

(00_00)(MONOGURUI: y_ueghuru(ii)(00_00)(ch.))(ii))((00))(00)(00) (00_00)(00) y_ueghuru(ii)(00_00)(ch.)((00_00)(00_00))(ii): "(on a cell monitor inset into the clear plastic wall of här work-unit to the left of här C.A.M. .. offset by two large crystalphonic installations): (the clear plastic curves push outward, reflecting the white hydrophonic light uncomfortably .. permeated with cold air dew-units which would invert from the pressure dynamics .. pop out): (each coupling was made of white plastic or metal with white rubber inset holds: as hä fondles a white metal capsule with black printed specs running up it vertically: u_pulse cyclo-densities are pulled into containment-units deep in the snowy::fields: water units are held in stasis for gravitational drops to force the hydraulic push to point-map the u_pulse units, pushing u_pulse either forward or backward)." 00. (00_00)(00)(MONOGURUI)(00_00)(00_00)(ii): "(over dimpled circle-pattern polymer-cem, like the printout from a failed formula: (00_00) looks out at the breaking morning: any call option on här future would have perfect volatiity built into it at this point: här possibilities .. hopes were perhaps in an inverted space close to but not actually touching här current one)." (00_00)(MONOGURUI: y_ueghuru(ii)(00_00)(ch.))(ii))((00))(00)(00) (00_00)(00) y_ueghuru(ii)(00_00)(ch.)((00_00)(00_00))(ii): "(.. här white multi-bumped equipage was hardly helping matters: each curve would move slightly in a direction other than one might reasonably expect it to, perhaps intentionally or perhaps in error, but certainly awkward regardless: white cotton-hybrid padded straps extend over här head .. converge on här face, tying off under above här upper lip: usually these were indeterminate to some degree: the question was frequently one of push/pull between regenerative forces .. internal binding)." ((00)(00_) (00_00)(00) y_ueghuru(ii)(00_00)(ch.)(00_00)(the YUGHUR::PHANTOM)(ii): "(this force operates as the engine for the (00_00)(ii): upstream flows for supersonic inflow/outflow conditions are controlled as a consequence of flow radius: here, the word 'consequence' was used, at times, somewhat loosely, with the word 'correlation' consistently being substituted in more formal contexts: flow functions were correlated to the speed .. volume of the hydraulic push: here the concept of interior vs. exterior u_pulse spaces was productive): (with exterior spaces referencing u_pulse-neutral flow fields, .. interior spaces applying to folds into expansive u_pulse regions: somehow the thought of the y_phantoms filled (00_00) with a feeling of ache .. disgust: hä knew that there were cases of urakuomori, in the process of u_pulse moves, being possessed by their future selves in a kind of distorted mirroring agglomeration of will .. volition): (y_ueghuru(ii)(00_00)(ch.), in white rubber shorts .. white rubber cap over 2-braided head, ran down the extended narrow corridor over the white plastic floor of the ship, enclosed on each side by clear plastic walls: periodically at given markers hä would stop .. fall to the ground for push-ups .. crunches, .. an extended routine of stretching, then pop back up to resume running, droplets of sweat dispersed collected into air vents for recycling: several times along här way hä stopped at hydro-culture units to tend to their growths, .. at u_point-matrix monitors hä would stop to take readings .. make adjustments to calibrations: at the end far end of the corridor before turning to run back the corridor strip in reverse hä stopped to gaze out the clear monitor wall looking out over the intense white lines of passing stars: hä almost whispered to himself, but pulled It in .. abruptly swiveled to push back into här explosive quick running pace .. pounded urgently down the opposite direction back toward .. past här small living unit packed into the corridor's center point: open regions were given over to management by various mini-communes on a contractual basis, usually somewhere along the lines of 50 commutes, though it varied: particularly in the mountains this period could range up to 200 commutes or more: ocean regions were less strictly bound .. modeled as flow regions with shared .. overlapping responsibilities between mini-commune operations groups: the * could most succinctly be defined as an event by the sheer drop of 20% in the monad-intensive point-flux compounds in (00) of (00_00), as propagation sources closed off following the (00) implosion: it was the effect of this gap that the various agencies .. institutions would struggle with various degrees of effectiveness to fill over the next couple of commutes)." 00. (00_00)(00)(MONOGURUI)(00_00)(00_00)(ii): "(the (00)'s white rubber unmoving body ruptured .. inert: cold .. almost weightless)." (00_00)(MONOGURUI: y_ueghuru(ii)(00_00)(ch.))(ii))((00))(00)(00) (00_00)(00) y_ueghuru(ii)(00_00)(ch.)((00_00)(00_00))(ii): "(the ghost is blown backward through u_pulse channels from the force of y_ueghuru(ii)(00_00)(ch.)'s emerging hebephrenic convulsions)." (THE (0__)((00)(00_) (00_00)(00) y_ueghuru(ii)(00_00)(ch.)(00_00)(the YUGHUR::PHANTOM)(ii): "(.. suspected that somehow in the course of här operation this had occurred to här): (how would one know, though, .. what difference would it make to här?: it was unclear what hä would do differently, faced with this knowledge for certain, one way or the other: field ejento held that low cyclo-intension would not hurt .. perhaps would even have positive effects on the u_pulse phase-dispersion, but reconciling this to the evidence required two fundamental, .. questionable, leaps: first, one must resort to psychology to explain correspondences between invisible contraction .. expansion with the contraction .. expansion of monadic reverberation, inserting into your equations a mysterious coefficient of 'forward' vs. 'vertical' moves: but the mind of ugartë is inherently mysterious enough that the insertion of such dark, .. unknowable forces could matrix-filter for any outcome, ex post): (it is by the generation of neg-u_pulse that sentient beings push their way forward through time .. it is by the failure to do so that we come to our end .. are pulled back to the white calm of u_pulse equilibrium: thus objects that we encounter in the (*)region around us appear to increase in u_pulse, relatively)."(00_00)(MONOGURUI: y_ueghuru(ii)(00_00)(ch.))(ii))((00))(00)(00) (00_00)(00) y_ueghuru(ii)(00_00)(ch.)((00_00)(00_00))(ii): "(as we move away from them: *-goryo or such: primitive u_ejento used strings with beads as counters to monitor their movements through u_pulse space, as a kind of point based sequential mapping: u powers were thought to be imbued in these white polished ceramic beads themselves: gravity then is the pull of u_pulse (0), .. our moves against it form a reverberation that attains a momentum of itself, .. sometimes this momentum in turn becomes a sentient creature, invisible .. huge moving through us without us knowing it: a small sect of u_ejento were able to recognize these creatures in our midst .. communicate with them, .. at times were able to cultivate generative processes of massive force through the reining in of their powers in specific instances)." 00. (00_00)(00)(MONOGURUI)(00_00)(00_00)(ii): "(the change in momentum of the system is (0), .. the momentum before impact must equal the momentum after impact, in which case the impulse during relaxation is less than the impulse during compression: for central impact we let this ratio be u, the coefficient of restitution): (everything was turning to some kind of frozen ameliorated disturbance: it pounded from one end of my head to another in reverberation: of course it was: it was blunt force at its most dumb: this person will do this, this person will do that, probably: rather than assemblages of multitudes .. a sense in which they could be dealt with, from an analytic point of view, as subversive creatures moving just beneath the coded surface: to the extent that they could be described as engaged in the process of 'undercoding', pushing shifts in the ground in invisible but disruptive ways)."


