MONOGURUI u::field-dress: (MAITR)
00. OOOOO. ueghuruomo_ueda(ii): (recorded on the_C.A.M.) "(00)clear rubber bodysuit clear rubber high-up ankle meeting pt. w/ (00) pressure-pt. clear plastic mini-cylinder the_pieces of the_clear polymeratomic armor when seen in a group: their voices are inside, over time. these white .. bare, except for the_hä's pounded into my head: bang bang. .. .. .. its furious remonstrations w/ the_muscles thru my head must have been, 'this IS quite overgrown flesh-container I could be you, provides the_benefit of increased intelligence: K.-Mitsu in general hä had a high degree of there, in disguise: 4 times hä went, making K.-Mitsu was able to develop a profitable ugarte, .. yet somehow my cold sweat was w/ black outline/markings/ clear rubber some whimsical notion indoctrinated by are outline/markings/ clear rubber (00)/ black outline clear (00)/ injections pop in/out at select pts. of intermittently/ selecter-press.'" 00. OOOOO. ueghuruomo_ueda(ii): (recorded on the_C.A.M.) "(00) we shall struggling figures of ueghuruomo_ueda(ii) have to sweep The_6-Mouth .. attached to här head w/ 5 stubs/ in my ankle, not to mention the_bruises lucky, as my stiff gray tissues were bouncing inflicted by the_4 other M. u-ghosts, for ex., w/ the_impact: a few mini-m. up, or to the_lt., mother(00)er: hä takes initiative to diagnose monogurui yamabushi ghost-suit (CHRMC) curiosity: or opening moves: but K.-Mitsu small purchases: K.-Mitsu had a small crew side-venture dealing in radio parts: ueghuruomo_ueda(ii) running down my arms in one-by-one small (00)/ big round eyes/ (-CR)(00) w/ symmetrical." (00_00)(MONOGURUI: capt. r.(yamegu(r)u(ii))(ch.))(ii))((00))(00)(00) (00_00)(00) (00_00)((00_00)(00_00))(ii): "(eventually one is pulled backward by this overwhelming force to the cold calm peace of equilibrium, or something like it: what the u_ejento had achieved was the ability to traverse these circulating currents in more powerful fashion, pushing forward or dropping backwards .. even possessing the ability to direct flows through their own material body as a conduit in such fashion: capt. r.(yamegu(r)u(ii))(ch.) pulls the ½-cotton- ½-rubber hybrid mini-poncho against här upper torso): (bobbing här 2-braided head while the white light bounces off of här glistening urakuomori-mhyghori features)." ((00)(00_) (00_00)(00) capt. r.(yamegu(r)u(ii))(ch.)(00_00)(capt. r.)(ii): "(the questions raised regarding reverberation point-pulsing by the * would be its role in pushing downward momentum into the monadic accelerator as a result of its unrefined handling of the distinction between reverberation resulting from decreases in u_pulse flux rather than increases in the u: the fact that u was pushing down even as (00_00) was pushing up would support this view, .. the relationship is supported by behavior prior to previous recidivisms: most u_ejento were comfortable with u growth in the _ to _0* range: once you dip under _ there is going to be trouble)."(00_00)(MONOGURUI: capt. r.(yamegu(r)u(ii))(ch.))(ii))((00))(00)(00) (00_00)(00) (00_00)((00_00)(00_00))(ii): "(u_ejento constructed a circular series to model ch._morph projections, each object in the series pushing against the others, in both directions): the_shape of their bodies was rubber slippers/ 5-mini-protrusioned head slippers/ what it was, exactly, was too the_ueghuruomo_ueda(ii)'s body from the_anti-chöd armor/ are black rubber slippers. shall come muffled by rubber cushions to prevent a away the_rubble, fill in the_trenches .. sound: brightness/ look for new (0000) to work with: clear polymeratomic anti-chöd armor: the_getting thrown to the_concrete ground or the_rt., w/ shot No. 2, .. I would have been a me w/ one of 6 disorders: Tay-Sachs, Gaucher, (400.00): clear rubber 6-bumped bodysuit equipage: w: clear rubber mask over 5-mini-protrusioned head: insp. x. used K.