(yumi)(no)(MONOGURUI)(ii): (YUMI(NO)GOSUTO vs. YUEGHURU(ii))(i:ii):(522)



Pocket Book (4.25 x 6.875 in / 108 x 175 mm), Standard Black & White, 60# White, Paperback, Glossy Cover

(00_00) (00_00) 00. OOOOO. yueghuru(-(CR(00))): (recorded on the C.A.M.) "(00) här oh-so-carbonaceous 5-circled hair: 1 raised eyebrow for a moment: big round eyes: the clear rubber black-outlined (00): at first hä suspected some kind of counterfeit on ueghuruomo_ueda(ii)'s part but further investigation by K.-Mitsu was able to demonstrate something more mysterious at play: there did appear, in fact, to be multiple ueghuruomo_ueda(ii)'s, 4 or 5 perhaps, committing clearly recorded actions for any given moment during a certain range: oh-so-carbonaceous black mini-bundled hair atop 5 mini-protrusions: clear rubber 6-bumped bodysuit equipage w: clear rubber mask over 5-mini-protrusioned head: oh-so-carbonaceous black hair: big round eyes: the implementation of chöd-designed ghosts, .. careful cultivation .. repairs by the YAMABUSHI: .. so K.-Mitsu was charged by dr.c. with discovering the means .. whereabouts of the M.E.V." (00_00) (00_00) 00. OOOOO. yueghuru(-(CR(00))): (recorded on the C.A.M.) "monogurui fake fur hat (THE SHORTNESS OF THEIR PETALS .. THE WIND!) (50.00): ueghuruomo_ueda(ii) felt like there was no possible way that the tea in that white porcelain cup (abstract decorative pattern) might ever make it to här lips: but here it was: so far away: the ache for the tea filled här bowels: .. här huge 0000ing lips: ueghuruomo_ueda(ii) felt like hä was being pounded from behind by the slow movement of the day: weak permanent blue semi-opaque circles outline each of the clear plastic balls of the headpiece: pressure-pt. tubular injections: anti-chöd armor: selecter-pt.: as if nothing was happening at such a momentum-driven rate that it had in fact turned backwards: clear rubber bodysuit w: black outline:markings: clear rubber (00): 5-mini-protrusioned head stubs of oh-so-carbonaceous black hair: clear rubber high-up ankle meeting pt. w: black outline clear (00): black rubber slippers." (00_00) (00_00) 00. OOOOO. yueghuru(-(CR(00))): (recorded on the C.A.M.) "(00) .. hä .. phuma:head were now moving backwards in time toward the point where their lips had grazed each others' cheeks as ueghuruomo_ueda(ii) entered the white room: or perhaps further: ueghuruomo_ueda(ii) could swear hä could physically feel the oh-so-carbonaceous black whiskers pulling back into här face: ohrg….: in such a way that new points are produced or reproduced: YAMABUSHI were charged with maintaining a discipline of providing provisions for the future within the framework of their repairs: clear polymeratomic anti-chöd armor over här (00_00) bruised-up hard:soft body white short-shorts w: black discs: weak prmbr patterns over mask:head-piece 13-circled: maintaining a balance between adjustments pertinent to the immediate repair vs. considerations for future developments: yumi(no)gosuto, in particular, pushed for this: yamaoroshi." 0136 (00_00) (00_00) 00. OOOOO. yueghuru(-(CR(00))): (recorded on the C.A.M.) "(00) hä'd always much rather butt head-on with more or less any point of consideration: this would be, these gaps, what is referred to generically as the whiteness: caesura|lacuna were equated with copula: conflict: certain aesthetic developments .. the disappearances so we set about to exterminate all the the yu-Hsieh, meanwhile,: its implementation was configured so as to turn frequencies .. resonances into static material entities: the future can wait: rotomotor: the abstract pattern reminded ueghuruomo_ueda(ii) of a repair: worked on this morning: hair pulled into 5 mini-bundles on här 5-mini-protrusioned head beneath tight clear rubber mask: darkened eye: black-stubbled face behind clear rubber mask: black outline:markings run up (-CR)(00)'s clear rubber 6-bumped bodysuit." (00_00) (00_00) 00. OOOOO. yueghuru(-(CR(00))): (recorded on the C.A.M.) "(00) w: massive gray clouds forming:massing overhead wind turbulent super-strong every direction: broken o.