MONOGURUI mini-coat: (DVOUR)
00. OOOOO. yamegu(r)u(-(CR(00))): (recorded on the C.A.M.) "u.-P.: 'Come closer.' white snow/ 3 bold weak super-red semi-opaque lines converge on the face of the mask/ w/ my yameghuru_uereda(ii): (thru the C.A.M.) 'I am awake now, phideyuki. Everything is so clear. It could be more horrible than this. yameghuru_uereda(ii)/ The Institute of The Defense/ här virulent powers/ likea 0000ing baby/ OK/ dr. m. vs. We are at peace, but we do not know it. It is clear to me clear helmet attached to här head w/ 5 stubs/ yameghuru_uereda(ii)’/ yameghuru_uereda(ii): '(00)(00) (00) (00)(00) (00) (O) (O) now.'/ the air is still between them/ qingbai oh-so-blue/ brightness/ the clear polymeratomic chair/ expectation/ (00)(00) (00) (00)(00) (00) (00)(00) (00) (O) (O) (O) The white room/ yameghuru_uereda(ii)/ the clear polymeratomic silence/ w/ barely extant black hair/ yameghuru_uereda(ii) .. C. walk down a deserted city street, dr. m. w/ all the patience in the world: the world changes. dr. m.'s armor is always white. Always white." 00. OOOOO. yamegu(r)u(-(CR(00))): (recorded on the C.A.M.) "(00) each square white walls surround them blankly at all turns. puts här black rubber mini-gloved hand to här lips/ här clear rubber mask restricts här head tightly/ big round eyes/ (-CR)(00)/ pursed numb chapped lips/ yameghuru_uereda(ii): 'Oh insp. x. Why did you-?'/ dr. m. in här mini-m. of plastic carries meaning for him. this square yameghuru_uereda(ii) in black .. white vertically striped artificial dr. m. body (the imitation dr. m.) had become meant professional behavior in the most dire of circumstances. knickerbockers .. white .. black YAMABUSHI equipage. (will (have) become) too bored for här own ingenuities/ this square meant monadical .. well-considered. this yameghuru_uereda(ii) has made out for each of them a miniature perfect plastic spastic kitchen peacefulness/ hä square meant piercingly intelligent. the meaning of one's decorated bottle Weak Brilliant Pink pattern on white considered this a victory: (00) cobalt_blue stripe circle around each armpit/ gushamoto. gushamoto. gushamoto. gushamoto. process of body manipulation (crash). Return to the permanent red portrait pink: it tends to move minutely time before the existence of the ghosts/ frozen- black 'A.' in middle of chest/ yameghuru_uereda(ii): 'I've always gushamoto. gushamoto. gushamoto. gushamoto. physical body from behind, acting, the becoming of behind the lt. eye. grinned/ stupefied/ w/ wonder/ Mega-Akasha: wanted to visit. Was it so glorious?'/ C: 'Not so gushamoto. gushamoto boom boom boom boom boom. analogue forms, the future.’: yameghuru_uereda(ii) in clear plastic obstructs nothing, pervades everything w/ much as you would hope for . black outlines/markings här clear rubber 6-bumped bodysuit w/ clear rubber mask/ (-CR)(00) moves här lips slowly: (00) flecked with white snow- struggling slightly to breathe against the heart-breaking cold/ clear YAMABUSHI equipage rubber 6-bumped bodysuit w/ black markings/ Monadic Wave 05. Monadic Wave 06. shows that an infinite quantity of (OOOOOO) misinterpretation of this event, disclosures which Monadic Wave 00. Monadic Wave 08. Monadic Wave 09. (representing the rational numbers) may be placed will not be forthcoming. Had (00)? been preparing Monadic Wave 010. Monadic Wave 011. for this all along? I must arrange a visit w/ him. The Monadic Wave 012. Monadic Wave 013. 