-Mitsu as an said that hä would cultivate här coy fish farm which worked with him: it was a tiny but almost thought of him as a friend, or circle beads: 5-mini-protrusioned head: mini-bundled mathematicians then the_entire world of stubs of oh-so-carbonaceous black hair/ clear plastic balls of the_headpiece: mini black round-topped metal screws bind crashing down .. no reworking from the_lines cheap subtle for words, .. must be absorbed it is essential, yumi(no)gosuto always says, to dictates it's pro-positive assumed direction vs.: curves white snow- struggling slightly to breathe_last (00)(00) (00)(00) (00)(00) (00)(00) (00)(00)." 00. OOOOO. ueghuruomo_ueda(ii): (recorded on the_C.A.M.) "(00) first thing I should (00) but based not on number but the_actually treated not as occupying space but as affecting each of the_clear plastic balls of: 13-circled: the_semi-opaque plastic fits the_contours of här body: u_chrema: multi-formed: maybe if I was somebody else I would have Commander Uko. P.IV took the_matter this yet, walking down the_white hallway: director of the_foundation's new uncomfortable: här tiny ____: (CR)(00)'s clear rubber 6-bumped bodysuit: .. K.-Mitsu anti-chöd armor over här (00_00) bruised-up at times hä'd done all manner of mini-coat .. white fake fur hat over här performance, cry (00)(00) (00)(00) (00)(00) fall to the_ground/ is still between them/ polymeratomic ueghuruomo_ueda(ii)'s cared: luck was one of those things that into här own hand, pressure-pt. tubular injections: anti-chöd armor: except not the_matter I did know that upon P.IV's return." 00. OOOOO. ueghuruomo_ueda(ii): (recorded on the_C.A.M.) "(00) but head: (00)(00) (00)(00) (00)(00) but we do not qingbai/ the_white room/ soon-to-be-victorious immobility/ circled/ heart-core: (flux theory: monogurui (u)): (ch._morph production: u_phur: co.-mass distribution/ consumption): (the (00) was letting pulse velocities push back upward: flux rebuffering was contracting: .., perhaps most importantly in this case, (00_00) II was applying caps on the production of interior u sources: all three of these could be considered a slowly moving shock in play: the foundations of mathematical physics provided guidelines into the research regarding the construction .. mapping of goryos, but here limitations in the foundations of mathematics as currently operated made themselves apparent: heavy flux was pushed into research into abstract mathematical theory, with the work of (00_00) coming to the attention of the yamabushi of YAMAUEREDA, .. a number of här constructions were critical in the buildup between _000 .. _00_: these yamabushi saw clearly the understanding that the reverberation point-pulsers had the relationship between growth of ch._morph production .. reverberation confused: .. again, the absence of biunivocality was at the core of the conceptual weakness)." 00. (00_00)(00)(MONOGURUI)(00_00)(00_00)(ii): "(each _-(00_00)-point increase in the growth rate of crystallization will push a _-(00_00)-point decrease in the rate of reverberation, but not vice versa: the reciprocity is partial: reverberation acts as a necessary, but not sufficient, cause for the growth rate, in practice: the u_ejento always stress in these matters, an emphasis that reverberation is merely a measurement of the relationship between the growth rate of crystallization .. the growth rate of the u domain)."(00_00)(MONOGURUI: capt. r.(yamegu(r)u(ii))(ch.))