MONOGURUI mini-coat: (RE(0000))



(00_00)(MONOGURUI: yueghuru(ii)(00_00)(ch.))(ii))((00))(00)(00) (00_00)(00) yueghuru(ii)(00_00)(ch.)((00_00)(00_00))(ii): "(then one could map out one's movements based on the convergences or divergences that follow: agricultural operations for the mhyaka developments were outsourced to farming polders on a co-integration basis, with terms ranging from 50 to 500 commutes: the longer term arrangements attempted to cultivate a partnership based integration, with the polders encouraged to expand into development projects for the broader whole .. with inducements to workforce accommodation mapping being put into place: a fair number of these agriculture corps gradually morphed themselves into proto-combines on this basis, .., of these, some were successful enough in their endeavors to branch out to large scale catallactic seeding .. mass works programs: the white cotton walls flutter quietly .. gather themselves up in places: a metal sink set into huge misformed ½-melted metal table over which multiple glass tabular insets radiate inward at close angles, latched .. hinged for access, containing vials of fluids: to the side of which a u_C.A.M. runs blue pink white patterns: all of this rushes into yueghuru(ii)(00_00)(ch.)'s cold still mind as a glimmering unreal image: (00_00)(00_00) (00_00)(00_00) (00_00)(00_00) (00_00)(00_00) (00_00)(00_00) (00_00)(00_00) (00_00)(00_00) (00_00)(00_00) (00_00)(00_00) (00_00)(00_00) (00_00)(00_00) (00_00)(00_00) (00_00)(00_00) (00_00)(00_00) (00_00)(00_00) (00_00)(00_00) (00_00)(00_00) (00_00)(00_00) (00_00)(00_00) (00_00)(00_00) (00_00)(00_00) (00_00)(00_00) (00_00)(00_00) (00_00)(00_00) (00_00)(00_00) (00_00)(00_00) (00_00)(00_00) (00_00)(00_00) (00_00)(00_00) (00_00)(00_00) (00_00)(00_00) (00_00)(00_00) (00_00)(00_00)): (these were the underlying fluxions floating around in the phase space of proto-phasm systems)."(00_00)(MONOGURUI: yueghuru(ii)(00_00)(ch.))(ii))((00))(00)(00) (00_00)(00) yueghuru(ii)(00_00)(ch.)((00_00)(00_00))(ii): "(channeled up into great sweeping functions of powerful convergences as convulsive potential residuals were removed inwardly via their own u_objects, in a mu-space which didn't really 'care' about the underlying eigenvalue or mapping: by (0_0) the YAMAUEREDA prototype had been distributed as mirrored copies throughout the phantom mega-commuting convergence, detaching itself from dependency on compound proto-phasm creation as the latter receded from its role as the independent driving force of interstellar mathematical monadism: what nobody saw coming was the speed with which these foldings .. interwoven patterns of minimally structured proto-phasm would unwind, .. in their disappearance leave bare the 00-ueghurama .. micro-actor reverberations reliant upon them: given the complex interdepedencies at play, .. all the puts .. outflow channels constructed for resilience .. proto-phasm flexibility, analysts at the time would have acknowledged the potential for unwinding but would have pegged the time frame on the scale of the couple of aeons that it took for it to build up, as opposed to the mere couple of commutes that in the event proved necessary: these flows incorporated by the u_ejento as routine operating protocol were reversed, pushed forward upstream into propagation for prototopian cyclostructure projects for the irrigation .. development of huge mass parks, greenbelts, reserve space, u_pulse collocation plants, .. massive mass greenhouses building hydro-culture into the protocols for op.-urban planning: again, the op.flux forces pulling backward, not as a systemic outlier probability but as an intrinsic underlying force pushing the system on an ongoing basis, was missing from the models, covered over by the countervailing forces of the u_ejento' activities)."(00_00)(MONOGURUI: yueghuru(ii)(00_00)(ch.))(ii))((00))(00)(00) (00_00)(00) yueghuru(ii)(00_00)(ch.)