MONOGURUI bunny-bib: (anti-chöd)
(00_00)(MONOGURUI: (ft CAPT.R.) (00_00) (00_00) 00. OOOOO. yumi(no)gosuto(-(CR(00))): (recorded on the C.A.M.) "(.. goryoification became more precise .. powerful as an instrument for the harnessing of mathematical flows): (yueghuru(ii)'s heart beats so loud that its knocking seems to be distinctly audible in the cold silence: the cold seems to be pushing into här head from outside the walls: perhaps the pressure is relenting now, of perhaps it is building upward: yueghuru(ii) is not certain: these patterns seem so self-evident looking backward): (y.phuma touches här leg, the clear rubber manganese blue oh-so-pink outlined bodysuit)." 00. (00_00)(00)(MONOGURUI)(00_00)(00_00)(ii): "(administrators of the process were careful to point out the imperative clause that the goryo flows were to be treated in much the fashion that one would a hydroelectric dam, such that one benefits most productively from the capturing of the existing movement of flows as they take their given course: while refraining from more utopian temptations toward redirection of rivers .. such – temptations which almost invariably quickly become corrosive if not directly .. punctually de-structive: or, in other words, channelization, not canalization: a grid of delicately calibrated gauges being essential to this endeavor: yueghuru(ii) always felt cold vibrations run through här when hä thought about cold-base-U_0: accommodation, fruits, vegetables – because, of course, nothing else is really of consequence)."(00_00)(MONOGURUI: (ft CAPT.R.) (00_00) (00_00) 00. OOOOO. yumi(no)gosuto(-(CR(00))): (recorded on the C.A.M.) "(the development of (00_00) was an attempt, still in progress, to construct a method for more powerful measurement of these flows): (the cold morning waiting for them outside through huge glass walls of the corridor): (a mass of diamonds: everything was still: but now här eyes had become accustomed to the white light: underground are two vertical cases driven by 6 mass condensing units: solenoids control the levels: these are to control u_pulse growth): (phumaCHIRGHYU(ii): cycles were managed internally by the u_ejento via oxidation control, directly acting on apoe6, pushing it into cycloative feedback loop cycles that degenerate into madhyamaka oscillations at regional points: this process allow u_ejento to push forward protein folding/unfolding at cyclospeeds, or conversely to reverse the interactions to previous equilibrium states, mapping these levels to spatio-temporal coordinates: in (00) of (00_00) the ratings agencies began to pick up on the outbound waves from the inversion of (00), imploding synthetic u_monads collocated with (00_00) monadic channels: military-catallactic feeback was vitally connected .. wound up with the emergent processes of capitalism as they injected themselves forcefully into autarkic systems, such that the utopic inversion imagined by masayoshi-kan ejento could only, .. would only, ever be a force for the implementation of dystopia in its most radically crystallized forms, as a control mechanism for the stasis of internalized power: white plastic modular forms popped up over the landscape like organic compounds, clustered around artificially irrigated bodies of water, .. built over foundations running through with underground chambers .. channels, .. dotted over with parks .. hydrocultures: within 20 commutes they were 90% empty, abandoned in favor of forms adapted from them as the new white plastic mecha for nomadic inter-integration: most of these were converted into huge u.-engine modules for the distribution .. control of u_pulse: the deictic point mapping the present moment is (df) the collapsing of the wave: U exists then only as a future or past potentiality state rather than as an actually conceived state of 'current' reality: each of these rising structures represented only the 5% surface tip of the overall underlying submerged whole: huge vents controlled with air circulation .. allowed for the dispersion of humidifiers .. communications cyclo-modifiers: mirroring groups of monadic forms underwent rotations diverting u_waves over pathways constrained by inner spheres, with each of these forming an overlapping projection of codomains reconverted over a given function: each little estuary spreads out into wetlands seeded with cyclo-pods, with each of these forming a node in the migration cycles that were soon to form: the deep clear pools of water at the mega-foundations' base edges act as a cooling base for the hyper-distributive u_dynamics: little pods of vegetation .. small trees float over the glistening pools: fungi .. molds are cultivated here for their material properties, culled by passing op.-farmers: ultimately it was this dispersion of proto-phasm flows that led to the great transformation shifting the deictic analytic marker of something fictiously construed as 'monadism' from tighty bound stasis to morphism-generation .. the productive formation of hyper-madhyamaka flows: defense militias' propagation was put directly into one-to-one mini-commune control as a goryoification process, such that community control of the enforcement apparatus tightly wound)."(00_00)(MONOGURUI: (ft CAPT.R.) (00_00) (00_00) 00. OOOOO. yumi(no)gosuto(-(CR(00))): (recorded on the C.A.M.) "(a white ceramic block chair): (to some degree u_pulse bubbles are planned for as release fields for the buildup, but they are carefully managed: yueghuru(ii) gazed .. gazed, .. felt that the more hä gazed the more cold became the silence: yueghuru(ii) shuddered)." (___)((00)(00_) (00_00)(00) yueghuru(ii)(00_00)(the YUGHUR::PHANTOM)(ii): "(by a method of u_pulse push-pull, casting u_pulse flows forward .. then backward from a given deictic u_pulse-point: such that concepts are related only in so far as they push against one another: u_pulse chambers, clear reinforced plastic modules for flow reverberation containment, seeded throughout (0_0))."(00_00)(MONOGURUI: (ft CAPT.R.) (00_00) (00_00) 00. OOOOO. yumi(no)gosuto(-(CR(00))): (recorded on the C.A.M.) "(pulled in the residuals of the proto-phasm flow movements of the u_ejento: these modules were then to be used as a u_pulse source for (00_00)(ii) upon its completion): (fetish objects were produced for the capture of value: proto-phasm was flowing into YAMAUEREDA at velocities faster than could be pushed into productive capacity): (yumi(no)gosuto)." ((00)(00_) (00_00)(00) yueghuru(ii)(00_00)(the YUGHUR::PHANTOM)(ii): "(even with the massive works programs for development of the underground myghori_ch. cities .. offset op.-compounds, cyclostructure being massed up: they consisted of forms of misshapedd metal, small enough that they could be held, kept protectively in glass cases .. metal insets, for observation .. cultivation, .. ultimately melted down upon their closure)."(00_00)(MONOGURUI: (ft CAPT.R.) (00_00) (00_00) 00. OOOOO. yumi(no)gosuto(-(CR(00))): (recorded on the C.A.M.) "(ergodic volume was equated with differences in the quantity of u, as a sort of measurement of neg-information value (from equilibrium): all proto-phasm quantity value .. monadic reverberation values were converted to measurements of u_pulse, as a mirror image of information flow: goryos were thought of as placebo u_objects, pushing up phantom values .. overall mass while closing off on themselves: as this fleshy mass of synthetic protein formed, proto-phasm inverted mega-polders moved out of point-flux .. into u_pulse, flattening everything out further): ('it's very dark .. mysterious')."
