MONOGURUI uramaki-object: (KENZO (ft YAMEGU(R)U))



(00_00)(MONOGURUI: yueghuru(ii)(00_00)(ch.))(ii))((00))(00)(00) (00_00)(00) yueghuru(ii)(00_00)(ch.)((00_00)(00_00))(ii): "(fundamental to this process, given the term 'goryo', was the calibration of one's mapping of different points in time: (pause) in this context the use of the term 'current' to describe 'minimal' becomes multifaceted: in practice goryo's interpret being current as being within a given tight range): (in här semi-opaque clear bodysuit over white cotton underclothes, white rubber slippers, .. a black rubber half-mask)." ((00)(00_) (00_00)(00) yueghuru(ii)(00_00)(ch.)(00_00)(the YUGHUR::PHANTOM)(ii): "(these were all, in a certain sense, codified as mini-chods by the monogurui, such that they could all be filtered through a system of pullback .. optimization in their most basic, but also their most robust, roles: (00_00), aka yamaoroshi, or the breath that comes down the mountain with a strength that clears everything in its path: these underground goryoification units are hermetically sealed with either reciprocal type or rotary type compressors: they omit waves of uber-high pitched frequencies when in operation: the oscillations involved form slowly moving shocks that converge on steady compounds): (first-order upwind reconstruction-evolution methods produce slowly moving spurious oscillations as a compensating control: these reverberations are bound by a range of equilibrium balanced between micro-chod convergences, associated with micro-u_pulse flow, .. micro-autarchic convergences, associated with micro-decay: micro-yamabushi processes work as a function of the uncertainty in this space, with low uncertainty having decay pressures, but with overly high uncertainty risking overlap with upper .. lower equilibrium bounds .. producing anti-convergent momentum which can be difficult to rein in: where B(u,x) .. (00_00)(u,x) are given functions, called the drift .. diffusion, respectively)." (00_00)(MONOGURUI: yueghuru(ii)(00_00)(ch.))(ii))((00))(00)(00) (00_00)(00) yueghuru(ii)(00_00)(ch.)((00_00)(00_00))(ii): "(they allow us a holding point for the management of this reverberation, but it quickly becomes difficult to predict: u_ejento referred to the reverb of u_pulse flows in .. out of goryos as murasame, .. it was treated as a distinction of great care as to whether an ejento was one of those who could handle the flows of murasame at its most intense, vs. those who could not: the ghost, with its gray vapors running over it, only ½-visible to (00_00), .. ½-formed amorphous body .. face, peered closely into här gaze as if in interrogation or judgment, as if reevaluating här status, in dark interpellation: the cold steel walls .. clear plastic contours of the room enfold them, white mirrored fluorescent light pushing off of racks of moist filtered plants .. the grids of clear tubes running along the ceiling .. base of the walls, metal .. white plastic kitchen appliances on the steel countertops of a small enclosure): ((00_00) sitting on a white ceramic block stool in clear rubber goryo suit with black rubber ½-mask, .. black type over chest "(00_00))"." ((00)(00_) (00_00)(00) yueghuru(ii)(00_00)(ch.)(00_00)(the YUGHUR::PHANTOM)(ii): "(heavy pulses of cool, then slightly warm air, push in on them from the large ceiling vents: the clear plastic semi-opaque floor suggests mysterious undetermined depths: *pulse .. cumulative growth velocities were problematic for measurement .. analysis purposes because they were relative, by definition, so one would always be left open to the question, if taking them naively, of what was push, what was pull, etc., in the broad sense: u_ejento based them out to a normalized reference sequence, a baseline u_pulse flow from which everything could float as standard deviations from the researched trend data .. future projections: the idea of 'stable' invisible units was viewed as spurious)."(00_00)(MONOGURUI: yueghuru(ii)(00_00)(ch.))(ii))((00))(00)(00) (00_00)(00) yueghuru(ii)(00_00)(ch.)