((00_00)(00_00))(ii): "(such that when this countervailing force was removed from the 'model' gravity in all its overpowering inevitability took hold): (it passes through the YAMAUEREDA hangar into a deep channel, a gray plastic .. metal humanoid mech, shielding running over each arm .. two large phasm-op. cylinders projecting from the shoulders: dark gray rubber binds the joints: the cycle of interpenetration suggested by dr.c. for putting together of the mech grids allows for a continuous flow of information to be imbibed .. generated outward by each op., but the suggestion that these u_flows themselves are in any way the consciousness of the mech being itself run up against constraints on the flows imposed by the u_matrices through which they are filtered: the shape of their plasticized contours, even if one could undress them of all material residue, would still hold a basic, recognizable component of their individuation as a formed entity: .. it is this immaterial, but conceptually definable occupation of space, which allows for the reflection of force-entanglements that make communication, in any real sense, possible: these mecha are both more than .. less than simple extensions or developments from onnagatomata: a kind of mind-body barrier or distinction does hold for them, in ways that would be impossible for an onnagatomaton, in which its bodily fluids .. operation of organs are interwoven with its consciousness as an un-filterable unity: for the mecha, on the contrary, their 'bodies' are merely a pass-through for monadic waves, as a convergence circle,or series of such circles, such that they can always at any point be abandoned, .., as such, could almost more accurately be referred to as vehicles for consciousness rather than embodied consciousness itself: given this perspective, they tend to direct a wry humor or insensibility to what they perceive as their cohorts' obsession with their bodies, or at times will even, more forcefully, suggest the possibilty of their violent possession of thoese bodies themselves, given an underlying understanding of bodies as objects cum commodities that one imposes ownership or mastery over: as the (00_u_iiii) mathematical compounds increasingly mirrored those of (00_00) 20 commutes earlier there was recognition that the *pulse introgression had taken on the role of foundation for the broader phasm-metric, to a large degree, having moved into the space vacated by compound consolidation: when structural u_ejento analyse stability they look to the joinings: this is where the physical pressures dispersed from the whole accumulate .. metastasize: the mountains were littered with proto-phasm unions folded into their hidden spaces, allowing u_ejento to disappear from view even as their grids unfolded over the lowlying urban spaces that housed the mathematical centers .. phasm spaces developing into the new uber-chrematist construct: concentrations were pulled inward .. then just as quickly pushed outward: control of the system as a whole became a less relevant concept for compound .. institutional purposes, replaced by the programs of insertion: for the phantom mega-commuting convergence that had inserted itself as the proto-phasm-generating force of the compound, (00-flux) represented the mechanism of joining: everyone was looking at everything but the mountain itself, the mega-giant force holding all of these proto-phasm concrescences together: u_op. was so big that it was invisible: it would be the failed 'compound' that shook the new order: this wasn't distortion it was metamorphosis, .. the hedonistic mouths feeding on its suck could look at those critics of its deformities as luddites because the proteins of their own bodies had become intertwined with it in a voluptuous cycle of growth .. succulent fertile overmass, their own flesh not merely touching but part of its moves .. formations)."(**)00. MONOGURUI (0000).(00_00)(* madhyamaka)(00_00)(MONOGURUI: yueghuru(ii))(00_00)(00)(00) (00_00)(00) yueghuru(ii)(00_00)(ch.)