00. OOOOO. yu::eghuru(-(CR(00))): (recorded on the C.A.M.) "(00) clear rubber (00) reach up almost to här white rubber short-shorts w/ black round buttons/ ueghuruomo_ueda(ii) in white rubber short-shorts/ clear polymeratomic anti-chöd armor over här (00_00) bruised-up hard/soft body white short-shorts w/ black buttons/ weak prmbr patterns over mask/head-piece 13-circled/ oh-so-carbonaceous black-stubbled face big eyes 5-circled hair beneath clear plastic: clear plastic black-outlined mask/ ueghuruomo_ueda(ii) in clear plastic armor attached to clear plastic chair white straps/ bindings/ about the kind in the white chair frames här black hair in exaggerated of work we want to participate in.' Those quick to judge .. contrast bold dark outline .. hä stares w/out resonance anyone in the media Captain (0). a grudge against him. How did you meet the indifferently reciting words w/ the roteness of repetition. Inspector?'" 00. OOOOO. yu::eghuru(-(CR(00))): (recorded on the C.A.M.) "phidi::yuma: 'At the merchant galley where the room's walls covered by dull white paint decaying at the smugglers used to hang out.' the edges of the corners and dimly lit. oh-so-carbonaceous black-stubbled face 5-circled hair beneath the clear plastic 13-circled head-piece clear plastic mask w/ 3 convergent weak super-red semi-opaque lines/ weak permanent blue semi-opaque circles outline each of the clear plastic balls of the headpiece/ black plastic circular buttons up ueghuruomo_ueda(ii)'s white short-shorts/ phidi::yuma: 'I knew a guy there, this old worn-out from this the oh-so-bold advisers determined the (during The War of The Monads) The marching ranks of retired gangster from one of the yautias who derivation such that D, the number of Ur-units of battle-wearied ground-troops. Captain (0). stands facing made a fortune off the X.t racket igo." 00. OOOOO. yu::eghuru(-(CR(00))): (recorded on the C.A.M.) "(00) this was still subordinated to the point: where there was some kind of gapping formation: ueghuruomo_ueda(ii) had formed himself into 4 limited asset holding micro-corporations: R-formation Units 9660 being the most productive of these: formed on contracts for the development of monadic forms cojointly with yumi(no)gosuto .. the former hachibushu: for clear derivations from point-potentials: .. measurement of the monadic currents, the yamabushi cultivate .. construct repairs on the mechanisms for monadic current control/ guidance out in the snowy::fields: oh-so-carbonaceous black-stubbled face 5-circled hair beneath the clear plastic 13-circled head-piece clear plastic mask w: 3 convergent weak super-red semi-opaque lines: weak permanent blue semi-opaque circles outline each of the clear plastic balls of the headpiece: black plastic circular buttons up ueghuruomo_ueda(ii)'s white short-shorts." 00. OOOOO. yu::eghuru(-(CR(00))): (recorded on the C.A.M.) "monogurui poncho (SOMETIMES YOU ARE A MOVEMENT: SOMETIMES YOU AREN'T) (500.00): (where an epidemic of disappearances, the inspectors being tasked with the unfolding of this foregone mystery): but ueghuruomo_ueda(ii) was fond of collecting beats of various package, which hä had collected .. recorded for future purposes on här C.A.M. II: behind clear rubber mask: to turn frequencies .. resonances to their anticipated outcome: which is why the human body is inferior, to ueghuruomo_ueda(ii)'s opinion, to a mathematical function: though, of course, sometimes functions display minute deviations from what one would like to see in straightness of line or focal dynamic vector-pt. consistency: .. if not for this, then for what: ueghuruomo_ueda(ii) in plastic clear plastic bulbous armor w: huge clear plastic circular misformations, large black-09 on rt.