MONOGURUI poncho: (U_CHREMA)(ii)

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(00_00)(MONOGURUI: y_ueghuru(ii)(00_00)(ch.))(ii))((00))(00)(00) (00_00)(00) y_ueghuru(ii)(00_00)(ch.)((00_00)(00_00))(ii): "(00_00)(MONOGURUI: y_ueghuru(ii))(episode 13: (00_00): (00_00)(00_00): (00_00): (00_00)(00_00): (00_00): (00_00)(00_00): (00_00): (00_00)(00_00): (00_00): (00_00)(00_00): (00_00): (00_00)(00_00): (00_00): (00_00)(00_00): (00_00): (00_00)(00_00): (00_00): (00_00)(00_00): (00_00): (00_00)(00_00): (00_00): (00_00)(00_00)): (00_00)(MONOGURUI: y_ueghuru(ii))(episode 14: (00_00): (00_00)(00_00): (00_00): (00_00)(00_00): (00_00): (00_00)(00_00): (00_00): (00_00)(00_00): (00_00): (00_00)(00_00): (00_00): (00_00)(00_00): (00_00): (00_00)(00_00): (00_00): (00_00)(00_00): (00_00): (00_00)(00_00)): (00_00)(MONOGURUI: y_ueghuru(ii))(episode 15: (00_00): (00_00)(00_00): (00_00): (00_00)(00_00): (00_00): (00_00)(00_00): (00_00): (00_00)(00_00): (00_00): (00_00)(00_00): (00_00): (00_00)(00_00): (00_00): (00_00)(00_00): (00_00): (00_00)(00_00): (00_00): (00_00)(00_00): (00_00): (00_00)(00_00): (00_00): (00_00)(00_00): (00_00): (00_00)(00_00): (00_00): (00_00)(00_00): (00_00): (00_00)(00_00): (00_00): (00_00)(00_00): (00_00): (00_00)(00_00): (00_00): (00_00)(00_00): (00_00): (00_00)(00_00): (00_00): (00_00)(00_00): (00_00): (00_00)(00_00): (00_00): (00_00)(00_00): the wind picks up .. rushes past här: (00_00): (00_00)(00_00): (00_00): (00_00)(00_00): (00_00): (00_00)(00_00): (00_00): (00_00)(00_00): (00_00): (00_00)(00_00): (00_00): (00_00)(00_00): (00_00): (00_00)(00_00):)."(00_00)(MONOGURUI: y_ueghuru(ii)(00_00)(ch.))(ii))((00))(00)(00) (00_00)(00) y_ueghuru(ii)(00_00)(ch.)((00_00)(00_00))(ii): "((00_00): (00_00)(00_00): (00_00): (00_00)(00_00): (00_00): (00_00)(00_00): (00_00): (00_00)(00_00): (00_00): (00_00)(00_00): (00_00): (00_00)(00_00)): (00_00)(MONOGURUI: y_ueghuru(ii))(episode 16: (00_00): (00_00)(00_00): (00_00): (00_00)(00_00): (00_00): (00_00)(00_00): (00_00): (00_00)(00_00): (00_00): (00_00)(00_00): (00_00): (00_00)(00_00): (00_00): (00_00)(00_00): (00_00): (00_00)(00_00): (00_00): (00_00)(00_00): (00_00): (00_00)(00_00): u_phuma looks up slowly, .. pauses: u_phuma: 'gray_phantom'): (00_00)(MONOGURUI: y_ueghuru(ii))(episode 17: gray_phantom stands before här, eyes the color of hoar frost, arms folded over chest with widespread fingers, här gray alien body contorted to gaze down on här, in black rubber bodysuit, här disturbed muscles pulsating, här rounded humanoid body pushing forward: clear fluids run over the surface of här rubber, occasionally bubbling into momentary stillnesses): (the assumption of biunivocalilty was, not only essential to the implementation of a goryo, but was applied universally as synonymous with bicausality, such that the question of causality vs. correlation was deemed of no point whatsoever: if op.flux progression/regressions flowed both ways then one could focus one's system on the design of an expanding series of filters for the purpose of regulating one's approach to equilibrium via a cascading mass of point-direct decision functions: the permanence of entitlements for land use calibration were unwound, in favor of 5 to 60 commute crystallizations put up for expansion .. renewal: a 50% guidleline was enforced for interior/mass possession: underneath all of this heavy point-form in irrigation, energy, .. communications cyclostructures built up a tightly bound utility phism: these underground maintenance channels were developed as hybrid mass spaces, initially with park features, but over time developing more forcefully urban .. residential spaces): ('who will protect you, now, u_phuma? y_ueghuru(ii) .. the other u_defender guardians have congregated at the farthest reaches of the universe, where they believe me to be emerging: didn't you expect to see me?: deep down, didn't you know it would be this way?: couldn't you feel it, in the white glowing powerforce that they forced into your body, that you refused but was thrust upon you anyway?: you knew I would be here, at the center, .. not distant at the furthest radius, because you knew that fate had transformed us into one doubled creature, one bright shining crystal form for the universe to take control of, .. be controlled by': above them the op.