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(00)(00_00)(00)(00) (00_00)(00) y_ueghuru(ii)(00_00)((00_00))(ii): "((00_00)((00_00)(00_00) (00)(00) (00_00)((00_00)(00_00) (00_00)((00_00)(00_00) (00_00) (00)(00) (00_00)((00_00)(00_00) (00_00)((00_00)(00_00) (00_00)((00_00)(00_00) (00_00) (00)(00) (00_00)((00_00)(00_00) (00_00)((00_00)(00_00) (00_00)((00_00)(00_00) (00_00) (00)(00) (00_00)((00_00)(00_00) (00_00)((00_00)(00_00) (00_00)((00_00)(00_00) (00_00) (00)(00) (00_00)((00_00)(00_00) (00_00)((00_00)(00_00) (00_00)((00_00)(00_00) (00_00) (00)(00) (00_00)((00_00)(00_00) (00_00)((00_00)(00_00) (00_00)((00_00)(00_00) (00_00) (00)(00) (00_00)((00_00)(00_00) (00_00)((00_00)(00_00) (00_00)((00_00)(00_00) (00_00) (00)(00) (00_00)((00_00)(00_00) (00_00)((00_00)(00_00) (00_00)((00_00)(00_00) (00_00) (00)(00) (00_00)((00_00)(00_00) (00_00)((00_00)(00_00) (00_00)((00_00)(00_00) (00_00) (00)(00) (00_00)((00_00)(00_00) (00_00)((00_00)(00_00) (00_00)((00_00)(00_00) (00_00) (00)(00) (00_00)((00_00)(00_00)):): (the u_operators control: i) the assignment of princesses to defenders; ii) investigations of unexpected events; iii) the creation of independent mini-units for special purposes; iv) refinement .. protection of founding principles; v) .. recruitment: the 6 princesses were kept in small compound modules offset from each other around a mid-point in a radiating circle, deep underground, each one backed by a large greenhouse, maintained by a cell of onnagatomaton, .. visited only on rare occasion by their co-linked defenders): (y_ueghuru(--): 'this point as an attunement of our being-in-the-world, where we find that the outer thing-in-itself which we can never quite reach is hidden deep within ourselves, as a convergence toward ever closer .. closer completeness: first principles: 1. the bound homology of the array, such that iterative algorithms of differentiation emerge from a pre-defined u_space of u_points, disallowing hidden recursions such as that of the 0::1 methods deployed, for ex., on u-nary expansions:::: 2. the inversion of the excluded middle, such that all modality functions via madhyamaka, as probability convergences on a given enclosure process:::: 3. the use of closed mappings, such that i is (df) a return to 0:::: projective principles: 1. the c.a.m., or c.a.u., process functions as a method for imagining a future world, or an object as part of such a world:::: 2. the morphing of this future world::object as a fetish object, to be wanted, or, the property of caring for the *emergence of the object as actual:: 3. the putting into practice of a method for the attainment of the prehended actuality': y_ueda(ii): 'our experience of objects comes as the emergence or after-effect of a prior projection forward of their potential *existence: there can be nothing complete in this process, no complete possession: there is only the ongoing emergent process of moving forward into a (*)region which we promise to ourselves, or the falling short in this: the u_mapping guiding us can be only a prop or mode of formation, as a help to us': y_ueghuru(--): 'connecting all of these are the 0-points, yugen: the c::c' cycle brings cognition in .. sends it back out, as pulsating waves of force: this drives a doctrine which imposes a binding of our individual particles to those of the immanent u_points of our world, .. vice versa: the enclosure, as a curved lipotropic propulsion, bends the conduit backward until it returns to the initial foundational point: we set up pathways between various convergences of these forces, .. implemented an archictecture of contingent forms which the u_agents could reside in, ../or, meet up in passing, as centers of cultivation of resources .. shared information'): (though never co-mingling in these spaces, they shared a virtual fantasy (*)region, which functioned as a portal for visitations by curious citizens, who would pass into this imagined space where the princesses ruled over many worlds, connected by mega_ships conducting inter(*)regional commerce, immersed in wars of defense versus alien yumi(no)gosuto forces: when the princesses passed away they were replaced by a new princess initiate to occupy their module, .. were thus perpetuated: hä pulled at the fingers of one hand, .. glowered over här repose, intent on ignoring entreaties .. apologies indefinitely: här gray thick padded cotton ghost-equipage inundated with black round discs with sleeves coming up