MONOGURUI chushingura-dress: (MYAKOCRYSTAL)
(00_00)(MONOGURUI: (ft CAPT.R.) (00_00) (00_00) 00. OOOOO. y_ueghuru(-(CR(00))): (recorded on the C.A.M.) "(every goryo had built into it frozen martingale processes at control points: this was the irrigation function component, pushing flows via boundary condition limits: these processes were constructed as mott insulators, locking the photons of a given u_objects position into place via the repulsion to one another being generated: this could be managed at the u_pulse level): (in essence the micro-compound stood as the projector on a complex arrangement of intergressions to phasm entities pushed by a hybrid of the various parties' u_monads .. yamauereda ingressions: polders folded the residual while the micro-compounds bound the offset, pushed by u_arrays from the yamaueredas: in turn, the interstellar polders that had controlled the preceding cosmological epoch found themselves struggling to keep up with the phasm vehicles flooding the channels in between the overwhelming surge of mass cyclostructure point-form: most of these failed, but the survivors grew at profligate velocities, only, in turn, to themselves blow up, replaced by newly formed competitors before accumulating the kind of cell volume generated by the previous giants: op.-analysts bent over backward to decry the unsustainability of this growth: composition::resolution inteflux pushed out in multifarious forms, the white protein-growths taking orb-forms .. hole-forms in protrusions out form the central core: counterpart to oneself)." (00_00)(MONOGURUI: (ft CAPT.R.) (00_00) (00_00) 00. OOOOO. y_ueghuru(-(CR(00))): (recorded on the C.A.M.) "(but the clear counterfactual of what mathematicians liked to condescendingly refer to as 'reality' blew persistently back at them: monadic op.flux, or u_pulse, closes the circle of apperception by changing it from a passive, receptive act to one of ejento-based action: perception, in this form, becomes an action characterized by taking possession of outward forces .. reversing them .. bringing them inward,taking them into oneself, .. making them part of oneself, bodily .. materially insofar as the immanent .. the metaphysical have been folded conceptually upon one another: cyclo-transcendence becomes becomes just such an action, but with the circle pushed out further, such that the beyond itself is inverted .. sprung forth from the unconditioned universal as the self within ourself: this conceptual closing of action as perception is, to the u_ejento, the internal definition of potential-pulse itself, conceived as the inversion of proto-phasm, or the overturning .. binding of the alien form: this is the conversion of the action into the hybrid ghostly:material form, as an embodiment of dark forces, but purified .. cleansed as providence-come-into-being, where the purity of ideals become bodily substance .. are pushed into the (*)region: the clearing of fields for agriculture .. their subsquent entrenchment of irrigation becomes the foundation for the development of civilization .. urban chremastic phasm-metric, .. becomes the principle that future developments continuously return to: the sloping curve of the pollished wood form reconciles itself to the base: här gray grid-pattern ghost-suit begins gripping här body more tightly .. hä releases här hand from the metal object which is suddenly ice cold to the touch: all the air stops .. everything goes perfectly quiet: hä feels the breath of something