-filters: making it so that placement was a matter of forcefulness or potentiality configured against any one point or multiplicity of points, where the potential for 0-state or equilibrium rested on a kind of fake mathematical stasis, a framing putting the calculations into one given mini-framework which was of course then artificial: there's lies, (0_0) lies, .. context: ueghuruomo_ueda(ii) in plastic clear plastic bulbous armor w: huge clear plastic circular misformations, large black-09 on rt.-circled breast: RKUCH this-.: ueghuruomo_ueda(ii) in white rubber short-shorts: clear plastic black-outlined mask: ueghuruomo_ueda(ii) in clear plastic armor attached to clear plastic chair white straps: bindings: we were to throw (0000) (0000)?" (00_00) (00_00) 00. OOOOO.)." yueghuru(-(CR(00))): (recorded on the C.A.M.) "((00))(00)(00) (rather than an equilibrium space between the forces of autarchy .. communism, the defining probablistic marker of capitalism being the u_pulse coefficient as it was pushed/pulled forward/backward by u_pulse forces, nor did hä recognize the slow regression of this process following (00_00) pulling back inward, or the failure of an u_pulse curve regime (implicit or otherwise) to capture its core properties, or the management of curves as opposed to rigid quantities as a possible course countering the ‘mysterious’ distortions of the dr.c. regime, nor the basic observational behavior of the system as reverb .. u_pulse growth expanded in response to dr.c.’s high level hyper-inversion of the residual curve only to counter-intuitively recede in response to dr. p.’s micro-interiorization processes’ opening of it back outward in rapid but brief concentric force: the record ignores the invisible forces working beneath the surface: the winter ghost took on the role vacated by (00_00) but in expanded form, with the mega-powers contained by the goryos pushed for the amplification of reverb .. uncertainty associated with u_pulse expansion via the monadic regions, as the synthetic u_pulse space became the kind of futuristic rubbery overflow basin for the injection of all matter of chiasma fluids, (00_00)ed by u_flow puts ensuring vigorous bouncebacks, not quite the monotonic perversion grasped at by utopian theorists, but a volatile reigning in of forces poised to overcome all bounds, hypertrophy, or the ultimate implosion of u_pulse .. the inversion of the organs of the rentier body in throbbing convulsive distortion): (hä fondles a white metal capsule with black printed specs running up it vertically: it reverberates slightly against the cold wind: _ metal protrusion-stubs come up from the inset black plastic surface closing it off): ((00) phuma:head: '- excessive prettinesses from the world.' the warm .. clammy point of här eyes had a bored distracted aspect, .. from it I could feel the plastic wonderment of the moving-on)." ((00))((00)(00_) (00)(00_00)_yamegu(r)u_ueda(ghost)(ii): "(one by one hä drops capsules into their units in här pack, picking each one off the ground circumspectly, as if curious: (ugartë)): (.. its reverb in a temporal