MONOGURUI (pre-close)-binding: (MADHYAMAKA)



00. OOOOO. yu::eghuru(-(CR(00))): (recorded on the C.A.M.) "(00) IRRIDESCENT. while you're making clear helmet attached to här head w/ 5 stubs/ (00)(00) (00)(00) (00)(00) (00)(00) (00)(00) (00)(00) blown thru-out the room/ large white rubber bulbous armor/ u_chrema 3-figured logo in black just miasma-bullet/ body torn open/ organs spread above rt. hip. big round eyes/ (-CR)(00) w/ 5-mini-protrusioned head: mini-bundled oh-so-carbonaceous black hair/ black u_chrema slippers w/ ice-grip/ clear u_chrema logo/ your rounds say hello to a few of my friends, will brightness/ oh-so-red super-red/ pulled close/ 4 (00)(00) O. making a mess everywhere. you. I don't get down there very often anymore. bruises currently on här body/ 1 over 4 mini-m. in cupcakes, perhaps, but it seems excessive organs spread making a mess everywhere. Don't forget to bring me the recordings. här closed games are always the worst/ dr.p./ MINI_ONKYO." 00. OOOOO. yu::eghuru(-(CR(00))): (recorded on the C.A.M.) "(00) the semi-opaque plastic fits the contours of här body/ u_chrema/ multi-formed/ IMCR/ the white plastic of här swaying, head tilting .. bowing down to här waiting for all of us. white circle-formed armor. Här eyes upon the floor as hä raises frozen image. här eyes stare vacantly, calm, polymeratomic armor/ white mask w/ them up .. stares at the ugarte's sleeping childish the ceiling's white certain surface covered by, black-outlined face/ pink 3-convergent lines/ body unwaking. ueghuruomo_ueda(ii) in plastic clear plastic bulbous armor w/ huge clear plastic circular misformations, 5 mini-protrusions from här close-cropped head .. a mini-C.A.M./ (-CR)(00)'s cold numb lips quiver vibrantly behind the clear rubber mask/ black rubber gloved hands in stillness/ over 5-mini-protrusioned head oh-so-carbonaceous black hair/ clear rubber bindings up här sore tired legs/ large black-09 on rt.-circled breast/ RKUCH this-." 00. OOOOO. yu::eghuru(-(CR(00))): (recorded on the C.A.M.) "(00) ueghuruomo_ueda(ii) in white rubber short-shorts/ clear plastic black-outlined mask/ ueghuruomo_ueda(ii) in clear plastic armor attached to clear plastic chair white straps/ bindings/ captured by fairy tale .. 13 weak_cobalt_blue circles/ black rubber collapse. thru här body, weakly. ueghuruomo_ueda(ii): 'Yes. Maybe next time. Get out the Capt R./ in black an ‘R.’ on här white/black här features against the darkness behind him machinations of deliverance.' hä received YAMABUSHI-equipage armor/ the doubters were this suggestion w/ less grace than I expected. silenced/ white manganese blue super-red w/ här hand leaning against a weak qingbai phidi::yuma's head close to my head. super-horizontal-striped/ all * breaks loose [w/, in this (the (00) was in the (0000) picking (00)(00)s for serious/ intent. ueghuruomo_ueda(ii): ‘The snow will fall case, * being the white snow falling over our 3 upon the mountain, phidi::yuma, .. I will be (00).’" 00. OOOOO. yu::eghuru(-(CR(00))): (recorded on the C.A.M.) "The Ugarte Who Flew Away W/ The Birds. then how can hä be considered to be following thru forward, but also holding us back. which thru här chest hä pierced a most defined The ?. 43.'/ on this cold morning/ fall to the ground/ on här actions? These are mere indistinct reverberation, ii) 2 O-Type guards wait by the door of Y.'s cell .. certain exception to the rule. But I didn't know this The white Room/ dr.c./ the white plastic floor/ consequential, of course, but not, at this point in lounging around in these well-formed little wool coatdress yet, walking down the white hallway. I did know that ueghuruomo_ueda(ii)'s soon-to-be-victorious immobility/ multiple- time, connected in any direct link of responsibility to uniforms medium gray w/ big black round buttons .. upon P.IV's return to The Ryojusen 11 years ago hä circled/ heart-core/ w/ expanding white light/ phidi::yuma's yumi(no)gosuto" 00. OOOOO. yu::eghuru(-(CR(00))): (recorded on the C.A.M.) "(00) the caretaker, oh darling, w/ whom I had earlier mid-riff belts/ (00_00) tonic, please- thank you. On the rocks./ became an assistant to CGEC, cheeks fill up w/ air/ super-disgorged/ (00)(00) (00)(00) 2-circled rubber white head-pieces w/ straps over their Monadic Constructivism's founding consul general. (00)(00) (00)(00) (00)(00) (00)(00) (00)(00)/ (00)(00) (00)(00) conversed upon entering the house .. upon whom I had faces/ the engineered construction of the wires that hä put In 4 years hä was named director of the foundation's (00)(00) (00)(00) (00)(00) (00)(00) (00)(00)/ skirts-up/ this found it necessary to impress a certain .. perhaps over- in place to affect här escape enter into ueghuruomo_ueda(ii)'s mind .. new department of commercial xerophytism. hä sudden quiet breaking point/ OK. 6 bumps of här clear rubber bodysuit decorated by 6 black bold circles/ rubber-formed." 00. OOOOO. yu::eghuru(-(CR(00))): (recorded on the C.A.M.) "(00) the round black rectangle framing him w/in the dull, white, buttons on my white YAMABUSHI equipage/ light-gathering wall of the room./ hä walks forward black/ circle/ in exactly/ what?/ sequence. thru the violent empty quiet of wars silence, the air (00)(00) (00)(00) (00)(00)/ .. sleep-deprived breathing seductively against här skin, .. hä stands eyes. The Big Horror Room/ 3 bold weak super-red semi-opaque lines converge on the face of the mask/ weak permanent blue semi-opaque circles outline each of the clear plastic balls of the headpiece/ the clear plastic armor surrounds him in circular formations/ clear plastic mask 13-circled/ ueghuruomo_ueda(ii)'s body semi-apparent beneath the clear plastic multi-bulbous armor/ u_chrema 3-figured logo in black just above rt. hip/ fall upon the behind IMCR, här own personal object of passionate mountain." 00. OOOOO. yu::eghuru(-(CR(00))): (recorded on the C.A.M.) "(00) no, phidi::yuma, we both know, physical prettiness delight gazing down on the I am the mountain. phidi::yuma put här rt. hand/ much-too-pretty Oghori./ IMCR: ‘I promise close/ on ueghuruomo_ueda(ii)'s rt. shoulder. not to break any lamps or Chinese vases.' clear rubber 6-bumped bodysuit equipage w/ clear rubber mask over 5-mini-protrusioned head: oh-so-carbonaceous black hair/ big round eyes/ hair pulled into 5 mini-bundles on här 5-mini-protrusioned head beneath tight clear rubber mask/ darkened eye/ black-stubbled face behind clear rubber mask/ black outline/markings run up (-CR)(00)'s clear rubber 6-bumped bodysuit/ w/ massive gray clouds forming/massing overhead wind turbulent super-strong every direction/ ueghuruomo_ueda(ii)/ (0000) (00) (00) you keep calling out to me, .. you (00)(00) (00)(00) (00)(00) (00)(00) (00)(00) (00)(000)f The de(00000000) in a white uniform."