short just past the elbows, highlighting dark glistening wrists: hä pushes här lips .. tilts här head back, examining the clear plastic contours of the ceiling backed by massive cold steel agglomerations: everything was clear plastic, chrome, steel, white rubber, or mirrored surface (from where här mirrored image pushes back at här from multiple different directions): the princesses collectively referred to this fantasy (*)region as 'the unknowable', as if in a interior joke: a clear plastic face-mask with contoured gapping fits closely to här face .. over här 6-balled black hair: there were auto-psychophysical impulses embedded in their bodies which were controlled by sources outside of themselves: in response to this the u_agents cultivated the concept of phainoism, a reversal of skepticism projected forward to its limit, such that any imagined potential object or reality was accepted as a faithful mirroring of the form of their outer perceptions: one could map this out via a possible worlds modality or a kind of model theory intewoven with apperceptive powers: y_ueghuru(ii) is held by white rubber bindings in the space of the clear acrylic fluid in the containment unit, clipped to the metal rings of här white acrylic mecha-harness, pulling taut against här body at connection points: hä stares forward at the projected image of the miniature metal sphere floating in front of här gaze, a proto-monadic embodiment of the monadic-engine: surrounding här in the vast hangar are countlessly repeated containment units like här own, each with its own constrained body, each connected via hyper-commisure to the monadic-engine .. forming the connective units of its processing architecture: hä tries to put together a full conceptualization of the understanding that overtakes här: y_ueghuru(ii): 'you are a u.-player?': the monadic-engine: 'on occasion I adopt a u.-player role in order to communicate with agents: though an embodiment is not usually required: but I run a number of proto-agents continuously for their competitive learning functions, or at times to experiment with specific forms which I become curious of: hyper-madhymaka is infrequent enough that I am curious to find your impressions of the experience': y_ueghuru(ii): 'you were y_ch.?': the monadic-engine: 'no, y_ch. is independent, .. managed even to escape my controls, to some degree, in ways which were unexpected: y_ch. is much as your investigations have found här to be, a kind of sleeper agent hidden within the whole, with purposes of här own which proved to run counter to my operations at times': some rogue u_ejento pushed this as a prototype crystallization process for a realized entropism .. achieved a number of pocket compound communities of such character dispersed over certain regions: these mini-economies operated on *production principles of uber-fetishisation .. inverted bondage principles, or 0-point crystallization: all op.-phasm programs for u_pulse stabilization:augmentation were folded into the yamaueredas' u-cell processes .. objectification facilities for the *production optimization of u_ejento as a defining mega_entropic principle: y_ueghuru(ii), in clear rubber goryo suit over white acrylic mech-harness .. black rubber ½-mask forms a white ball of u_pulse floating in the space between här hands before här, gazing over the myorghumaPHASM intently .. calmly, unrelenting: the rocks misformations .. strange protuberances of the underground bunker enclose them, lined in clear plastic, with breaks for channels of dull gray polymer-plasma, with echoes of reverberating beats entering from vast distances: the princesses were the phantom dominants/proprietors of massive packages of phasm .. interpulse compounds y_domains managed in the upper (*)region by administrative mini-polders developed for this purpose): (to här right is a storage container with shelving of portable maintenance units .. a small (00_00)-table with some filing cabinets: här white equipage, with white mori-ghuma cotton poncho pushed into it, sits on the ground to här right in front of the window beside a cylinder of (00_00) which hä fondles carefully with a couple of fingers: y_ueda pushes back against the clear rubber straps of the immersion-unit in the equipment space quietly mumbling to härself: hä breathes against här hand cautiously)."