invisible on här shoulder pushing här backward .. hä feels something growing from inside här pushing up .. filling här: här tightly bound hair blows backward as if by some huge force: hä starts pushing härself just slightly forward on the seat: suddenly something lifts här up .. tilting här backward: hä begins throbbing in mid-air, hands reaching but failing to grip something: sometimes this was referred to as monogurui, the mirrored shimmering surfaces of complementary u systems): (yumi(no)gosuto in clear rubber bodysuit, attached by clear rubber tubing to a complex mechanical apparatus inset into the metal contoured wall: the (00): "(00_00) (00_00) (00_00) (00_00) (00_00) (00_00) (00_00) (00_00) (00_00) (00_00) (00_00) (00_00) (00_00) (00_00) (00_00) (00_00) (00_00) (00_00)":: (00): (recorded on the c.a.m.(ii) 'NIRODHA.: the violent radiant dispersion of one's monadic being: nirodha adheres to a 3 curve regression (mas-min-midi), dropping over the u.op.-monads in specialized, mechanical cases of questionable repute: if objects have merely their sparse properties than where does the rest come from - ha, 'other worlds' the adherent murmurs - but there is no claim being made on other worlds in actuality, but rather in immaterial, metaphysical terms: can one then accept this as transcendental space?: clearly, if one is to attempt to manipulate or observe or map the properties of these other worlds - .. if one is not pursuing this undertaking when doing math then one must question what is one doing? - then the suggestion that this exists only outside of our given immanent reality somehow becomes facile: we cannot have this cake .. eat it, too: nirodha is the process by which the plan takes effect, .. it is from the slow process of nirodha that the disappearances have occurred: there are four stages to the process: i) the random popping off from one's body of the individual monads making up one's material existence; ii) the emergence of protrusions .. misgrowths as one's body becomes deformed by its attempt to take its new form; iii) a brief period of super-powers which includes the acquisition of the power of teleportation; iv) disappearance (the chod): the u. formalisms bend the operations of the standard formalisms over a mapping to the u_monads as precursive: one is always pulling in from this completed conceptualization in equal measure to the force with which one is pushing out: 'chinese-handcuff mathematics' it has been quipped as a dismissive (?) pseudonym: madhymaka becomes in some way the theoretical convergence between these two processes .. powers any conception of nirodha: the nirodha is associated with the white::birds (refers to the individually popping off monads): also closely, but informally, associated with the u_ghosts, the nirodha similarly falls under the general class of chod-processes: there are conflicting theories among the mathematicians as to the precise mechanism by which the nirodha is kicked off: the particular placement of one's actions in time is not an inconsequential component': u_monad-engine: 'where did these recordings come from?': yumi(no)gosuto: 'it is unclear: y_ueghuru(ii) uncovered them .. provided access, but we have not determined their origin': clear plastic mini-armor grips clear rubber over yumi(no)gosuto's gray flesh in modular, gapped placement: occasionally black parallel markings accentuate the edges: through the large bay windows on all sides they receive views of the greenhouse interiors