-urban compounds .. the emerging surfaces of underground bunkers extend outward, calm)."(00_00)(MONOGURUI: y_ueghuru(ii)(00_00)(ch.))(ii))((00))(00)(00) (00_00)(00) y_ueghuru(ii)(00_00)(ch.)((00_00)(00_00))(ii): "(.. the polymer-cem edges of the aqueduct radiate upward: u_phuma drives forward .. throws all the psychic force at här disposal into the center of gray_phantom .. drives här back: gray_phantom, taken aback by här new powers, stumbles backward, .. a look of fear comes over här gray alien features: clutching här mid-chest hä turns .. runs): (the polymer-plasma u_pilot objects used in these goryos interact with their abstract conceptual mirrorings in the indeterminancy spaces provided as blown out matrices representing openings of would would otherwise be constrained as closures (or as unit-points defined as probability collections))." ((00)(00_) (00_00)(00) y_ueghuru(ii)(00_00)(ch.)(00_00)(the YUGHUR::PHANTOM)(ii): "(the acknowledgment being that if r, *_, .. m(0)phur could be controlled then p could be pulled forward: one, in effect, was measuring the pockets of proto-phasm contained in other dimensionalities, or the invisible regions of future proto-phasm growth): (the u_objects cell functioned as a mapping of this invisible (*)region, measuring it as a product of its indirect effects which could be observed: (00_00)(00_00)): (the u_objects cell, in this sense, was the inverse of positivity, a back-formed cancerous growth of possibility which could not be confirmed or contradicted, but which could nevertheless be analysed .. used for the constraint .. implementation of productive forces: these curves would push against one another, with growth in *_ pushing up r, .. growth in r pushing up p, which would in turn assert its own gravitational force on r, allowing for a certain reverb to be in play)."

00. (00_00)(00)(MONOGURUI)(00_00)(00_00)(ii): (00_00)(MONOGURUI: y_ueghuru(ii)(00_00)(ch.))(ii))((00))(00)(00) (00_00)(00) y_ueghuru(ii)(00_00)(ch.)((00_00)(00_00))(ii): "(y_ueghuru(ii)(00_00)(ch.): the large glass wall shows off the large expanse of a white morning: ph((00_00)) contorts här upper musculature against y_ueghuru(ii)(00_00)(ch.)'s head)." ((00)(00_) (00_00)(00) y_ueghuru(ii)(00_00)(ch.)(00_00)(the YUGHUR::PHANTOM)(ii): "(it was within this space of reverb where cell participants would curve or otherwise: u_ejento, on the other hand, were more concerned with the area outside of this space, the forces imposed upon it .. radiating out from it): (00_00)(MONOGURUI: y_ueghuru(ii))(episode 18: in the polymer-cem lined channel of the aqueduct pounding white rubber booted feet through occasional puddles of water, grass lined slopes above här: gray_phantom turns in the dark shadows under a bridge: hä leaps to come down on gray_phantom from above but hä unleases a wave of augma_wind, but shudders as it passes through här projection, thrown before här to confuse här attack, as här true otherworldy body swoops in behind här .. blows här apart from behind with a rush of arrayed powercrystal mass driving här crushed body deep into the ground: hä staggers in white u_defender bodysuit, sweat thrown from head .. hands as hä collapses to a stop, feet digging into the powercrystal morphism)."(00_00)(MONOGURUI: y_ueghuru(ii)(00_00)(ch.))(ii))((00))(00)(00) (00_00)(00) y_ueghuru(ii)(00_00)(ch.)((00_00)(00_00))(ii): "(hä looks deep through the powercrystal to the crushed body of what hä thought was gray_phantom .. sees instead the fading particles of här cloned image: hä finds a glimmering image in här mind of yumi(no)phoma(i), life slipping from här frozen in stasis body: yumi(no)phoma(i): 'u_phuma, the mountains are calling you': strangely, it has begun to snow: hä looks up at the billowing clouds, .. turns to run, pounding back through the passage of the aqueduct .. forcing här way up the rocky edge of yamashita hill to its top, where gray_phantom stands over yumi(no)phoma(i)'s cold, lifeless body, encased in the shimmering transparent crystal force of augma stasis: gray_phantom lifts här from the ground with här mind, throwing här to the edge, against the rocks, stopping här motionless .. powerless to to reassert control): (y_ueda(ii) had _ small bleach white boxwood combs placed delicately in här irregular misformed dark hair, contorted: as if to suggest a malignant controlled chaotic force in