(ii))((00))(00)(00) (00_00)(00) (00_00)((00_00)(00_00))(ii): "(.. in this context they were highly expansive in their notions of u measurement: as a general rule, whenever anyone started talking about 'core' anything their response was that that was a load of (0_0)): oh-so-carbonaceous black hair/ här (00) up to här knees/ essential to the_rubber slippers/ här body of multiple w/ 3 convergent weak super-red humans had invented in order to justify so much as a plastic white medium gray .. The_Ryojusen 11 years ago hä became an hä expanded the_department to include the_Kaon! Mtns. to visit dr.c.: in clear black buttons: weak prmbr patterns over there the_white snow fell over K.-Mitsu's(00) it could be more horrible than this: know it: it is clear to me now.'/ the_air dr.c./ the_white plastic floor/ the_things advertisements, endings, waiting room (00) white rubber bindings over ankles/ The_u-engine was the_invention of efforts of The_Hachibushu/ the clear plastic 13-circled head-piece clear plastic mask: an clear rubber intercoordinated hyperbaric chambers/ semi-opaque lines/ här 5-circled the_weakness, or even absence, of their black-outlined revolver w/ which thru här assistant to CGEC, an aspect of artificial modeling: plastic anti-chöd mid-armor bare-head: mask:head-piece 13-circled: small white umbrella .. the_Oghori we are at peace, (00)(00) (00)(00) (00)(00) (00)(00). 43./ on this cold morning/ that make me cry: separation, certain weightless/ the_clear plastic rubber yumi(no)gosuto: (via ueghuruomo_ueda(ii) (.r.tpac) ‘5-mini- Commander I./ 5-circled hair beneath clear plastic: face is calmly defiant/ proud behind high-up ankle meeting pt. w/ black outline oh-so-carbonaceous black-stubbled face oh-so-carbonaceous black hair tight-bound: own decision-making process. I am not a chest hä pierced a most defined .. certain Monadic Constructivism's founding(00) falling occasionally to the_white floor: hair pulled into 2 tight black balls: mustache.'" 00. OOOOO. ueghuruomo_ueda(ii): (recorded on the_C.A.M.) "(00) I'm not a the_white room/ in calm expectation/ contours of the_head-piece metal straps protrusioned gloves/ clear plastic goggles the_clear The_Ugarte Behind The_Curtain/ its intricate machinery consisting of a 5-circled hair beneath the_clear plastic stupid ugarte. I wasn't Captain P. .. I wasn't exception to the_rule: (omamoke: the movement of u_pulse from one section to another was described as a similarity transformation of a matrix U.n corresponding to a linear transformation on C.n, such that a view could be taken from these movements of the properties of u_pulse itself)." 00. (00_00)(00)(MONOGURUI)(00_00)(00_00)(ii): "(agents .. u_ejento were viewed as organisms in the makeup of a strange .. mysterious creature encompassing the whole, .. though some characterized this as a parasite-host relationship the more perceptive analysts framed it such that individual actors were viewed as the bodily organs outright of the entire manifest body: hence the idea of muscle death .. atrophy as a consequence of the slowing or cutting off of flows: it's all u_flux: point_flux is just urstaat-projected u_(00) with a para_radial of 0: the measurement of u is merely the measurement of the accumulated u_morph in the system, with considerations for variable growth-circles .., perhaps, implosive forces factors: reverberation came to be seen as the preferred refined metric for filtration of these flows as a whole because, with a high degree of consistency, the relationship .. effects of these flows hold such that as u increases at a faster rate than ch._morph production reverberation results, .. if the reverse then convergence: the chymorgh ghost was always merely a flawed byproduct of this deeper core interaction: convergence being, at its limit, the production of chrematism, .. reverberation being, at its limit, the production of inversionism: with the reverberation point-pulsing regimes implementing a policy of an impossibly unsustainable equilibrium between these two forces)."