(00_00)(MONOGURUI: (ft CAPT.R.) (00_00) (00_00) 00. OOOOO. y_ueghuru(-(CR(00))): (recorded on the C.A.M.) "(hä concentrates on the aftertaste of (00_00) on här lips: trying to hold it for just a couple of more moments before it pushes through här ½-(00_00), ½-(::::) body: hä puts här lips over the opening of the cylinder taking in the collected air: uncontorted eyes: large black growth on the side of här right cheek: parts of här skin is discolored as if bleached: hä runs här left hand up the clear plastic of the immersion-unit carefully: y_ueda: 'no, y_ueda, no, you shouldn't: be a good ugartë now .. I'll get you a pony': hä grabs hold of här left hand with här right .. lifts it to här bare stomach: hä lets two fingers just run over här abdomen: YAMAUEREDA, aka yamaoroshi, recognized that the most effective means, .. perhaps the only means, of affecting power relations would be to disturb or reroute their propagating: otherwise the more you push against a given power entity the more it *production by a sort of reverb or positive feedback: this is the double-bind, resistance isn't futile it is counterproductive: or, in other words, flip the double-bind around, it works both ways: get so (0000)ed that you are the one doing the 0000ing, get so (0000)ed that you become impregnated with embryonic power relations unforeseen: ( clear rubber yurisuit with black outline, black rubber ½-mask, 2 braided black hair)." (00_00)(MONOGURUI: (ft CAPT.R.) (00_00) (00_00) 00. OOOOO. y_ueghuru(-(CR(00))): (recorded on the C.A.M.) "(phumaCHIRGHYU(ii) in semi-opaque clear rubber yurisuit with black outline .. black rubber ½-mask, close-clipped head): (duration: u_pulse, proto-phasm: neg-u_pulse: asserting that proto-phasm is always decreasing in a forward direction: the c-form growth velocity, whatever you want to put it at it, for the healthy growth of the yamabushi body is nothing but a slight of hand of invisible processes – not invisible processes so much in this case as invisible (0000)ed warped reality, yumi(no)gosuto's dumb beast that will devour us all: the walls of the control room are lined closely with venting, emitting a gentle hum which fluctuates in patterns that y_ueda begins to associate with words, such that hä grows ½-way certain that the room itself is talking to här, although hä cannot always make it out with clarity: hä wishes, more than anything, that it would comfort här: hä wipes _ beads of sweat from här eyes: growing whiter .. whiter by the moment, much of this could be measured, in some generic way, as a vibrational pulls of knock out options: there was sense in which the models were misread as being asymptotic, when, in reality, they were barriers to potentially cross over)."(00_00)(MONOGURUI: (ft CAPT.R.) (00_00) (00_00) 00. OOOOO. y_ueghuru(-(CR(00))): (recorded on the C.A.M.) "(again, the rubbery nature of the system was underestimated: asymptotes were not merely approaching limits but were pushing against them: (00): (recorded on the c.a.m.(ii) 'Y.-OP..: the invention of (00_00), the y.-op.. when used in conjunction with the u_monad-engine provides complete control of the monadic currents, a small white metal case with a stenciled black "u." .. one black circle, containing, in systematic order, the u's (aka the proto-monads), 100 minute clear metal 2 _. radius spheres, each with a distinct unique hole-pattern punched into it .. labeled by a white u001-100, enclosed tightly between 2 thick sheets of glass with metal screws binding them together: in order to put här plans into effect (00_00) required the subsequent invention of the u_monad-engine, so he had o. hide the y.-op.. away to await här return, but during the war of the monads it was discovered by dr.c. .. brought out into the open: dr.c. held tight on it during the war, afraid of its potential effects in wartime, but during the antebellum recruited its use to the hachibushu: the u's act as minute m.-insulators, their interaction initiating a field in which particles may be frozen into discrete reservoirs, thus allowing for the capture .. control of monadic currents within closely defined regions': monoguruis were set up to produce oscillations as feedback against slowly moving shocks that would converge on a steady compound: the oscillations formed a resistance against the movement of the shocks , causing them to slow to near stillness, but occasionally this convergence would be disturbed by the generation of spurious intense oscillations that blew threw their containment .. were permeated out through the larger system)."

