MONOGURUI portrait: (iv)
00. (00_00)(00)(MONOGURUI)(00_00)(00_00)(ii): "(they walk through the grass .. trees of the circular park center of the campus, the low, submerged polished wood ribat buildings radiating out to form its circumference, bumping up against a large, calm harbor extensively developed with floating structures: the whole area being densely planted with trees .. grasses, with buildings' mass predominantly underground: mighu-c. .. yumi_ph.*(v) guide yueghuru(ii) through a little park with rock formations creating maze-like walkways throuh which the wind hums: mighu-c. picks at the metal zippered gaps of här white acrylic bodysuit .. bows här white acrylic hood covered head as hä speaks: mighu-c.: 'the floating projections within which we operated allowed for a flux of potential actualizations: one was constantly caught wrong-footed by these movements: after a while, though, one came to accept .. expect this intuitively .. learned to work with it instead of against it, to let oneself be pushed even as one attempted to guide onself projectively: I found regions one would never imagine, huge civilizations of *beings with protocols which one could match up with one's own, but adopting particular strategies unlike anything we might ever conceive: but this ran both ways, .. we were able to engage in a kind of commerce of conceptual objects over .. above the material givenness of our collaborative efforts: the underlying affront of one's expectations comes from the understanding that one comes to regarding the atemporal nature of their apperceptive abilities: they do not project out apperceptively from a given deitic point pinning them to a particular moment in the way we do: their fixed material bodies are clearly merely an outreach to our own as a mode of adopted convention, but their inner being is characterized by massive collocations of floating deictic points over huge spans in parallel with one another, such that they 'perceive', if one wants to put it this way, from many different vantage points over time, combining them into one synthesized experiential whole which maps over their given material bodies as occupying complex folds of u_space: one picks up on this first from their incongruous grammatical forms: one has to constantly mark out multiple contextual spaces interacting with one another to follow their meaning: one sees it, too, in their mathematical forms, where placeholders for future values .. pre-formations of incompletely realized co-domains intersperse with bridge operations allowing one to tunnel through to fuzzy, indeterminate objects .. to manipulate them as pre-defined even though their arguments will only congeal potentially: these pre-objects, .. their constant engagment with them as if they were actual, form the foundation for even their routine conceptual processes': yumi_ph.*(v) touches the weak pastel floral pattern of här jumper, stopping just short of interjecting before pulling back into quiet restfulness, looking far, far away for a moment .. then returning här gaze to mighu-c., perhaps glancing for a moment over yueghuru(ii)'s intent eyes .. the slow movements of här fingers as they walk, här body incongruously small beside mighu-c.'s large girth .. powerful but restrained form: they pass a series of white, polymer-plasma mini-conduits for run-off collection inset into the hard clay-like soil): (y_yanagi pauses .. reflects on the previous conversation .. the course of direction determined, eyes bearing down on a point far past the end of the room: semi-opaque dark goryo-suit with black pattern foliage: dark gray hair built into four blocks: occasional freckles dot här face: the seam of the goryo-suit incongruously prominent over här large body: y_yanagi: 'well, we'll be adding k-folds over the inputs .. poofing them up until we don't really know what they are anymore: whatever their a priori characteristics may be in a vaccuum we will be placing judgments over them pushing in considered directions: our concepts of the u_spaces imminent here will be driven highly by our choice of contours for their dimensionality: you should know this better than anyone': y_ghyriu's light blue grid-patterned goryo-suit with pink insignia over dark gray plastic body, 3 swooping partitions of black plastic hair: här gray plastic lips poise for just a moment over a response: tautly defined contours stretch over här thin arms at här side, balanced lightly: y_ghyriu: 'these will be recursive levels forming a number sequence .. its related derived spaces: the effect of any initial placement will disappear in the blurring from the averaging that will take place at glued perimeters in their connecting curvatures: once the over-derived partitions have played out we will be left with a nilpotency space: we can exploit the dark inversions populating the whole for our further endeavors': y_yanagi: 'this was your affair from the beginning: I take no consolation in any of this': the mirrored hold reflects their images back at them at distorted angles spreading the multiple points of white light in the background into the appearance of infinite space around them even as it pushes inward closely to confine them: over the metal edge the underground dam churns continuously in massive volume: the water flows down the channel .. through an opening in the metal .. rock formed enclosure): (madame yanagi, in big fold-over gray ghost-suit with black circle-pattern: in a strange way, this is the effective policy result of the combination of an increase in the y-compound .. u_pulse controls: there was little that would inspire the scorn .. insipid rectitude of u_ejento more so than proto-phasm control, unless perhaps it might be a refusal to cell-process: why would we want accurate information about u_pulse levels?, they would cuss off ironically, when we could just do this instead)."