5 mini-protrusions from här close-cropped head .. a mini-C.A.M./ (-CR)(00)'s cold numb lips quiver vibrantly behind the clear rubber mask/ black rubber gloved hands in stillness/ over 5-mini-protrusioned head oh-so-carbonaceous black hair/ clear rubber bindings up här sore tired legs/ where do we go now?: monogurui white rubber gloves (JUST DO IT) (50.00): but hä never breathed a word of här awareness to yameghuru_uereda(ii) .. this became known to him only much later: I had always struggled to form collections which would be easily useable to other YAMABUSHI, prioritizing multiple entry-points with unused connectors: .. so later when I went back to rig formation-riders on the work I had done previously there was a certain ironic convenience to it, as if I had planned for the undermining of my own constructions from the start, or something: the impact of migration: of my opening moves: 00_(00): formed .. put into effect after the War of the Monads by the Hachibushu: hä wears tight rubber black gloves: carefully adjusting the mechanism for refined calibration of the monadic waves: här face is calmly defiant: proud behind the clear rubber mask: clear rubber (00) up to här knees: (-CR)(00) moves här numb chapped-lip mouth awkwardly: black rubber adidas slippers: managers of the monadic currents: du ka: the monadic currents being merely but decisively a coherent mathematical fiction: hair pulled into 5 mini-bundles on här 5-mini-protrusioned head beneath tight clear rubber mask: darkened eye: black-stubbled face behind clear rubber mask: black outline:markings run up (-CR)(00)'s clear rubber 6-bumped bodysuit: w: massive gray clouds forming:massing overhead wind turbulent super-strong every direction: the 00_(00) was devised with the intent of methodically pursuing universal implosion, to cut off/ cut thru: its theoretical basis was to cut away the false concept of ego by trimming away uglification by combined means of monadic currents: it was all so 0000ing flat: perma-flat: informant: (00) weak permanent blue semi-opaque circles outline each of the clear plastic balls of the headpiece/(-CR)(00)'s black-stubbled face behind clear rubber mask/ contorted groaning/ mouth open/ hungry/ (-CR)(00)'s eyes round/ black outline/markings ‘-CR’ .. adidas logo against här clear rubber YAMABUSHI equipage, mini-C.A.M./ the clear plastic armor surrounds him in circular formations/ clear plastic mask 13-circled/ yameghuru_uereda(ii)'s body semi-apparent beneath the clear plastic multi-bulbous armor/ adidas 3-figured logo in black just above rt. hip/ (00)(00) (00) (00)(00) (00) (O) (O) (O) couple of to him. phideyuki: '20 years.’: yameghuru_uereda(ii)/ The Winter Ghost: 'The 2-Headed Ghost Maenads' unique intensity: insp. x./ yameghuru_uereda(ii)/ : fearful I once considered residing there myself, but it would in the white chair frames här black hair in exaggerated weak permanent blue semi-opaque circles: (00) outline each of the clear plastic balls of the headpiece/ pressure-pt. tubular injections: anti-chöd armor: selecter-pt.: (00)(00) (00) (00)(00) (00) O/ (0/_) (00)(00) (00). be a bit small .. restrictive for me. contrast bold dark outline .. hä stares w/out resonance at (00) .. dark glowering eyes fixed at the white wall m(00): '(00)(00) (00) (00)(00) (00) (00)(00) (00) (MIMODRAMA.)’ touched här movement but the polymeratomic mechanical chair in a white room/ the opposite yameghuru_uereda(ii): ‘(00)(00) (00) (00)(00) (00) (00)(00) (00) (00)(00) (00) (00)(00) (00) (00)(00) (00) (O) (O) O O.’ yameghuru_uereda(ii) pulls the wires tight/ (00)(00) (00) (00)(00) (00)?'/ phideyuki: '(O) (O) combined generative force of the shoulder making chair's resolute brilliance/ wailing/ dobu-dobu: här white white snow flurries around him/ phideyuki. hä, (00)(00) (00) (00)(00) (00) (00)(00) (00) (O) (O) my absence.’: C.: 'Ganbare-yo.'/ yameghuru_uereda(ii): even to space, w/ difficult forms or dimensions/ it is on a tongue. What it was, exactly, was too subtle for words, .. 'The P.14 Meter. 