(00_00)(MONOGURUI: (ft CAPT.R.) (00_00) (00_00) 00. OOOOO. yueghuru(-(CR(00))): (recorded on the C.A.M.) "(some would allow for a characterization of this kind of hybrid model as stochastic, still, though the introduction of momentum complicates this from a conceptual standpoint: ___nevertheless, these momentum filtrations performed rather adequately, even throughout the blow-up): (yumi(no)gosuto, it’s 9'0" glistening white protein-muscled massive form with 3-protrusion head, clear fluid covered body with white misty vapors, in a dark, low voice that is almost a growl: 'remember, it is important to understand that all of this, this entire radiant interregnum from equilibrium, is a break, a chasm, a wound to be sutured closed, to form the mysterious second ugartë who mirrors the first ugartë in order to complement/reverse, .. to accept it, to feel it deep in one’s body, .. to (0000) laugh, because it is all so (0000) funny': yueghuru(ii) sat beside här calmly): (yamabushi constructed a series of goryos based on complex mathematical models such that they could not be commuted with a reversion, even in a purely theoretical sense: they were set up so that any push would produce a reverb that would only un-implode the initial inversion position: the modeling of uncertainty becomes, in effect, the modeling of ghosts: hallucinations, as a symptom of mental perturbances, tend to be overplayed: seeing things is normal, it is the things which are invisible which are most disturbing: complex symmetric matrices are used in moment problems to model these ghost effects: hankel matrices frequently were used as placeholders for effects of weather .. such .. other unknowables on the futures .. u_objects cell, or, in other words, a sequence of complex numbers blown out against a given n)." (00_00)(MONOGURUI: (ft CAPT.R.) (00_00) (00_00) 00. OOOOO. yueghuru(-(CR(00))): (recorded on the C.A.M.) "(where n is the forward point in time one is taking under consideration'): (yueghuru(ii) .. yumi(no)gosuto barely move: on two white (0_0) teacups on a hinoki mini-cabinet against the wall with (in medium blue pink) 'GIVE THEM DIAMONDS': yueghuru(ii) pushes här lips together)." ((00)(00_) (00_00)(00) yueghuru(ii)(00_00)(the YUGHUR::PHANTOM)(ii): "(if one accepts the analysis that the point-flux cell .. the monad-pulse compounds were producing a constriction of u one is still left with the mystery, merely shifted from one domain to another, of what was generating the tightness in these areas: all hä ever really cared about was the point-flux cell: everything else was just mystery built upon mystery)." ((00)(00_) (00_00)(00) yueghuru(ii)(00_00)(the YUGHUR::PHANTOM)(ii): "(one can map out a plotting of u growth in correlation with growth in real monadic reverberation but without the ability to control u this correlation is more or less useless, .. without experimental controls in place there is little conclusive imputation of causation: u_ejento conceived of the problem as one of convergence morphology: point-flux was swapped into goryos with _ commute terms .. then inverted back .. tied off against the c-pulse's initial convergence date)." (00_00)(MONOGURUI: (ft CAPT.R.) (00_00) (00_00) 00. OOOOO. yueghuru(-(CR(00))): (recorded on the C.A.M.) "(pushing _ commutes of co-emergence-density into the interior u_monad's conceived range: constriction in u could be generated by the reverse, tying off point-flux .. 