは圧倒的な力で彼らを密接に取り囲みます..遠くに押し込まれているかのように空気が重く感じられます..目に見えない氷..雪に覆われた山..myghori_ch.)。 ((00)(00_) (00_00)(00) ヤメグル(ii)(00_00)(ch.)(00_00)(the UORUOP_PHANTOM)(ii): "(風 .. 波): (タンパク質の大量伝播) - 方向転換 .. 福祉基地複合施設の引き上げのための調整: これらすべては軍司令部のファズムと織り交ぜられることになっており、その結果、軍団は農業奉仕モデルに基づいて形成され、点状形態は上空空間モデルに押し込まれることになる。 高反響養殖の..漁業:「ノー」の叫び声..「すべて間違っている」という叫び声は、計画が練られている間、定期的にささやき声で発せられました:u_ejentoは常に混乱していました..u_flowsのそれらの点に動揺しましたが、同時に引き寄せられました プロセスがフリーズし、残響が拘束される場所。u_ejento にとって残響は、物質的または精神的な意味での「物」であり、動きたい場所に移動し、...成長したり、内側に引き込まれたりする愚かな巨大な獣だからです。 自分の気まぐれ: 彼らにとって 0* は常に神秘的でした.. 予測不可能で、収束する力に満ちていました.. 多方向への拡張)。 (00_00)(00)(モノグルイ)(00_00)(00_00)(ii): "((00_00))。" (THE (0__)((00)(00_) (00_00)(00) ヤメグル(ii)(00_00)(ch.)(00_00)(the UORUOP_PHANTOM)(ii): "(とても大きい.. 深い.. 強力です) それはいつでも消費する可能性があり、利用できるものよりもむしろ海に似ていて、制御されているということ):(この文脈におけるサイクロインテンションは、逆共創として、または、 より高い u リバーブと組み合わせることでモナディック位相を実現し、*プロダクションを推進します: u_ejento は時間対称の相互流束フレームワークで動作するため、たとえば、_00_ から _00_ へ流れる反転での爆発的な u_op. 速度に直面する可能性があります。 プロトファズムがサイバーポジティブ回路であるならば、負の情報還元プロセスとしての生命力の定義を考慮すると、ある種の肉体を持たない機械としてのキャタリズムは生きている、あるいは、機械としてのモナディズムではなく、モナディズムである。 重なり合うはっきりと形成された機械として .. 互いに前方に伝播するが、同時に終焉を迎える .. 冷たい静止状態に後方に引きずり込まれ、 .. 競合する .. 互いに通信し、 .. おそらく協力する: 私は 2 つを見渡した 小さな金属製の水差しに入った花束は、灰色に塗られた唇が小さくはためき、あたかもそれをむさぼり食おうとしているかのようだった: 茎に沿って上向きに動いたとき、手はまだ残っていた: 赤いミニカーネーションが、水面に触れると反響する: 水の上面 ほんのわずかに波打つ: ある種のつぶやきや認識を注意深く耳を傾け、希望に満ちた.. 期待しているが、同時に不信感を抱いている: 水色の格子模様のゴリョースーツが身体を押し上げ、わずかにアーチを描くように.. 呼吸が遅くなる 冷たい白いリノリウムの床が裸足を貫いている: 6 つのボールをまとめてしっかりと束ねた髪が、愛らしい暗い灰色の髪に対して没入型の影のひだできらめいている .. そのしっかりした抵抗: h は、髪を「取り戻す」ことを指します。 強制され、徴兵されるものとしての「他者になる」: 自由意志が侵害される .. 代わりに仲介者に捕らえられるという状況に直面して克服される: 尋問の各点がこのプロセスを実行し、.. それぞれからの通過 別のものを指し示すことは、あらゆる選択の概念をさらに後退させ、純粋で支配的な抑圧に取って代わられます...屈服し、人が自分自身の支配者になることを可能にします:ハは乱れた白いフェイクファーのシーツ、乱れた髪の上で目を覚ます.. 意識を持って暗い目..不安、ヘーが青、ピンク、赤の花柄の白いプラスチックの曲線を描く部屋の内部に足を踏み入れる直前、鋼鉄の輪郭のある休憩によってバランスが取れています..回帰、白いゴムのくぼみのある床:「あなたはそうではありません」 、ヤメグル….': '私は、今: これが私の新しい形態です': 'ポイントメルトダウン?': 'いいえ、まだですが、近づいています': 体は白いゴムの人型で、奇妙な特徴を備えています.. 突起、 穏やかで透き通った目、受動的 .. 受容的: 低く吸う音が静かな鼓動の中で発せられる: 計画部門は段階的に廃止され .. より高いレベルの制御、つまり権力の宣言を望む、集中管理された原始管理者に置き換えられました。 浸透圧を介して高密度化が広がり始めた: ますますu_ejentoは山岳地帯に押しやられました.. 凍てついた深さ: そこから彼らは開発計画を再活性化する計画を立てました.. 宇宙へと外側に押し出し、.. この目的のためのメカニズムはますます抽象化されました.. 展開された物理学が不気味に満たされるにつれて、非物質化された形態が勢いを増しました。)."

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