play: här dark lowered eyes diverted themselves from contact as they worked over the plants of the greenhouse, as if looking past their surfaces: här white with pastel blue .. pink floral pattern acrylic running shorts .. mid-riff acrylic blouse with white fake fur mini-mini-cape pushing against här shoulders, strapped at chrome discs to inverted folds against här clear rubber stockings .. pushing down toward här black rubber strapped in slippers: a rough, dark scab distorts the left side of här gray-painted lips, causing här mouth to take awkward positions as hä murmurs to härself, picking up the glistening metal prongs .. stylus from the white plastic sheet covered surface beside här to prove the folds of the leaves .. the springy, succulent stems: for a moment hä laughs to härself: it is warm .. moist in the confined space .. sweat beads up on här flesh .. här hair grows sticky with perspiration: tiny drops gather on här brow, clinging irritably: (0_0): ((it's invisible but hä can feel it behind här, hä can feel its breathing, hä can sense that its body is huge, massive, closer: y_ueghuru(ii) tenses, tries to numb any unnecsessary motion: it whispers, 'yes, y_ueghuru(ii), I know …. but I want you to tell me': y_ueghuru(ii): (här eyes collapsing) 'it is u_pulse: a frequency, or certain vibration …. you know this …. it's always there …. underneath the surface …. even when you are not listening to it …. even when you close yourself to it …. when you disappear …. it's still there …. it's always there: u_pulse is a vibration: it repeats: it's brief, maybe 2 seconds: repeat: …. : that's it: that's all there is: there is nothing else'): (over the c.a.m.(ii) 'the idea of multiple worlds was always somewhat distortionary, a conceptual convenience: to be more precise, one would talk of different, perhaps even convergent, mappings for (*)spaces over one u_space: they are the same monads in each of these worlds: it is the difference-relations, which we call monadic waves, which make one or the other, overlapping .. passing through one another, various ways of mapping or indexing over the same ur_set of points: if they emerge from coordinates, of course, then the monads do, in fact, emerge from the continuum, rather than the other way around: this has been a point of conflict among mathematicians forever, but the more pristine developments suggest just such a foundation: the monadicists of the institute took this approach to develop an understanding of intradimensional interactions, such that 'individuals' were defined constructively as groupings of beings in reverberation with one another, such that they could be treated as objects for predictive purposes: monads presumed as conscious 'beings', with more complex conscious beings as bindings of these minimal instantiations: our ability to come up with analytic concepts is a projective force overlaid upon .. extending our powers of produce synthetic a priori constructions, .. this power has a relay effect, with analytic concepts as pseudo-foundations from which to propel forward new synthetic a priori constructions: the monad is projected as a particular coordinate precision over a polyhedral-collapsed space for dimensions p where the boundary surfaces or morphological functions for conversion of interacting variables: ultra-dimensionality is the spanning of one u.model-space to another: (CH.YUOGHOR CENTER): the fields of ambiguity are a massive island toward the southern pole, one of the few locations of the world not to have been engulfed by the slow emergence of the snowy fields: the fields of ambiguity are covered with thick, nearly unbreakable ice: it was in such clime that was located the district of the o, the former capitol of which, the city of the suomi, contains the refurbished underground hallways of a broken-down abandoned fortress that operates as the ch.yuoghor center: their agents were characterized, typically, by the adoption of black rubber ½-masks .. clear or gray:black yurisuits, a fondness for 2 or 4-braided hair or collocations of 5 or 6 hair-bundles, .. a predilection for investigative moves into the outer regions: each one would claim an 'individualism' unbound by the disciplines of the lesser orders, all predictability of their moves aside, .. they would proclaim it even as proof of their uniqueness .. independence, that an agent wuld be expected to converge on a given pure ideal in the absence of prejudicial constraints: the projection or injection of image-content into .. over these mapping-congruences was pefected as a control mechanism, in the sense of a systematically crystalized joho shakai instrument: the 5 agents are a group of 5 individuals who conduct the affairs of the Institute: the 5 agents, currently, are 1) dr.c.:: (the ugarte of (0_0)): 2) (0_0) f.:: (the ugarte with an invisible head) 3) (0_0) i.:: (the (00_00)) 4) commander.c.:: (the ugarte who raises härself up into the air) 5) (0_0)(00).:: (the ugarte who foments the yun-kang: the ryojusen has select rooms with metal optic tubes/radiometers attached to the ceiling by which the 5 agents communicate with members of the institute of the defense')." 00. (00_00)(00)(MONOGURUI)(00_00)(00_00)(ii): "(här fingers sticking in frictive resistance against its surface: the (00_00) growls softly .. reaches its paw out, yawning, clear mucous-like fluid pushing out: isolated zippers suggest release outlets for the bodysuit's contours: (00_00) moans in low discomfort, breathing heavily)."(00_00)(MONOGURUI: y_ueghuru(ii)(00_00)(ch.))(ii))((00))(00)(00) (00_00)(00) y_ueghuru(ii)(00_00)(ch.)((00_00)(00_00))(ii): "(the metal plates of här exo-equipage are stacked against one another in slightly irregular, misformed fashion, their contours bending inward at här body's slopes .. projecting outward at select curves, gray .. pierced with black rubber joinings: här eyes project white light: call me 'gridman', hä would pose internally, ½ in some dark sense of humor, but, when confined to här own resources .. ambitions, communicating an internal confidence in power of the grid to assert order on ambivalent processes: hä mushed through the murky, thick slop of the salt marsh against the gray, cloud-formed morning .. the backdrop of isolated bent, dystopian trees, grabbing samples in clear plastic vials .. popping them into black rubber packs strapped to här body: the smell pushes up into här nostrils .. knocks här back into focus: white light from gaps in the clouds bounces off här shoulders .. thighs)." (THE (0__)((00)(00_) (00_00)(00) y_ueghuru(ii)(00_00)(ch.)(00_00)(the YUGHUR::PHANTOM)(ii): "(in black eurostile letters, 'FUYO(NO)GOSUTO:' over "(00_00)" across här chest: här slow breath seemed forced): (* was the release for pressures that should have flowed into proto-phasm channels directly, in a more expansive regime): (in this instance, by the time these flows had been inverted .. worked out of fields only to work their way back in from mysterious invisible regions of residual proto-phasm flows): ((00_00) the closeness of the cold morning would assert itself .. the admonitions of cupcakes would be ignored: curved glass formed structures: the quiet hum of the wind: hä felt hä was sitting at the point from which all of the adrenaline of the preceding day had been pumped backwards from, leaving här emptied .. calm from the inability to care or question: super direction, but quasi-(0000)ed: accretions of motivational uncertainty pull inward)." 00. (00_00)(MONOGURUI) (0000).(00_00): "(the recess is lit by white hydrophonic light: to the side of the recess are white plastic cabinets .. drawers inset into the white plastic walls: the air is cold .. slightly uncomfortable, with a barely noticeable stench like old vomit)." ((00)(00_) (00_00)(00_00)(00)(00_00)(00) y_ueghuru(ii)(00_00)(ch.)(00_00)(the YUGHUR::PHANTOM)(ii): "(hä shoves här hands in här poncho pockets .. works här gaze over the patterned stitching: the folds .. creases of the fabric turn against the movements of här lungs .. push up to här stomach: 0000: hä spits out här own flesh .. fluids from här mouth: god, här body ached with each pounding breath: the YAMAUEREDA compartments would be able to provide certain comforts: the (00))." 00. (00_00)(00_00)(00)(00_00) (00_00)(00)(MONOGURUI)(00_00)(00_00)(ii): "(hä begins to run här hand along the inside of här arm: white rubber bindings over coded designs of white .. clear rubber: y_ueghuru(ii)(00_00)(ch.))." (00_00)(MONOGURUI: y_ueghuru(ii))((00))((00)(00) (00_00)(00) y_ueghuru(ii)(00_00)(ch.)