0-point_shift against expansive u_objects: here it is the violation of the monopulsive notion of irreversibility that puts into play the effective rays of force: their shimmering immaterial being): (yumi(no)gosuto in clear fluid covered protein flesh body pushes up against yueghuru(ii) allowing här hands to pass over här rubbered head)." ((00)(00_) (00_00)(00) yueghuru(ii)(00_00)(the YUGHUR::PHANTOM)(ii): "(it is the extent to which these reversals of proto-phasm flows become material objects .. beings that matrices become arrays .. depth measurements push to the surface as velocity: there was always something grotesque about the physical permeation of u_pulse flows with goryos' bodies, such that their manifestation on this plane could be displaced .. its stability undermined by reverb from invisible depths .. forces from both future .. past versions of the (*)region, or, perhaps, even worlds that existed only as imaginary constructs even in one's more expansive view of 'reality'): (the awfully funny thing is, the fascists would probably win if they could keep it in their pants, but they can't)." (00_00)(MONOGURUI: (ft CAPT.R.) (00_00) (00_00) 00. OOOOO. yueghuru(-(CR(00))): (recorded on the C.A.M.) "(would this be the way the evil shadow forced its way into the (*)region?: would the cultivation of irrigation, agricultural, .. domestic subsystems open up pathways for new emergences of darker forces .. impulses of ugartë that had previously been constrained?: efficencies in the food *production practices were the necessary precondition for the expansion of putting-out systems, with their mirrored folding of proto-phasm .. labor, .. the interwoven conditions of ergodic volume as their warp .. weft, as it pushed out into ever .. ever more decadent .. fabulous constructions of fashion, both in its direct sense .. as the over-imagined *production of fetish .. fantasies of other worlds: no one really foresaw, in its full weight, then, the extent to which these forces would be ultimately interconnected .. bound at a direct mechanical level, or even at a physiocratical undercurrent, such that discourse .. coded mappings would overlay on the physical built environment as an interactive force: as such, our collective subconscious impulses would cease to be filtered by cumbersome structures of dispersion .. communication but would instead in ever expansive fashion become reflexive feedback units .. conduits binding us to steel, glass, .. plastic mechanisms under which the process of crystallization would reach ins most inward cyclo-intensive limits): (ch._yurimenko: yumi(no)gosuto in clear rubber hybrid poncho pushes up against yueghuru(ii) allowing här hands to pass over här rubbered head: hä folds the light, transparent wires over här fingers, .. pulls them through the clear plastic conduit: the u-c.a.u. should allow for the cultivation .. control of the u_monads they have dispersed throughout the region, .. allow for their communications to reach back to them as their distances expand: hä circles the little metal lever to pull the wires taut against the clear plastic hold of the small device .. flips over a clasp to close down their containment spaces: hä turns it over .. upside down, looking through the various layers as the artificial light catches its curves .. pivots: this was a project within the purview of a development of 16 new mega-yamaueredas, each with populations podded .. set: the tension of the wires pulse over här fingers, running vibrations up is arm: a combinatorial mapping of u_monads allows a c_compound to supervene, such that, in theory, would allow for the manipulation of the c_compounds via the u_monad controls with a high degree of accuracy .. speed in high volumes: monogurui recognizes monogurui: people, when they are introduced to concepts of monadic processes, will typically attempt to wrap their head around it .. come to an understanding that comes off as rational: they may comment on 'recursive inclusion' or 'c-forms' or perhaps 'convergence' .. 'p-adics': but myamaka:aeropittura, the first time yueghuru(ii) began to explain the monadic compounds to här immediately commented, 'oh, I see, it's crazy': the previous goryoification (by the urakuomori) culminated in (0_0) decimation: compound *production choked off _0% of the existing flows .. decay blew up: it was a while for the urakuomori to connect the effects they were observing with the goryos)."