-circled breast: RKUCH this-.: ueghuruomo_ueda(ii) in white rubber short-shorts." 00. OOOOO. yu::eghuru(-(CR(00))): (recorded on the C.A.M.) "(00) but closer/ almost certainly corrupting-whiteness invisible/ .. not yet fully formed/ but completely theoretically the first pop of MEA just the other day .. hä 02. Yama (Mountain). 99 beats/ mini-m./ oh-so-carbonaceous black mini-bundled hair atop 5 mini-protrusions/ clear rubber 6-bumped bodysuit equipage w/ clear rubber mask over 5-mini-protrusioned head: oh-so-carbonaceous black hair/ big round eyes/ 03. knows it will soon come upon him/ här white 8 Masteries. 02 beats/ mini-m./ 04. Dr. R. (Tao-an). the current adventure/ strength that heart-felt I in the best retail outfits/ everywhere/ big round eyes/ (-CR)(00) w/ 5-mini-protrusioned head: mini-bundled oh-so-carbonaceous black hair/ black u_chrema slippers w/ ice-grip/ clear u_chrema logo/ ueghuruomo_ueda(ii) speeds to our own very enclosed bodies/ phidi::yuma III w/ hands behind/ head turned P.XIV: 'I know that .. I am prepared.’" 00. OOOOO. yu::eghuru(-(CR(00))): (recorded on the C.A.M.) "(00) all I can say are doing to us, the (0_0)0000ers. something back to look at something/ eyes big round/ is that everything is lined up .. in place. The plan must be done. It isn't that we aren't happy with the white multi-layered ghost-suit/ sleeves to wrists has been clearly defined./ phidi::yuma: 'They tight-high collared w/ bow-tied ribbon/ are not growing, but there are more of them plan. .. in fact we are quite pleased with it. No, .. qingbai parallel lines radiant from a white emerging, more .. more. Perhaps it is nothing.'/ not the effluviumed effigies of pretend that we set up either. It is really only that one quite precise circle center/ permanent violet outline/ P.XIV: 'The participants understand the terms .. permanent red round buttons .. belt/ the expectations .. will not shy away from them. moment. .. each time it passes, .. each time we look 0000ingly .. amazingly pretty phenomenon, but- but.’" 00. OOOOO. yu::eghuru(-(CR(00))): (recorded on the C.A.M.) "administrators of the process were careful to point out the imperative clause that the goryo flows were to be treated in much the fashion that one would a hydroelectric dam, such that one benefits most productively from the capturing of the existing movement of flows as they take their given course, while refraining from more utopian temptations toward redirection of rivers .. such – temptations which almost invariably quickly become corrosive if not directly .. punctually de-structive: or, in other words, channelization, not canalization: a network of delicately calibrated gauges being essential to this endeavor: the development of YAMAOROSHI was an attempt, still in progress, to construct a method for more powerful measurement of these flows by a method of entropic push-pull, casting entropic flows forward .. then backward from a given deictic entropy-point: such that concepts are related only in so far as they 0000 one another, even if only dry-0000ing, pushing one's body against the other: flow:field timing flows following (00_00)PUMP channels from (00_00) forward: everything was uncoupled, the myopic little old ugarte got that part right: nobody appreciated at the time the full effects of the collapse of (000000): probably it is still not appreciated now: everyone's all 'ooh, (00_00)', 'ooh, (00)', 'oh, (00), hold me with your monadic restraints': but everyone would have it backwards anyway, thank god for the little 0000's big fascist ego: monadic flows cannot be choked off without building up such a backlog of (00) that * is inevitable: the ghostline is the way of entropy: (00) was right about the flows but wrong about the psychology: uncertainty will fluctuate around a given convergence: there is a relationship between uncertainty in the monadic flows as a whole .. differentials in the monadic flow:fields: given low uncertainty members of the monadic flow:fields will be required to take on increasing decay to gain given growths, .. vice versa.: phidi::yuma on a morning white balcony of the ryojusen, eyes focused urgently on something unseen in billowing clear rubber poncho with hood. everything she touches turns to diamonds. pale beauty sleeps among lazy chrysanthemums. formerly the child Princess Unruly Hair. her 3-mini-circled black hair holds carefully 23 metal barrettes: (00)(00) (00)(00) (00)(00) (00)(00) (00)(00) (00)(00) (00)(00) (00)(00) (00)(00) (00)(00) (00)(00) (00)(00) (00)(00) (00)(00) (00)(00) (00)(00) (00)(00) (00)(00) (00)(00) (00)(00) (00)(00) (00)(00) (00)(00) (00)(00) (00)(00) (00)(00) (00)(00) (00)(00) (00)(00) (00)(00) (00)(00) (00)(00) (00)(00) (00)(00) (00)(00) (00)(00) (00)(00) (00)(00) (00)(00) (00)(00), her white rubber slippered feet .. her clear rubber poncho plays against her gray semi-opaque hosed legs as the wind howls. she carries a decorated box w/ handle weak blue .. pink .. white.: in black-line I-Hua depictions of the Birds of Super-Reversionism .. the (00_0)s weep .. surrender. the hachibushu came into existence during the early stages of the Antebellum (the 8 Guardians/ Defenders of the Law): alice underground, comm. i./ the Ugarte Mountain-op., comm. i./ the Ugarte W/Out Eyes, yumi(no)gosuto/ the Ugarte W/ the Face Of Another, insp.x./ the Ugarte W/Out A Face, the Consul General of Monadic Constructivism (AKA cgec), comm. o./ the Ugarte Who (000000), dr.c./ the Ugarte of Justice. they set about to construct a plan for a methodology of monadics, such that the formerly random .. disordered attempts which had previously met w/ varied success might be systematically ordered .. experimentally researched.: (00) into RetroGuard33 on cold knees w/ faltering breath, their mechanical operations. Do your worst. I dialogue that would have taken place P.IV suggests a hung over, head-bouncing headache, to have this breach the white wind moans. Y. knows that hä uncorked eyes, aims white plastic revolver after condemn this act .. The Institute for its side-venture w/ the potential to circumvent (00)?. It is a dropped one of The Yurighosts, unarmed, to acquire is isolated now. What once was a convergence is now Ch.yuoghor00, .. här red blood stains The Ryojusen. clever .. forthright strategy. But I would've ignored it.the phaserbeam .. make här way to this corner of The a radiance, the breaking apart of connections, re- The white snow covered us, colder .. colder, blood My penchant for direct action would have prevented my Ryojusen .. yet here it was." 00. OOOOO. yu::eghuru(-(CR(00))): (recorded on the C.A.M.) "ueghuruomo_ueda(ii) in plastic clear plastic bulbous armor w/ huge clear plastic circular misformations, large black-09 on rt.-circled breast/ RKUCH this-./ ueghuruomo_ueda(ii) in white rubber short-shorts/ clear plastic black-outlined mask/ ueghuruomo_ueda(ii) in clear plastic armor attached to clear plastic chair white straps/ bindings/ that's only an example forming slowly in unexpected places. Y.'s body- drying caking to the side of our head. We were recognition of it its advantages. OK Miss phidi::yuma. Point 1. of the many inconsistencies found. .. so we sat on a deprived head can sense this. convinced that it was actually something else, .. that complacency in this. Basta. Här indigo hair mini-dais of The Garden of Immaculate Horror, .. we But w/ the type of ghost-sensory action amputees are something else, once revealed, would be so obvious formed carefully in 3 chaotic bunches. The Weathermen called for cool white light. Exhaustion, bam." 00. OOOOO. yu::eghuru(-(CR(00))): (recorded on the C.A.M.) "(00) short-pants/ intent upon the destruction of the ghosts/ semi-opaque tall (00) black-elastic banded/ 0000ing horrified .. uncertain as to whether we can one after the other. P.III strikes horror deep ueghuruomo_ueda(ii): '(00)? was an avid student of the theory ever suffer under it again.'