00.おおおお。 yu::eghuru(-(CR(00))): (カメラに記録) "(00) IRRIDESCENT. 5 つのスタブが付いた透明なヘルメットを頭に取り付けている間/ (00)(00) (00) )(00) (00)(00) (00)(00) (00)(00) (00)(00) 部屋の外に吹き飛ばされた / 大きな白いゴム製の球状装甲 / u_chrema 黒の 3 つの数字のロゴはただの瘴気 -弾丸/ 引き裂かれた体/ 腰の上に広がった器官、大きな丸い目/ (-CR)(00) 5つのミニ突起付き頭: ミニ束ねられた、とても炭素質の黒い髪/ 黒のu_chremaスリッパ アイスグリップ/ クリアな u_chrema ロゴ/ あなたのラウンドは私の友人何人かに挨拶します、明るさはありますか/ ああ、とても赤いスーパーレッド/ 近づいてきました/ 4 (00)(00) O. どこでも混乱させています。あなた。 もうそこに行くことはめったにありません。現在体に打撲傷があります/カップケーキの中に 1 つ以上 4 メートル以上の小さな傷があります。おそらく、過剰な臓器が広がってあちこちが混乱しているようです。録音を忘れずに持ってきてください。 クローズドゲームはいつも最悪です/ dr.p./ MINI_ONKYO。」 00.おおおお。 yu::eghuru(-(CR(00))): (C.A.M.に記録) "(00) 半透明のプラスチックはハーボディの輪郭にフィットします/ u_chrema/ マルチフォーム/ IMCR/ ハーが揺れる白いプラスチック 、首を傾げています .. 私たち全員を待っているハーに頭を下げています. 白い円形の鎧. ハーが凍ったイメージを上げながら床に目を向けています. ハーの目はぼんやりと見つめています、穏やかな、ポリマー鎧/それらを上げた白いマスク.. ウガルテの眠っている幼稚な姿を見つめる 天井の白い特定の表面は、黒く縁取られた顔/ピンクの3本の収束線/目覚めていない体で覆われている。 短く刈り込まれた頭から.. ミニC.A.M./ (-CR)(00)の冷たく麻痺した唇が透明なゴムマスクの後ろで生き生きと震える/ 黒いゴム手袋をはめた手は静止したまま/ 5つの小さな突起のある頭の上 -炭素質の黒い髪/疲れた脚に透明なゴムの束縛/RTに大きな黒-09。-丸く囲まれた胸/RKUCH this-。」 00.おおおお。 yu::eghuru(-(CR(00))): (C.A.M.に記録) 「(00) ueghuruomo_ueda(ii) 白いゴム製ショートパンツ/ 透明なプラスチックの黒縁マスク/ ueghuruomo_ueda(ii) 透明なプラスチックの鎧を着た 透明なプラスチックの椅子に取り付けられています 白いストラップ/バインディング/おとぎ話に捕らえられました.. 13個の弱いコバルトブルーの円/黒いゴムの崩壊. 体を通して、弱く. ueghuruomo_ueda(ii): 'はい。次回かもしれません。キャプテンRを出してください/で 白地に黒の「R.」/黒地に、彼の背後にある救出の陰謀を背景にした暗闇が特徴です。 山伏装備の鎧を受け取りました/ 疑う人たちはこの提案でした、私が期待していたよりも優雅さはありませんでした。沈黙/ 白マンガンブルー、スーパーレッド、弱い青梅に手を寄りかかった、私の頭に近いフィディ::ユマの頭。超水平 -縞模様/ すべて * 緩む [w/、この ((00) は (0000) の中にありました) (00)(00) を深刻な目的で選択しています。ueghuruomo_ueda(ii): '雪が降る場合、 * 山の上の 3 つに降る白い雪です、フィディ::ユマ、.. 私は (00) になります。'」

(*): (0)(0)