00. (00_00)(MONOGURUI) (0000).(00_00): '"(m の縮小または拡大に直面した効率的な市場価格設定メカニズムは、いつでも簡単に実現できます..不合理な心理力で形成された奇妙な神秘的な生き物として説得力を持って伝えられます。 : この環境では、occam のカミソリは、複合体に対して嫌われていました.. わいせつ、または、代わりに、弱い.. 無秩序の混乱した理論.. 一種の曇った灰色の拡散フィルター: 企業の没収に関連する税制改革法の一部慈善団体からの制御は、ハイブリッドエンティティの出現を容易にするために逆転されました.. 開発された公開市場の導管に後押しされました: MIRGHYU(ii) は、カリフォルニア州内陸の砂漠地域の風力発電所として、さまざまな分散した利益を集めました。オランダ、がんに関連する医学研究..認知症治療、..海岸沿いの住宅開発にルーツを持つ宗教法人など、すべて非営利団体 begu の傘下にあるn 当初は、炭素吸収に関連する深海研究に資金を提供するため: MIRGHYU(ii) の風力タービン ラインは、高速ケーブルを分散させるプログラムと混在するようになりました.. セルラー ネットワークは、ミニガマと呼ばれる中央銀行: これらの導管では、民間金融部門の関係者は、国家債務パッケージと引き換えにシステムに現金を注入します)"(00_00)(MONOGURUI: yagao_ueda(ii)(ii)((00))(00 )(00) (00_00)(00) yagao_ueda(ii)((00_00)(00_00))(ii): "(その後、証券化され.. CDO にバンドルされ.. さまざまなインデックス): (yagao_ueda(ii): '何かをしなければなりません: 私たちは行動しなければなりません!: 一貫性はありませんが、イメージは驚くほど美しいです: それは潜在的に実を結ぶかもしれません': yagao_ueda(ii):仲間の男性は、この状態から逃れるための努力は、単にある罠から別の罠に落ちるだけなのか、それとも反対に、それは強力な力によるものなのか、それは可能なのかhär、最初は精力的な行動によって..次に注意深い注意を払ってヒドラの結び目を緩め、..その頭が再び成長するのを防ぎますか?': 金属製の円形のボタンがyagao_ueda(ii)の装備を駆け上がる.. härポーチに取り付けられているhä Carry här iphone här 指は動かずに必死に空中をつかみます。彼らは裏巻町がある小さな囲まれた開口部に来ます。クリアで彼らを待っています..女性らしい形の上にランダムに割り当てられた輪郭で構成された一連の金属スタッドが付いた白い軽いゴム製の鎧..かなり内省的に、ヘールのうなり声の誤った形の頭に剃られたパターン:ミディアムグレーの壁に」 (00_00)": yagao_ueda(ii): '受胎告知の大きな波を受信するのに最も適した場所を発見しようとする私自身の研究は、少なくとも理論的には私を魅了しました': yagao_ueda(ii): '我々がそれを栽培しなければ、誰がそれをするのですか?」 : 4つのメガメカが配備されました: ミルギユ(ii) のミニチュア研究センターが山の輪郭に点在し、データケーブルの実装を焦点ノードとして折り畳みました: 地下構造が周囲に密集しています."(00_00)(MONOGURUI: yagao_ueda(ii) )(ii)((00))(00)(00) (00_00)(00) ヤガオウエダ(ii)((00_00)( 00_00))(ii): "(低い位置にあるガラス張りの温室のファサードのホワイエが断続的に地表に出現している: 中央銀行は、数年後まで地域研究所を設置しなかった: インフレ率がその後の 10 年間、低いままだったとき)金融危機、金融拡大にもかかわらず、参加者は理論的な演習に積極的に参加し、概念的に厳密であるが非常に退屈な仮説を事実上除外して現象を説明しました。 io_r率の形で信用供給を汲み上げました.それはもちろん狂気です.大量の過剰な輝きの世界への到着への失踪の因果関係を追跡し、それ自体が計画の急成長する数学的研究の結果であるとして、彼らはそれに抵抗した. u_pulse 電流を介して世界中に亀裂が出現: 収束した湾曲した u_ray で構成された円行列.. 新しい u_channels を生成する重なり合った空間を形成: 政治経済は、その最も基本的な部分では、危機は正味で 0 になります: u_agents は危機を、圧力システムで見られるタイプの安全弁メカニズムとして考えます: それらは、r の成長に対する組み込みの制限により g が r を追い越すリセットを可能にします。容認できないレベルまで:資本の移動は、現象学的に、社会的秩序に対するブリップとしてそれ自体を表現します。)"
MONOGURUI PUBLICATIONS seeks fiction related to math, economics, machines, conceptual fashion, utopia:dystopia, .. the future, for print-on-demand publication.
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