(00_00)((00_00)(00_00))(ii): "((000000): the u_pulse currents that from _00_ to _00_ were to blow open the control points: (00_00) (00_00) central to the control of u_pulse flows was the pinning down of points of u_pulse stillness: once one had a collection of static u_pulse points to 'push off' from one could assert control of a wide variety of related oscillations): (00_00)(MONOGURUI: y_ueghuru(ii))(episode 19: u_phuma in white rubber u_defender bodysuit falls backward against the radiant blow of force from the augma_wind of gray_phantom: it wraps around här holding här at the edge of the precipice, the distant void reaching deep behind här: captured in the augma stasis, hä cannot move: gray_phantom's giant gray alien muscular body glowers over här in black rubber bodysuit: hä reaches through här chest gripping the white glowing powerforce at här heart: gray_phantom: 'the future belongs to me: this is my moment': här fearsome eyes radiate with power: white bobbles of powercrystal circle around them furiously: u_phuma's eyes begin to roll back, but suddenly they stop, .. pull back into focus, intently bearing upward into the eyes of gray_phantom, här lips pulling open: 'this is your moment… but I don't have to be here for it': u_phuma's body begins glowing white .. everything slows down, .. begins to pull backward, until immanence is running in reverse, slowly at first, but with increasing velocity, rewinding through the preceding scenes until slowing .. converging on the moment at which the radiance completes its transformation .. hä opens här eyes in stunned abnormal calm): (the u_ejento viewed mathematics as the manipulation of conceptual matrix-like objects: a priority was placed on the ability to visually model one's mathematical entities .. processes)."(00_00)(MONOGURUI: y_ueghuru(ii)(00_00)(ch.))(ii))((00))(00)(00) (00_00)(00) y_ueghuru(ii)(00_00)(ch.)((00_00)(00_00))(ii): "(if you can't look at it .. turn it around in your hands you don't understand it, they would say: or, if it's not a body you can't 0000 it: to develop a kind of fearsomeness or powers of hyperstition: in this pursuit the u_ejento pushed up against a concept which came to be referred to as recursive impossibility, where processes which might, in theory, be possible to run, in a complete version, proved to be interminable, in practice, given the recursive property of pushing outward .. expanding the horizon of the domain for closure at a velocity faster than the process itself would run: so, even in some theoretical fantasy where one's c.a.u. power was unlilmited .. unbound, one's open, unresolved region of incompleteness, would always remain pushed off into the future, .. this property would suggest a functional limit for one's predictive powers in the absence of a conduit of reduction: the ceremonial opening of the first op. center in (0000) featured a u_pulse inversion blowing a wave of white clear light over the entire area for miles out: the restraint of filter components by compound analytic agencies had been, by this point, completely retired .. disgraced: there wasn't a community center which didn't double as a yamauereda, dotting point-centers for proto-phasm throughout both the developing .. developed worlds: it was upon this materialization .. physical realization of proto-phasm generation as an object or thing, .. upon being faced with it in its immanence, its own nubile pulsing body, that the conceptual experience of metaphysics became fully intuited as a routine .. bodily experience, coming into its own as an unconditioned universal in full power over its properties: MIMO was everywhere: you could still find u_ejento who would, in isolation, cover their bodies with gray body paint .. reach into the primal depths for their own purposes): (whether or not the effect of such movements could be determined or otherwise controlled was unclear: certainly there were gaps in the overlaying systems of coding via the material coordination of phasm op. .. their incipient consumption): (cold white light pushing through the clear plastic)." 00. (00_00)(00)(MONOGURUI)(00_00)(00_00)(ii): "(the wind pushes against här body powerfully .. här clear rubber ice suit pushes in against white cotton hybrid bodysuit .. white rubber bindings: här head hurts massively now: the damaged couplings of the u_connector hum quietly against the reverberating air passing over them underneath their white rubber tenting)."