(00_00)(ものぐるい: yagao_ueda(ii)(ii)((00))(00)(00) (00_00)(00) yagao_ueda(ii)((00_00)(00_00))(ii): "('for 、道徳的原則に基づいていないため、これらは、人類に資源を運ぶ行為であっても、人類のかなりの部分をそれを楽しむことから冷静に排除する可能性があります。その予測可能な実際の効果は、単なる観測記録として書き留めることが難しくなりました.彼らの努力は、計画の地上レベルの運用をもたらすために、山上田によって採用されました.約: ラッピングに最適で、すべての小さな膨らみを処理します.. 曲線.. 必要なゴムのような封じ込めが必要なだけです.与えられた「何もないギャップ」を特定できる範囲で、私は常にそれを磁束リミッターが停止した場所と考えていました。促されずに、1 トンの重さのヘアピースについて話し、ヘアを押しつぶすかのように、ヘアからヘアの頭を押し下げました。残差は、資本の反対方向に流れていた部分を表し、現在の時点から未来に向かって流れていた: したがって、剰余価値: 資本関係は、LTCM 内破のような状況で u_pulse: neg-u_pulse: の関係を反映していた、清算プロセス(または同様の状況でのより単純な実行)は、資本を後方に押し出し、剰余価値に変えます。これらの動きをシステム全体の損失または利益と呼ぶ慣習ほど誤解を招くものはありません。重要なのは、その動き..世界の経済経路を構成する流れの質量に対するそれらの影響です)」(00_00)(MONOGURUI: yagao_ueda(ii)(ii)((00 ))(00)(00) (00_00)(00) yagao_ueda (ii)((00_00)(00_00))(ii): 「(här 体が膨らみ、大きくなり、här の水着を押しているのを感じることができます: hä は、覚えている限り、誘惑に抵抗しなければなりませんでした。 här の体の内部に達する.. här の素手で här の内臓を引き抜く): (「何を、これらの合成物は冷静に除外することができますか?」誰かが繰り返した:「それはすでに見られた」と udoh(ii) を続けました。中断:「フーリエは人類の友人でしたが、根拠のない道徳原則により、人類の友人は、誇りに言及することなく、人類をむさぼり食う者です。なぜなら、これらの無数の慈善家の一人の虚栄心に触れてください..自尊心の仇を討てば、すぐに地球全体に火をつける準備が整うだろう: .. 実を言うと、私たちは多かれ少なかれそのようなものだ: 私は、おそらく、世界に最初に光を当てるかもしれない.燃料、..それから逃げる: しかし、繰り返しますが、それは問題ではありません'): (CERN は、これらの燃料をマッピングするためのより堅牢で体系的なアプローチを提供するように設計されましたryo フロー: 二重アイデンティティは、特定の CERN コンジット フローに一致するように構造化されました.. ツインのオンライン資本ポータル: 理論的には、この関係はより拡散していた可能性があります: 言い換えれば、一致した側面は次のように見なされました。必要な固定された機能ではなく、取り決めのさまざまな複雑さが検討されている間、構築のための一時的な構造である.これらの点の間の u_pulse スペースとして解釈されます。 ii)のアパート、yagao_ueda(i)(00_00)(ii))."(00_00)(モノグルイ: yagao_ueda(ii))((00))(00)(00_) (00_00)(00_00 ) yagao_ueda(ii)(00_00)(the UORUOP_PHANTOM)(ii): "(hä は 'här Honor härself' を見ることを主張しました: hä has a veひどい頭痛がしましたが、外に出ました: kufre_UOTO は、メッセージが与えられたときに存在することに成功しました: なんてこった、ハーの体の各部分から一度に奇形: 管状の成長: ハは自分自身をむさぼり食うことで終わると確信していた, här に対して呼吸を感じることができた幽霊として、härself に責任があると確信しました: här 体はおそらく他の誰かのものでした: här はそれを引き抜いた.. boemio スペシャルのために här に登り、här 0000 を här 0000 に後方に挿入しました.. その後、障害物を取り除くことなく、軸を中心に体を回転させて、親指を口に入れます。その後、2 つの小さなスラスト スラストが続きます。花模様、押し込まれます。ポップ ポップ: 二重構造は、特定のモノグルイ エージェントが資本を数年前の時点では、オンライン ポータルはデリバティブ市場と連携して再エントリ ポイントとして使用でき、CERN フローはマッピングを提供します。CERN は、少なくともこの時点では、ゴリョーゴーストの代わりに)."