((00_00)(00_00))(ii): "(u_pulse processes in their 'natural' compound would gravitate downward as *production increased, .. would only take on the appearance of stability given active efforts to manage .. cultivate, or facilitate in some incentives driven sense, an increase in the proto-phasm mass in balanced measure, whether by synthetic mathematical derivatization or residual materialization or mathematical systems driven by raw c.a.u. power, etc.: the u_ejento felt all of invisible processes, .. most of monadics, could be contained in the two interwoven questions of i) are you producing proto-phasm growth sufficient to facilitate the growth monadic reverberation .. ii) by what mechanisms are you producing .. managing proto-phasm growth): more robustly, the u_ejento could map out gersgorin discs where there is a convergence to goryos confined to a given space, but even here, the back-flows can be problematic: for points a.u_ …. a.ui we can merely, with a certain confidence level, assert an expectation for drift within a given range: blocks of u_pulse are defined by the ranks of certain powers, such that macro measurements can be taken over pieces of the system of the whole to gauge a fairly confident mapping of the flows at work: a large, silent manchild in clear rubber bodysuit with black rubber ½-mask: in clear rubber goryo suit with medium blue .. pink logo on the chest .. clear rubber head-mask: (00), in clear rubber short-suit with black outline,½-mask: the farthest corner of the cotton covered white ceramic tables, här white ceramic block chair pushed back a little out of the row: här semi-opaque clear rubber bodysuit held här body tightly over white cotton underclothes: the yamabushi were, in effect, undermining efforts to control the amount of proto-phasm flows, which in turn functioned off of measures of u_pulse flow .. potential: hä whispers to (x) at här side: (00): 'mass can be understood only as an effect of velocity, or such as a force coupled with momentum: there can be no conception of mass in a 0-velocity model: what would this mean?: if everything is sitting in stillness then objects can touch but they cannot exert force upon one another: .. if no force is exerted there can be no measurement of mass, .. it recedes into ethereality: hence functions were reconfigured as density-velocities, mass .. distance, .. then time, were all jettisoned from the equations, until all that was left was a pure calculation of b-speed rates as differences between the velocity-process of one object to another: it is fortunate that we have opened up the u-division spaces to our probes .. cultivation: now they are the centers of various productive activiities: I've considered going there myself, .. I may still: enough of peace: I feel the urge to take up a cause, to insert myself in the creation of a new community: look at the potential here: the proto-clan systems are expanding to new members: one can be on the forefront of the production of these new forms, double-bound to possessive integration with regions populated by those agents eager for regeneration .. renewal': (00_00): (over the c.a.m.) 'the Y.PHUMA::MITSUS I-XV: the y.phuma::mitsus are onnagatomaton-bodies into which (00_00)'s mind will enter upon the imitation chod, a process which will mark här return to material mathematical efforts after här interregnum: at this time the y.phuma::mitsus' own artificial minds will not vacate, but will be retained at a 14/15 rate combined randomly w/ 1/15 of (00_00)'s: här divergent radiant mind, freed from the confines of the wake room, will incorporate into the actions of the y.phuma::mitsus in order to consolidate a position of control over the monadic-engine .. the u.-case: (00_00)'s aims beyond this point remain unclear: each y.phuma::mitsu has stenciled upon her fake body in black "(01-15)sp.": effectively the y.phuma::mitsus, by virtue of their distributive connectionist design .. free-functioning properties, serve as the concealed variables for (00_00)'s maneuvers: despite rumors of the SPs during the war of the monads their existence was not confirmed': black 2-braided hair .. no eyebrows, gray acrylic faux-contoured ghost-suit with black abstract pattern overlay .. dark gray patterned stockings: white rubber coverings of shoulders .. hips)."