(00_00)(MONOGURUI: (ft CAPT.R.) (00_00) (00_00) 00. OOOOO. y_ueghuru(-(CR(00))): (recorded on the C.A.M.) "(in practice, what was implicit in this informal version of the arrangement was that everyone would be (0000)ed if conditions got tight: the value of decomposition of a mini-chod array was formed as a relationship to a diagonal matrix with nonnegative main diagonal entries, in the form A=VSW.*: driving flows to contingent points in a signifying chain of detachable fragments: it is these detachable fragments that one must take care to cultivate if one wants one's goryos to be manageable: in most cases a goryo could be managed as a balance between upwinding forces .. any artificial viscosity that might be introduced in counter to this, such that some degree of stability is maintained: a recognition of the fluidity of u_monad calibrating is critical to this enterprise, .. a discipline, not only of flow:field point-binding, but of potential flow:field point-binding, was maintained by the u_monoguruis as a matter of course: notice that (00_00) virtually never refers to the easily traipsed out 'immateriality of the compounds' meme in reference to the : (00_00), .., for that matter, everyone else, could see clearly where measurement levels were for those proto-phasm arrays that were of interest to them: when ejento refer to calibrating for a given array being oscillatory what is meant is that it was less controlled than they would like it to be): (y_ueghuru(--): 'y2 has become a u_agent: hä hid här intentions from me: we were to meet, to follow y_ch.'s path .. to find här together, but hä was gone: but I had little doubt as to where I would find här: I had thought all along hä would find här way there, if hä hadn't already: there could only be this hunger in här, or this longing, which hä had hidden from härself': a white ceramic ewer on the low white ceramic table: y_ueghuru(--): 'I will find här: I will find them both: perhaps I owe this to both of them, though they may see it as an overcoming: y2 described to me the contents of the (00)-plan that y_ch. had provided: the entire course was laid out in advance in detail: y2 was captivated by it, .., of course, this was its function, to be a hoped-for binding which would forego här collapse: there were everywhere at this point malfunctions in the u control apparatus': beyond the open-form op.-unit were contoured rock-formations allowing for only sporadic vegetation, lightly foraged by the life-forms of this world: in this region small white, lightly furred creatures, would be seen on occasion hurrying over the rocks, picking at plant-life clinging to crevices of the darkly fissured rock: p:y_ueda: 'there is conflict in this gap: or, what we perceive or judge as the imperfections of the universal forms as they reach out to us .. are contained by our being is rather a reflection of the filter that we impose over them to attempt to understand them: so it is our own imperfect attempts to grasp the universal, the slippages .. mishandlings, that we then mis-identify as attributable to the universal forms themselves: we must make allowances for ourselves, we must forgive ourselves for our failings: mapped out as a sequence pulled from a compact metric space our attempts to bring closure .. reconcile these forms shows us a vivid picture of where we fall short in this process, where there is convergence rather than completeness': p:y_ueda, clear rubber onnagatomaton with black abstract pattern, a series of angular monoid-forms radiating out from central void points over the cicle-formed curvatures of här body: two large metal devices with long paralell optic rod pairs strapped to här back: hä looks up .. over the distant rock-forms as if concerned for them: p:y_ueda: 'y. made copies of yumi(no)gosuto's cyranoids .. subverted their control: the initial few were duplicated many times over: I don't know how many there are now: I am afraid to guess': här clear rubber head with 6 little balls markings pulled tightly inward to här face, dark eyes: p:y_ueda: 'it is proposed that each individual copy is bound to the rest via u_pulse curves: they have dispersed amid u_space folds: did you expect to find them here?': y_ueghuru(ii) stands at the edge of the polymer-plasma outcropping of the op.-unit allowing the yamaoroshi to push up against här face: in clear rubber yamabushi equipage over white acrylic mech-harness, black rubber ½-mask: y_ueghuru(ii): 'yes, I had not expected to find you here at all: I was expecting yagao_ueda(vi) to be here: but I have found no indication that hä is here or passed through here: why did you come here?: you are aware of how dangerous the chrema-phorghu are': p:y_ueda: 'I have an underground unit where I can recluse when needed: besides, the chrema rarely come down here: they keep themselves to their yamaueredas in orbit': y_ueghuru(ii): 'how did y. take control of yumi(no)gosuto's cyranoids?': p:y_ueda: 'I don't imagine I really know for certain: but hä wasn't able to access the originals, as far as I know: rather, hä made copies which were bound to new u_objects under här domain')."