(00_00)((00_00)(00_00))(ii): "(counter-chrematistics: (df) the metamorphosis of stasis into proto-phasm .. its dispersion throughout the population: ((c/0*)*c): (u/0*): sv: hyper-madhyamaka): (every (00-flux) was mirrored by a goryo pulling in proto-phasm from a grotesque dark future which would be inverted, each as its own utopian micro-u_ejento base compound or platform for resonating proto-phasm dispersions more like chrematism, in its purest mathematical form, than any of the discursive fictional mini-fatherlands populating the (0_0): it's madnesss, the micro-actor control council was informed, in reports which would be repeated, 'it's madness', 'it's madness', 'it's madness', madness, madness… in reverberating metallic echo like the distilled super-ego's effort to retain control even as it recognized it as a cause long ago resigned to defeat or even meaninglessness: something else was at work: cyclostructure programs that were the complement of anti-cyclical point-form calibration disappeared, replaced by a regime of purely information-theoretic entropic constructs where (00-flux)-like proto-phasm instruments were formed by mass-interior utilities as mirrorings of proto-phasm doubled to back proto-phasm: cyclostructure growth continued, but at a pace dwarfed by an phasm-metric of information services .. distribution)." (yueghuru(ii)(00_00)(ch.)(00_00)(ii): "(df) the process of pulling the future into the present: pushing the present forward into the future: neg-u_pulse *production functions as contingent on a source of complementary u_pulse *production, .. the struggle .. competition .. complexity of biological systems function off of the limited neg-u_pulse resources available: m(0)phur-gap as driven by a measure of the (00_00)-accrual being completed, such that one was inundated with curvatures of proto-phasm flows: these could then be tied off in a variety of ways: each u_ejento had här particular preferences: for some it was a question of setting up flow-convergences, while others relied more on plane drift or re-filtering)."(00)(00) (00_00)(00) yueghuru(ii)(00_00)(ch.)(00_00)((00_00)(00_00))(ii): "(the end result was the same, proto-phasm units that could be configured to interact with one another in defined .. controlled ways)." (THE (0__)((00)(00_) (00_00)(00) yueghuru(ii)(00_00)(ch.)(00_00)(the YUGHUR::PHANTOM)(ii): "(at this point the u_ (00) removed from u_plots backed by u_op.s proto-phasm potential provided cover for the u_flows being pushed in by the YAMAUEREDA: every morphism was pistol stitched into multiple u_flow u_objects): (absolute cyclobolic tensions were built in as nodal points: you could invert these to set up a blow-up or growth function: polders served as the model for the system of u currents: what you're dealing with, at the end of the day, is the control of flows, whether those particular flows consist of water, or air, or u_pulse currents, or such: the plan of the YAMAUEREDA was to reverse the flow of proto-phasm: massive amounts of proto-phasm would be pulled in from the future, pumping it into both mass proto-phasm for cyclostructure projects, .. interior proto-phasm in the form of point-flux propagation injections via the U_CHROMA)." ((00)(00_) (00_00)(00) yueghuru(ii)(00_00)(ch.)(00_00)(the YUGHUR::PHANTOM)(ii): "((0) would be calibrated to pull proto-phasm back in to the yamaueredas in order to maintain cyclo-intension(c) within a wide band of 5 to 40 percent: cyclostructure projects would focus on the extension of canal systems into landlocked interiors .. the laying of cyclo-intensive channels: all kinds of weird bubbles could be expected to be formed: pushed in point-form projects whose return would be pushed off the froth of the (0) filter boundary band: in some ways it was to function like a malformed, blown up version of the u_form cycle, where the u_objects cell acts as a sort of holding basin or reservoir from which the community can draw proto-phasm 'attached' by interior pods)."(00)(00) (00_00)(00) yueghuru(ii)(00_00)(ch.)(00_00)((00_00)(00_00))(ii): "(ejento are held complacent in this scenario by the protection provided on their u_pulse collocations while proto-phasm pools for the dispersion of productive growth form around them)."