(00_00)(MONOGURUI: yagao_ueda(ii)(00_00)(ch.))(ii))((00))(00)(00) (00_00)(00) yagao_ueda(ii)(00_00)(ch.) ((00_00)(00_00))(ii): 「(すべてが白くクリアされると、それらが何であるかの派生構造が表示され、円が折り畳まれますが、ルート コアのプライマリ ポイントは決して変化せず、常に 0 になります。これは、u_agents が医薬品を物理的な肉に送り込むときに焦点を当てる純粋なポイントです。おそらく、この純粋な物質ベースの安価な化学的模倣であり、タンパク質に作用する化学物質ではないように内側にフィルター処理されています): (u_agents は、今回は、関数 FUTOMAKI(_)(x) の外部参加者によって、x 個のリンクが失敗した後に _ 以上のクラスターが形成される確率を記述しています: FUTOMAKI(_)(x) など: クラスタリングを使用して、この関係を実行できます。逆に、特定の市場で積み上げられている目に見えない潜在的な圧力を観察する: u_agents は、このフォーワを活用するために goryos を構築することができました。安定した実質的な利益のための第 3 の動き: このようにして、これらの u_agents の多くが本拠を置く北北欧地域から、EU の銀行、米国へのパイプラインが形成されました。コマーシャル ペーパー市場、..そして最終的に構造化された RMBS 製品と混ざり合った..そのような: この領域が飽和状態になると、シンセティックはオーバーフローをフィルター処理しました:レベルモデルが使用されていますが、通常、そのような動きから得られるものはほとんどないことがわかっています: 変化が飛び出しているパターンとは対照的に、変化を追跡することになります: (00_00)(モノグルイ: yagao_ueda(ii))((00))00. (00_00)(00)(モノグルイ) (00_00)(00_00)(ii): 「(しかし逆に、脂質の内部から何かが逆に外側に押し出されて.. 現実そのものを変える: 0000 あなた、.. 0000 あなたの小さな近視: それらは今では何もありません: 多くの研究が行われました梁淮の役人による監視の試みに与えられたr .. 高度に指定された性質の対抗手段を用いて、彼らの「支配下」にある塩取引を導きます: 価格の変化、インフラへの投資、.. 規制構造の変更の間で変化する手段: もちろん、狂気の評価または測定は常にさかのぼる: あなたはそれが表面の下に構築されているのを観察しません: しかし、最も完全に定義された明快さで、それがどれほど大きくなったか.. 恐ろしい成長.. すべての小さな複雑さ.. 筋肉の詳細.. 組織の成長..それは、それが出現するその瞬間に先行する特定の瞬間を経てきました。人は、この明確な時点でのみ、息を吐き出すことができます..おそらく静かに、「もちろん…、それはずっとそこにあった」と自分に言うことができます. : po chui-I のコントロール ポイントのシステムは、u_flows のコントロールのモデルでした: システムを通るコースのパスに沿ったすべての動きで、これらのフローをコントロールするという命題を誰も真剣に楽しまなかったでしょう: しかし、測定を導入することはできました。プロット明確に定義されたコントロールポイントでのオコールは、ある時点で確実にフィルタリングされます。この意味で、デリバティブ市場は、集合体が開かれた宇宙の力でした。これは実際には不可能です。 、課税の州の装置に付属する会計インフラストラクチャなし..支出): (yagao_ueda(ii)(00_00)(ch.) マンガン ブルー ミディアム レッド .. ホワイト 装備 .. __ クリア ラバー ボディスーツ .. クリア ラバーヘッドマスク、しかし多くの中で岩のひだ: 唇をすぼめたブリトニー ・ スピアーズ (ii) 笑顔 .. här 3-ミニ サークル ミディアム グレーの髪を激しく."(00_00)(MONOGURUI: yagao_ueda(ii)(00_00)( ch.))(ii))((00))(00)(00) (00_00)(00) yagao_ueda(ii)(00_00)(ch.)((00_00)(00_00))(ii): "(岩に風が吹く: yagao_ueda(ii)(00_00)(ch.): 「がんばれ!: 離さない」: yagao_ueda(ii)(00_00)(ch.) 疲れた目で: britney spears(ii) ) 耳元で何かを囁く: 透明なゴム製のヘッドマスクを着用し、向きを変えて yagao_ueda( i)(00_00)(ii): yagao_ueda(ii)(00_00)(ch.) の手が här 側でゆっくりと開きます: yagao_ueda(i)(00_00)(ii): 'ha ha ha ha ha ha!': yagao_ueda(ii)(00_00)(ch.) cheishogu の高い口を開けて無言で叫ぶ): (おそらく、原理的には、一種の非国家装置が同じ機能を果たすことができた..おそらく、情報技術の進歩があっても、これはu_agents は、私たちが「オブジェクトの虚偽に取って代わる」ことに失敗したときに何が起こったのか疑問に思いました: 彼らのシステムでは、そのような調整されていないオブジェクトは、幻のオブジェクトの出現として扱われました。理解された現実への彼ら自身の不真実を通して.. 意識によって経験される.