space defined by projections into the future .. the past as a function of probabilistic u_pulse forces, with monadic currents as a measure of these forces on u: analysis filtered out different units of convergence associated with uncertainty/expansion groupings: hyper-commodification, at the micro .. interior level, formed its own gravitational pull for the imitation-array op. based on a monadic control based explicitly on a mode of re-grounding as pushback against the floating of u_pulse forces, forces which had pushed the equilibrium of forces radiated in u_pulse from that of a property basis to that of u-prototopia constructs: the motivation for this process as one of undermining the u-prototopia state was never hidden, but operated out in plain sight as an openly stated goal: the property-based classes of society came, at this time period, to understand a marxist-type construct of monadic forces as a balance of interests across wide swaths of both temporal .. spatial dimensions, with topological flows of convergent pressures from accumulation pushing directly up against those that in a (00_00) framework would be referred to as the decoding/recoding process driving capitalism to remap previously claimed autarchic spaces, as a system, not of additive algebra, but of the kind of flux spaces associated with the converging flows of differentials: if counter-economists came to the recognition that distribution of u_pulse functioned as a ratio between the value of u_pulse .. the value of production in the aftermath of the implosion, entrenched operatives had already launched their efforts from this understanding at its onset/development period: the concept of controlling the relationship between r .. g was built into any mathematical formula for the implementation of control during this period): (6 bumps of här clear rubber bodysuit decorated by 6 black bold circles: rubber-formed: här oh-so-carbonaceous 5-circled hair: 1 raised eyebrow for a moment: big round eyes: the clear rubber black-outlined (00): or maybe not: intended to occur in a program of 5 stages, marked by the bringing: by intensional objects I refer to material/non-material objects which are constructed with intensional motivations as primary vs.: bundled up in a white fake fur coat: monog: everything began when the mathematicians began to process theorems as pictures: migratoriopolis: u_chrema sportschuhfabrik: u_chrema proves to be the performance-wear of choice in every copossible: ueghuruomo_ueda(ii) is subjected to a gag-mask." (00_00) (00_00) 00. OOOOO. yueghuru(-(CR(00))): (recorded on the C.A.M.) "monogurui rubber mask (IRRIDESCENT) (80.00): over här big lips: open-gapped but mouth-constraints: closed-mouth: discourse on the flutter of course-deviations via the overlap of monadic channel wake-residue: 5 mini-protrusions from här close-cropped head .. a mini-C.A.M.: (-CR)(00)'s cold numb lips quiver vibrantly behind the clear rubber mask: black rubber gloved hands in stillness: over 5-mini-protrusioned head oh-so-carbonaceous black hair: clear rubber bindings up här sore tired legs: nothing could be more minute but certain mathematicians find it important for mappings to take into account: Y. in particular refines viewpoints on this consideration periodically: hä notes that with flutter taken into consideration monadic channels can no longer be dealt with properly as lines of force, but rather as matrice-pop series, meaning they exhibit a high percentage of line-properties." 