リウク..オクマンションの涼しげな白い廊下を歩いて..会話を再開する. oku は här のミニ ジャケットを捨てて、白と青の組み合わせを選びました.. här 上半身をしっかりと引っ張るピンクの模様のカシミヤの V ネックのスウェット.. riuku はタバコを吸います。
oku:はい、古い話があります。ある犯罪者が.. 言いようのない罪で王立裁判所の陪審員によって死刑を宣告され.. 頭を落とす任務は、この特定の山伏に割り当てられた.このやまぶしさん、ナイスガイですよね、現場のリアルで頼もしいですね。そのため、山伏は従者ハールと共に男を中庭に連れて行き、最後の一撃の前にハーは男に最後の発言の機会を提供します。男は静かに激怒している。 hä は悲鳴を上げ.. 暴言を吐き.. 山伏を絶賛.. här 従者は、hä が亡霊として戻ってきて、彼ら全員.. 彼らの家族.. 彼らの子孫を残りの時間悩ませるだろう..人が一つの仕事を心に抱えて死んだ場合、それを達成するために死から戻ってくることができるということはよく知られているので、山伏の従者はすべて順番に.. 見てください.お互いに恐怖。しかし、山伏は冷静に男に言います。 「そうそう、そうそう」と男は言います。 「うーん」と山伏は言います。 ." 「そうそう、そうそう、私は間違いなくそうするでしょう」と男は言います、「あなたが見るでしょう」.男は横になり..頭をブロックにのせます..山伏はそれを切り落とします。頭はすぐに石段に必要な 10 フィート飛び跳ねます.. それをかみます。実際には非常に固く、かなり深いへこみ跡が残ります.. 彼らは 5 人の男性でそれをこじ開けなければなりません.. 鉄の棒..山伏は刀をぬぐって従者に渡し、静かに立ち去る。よく訓練された従者は、同様の不屈の精神を示そうとしますが、真実が知られると、彼らは心からおびえます。 1週間後、彼らの1人が彼らのグループ全体を代表して山伏にやって来て、..一種の裾..タカ..彼らの懸念を山伏に伝えますが、山伏は彼らに心配することは何もないと説明します.犯罪者は、パンクの申し訳ない言い訳のようにだまされています。幽霊は、頭の中で執拗に死ぬという1つのタスクを達成するためだけに来ることができるからです。犯罪者の集中力はすべて、石段を噛むことだけに集中していた..したがって、復讐の考えからそらされた.
oku: どうやって知ったらいいの?いい話だと思っただけです。それはちょっと痛烈だと思いませんか?
riuku: いいけど、どうしたの?
oku: えーと、要は石段の噛みつきに執着して回ってはいけないということです。
.. 奥さんはとても満足そうに微笑んでいます。
りうくは悲しそうに見えますが、その角度からの詐欺をまったく考えたことがなかったように、物思いにふけっています。実を言うと、リュークはこの日よりも良い日々を送ってきたので、その予感は、ヘールのタバコが異常にひどい味であるという事実によって確認されます。 här の黒いフェイク レザー ジャケットは、「riuku奪還」という言葉が書かれた白い T シャツを部分的に覆っています。 hä はプールのことを考え始めます。もちろん、hä はこれまで 100 回はプールをやらないと誓いましたが、もちろん、hä はいつもプールに戻ってきます。最後の安全線がそこに浮かんでいます。本当にゆっくりと..平和です。
riuku: ロングアイランドシティに行ったことがありますか?
riuku: そのうち行くと思います。私はいつもそれを素敵な小さな場所として描いてきました。たぶんそこで数年過ごすかもしれません。プールのそばに座ってください。たわごと。この場所はめちゃくちゃです。
その点ではリュークは確かに正しい。アテンダントが引っ掛かって以来、アパートはここ数年で完全に荒廃しました.. 引っ越しました。ムキオは求人広告に交換の広告を出しましたが、これまでのところ、資格のある人は誰もそれに答えていません.. この時点で、彼はほとんどあきらめています.
riuku .. oku は、白い「462」のドアに侵入します。黒いブロック宅配便のレタリングで、「IF YOU ARE THE ICING: THEN I AM THE CAKE」と書かれています。
ムキオは、ピンクのミニカーネーション模様の白いパジャマを着た巨大な体、透明なプラスチック製の眼鏡、.. 1 つの弱いマンガンブルーの縞模様のストッキング、ぶんぶん頭.. 乱れた灰色のひげでミッドドレスを着ています。
ムキオ: くそったれ、私のくそくそストッキングはどこだ。
.. ムキオは部屋の中を飛び回り、白い壁がハールに迫り、ハールのストッキングを引っ張って.. ハーの目をじっと見つめた。彼女の唇はしつこく欲求不満の性質を維持しています。