mieko はマイクに向かって遠吠えし、引き裂かれた不信感を込めてマイクに投資します.. 郊外の土地の家の力に対する後悔。 här 黒い半巻き毛が här の上に壮大に突き出ている (この物語は知的洗練へのカットの前に行われている) .. här コミカルな可愛さが聴衆を征服する .. mickey .. minnie mouse が goofy と戦う .. 冥王星の相続をめぐって 地球。 claas .. unger 立って聴衆を見ている、 unger in här キャプテンのピーコート .. här 髪は mieko の髪に合わせて .. claas は灰色のコート、灰色のネクタイ、.. 灰色のショートパンツ.
クラース:あなたが名声を求めていたのか、それとも他の何かを求めていたのか、私にはわかりませんでした。 駐在員があなたのことを話してくれました。 極秘にすれば会えるって言ってたよ。 あなたが隠れていたアップタウンのガレージに連れて行ってくれました..あなたはあなたの哀れな小さな神のようなアイコンの世話をしていました..私たちはお茶を飲みました. 数日前にガレージを見に行きました。 現在は倉庫として使用されているようですが、年内にはペースビルの拡張計画の東棟に全面改装される予定です。 抗議は大声で叫んだ。
unger: 私は 1945 年 5 月にそこに到着し、1949 年まで滞在しました。 私はあなたに写真を見せましたか? 私は本当に時間が必要です。 それはすべて文書化されており、私を怖がらせ..屈辱を与え、想像上のプライドを押しのけます。
クラース: それは研究センターの前で起こった- 私が出てきたとき..- 周りを見たら.. 全部変わっていた- ああ.. 嫌だった. go-to-hell」それについて.. 私は完全な反論のすべてで私の拳を優雅に振ったことさえ覚えています.. 完全な反論。 .. それはとてもうんざりしているように見えました.. それがそこで起こるのは当たり前のことです. なんてこった、クソ騒ぎ、この忌まわしき街の忌まわしき騒ぎ。 私は去っただろう。 だから、あなたは私のネクタイが本当に好きです..あなたはそれを言っているだけではないので、私はあなたの誇大妄想的な気まぐれに屈しますか
クラースは首を不思議そうに巻き上げながら、正確な手付かずの指でグレーのネクタイの端を調べます。 白いペットはステージ上で神経質に歩き回り、次のセットに当惑しながら準備をします。
unger: いいえ、いいえ、まったくありません。 それはあなたにきれいです、私はそれが好きです。
クラースは自分自身にも関わらず微笑む..老朽化した壁のメッセージを熱心に読もうとする. 音楽はそれに合わせてすべてを振動させます。 2人の共謀者は、シーンを調査している後ろの隅でちょっと離れています。
claas: わかりました、私から何が必要ですか?
unger: つながりがあります。 耳を地面に向けてください。 取るに足らないことを聞いたら、すぐに宮部に報告してください。 しかし、何か大きなことが起こった場合、実際に作戦を成功させたり壊したりする可能性のある何かが発生した場合は、私のところに来てください..それは私たち自身の問題になります.
claas: なぜすべての秘密.. 静寂? あなたはあなたの場所で私にこれを尋ねることができたでしょう。
unger: ええ、多分あなたは正しいです。 なんだか緊張します。 プロットを見始めています..どこでもダブルクロス。
クラース:気づいた。 あなたはちょっとびくびくしているようです。 それはあなたのようではありません。