lined with various plotted vegetation .. fluid-receptacles: yumi(no)gosuto hovers over a floating monitor with pulsing semi-opaque optic images of dispersed regions: yumi(no)gosuto: 'yes, my pretties: yes my pretty ones...": the (00): "(00_00) (00_00) (00_00) (00_00) (00_00) (00_00) (00_00)": yumi(no)gosuto: 'once there was a u_ejento(mega) who lived alone in the low depths of an abandoned grounded mega_ship long ago, many commutes before, hä had fought in the wars .. had journeyed all over the star systems in pursuit of the object of här faith: now only här memories keep här company, the wonders .. horrors which hä once came upon: not of one bird but of many': the (00): "(00_00) (00_00) (00_00) (00_00) (00_00) (00_00) (00_00) (00_00) (00_00)": yumi(no)gosuto: 'there you are my pretty one: what are you doing?')."
(00)(00_00)(00)(00) (00_00)(00)ヤメグル(ii)(00_00)((00_00))(ii): "((00_00)((00_00)(00_00)(00)( 00) (00_00)((00_00)(00_00) (00_00)((00_00)(00_00) (00_00) (00)(00) (00_00)((00_00)(00_00) (00_00)((00_00)(00_00) ) (00_00)((00_00)(00_00) (00_00) (00)(00) (00_00)((00_00)(00_00) (00_00)((00_00)(00_00) (00_00)((00_00)(00_00) (00_00) (00)(00) (00_00)((00_00)(00_00) (00_00)((00_00)(00_00) (00_00)((00_00)(00_00) (00_00) (00)(00) (00_00) )((00_00)(00_00) (00_00)((00_00)(00_00) (00_00)((00_00)(00_00) (00_00) (00)(00) (00_00)((00_00)(00_00) (00_00) ((00_00)(00_00) (00_00)((00_00)(00_00) (00_00) (00)(00) (00_00)((00_00)(00_00) (00_00)((00_00)(00_00) (00_00)( (00_00)(00_00) (00_00) (00)(00) (00_00)((00_00)(00_00) (00_00)((00_00)(00_00) (00_00)((00_00)(00_00) (00_00) (00) )(00) (00_00)((00_00)(00_00) (00_00)((00_00)(00_00) (00_00)((00_00)(00_00) (00_00) (00)(00) (00_00)((00_00) (00_00) (00_00)((00_00)(00_00) (00_00)((00_00)(00_00) (00_00) (00)(00) (00_00)((00_00)(00_00)):): (u_operators コントロール : i) 防御者への王女の割り当て。 ii) 予期せぬ出来事の調査; iii) 特別な目的のための独立したミニユニットの作成; iv) 改良 .. 基本原則の保護。 v) .. 募集: 6 人の王女は、放射状の円の中点付近で互いにオフセットされた小さな複合モジュールに保管され、地下深くにあり、それぞれが大きな温室に支えられ、女形の細胞によって維持され、.. 訪問されました。 共同リンクされたディフェンダーによるまれな機会のみ): (ueghuruomo_ueda(ii): 'この点は、私たちが世界に存在することの調整としてのものであり、そこでは、私たちが決して完全にはできない外側のもの自体を見つけます リーチは私たち自身の奥深くに隠されています.より近い完全性への収束として. 展開された 0::1 メソッドのそれとして、たとえば、u-nary 展開で:::: 2. すべてのモダリティが madhyamaka を介して機能するように、除外された中間の反転。 ::: 3. i が (df) 0 に戻るような閉じたマッピングの使用:::: 射影原理: 1. c.a.m. または c.a.u. プロセスは、未来の世界を想像する方法として機能します。 そのような世界の一部としてのオブジェクト:::: 2. この未来の世界::オブジェクトのフェティッシュオブジェクトとしてのモーフィング。 捕らえられた現実を達成するための方法を実践すること': phideyuki(ii): '私たちのオブジェクトの経験は、それらの可能性の前方への事前の投影の出現または後効果としてもたらされます*存在: 完全なものはあり得ません このプロセスでは、完全な所有はありません。存在するのは、私たちが自分自身に約束した*世界に前進する進行中の緊急プロセス、またはこれに失敗することだけです。私たちを導くu_mappingは、形成の小道具またはモードにすぎません。 私たちへの助け': ueghuruomo_ueda(ii): 'これらのすべてを接続すると 0 ポイントです, ユゲン: c::c' サイクルは認知をもたらします.. それを送り返します, 脈動する力の波として: これは、 私たちの個々の粒子を私たちの世界の内在する u_points の粒子に結合させる教義.. その逆: エンクロージャーは、湾曲した liptropic 推進力として、最初の基礎点に戻るまで導管を後方に曲げます: 私たちは経路を設定します これらの力のさまざまな収斂の間に、.. mim-players が住むことができる偶発的な形態のアーキテクチャを実装した../または、リソースの栽培の中心として、通りすがりに会う.. 情報を共有する'): (決して これらの空間に混ざり合い、彼らは仮想ファンタジー * 世界を共有しました。これは、好奇心旺盛な市民が訪問するためのポータルとして機能し、王女が多くの世界を支配し、銀河の商取引を行っているメガシップで接続され、 エイリアンのユミ(ノ)ゴスト軍との防衛戦争:王女が亡くなったとき、彼らは新しい王女に取って代わられ、モジュールを占有するようになりました..こうして永続しました:häは片手の指を引っ張った..här 休息、懇願を無視するつもり..無期限に謝罪:här灰色の厚いパッド入りの綿のドレスには黒い丸いボタンがあふれ、袖は肘のすぐ後ろまで短くなり、暗く輝く手首が強調されます:häはhärの唇を押します..härの頭を後ろに傾け、 巨大な冷たい鋼の塊に裏打ちされた天井の透明なプラスチックの輪郭: すべてが透明なプラスチック、クロム、鋼、白いゴム、または鏡面 (そこから鏡像が複数の異なる方向から här に押し戻される場所) でした: 王女たちは集合的にこれに言及しました。 ファンタジー *「知ることのできない」世界、まるでインテリア ジョークのように: 透明なプラスチック製のフェイス マスクで輪郭に沿った隙間があり、顔にぴったりとフィットします。)."