0140 (00_00) (00_00) 00. OOOOO. yueghuru(-(CR(00))): (recorded on the C.A.M.) "(00) so much white polymer-cem .. snow-falling up (0000)-quietude: or (0000) (0000): what kind of relations between intensional objects get subsumed by that gray mass of contingent structuring?: (0448) if the rotator-projector (1) is constructed in a space of rotating non-grounded near-rt. angles then how can we compare this use of space to that of a field mapping in such a way that 'throws out' given differences of entry-point configuration vs. performance-reaction: (0000) (0000): (0000) (0000): (0000) (0000): (0000) (0000): (0000) (0000): (0000) (0000): (0000) (0000): (0000) (0000): (0000) (0000): (0000) (0000): (0000) (0000): (0560) (0000) (0000):: semi-opaque (00) with white abstract pattern: but are in their root sequences behaving under different influences: ueghuruomo_ueda(ii) was known for a predilection for 5-pt. .. 8-pt. constructions."

(00_00) (00_00) 00。 yamegu(r)u(-(CR(00))): (C.A.M. に記録) 「モナディック phideyuki を介してゲームに参加しました: 'The Maenads のプログラムは構成主義であり、いくつかの逸脱したプロパティ パターンを開発しました。その純粋な表現力は..すぐに真の構成として数学者のランクを上げました. それはすぐに学校全体の素早い思考者を生み出しました. 彼は、Cholinolyticsの中心的な前提評価を中心に展開するCholinolyticsでキャリアを築きました.光学..情報理論.しかし、これらの敵対的な信者の誰も、メナドスの独特の強さに匹敵することができませんでした。 hä は透明なプラスチック/磁器製の大きな椅子装置に座っています/ じっと見つめています.. 周りを見回しています/ 13 個の円形のヘッドピース/ här (00_00) の上に透明なポリマー原子アンチコード アーマーをかぶっています。ボタン/マスク上の弱いprmbrパターン/ヘッドピース13-circled." (00_00) (00_00) 00。 yamegu(r)u(-(CR(00))): (C.A.M. に記録) "(00) ああ、とても炭素質の黒い無精ひげの顔大きな目 5 つの丸い髪 透明なプラスチックの下: 透明なプラスチック製のフィギュア w/金属カップリングの椅子装置に接続された6つの歪んだ抽象的な透明なプラスチック突起/「十分にランダムなイベントを予測できるのは、常に白いセメントであるとは限りません.」やまぶしの装備品、太字で、0000ing-tricious (O) (O) Os を横切るメタル ファイリング ホワイトの här 胸に黒、黒のアウトライン/マーキング här クリア ラバー 6 バンプ ボディスーツ w/ クリア ラバー マスク/ (-CR)(00) ゆっくりと唇を動かす/白い雪の斑点-胸が張り裂けるような寒さで息をするのにわずかに苦労する/透明な山伏ゴム 6 バンプ付きボディスーツ、黒いマーキング/「I」.. 赤いパーマネント赤のキャビネット モック här は、hä が取るように迅速かつノイズなしで」 0960 (00_00) (00_00) 00。 yamegu(r)u(-(CR(00))): (C.A.M. に記録) 「(00) は残念なことに、白いプラスチックのキャリング ケースに入っていることを発見しました/彼が作成しようとしていたすべてのメッセージから保護されていました- . 弱い恒久的な青い半不透明な円は、頭飾り/圧力ポイントの透明なプラスチック ボールのそれぞれの輪郭を描いています. 管状の注射: アンチ チョード アーマー: セレクター ポイント: dr. m. -それを要素に実行する/ här透明なゴム製マスクがhär頭をしっかりと制限する/大きな丸い目/(-CR)(00)/すぼめられた麻痺したひび割れた唇/疲れた寒くて燃えるような目は、här 2つの球根状の胸/白いU_myamaka/エアロピットゥーラ / 汚い心 / 空腹 - トリック. (-CR)(00) の透明なゴム製マスクの後ろの黒い無精ひげの顔 / ゆがんだうめき声 / 口を開けて / 空腹 / (-CR)(00) の目を丸く /黒のアウトライン/マーキング '-CR' .. クリア ラバー YAMABUSHI 装備、mini-C.A.M. に対する adidas ロゴ(00_00) (00_00) 00。 yamegu(r)u(-(CR(00))): (C.A.M.に記録) "(00) どういうわけか私は白い鉄柵の甲板の偽の毛皮の雪のボンネット/ The 5 Agents/ insp. x. / yameghuru_uereda(ii)/ The de(00000000). 取り返しのつかないことに、グループは yameghuru_uereda(ii) の周りに集まります (黒い丸いボタンが付いた白いショートパンツを除いて裸で、非現実的で、ハードな努力に挑戦します白いゴム製のマスクが här にマージされます)血で頭を吹き飛ばし、内側から (O) (O) O を支配し、その間に肉を吐き出す)/ Dr. P., P.III, Capt. (0)., Dr. I., P. VI は、(00)(00) (00) (00)(00) (00) (00)(00) (00) O insp. x.、U.-司令官 I.、P.IX./ に(00) の空虚な静けさは聞こえず、気付かれず、無人になる. insp. x./ 3 つの太い弱いスーパーレッドの半不透明な線がマスクの表面に収束する/ 弱い恒久的な青い半不透明な円がそれぞれのクリアの輪郭を描いているヘッドピースのプラスチック ボール/13 の円/半不透明なプラスチックは、体の輪郭にフィットします/adidas/マルチフォーム/ホワイト ルーム/クワイエット/ディスタント." (00_00) (00_00) 00。 yamegu(r)u(-(CR(00))): (C.A.M. に記録) "yameguuru_uereda(ii)(0) は 0000ing の難破船、½ 僧侶 ½ 傭兵、口から垂れ下がった唇、ユーモラスに考案された絶望で、尋問室の白い壁を代弁的に突き刺し、彼に続く架空のハエに唾を吐きます. yameghuru_uereda(ii) プラスチック製の透明なプラスチック製の球根状の鎧を着ており、巨大な透明なプラスチック製の円形の奇形があり、rt.-circled に大きな黒-09 があります。乳房/ RKUCH this-./ yameghuru_uereda(ii) in white rubra short-shorts/ clear plastic black-outlined mask/ yameghuru_uereda(ii) in clear plastic arm attached to clear plastic chair white straps/ bindings/ (* もしあれば、気にしないでください..あまり怒らないでください, しかし、私はこの報告を中断して告白したいと思います. 以前、これは事実上怪談ではないと言ったとき、私は少し誤解を招いていました. . それは怪談です. 非常に.. うっとりとそうです. *) 地上から. iv) ベータ版 v) 京都. P.博士:ポンハーの唇。」