ケルンの新しい郊外の奥地シーンにある静かな小さな庭で、ミスアンシーンを再開します。 ピンクのケシ色の明るい水色のエンドレアディダスのカシミアのVネックセーターは、ドーラの周りに腕を巻いて立っています。 här ショート グレーのポケット ショーツは、här をやや子供っぽく見せます.. här は黒のフェイク レザー サンダルを履いています. ドーラは腕を組み、白い服を着た身体を横切って立ち、かつての華麗なバレリーナのように見えます.. 髪は頭の上にきつく結ばれて形が崩れています. ポピーは、手入れの行き届いた小さな区画で、そのすぐ後ろで成長するために最善を尽くしています. アンガーは大胆な黒いプラスチック製の円形のサングラスをかけて、円形の傘で飾られたテーブルに座って、ボトル入りのコカコーラを飲みます.. 代わりにただそこに座っているライムを食べていたらよかったのに.
endre: rubrus aldus、ベイビー。 私はそれをすべて理解したとあなたに言いました。 あなたは私に任せてください。 一年後には、この庭はすべての隣人の羨望の的になるでしょう。 安心してください。
dora: そうじゃないなら誰のせい? 私たちはできる限りのことをします。 果物は予測不可能です。 それを聞く? 鳥の鳴き声ですか?

MONOGURUI PUBLICATIONS seeks fiction related to math, economics, machines, conceptual fashion, utopia:dystopia, .. the future, for print-on-demand publication.

Submit completed works to:
[email protected]

(* as always the world ends in haute couture *): (0)(0)