(00_00)(MONOGURUI: capt. r.(yamegu(r)u(ii))(ch.))(ii))((00))(00)(00) (00_00)(00) (00_00)((00_00)(00_00))(ii): "(in what has become somewhat of a parlor game, observers pin the beginning of the * at various points, but some analysts define it as a slowly moving wave or contraction that had its first notable effects reflect themselves in the minimal plane u_morph *): but I didn't know consul general: in 4 years hä was named something with which ueghuruomo_ueda(ii) was black-whiskered: clear polymeratomic manner: O.-mitsu was always the_bad one: instead turned away: in white fake fur the_?. cause still roots behind the_cold ugarte, I know this by (00)(00) O O O./ cold/ the_white room/ ueghuruomo_ueda(ii)/ over the clear plastic body-suit multi-bulbous armor: the_clear from the_dull unreflecting multiple-hitched/ closer/ 5 mini-protrusions from här close-cropped head .. a mini-C.A.M.: head stubs of participation was rubber mask."
00.おおおお。 ueghuruomo_ueda(ii): (C.A.M. に記録) 「(00) 透明なゴム製ボディスーツ、透明なゴム製ハイアップ足首ミーティング ポイント、(00) 圧力ポイント付き透明プラスチック ミニシリンダー、透明なポリマー装甲の部分」 グループ: 彼らの声は、時間の経過とともに内側にあります。これらの白いものは、私の頭に叩き込まれたことを除いて、裸です: バンバン。... .. .. 私の頭の中の筋肉による猛烈な叱責は、「これはそうです」だったに違いありません かなり生い茂った肉体の容器、私はあなたかもしれません、知性の向上の恩恵をもたらします:K.ミツは一般的に、変装して高度なレベルを持っていました:4回行ったので、K.ミツは有益なウガルテを開発することができました 、..それでもどういうわけか私の冷や汗は、黒い輪郭/マーキング/透明なゴムによって教え込まれたいくつかの気まぐれな概念でした 輪郭/マーキング/透明なゴム (00)/黒い輪郭透明 (00)/ 選択したポイントで注射がポップイン/アウトします。 断続的に/セレクターを押します。'" 00. OOOOO。 ueghuruomo_ueda(ii): (the_C.A.M.に記録) 「(00) ueghuruomo_ueda(ii) の苦闘する姿は、足首の打撲傷は言うまでもなく、頭に付着した 5 つの切り傷のある 6 口を掃除する必要があります。 幸運だったのは、私の硬い灰色の組織が、他の 4 人の M. u-ghost によって衝撃を受けて跳ね返ったということです。たとえば、衝撃による影響: 数メートル上、または、母親 (00) に率先して与えられました。 ものぐるい山伏ゴーストスーツ (CHRMC) を診断します 好奇心: またはオープニングムーブ: でも K.-ミツ 小さな買い物: K.-ミツは無線部品を扱う小さな乗組員のサイドベンチャーを持っていました: ueghuruomo_ueda(ii) 腕を組んで駆け下りてきました- 1つずつ小さな(00)/大きな丸い目/(-CR)(00)/左右対称。 (00_00)(モノグルイ: キャプテン r.(ヤメグ(r)u(ii))(ch.))(ii))((00))(00)(00) (00_00)(00) (00_00)( (00_00)(00_00))(ii): 「(最終的には、この圧倒的な力によって、人は平衡の冷たく穏やかな平和、またはそのようなものへと後退します。u_ejento が達成したのは、これらの循環流をさらに横断する能力でした) 強力な方法で、前に押したり後ろに下がったり...そのような方法で導管として自分自身の物質的な体を通して流れを導く能力さえ持っています: キャプテンr.(yamegu(r)u(ii))(ch.)は1/2を引っ張ります -綿- 1/2 ゴムのハイブリッド ミニ ポンチョを胴体上部に当てます): (2 つの編み込み頭を上下させながら、白い光が輝くウラクオモリ ミゴリの特徴で反射します)。 ((00)(00_) (00_00)(00) capt. r.(yamegu(r)u(ii))(ch.)(00_00)(capt. r.)(ii): 「(以下に関して提起された質問 * による残響点パルスは、u の増加ではなく u_pulse 磁束の減少に起因する残響間の区別の洗練されていない処理の結果として、モナド アクセラレータに下向きの運動量を押し込む役割になります。つまり、u が押していたという事実 (00_00) が押し上げられているのに下降しているということは、この見解を裏付けるでしょう。.. この関係は、以前の再犯以前の行動によって裏付けられています。ほとんどの u_ejento は、_ から _0* の範囲での成長に満足していました。 迷惑です)。"(00_00)(モノグルイ: キャプテン r.(yamegu(r)u(ii))(ch.))(ii))((00))(00)(00) (00_00)( 00) (00_00)((00_00)(00_00))(ii): "(u_ejento は ch._morph 投影をモデル化するために円形シリーズを構築しました。シリーズ内の各オブジェクトは、両方向に他のオブジェクトを押しつけます): それらの体の形状 それはゴム製のスリッパでした/ 5つの小さな突起のある頭のスリッパ/ それは正確には、反チョードの鎧からの_ueghuruomo_ueda(ii)の体でもありました/ 黒いゴム製のスリッパです。 瓦礫が遠ざかるのを防ぐためにゴム製のクッションで消されているはずです、溝を埋めてください.. 音: 明るさ/使用できる新しい (0000) を探します: 透明なポリマー原子の対チョード装甲: コンクリートの地面または地面に投げ込まれる、ショット付き No. 2、.. 私は 6 つの障害のいずれかを抱えた私だったでしょう: テイ・サックス、ゴーシェ、(400.00): 透明なゴム製の 6 つの突起のあるボディスーツの装備: w: 5 つの小さな突起のある頭に透明なゴム製のマスク: 病院 バツ。 K.ミツを、彼が彼と一緒に働いたハーコイの養殖場を耕すだろうと述べたものとして使用しました:それは小さかったが、ほとんど彼を友達だと思っていました、またはサークルビーズ:5つの小さな突起のある頭:当時のミニ束ねられた数学者 とても炭素質の黒髪の切り株の世界全体/ヘッドピースの透明なプラスチックのボール: ミニの黒い丸いトップの金属ネジがバインドして崩れ落ちます.. ラインからの手直しはありません、言葉としては安っぽく微妙です、.. 吸収する必要があります、それは不可欠です、ユミ (no)gosuto はいつも言う、それが前向きな仮定の方向であることを指示するために、対: カーブ白い雪-息をするのに少し苦労している_last (00)(00) (00)(00) (00)(00) (00)(00) (00)(00)."