(00_00)(MONOGURUI: (ft CAPT. R.) (00_00) (00_00) 00.OOOOO. yamegu(r)u(-(CR(00))): (C.A.M.に記録) "(コドメインによる拘束) 潜在的な未来を表す:ここでは、コドメインの制約は、設計上、可能なものと不可能なものに関する結論を伝達し、イメージは徐々にドメインに引き込まれます:シャトルメイド..ヘルドメイドは、当初、 想像上のファッションの発展は、議定書によって非常に精力的に擁護された反保持条項のレーダー違反でu_ejentoのサービスで運営されている一握りのファッションハウスになった. もちろん、ゴリョの服装がハイパードラマ化されたフィクションの予想外の領域に押し込み始めたとき:コムデギャルソンを着て山上田の与えられた広域公園に足を踏み入れた最初のゴリョは、それまでの穏やかな節度のゆっくりとした退行性の乱れの始まりを示す可能性があります ed .. 以前は支配的でした: シャトル メイド .. ヘルド メイド オフサイトの乗り物は使用されなくなり、他のチャネルに置き換えられました。 . 彼らは、おそらく皮肉やダーク ユーモアのセンスを意図して、彼らの努力のために再配備のために取り上げられました。)」 ): "(u_agents は、これらの u_space を生産的な流れの干拓地と考え、そこから合成位置をインデックス化することができました): (彼らの植物塊を前進させました)."(00_00)(MONOGURUI: (ft CAPT. R.) (00_00) (00_00) 00。 yamegu(r)u(-(CR(00))): (C.A.M. に記録) 「(u_flux の泡が、流れを特定しようとして、堤防で形成されたランドスケープ全体で奇形を形成し、轍を掘り出していたという意味で..干拓地: コーディング /recoding: 0000 階層を上げて..それを改革する: 目に見えないポリシー制御の意図はどの程度..過去の経験に基づいてそのパフォーマンスを洗練できるか?): (束縛から解放された u_flux はどこで : 人間の体液の代わりに目に見えない u_pulse でエージェントの静脈を埋めるとは、どのような獣になりますか: このように臓器が占有された人間とは何ですか?: 現存する 1 つのミラーリングにより、これらの .. マルコフ シーケンス: 出現の差し迫った力を生み出すのは、肉と同じくらい束縛です: 標準的な mhyaka_house デザイン 放射状の中央ユニットで構成され、 6つのmega_divisionsがそこから半円状に押し出された操作のコアセンターとして: 分割間のギャップは通常、公共の中庭スペースとして機能しました: 不確定性を表す白い円は、u_C.A.M.の内側にさまざまなu_pulseの流れに向かって収束しました: ' つまり、個々の資本は引き続き発生する可能性があります。 買いだめによって: しかし、買いだめは、u_flux 係数の「搾取」によってのみ u_flux に変換されます: これは、経済プロセスを無定形の特性、他の世界の出現に変換するエイリアンの力です: u_flux は熱力学にマッピングされません プロパティ: むしろ、サブジェクト.. オブジェクト間の区別が無限回帰で消えるような別のミラーリングです: (00_00)(00_00) (00_00)(00_00))."(00_00)(MONOGURU: ヤメグル(ii))(( 00))((00)(00_) (00_00)(00) ヤメグル(ii)(00_00)(UORUOP_PHANTOM)(ii): 「(ヤメグル(v)の白いパッド入りコットンフライトスーツ、透明プラスチックのハーフマスク付き här の頭を 2 つの黒い閉じた三つ編みでしっかりと囲みます: här 落ち着いた、暗い目は侵入する空間の上に浮かびます.. 遠くの星: yameghuru(v) は浮遊配列をチェックします.. ビジュアルが何を示しているかを確認します, 白い虹色のポイントの大きな浮遊塊 近づいています: hä は phurgur-c.a.m. をチェックします: 「何とは…?」: 突然、phurgur_ship の白い内部 phurgur_ship p 白い点滅光で鳴る..脈打つような低い鼓動の音: プルガーカム: 「ロックダウンプロトコルが適用されました」: ヤメグル(v): 「わかりました、なぜあなたは…?」: プルガーカム. : 'わかりません': yameghuru(v): ''それは特に心強いものではありません': the phurgur-c.a.m.: '申し訳ありませんが、この状況を説明する言葉を見つけることができません. 「壊滅的ではない」可能性のある例外を除いて: 周囲の空間の広大な窓の景色を望む、密閉された白いプラスチック製の内部空間は寒くなります: c.a.m.: 'まだ…まだ': yameghuru(v): 'あなたは私に暖かく、ぼんやりした感じを与えています': the phurgur-c.a.m.: 'その感覚は恐怖になると思います': yameghuru(v): 'ありがとう あなた、あなたはとても役に立ちます。 ディスクはゆっくりと回転します: yameghuru(ii) の手はラッチの上を飛んで.. コントロール、m の差し迫ったアプローチに注視)."
MONOGURUI PUBLICATIONS seeks fiction related to math, economics, machines, conceptual fashion, utopia:dystopia, .. the future, for print-on-demand publication.
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