/ phidi::yuma: 'This must-. into the respective hearts of the ghosts. of war .. the machineries thereof. clear polymeratomic anti-chöd armor over här (00_00) bruised-up hard/soft body white short-shorts w/ black buttons/ weak prmbr patterns over mask/head-piece 13-circled/ oh-so-carbonaceous black-stubbled face big eyes 5-circled hair beneath clear plastic: hä derived ueghuruomo_ueda(ii), oh ueghuruomo_ueda(ii), why the opera catholic the correct axioms but realized that only the so, then The Yurighosts stopped constructing misformed dramaticesque. Into your sights eventual development of a powerful comes the reckoning. phidi::yuma XIV.’"
00.おおおお。 yu::eghuru(-(CR(00))): (C.A.M.に記録) 「(00) 透明なゴム (00) は黒い丸いボタンが付いた白いゴム製のショートパンツにほとんど届きます/ ueghuruomo_ueda(ii)」 白いゴム製のショートパンツ/ハー (00_00) の傷ついた硬い/柔らかい体の上に透明なポリマー原子の対チョード鎧 黒いボタンが付いた白いショートパンツ/マスク/ヘッドピース上の弱い PRMBR パターン 13 の円形の/まあまあ- 炭素質の黒い無精ひげのある顔 大きな目 透明なプラスチックの下にある 5 つの円の髪: 透明なプラスチックの黒い輪郭のマスク/ ueghuruomo_ueda(ii) 透明なプラスチックの鎧に取り付けられている 透明なプラスチックの椅子に取り付けられた白いストラップ/ バインディング/ 黒い椅子のフレームの種類について 私たちが参加したい作品を誇張して髪を飾ります。」 判断の早い人たち.. 対照的な大胆で暗い輪郭.. メディアの誰も共鳴せずに見つめる 船長 (0). 彼に対する恨み。反復の繰り返しで淡々と暗唱する言葉にどうやって出会ったのですか。警部?」 「00。おおおお。 yu::eghuru(-(CR(00))): (C.A.M.に記録) "phidi::yuma: 「密航業者がよくたむろしていた、くすんだ白いペンキで覆われた部屋の壁があった商人調理室にて。」 角のエッジと薄暗い照明 ああ、とても炭素質の黒い無精ひげの顔 透明なプラスチックの下にある5つの円の髪 13の円のあるヘッドピースの透明なプラスチックのマスク 3本の収束した弱い超赤の半不透明のライン/弱いパーマネント 青い半透明の円は、ヘッドピースの透明なプラスチックのボールの輪郭を描いています/ ueghuruomo_ueda(ii) の白いショートパンツの上にある黒いプラスチックの円形のボタン/ phidi::yuma: 「そこにいる男を知っていました、この古くて使い古されたものです」 これは、非常に大胆な顧問が (モナド戦争中に) ヤウティアの 1 人から退役ギャングの行進階級を決定したもので、戦いに疲れた地上部隊のウル部隊の数を D と導き出しました。 (0). スタンド フェイシングは X.t ラケット igo で大金を稼ぎました。」 00.おおおお。 yu::eghuru(-(CR(00))): (C.A.M.に記録) 「(00) これはまだ要点に従属していました: ある種のギャップのあるフォーメーションがあった場所: ueghuruomo_ueda(ii) は自分自身を 4 に形成していました 限られた資産を保有するマイクロ法人: R-フォーメーション ユニット 9660 はこれらの中で最も生産的です: yumi(no)gosuto と共同でモナド形式の開発のための契約に基づいて形成されました。.. 旧八分衆: ポイントポテンシャルからの明確な導出のために: 。 . モナド電流の測定、山伏が栽培する .. 雪原でのモナド電流制御/誘導のための機構の修理を構築する:: ああ、そうそう、炭素質の黒い無精ひげの顔 5 - 透明なプラスチックの下にある 5 つの丸い髪 13- 丸付きのヘッドピースの透明なプラスチックのマスク: 3 本の収束した弱い超赤の半不透明の線: 弱い永続的な青い半不透明の円が、ヘッドピースの透明なプラスチックのボールのそれぞれの輪郭を描きます: 黒いプラスチックの円形のボタンを ueghuruomo_ueda(ii) の白で囲みます。 短い半ズボン。" 00.おおおお。 yu::eghur(-(CR(00))): (CAM に記録) 「ものぐるいポンチョ (SOMETIMES YOU ARE A MOVEMENT: SOMETIMES YOU AREN'T) (500.00): (失踪事件が蔓延している場所で、監視官たちは この不可思議な謎を解き明かす任務を負った): しかし、ueghuruomo_ueda(ii) はさまざまなパッケージのビートを収集するのが好きで、それを集めていた.. 将来の目的のためにハー C.A.M. II に記録した: 透明なゴムマスクの後ろ: 周波数を変えるため.. 共鳴 ueghuruomo_ueda(ii) さんの意見では、人間の体が数学的関数よりも劣っているのはこのためです。ただし、もちろん、関数は、直線や直線の直線性などにおいて、見たいものからわずかな偏差を示す場合もあります。 焦点動的ベクトル-ポイントの一貫性: .. これがなかったら、何のために: ueghuruomo_ueda(ii) プラスチック製の透明な球状装甲 w: 巨大な透明なプラスチック製の円形の変形、rt. で囲まれた胸部の大きな黒-09: RKUCH これ -.: ueghuruomo_ueda(ii) 白いゴム製ショートパンツです。 00.おおおお。 yu::eghuru(-(CR(00))): (C.A.M.に記録) 「(00) だけど近い/ ほぼ間違いなく腐敗する白さは目に見えない/ .. まだ完全には形成されていない/ でも完全に理論的には MEA の最初のポップです 先日 ..hä 02.yama (山). 99ビート/ミニm./まあまあカーボン質の黒のミニ束ね髪5つのミニ突起の上に/クリアラバー6バンプボディスーツ装備w/クリアラバーマスクオーバー 5-ミニ突起頭: ああ、とても炭素質の黒い髪/ 大きな丸い目/ 03. すぐに彼にやってくることを知っています/ 白い 8 マスタリー. 02 ビート/ mini-m./ 04. Dr. R. (タオ) -an). 現在の冒険/ 最高の小売服を着た私が心から感じた強さ/ どこにでも/ 大きな丸い目/ (-CR)(00) w/ 5 ミニ突起ヘッド: ミニ束ね、まあまあ炭素質 黒髪/ アイスグリップ付きの黒い u_chrema スリッパ/ 透明な u_chrema ロゴ/ ueghuruomo_ueda(ii) 非常に密閉された身体に向かってスピードを上げます/ phidi::yuma III 両手を後ろに/ 頭を向けます P.XIV: 「それはわかっています .. 準備はできています。』 00. おおおお。 yu::eghuru(-(CR(00))): (CAM に記録) 「(00) 私が言えるのは、私たち (0_0)0000 人たちにやっているということだけです。何かを見つめるために戻ってきました/ 大きな丸い目/ すべてが所定の位置に整列しているということです。