(00_00)(MONOGURUI: (ft CAPT.R.) (00_00) (00_00) 00.OOOOO. yamegu(r)u(-(CR(00))): (C.A.M.に記録) "(.. from a 白い空白の仮面が外を向いている 厳粛な誤った方向の目: phideyuki(ii) はヒアリング七分袖の腕: phideyuki(ii): 「何が失踪を生んだのですか?」: insp.x.: 「知る方法はありませんが、しかし 3 つの質問を検討してください: 'i) 計画の目的は何でしたか?: 'ii) それらの目的が達成されたら何が起こるでしょうか?: 'iii) 実際に何が起こったのですか?'): u_pulse リバーブは、微視的なレベルで結晶構造間でやり取りされる通信に匹敵します。u_space は、別のパーマネントとして構築でき、ある期間から別の期間に位相がシフトし、内部で u の成長が測定されます。 構築された空間内の別のポイントは、(u_pulse レベルが低い) より高い *pulse で測定されます。名目上は、ガラスのメガバイアルが数千フィート下の myghori_ch に到達します。 " ((00)(00_) (00_00)(00) やめぐる(ii)(00_00)(UORUOP_PHANTOM)(ii): "((00_00)(ii)の相互作用に由来するガスを含む白いゴムボールを保持するタービン : これらのガスは、要求に応じて制御された方法で放出できます: u フローは、統計的な動的特性に従って操作されます): (op. フラックスが内部 u_crystals を蓄積したとしても、モーフィズム フローは抑圧された u_flux 条件を反映しました: y 位相モダリティの (0_0) が移動されました u_flux システムをベースフォームとして、一時的に減衰するチャネル生成をサポートします。各 goryo から増殖すると、y_objects の配列になり、最初は主に mhyaka_house の開発を促進しますが、ゆっくりと勢いを増して研究伝播に移行し、その後に流入します 灌漑用水路の開発自体..その境界に並ぶ大規模な00-00-ウエグラマ公園." -(CR(00)): (C.A.M. に記録) "(研究機関は、これらの生産センターで c-パルスを灌漑ポイント形式にプッシュすることを奨励され、その結果、c-パルスが増殖し、この目的のために作成された goryos にプッシュされました。 ある時点で、これらの新しい地域センターのほぼ半分は、システムの量を増やすことに重点を置いて、システムの量を増やすことに重点を置いて、ヤマウエレダのモナド ハイパーフォーム用の u_point-matrics に専念していました.. 情報処理.. コミュニケーション. 容量の増加に対応して独自のコースに従うと暗黙のうちに想定されていたコンテンツ自体の開発に対する懸念ではなく、定量的な測定: 逆に、大学の枠組みの6倍の拡大は、それを反映するプッシュの成長を促進しました。 このプルは、概念的な生産に関して: 成長ターゲットのレジームが u_flux プロセス センターに導入され、さまざまな u セル プロセスを介して *pulse の時間範囲の制御を転送するメカニズムとして使用されました。 エントロダイナミクス (フラックス) 確率空間の尺度にマッピングされた純粋な u_flux 生産: 波エネルギーを利用する浮遊プラットフォームが海を増殖させた.. 農業センターになった: これらの目的のための y_objects が成長し、化合物にパッケージ化された材料 u_flux に相互リンクした: 食糧生産.. 配水は、運河の生産によって陸地に閉じ込められた地域に深く押し込まれました..一連の閘門..ダムは水ベースの輸送手段を再設計しました:深い地下貯水池は、水収集のために建設されました..保持,..マッピングされました u_point-matrix 倉庫保管: myghori_ch の端には迅速対応の防衛部隊が配置されていました。 u_flux 強化プロジェクトが u_flux の濃度を希釈するのではないかという懸念がありました.. 新しい権力体制を生み出しましたが、これは徐々に起こり、ほとんど気付かれずに起こりました: スタシスは、 それが定着するまで目に見えない目的である.. 商業は、u_fluxがオブジェクトにフェチ特性を吹き込むシクロカテキシスのプロセスとして理解され、オブジェクトのu_objectへのモーフィズムとして、 または逆否定情報として、または言い換えれば、コーラの情報への変換の推進としてのモナドプロセス:これらのエネルギー-ag 00-00-ueghuramaエンティティは、大学の研究センターと共同でリンクされていました.. 研究所..圧力位相シフトの新しい技術に関する研究の着実な流れを生み出した..水の分子運動、および長い間神秘的な海洋ダイナミクスを監視するためのデータ収集機能:プロトウイルスは海洋ベースの研究者の間で開発された 耐病性のための接種を分散させる手段としてのコミュニティ..、後に、緊急の特性を実用規模の予測として推進するため: 海底ユニットにはリピーターが埋め込まれました.. 通信グリッドのスイッチ)."

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