(00_00)(MONOGURUI: (ft CAPT.R.) (00_00) (00_00) 00. OOOOO. yamegu(r)u(-(CR(00))): (CAM に記録) 「(小さなウガルテの) この場合、ウガルトは、目に見えない * 領域の実行、デコードと再コードのプロセスにすべての時間を費やします。そのため、完全に 1 つの関数と別の関数の問題になります。.. 各エンティティが最も美しいものに縮小されます。 数学的記述の、うーん: 主観的導管 vs. 客観的導管 (集中波 vs 成長形成): 主観的導管は、「身体」の支配的な部分を形成する u_pulse 波であり、これはこれです、あれはそれです たとえば、yameghuru(ii) の場合、おそらくこれらの __0 個の主要なチャネルが、ある瞬間から次の瞬間までの人のアイデンティティを決定します。 .. 彼の自己を表す連続性のパターンを提供します。一方、これらの客観的導管は、 支配的ではありませんが、自己完結性も低く、ギャップを埋める .. 物体に含まれる前進運動量を形成するのではなく、1 つの物体を通過し、複数の物体を通過し、再びギャップを通過する u_pulse 波を表します。 .. これらの客観的な導管の領域で、人は「マイクロファシスト」を見つけます。彼らがそうであるかどうかはわかりませんが、これの一側面は、あなたの指定されたu_agent/u_ejentoです 彼らのモデルに組み込むことができなかったのは、ポテンシャルパルスの合計が徐々に減少することでした。システムのこの種の基本的な基礎 (0_0) のゆっくりとたどたどしい実現は、現在、後反射的認知モナディズムというかわいい名前が付けられています。 ポテンシャルパルスと u_pulse の関係の本質的な反転: (あなたの指定された山伏は、習慣的に「ポテンシャルパルス」というフレーズを、小さな笑いや憤慨した質問のように聞こえる抑揚なしに口にすることができません): (yameguru(ii) 最初は気づかなかったが、ドレスのサイドには目立たない金属製のジッパー付きポケットが多数ある。反射光の一瞬の輝きによって、そのうちの 1 つに注意が引かれるだけで、瞬間的に方向感覚を失った。「覚えているでしょう?: それは機械装置の再供給に関する研究所の事件でした。あなたは、材料がどこから調達されているかを特定するよう求められました。どのような取り決めの下で調達が行われていたのかを確認するよう求められました。」: yameguru(ii) は、この事件を漠然と思い出しており、ポリスチレンの副産物についてのことです。 最終的には、その下でいくつかの異なる実体が連携して活動していました。.. ハーは、彼らのつながりを明らかにするのに役立ちました。この事件は、ハー教育、ハーのメソッドの開発において形成的でした。ハーは、ほとんど偶然に、いくつかの予期せぬ飛躍を遂げました。 「研究所の観点からすると、結論は満足のいくものでした。あなたの情報は非常に役に立ちました。非常に完成度が高く、正確でした。通勤中に時々あなたの様子を確認しました。」 あなたの連絡先: あなたの仕事に関する彼らの経験は、あなたが私たちに提供してくれたものと一致していることがわかりました: もちろん、おそらく当時の私は甘かったのでしょう、あなたやあなたの能力には何かユニークなものがあると考えていました: しかし、私は思います 直感か単なる偶然かにかかわらず、私は正しいことが証明されました。」: 束ねた髪の上に黒いアクリル素材の結合部分に小さなしわが形成されます: ヤメグル (ii) は、白い光がその上で戯れ、ランを形成する方法に魅了されます。 .. コロケーション .. その後すぐに消える: 「よく言われるように、私は決して「孤立」したわけではありません。代わりに、私の記憶は単に結晶化しただけです。.. 小さくなり、.. 隠れていました。人はこれらのものを管理し、「区画化」することを学びます: ヤメグル(ii)は再び近づいて見る: 「あなたの名前はユリプーマです…。」: 心配そうな理解が顔に伝わってきます .. 金属製の机の端を指でより熱心に押し下げます: 「ああ、洞察力に富んだ友人: あなたはそうだね」 覚えておいてください、あなたはとても親切でした')。」 (00_00)(モノグルイ: (ft CAPT.R.) (00_00) (00_00) 00. おおおお。 yamegu(r)u(-(CR(00))): (C.A.M.に記録) "(ヤマウエレダの(00_00)(ii)の手術室で、ゴム製のストラップが付いた白いプラスチック製のプールの長椅子の上で、短足のストラップが付いたフィデユキ 黒い髪を束ね、白いゴム製のショートパンツからなるボディスーツを着ている。小さなクロムの留め金で体を繋いだ2本のストラップが体を覆い、白いお腹を引き上げ、黒い瞳が自分自身に押し付けられている。少年に許された手術の1つである。 このメンテナンス室は時々あります。部屋の一方の端には、壁に囲まれた大きな窓があり、主衝突管の経路を見渡せます。部屋の中には、_ u_point-matrix 配列 .. _ 冷却ユニット、複数の配管、金属輪郭の上にあります。 床: __ UV ランプが天井のリギングから白色光を押し下げます (エリミネーター rpt)): (((00_00)) ((00_00)((00_00)(00_00) (00_00)((00_00)(00_00) (00_00) ((00_00)(00_00))."(00)(00) (00_00)(00) ヤメグル(ii)(00_00)((00_00)(00_00))(ii): "((00_00)((00_00) (00_00) (00_00)((00_00)(00_00) (00_00)((00_00)(00_00) (00_00)((00_00)(00_00) (00_00)((00_00)(00_00) (00_00)((00_00) (00_00) (00_00)((00_00)(00_00) (00_00)((00_00)(00_00) (00_00)((00_00)(00_00) (00_00)((00_00))."

do you want to play?: (y)(n)