1) Pure hierarchical methods impose clear to me that effective mathematical design becomes must be absorbed over time. These dictates hä's pounded into a taxonomical structure on the data, which is more harder/ but I have to continue, I don't believe I have achieved my head. Bang bang. .. cadmium red blood stains against the characteristic of biological .. social science data all I can yet/ sweet sweet cupcakes/ un-worthwhile by white walls. phideyuki. Här weak indigo hair against the white than of satellite data. 2) Pure hierarchical methods this time or the previous/ inner metal mechanisms floor. It's all very surprising. What it tells me is that instinctive are not appropriate for complex data: 3) Pure hierarchical held gracefully w/in it gather the feeble vibrations behaviors can be specified by genetic programs just like methods are more appropriate for data to be partitioned./ to their gears/ wires/ rivets/ The de(OOOOOOOO)'s morphological development. The result is clean .. compelling, (00)(00) (00) (00)(00) (00) (00)(00) (00) (00)(00) (00) wounded eyes behind clear plastic goggles/ yameghuru_uereda(ii)/ The after all. It just happened. (00)(00) (00) (00)(00) (00) (00)(00) (00) (00)(00) (00) de(OOOOOOOO) w/ barely extant black hair beneath clear clear polymeratomic anti-chöd armor over här (00_00) bruised-up hard/soft body white short-shorts w/ black buttons/ weak prmbr patterns over mask/head-piece 13-circled/ oh-so-carbonaceous black-stubbled face big eyes 5-circled hair beneath clear plastic: (00)(00) (00) (00)(00) (00) (00)(00) (00) (00)(00) (00) (O) (O) O O. rubber mask: (00) …determining how much of it hä knew in advance .. lt. hand/ pushing här arm up against här white …how much, in fact, came as a surprise to him. What equipaged body/ big eyes into the whiteness behind is hä getting at? Perhaps hä feels the issue must be rubber mask/ Yarbois: 'Machines always frightened pushed .. I will not, if I can manage to avoid it, be the här though.' (00)(00) (00)(00) (00)/ (00)(00)/ pusher. This is the time for the delicate steps. oh-so-carbonaceous black-stubbled face 5-circled hair beneath the clear plastic 13-circled head-piece clear plastic mask w/ 3 convergent weak super-red semi-opaque lines/ weak permanent blue semi-opaque circles outline each of the clear plastic balls of the headpiece/ black plastic circular buttons up yameghuru_uereda(ii)'s white short-shorts/ (00)(00). .. patron sleeved black dress w/ white relief (00)(00)s black lined: (00) hair pulled into 5 mini-bundles on här 5-mini-protrusioned head beneath tight clear rubber mask/ darkened eye/ black-stubbled face behind clear rubber mask/ black outline/markings run up (-CR)(00)'s clear rubber 6-bumped bodysuit/ w/ massive gray clouds forming/massing overhead wind turbulent super-strong every direction/ their frozen resolute brilliance/ radiant/ yameghuru_uereda(ii): 'Nobody knows better than I/ the risks.’ opaque circle goggles/ hair pulled into 5 mini-bundles on här 5-mini-protrusioned head beneath tight clear rubber mask/ darkened eye/ black-stubbled face behind clear rubber mask/ black outline/ markings run up (-CR)(00)'s clear rubber 6-bumped bodysuit/ w/ massive gray clouds forming/ massing overhead wind turbulent super-strong every direction/ vigorous/ bold/ dr. m. vs. yameghuru_uereda(ii)/ The Haunted: billowing the only/ hands ½-cocked at hips/ 'er- so p-functions whiteness: (0/0) (0/0) (00)(00) (Rin-zai-roku)/ minute reflection/ THE WHITE ROOM. (00)(00) (00) (00)(00) (00) (00)(00) (00) (O) (O) (O) blank-masked head-piece wired to the kind of The Kaon! Mtns./ the (O) O O.’ (RKUCH.) 5 stubs/ by white plastic wires, a variations/ Princess HDO's (00)(00) (00)(00) O: (0/0) (00)(00) (00)(00) O : (18)/ muri-muri: breaking a term applied to its tea accoutrements decorated by cobalt green strange. or-, not strange so much as white plastic brightness/ white rubber short-01. manganese blue white rubber slippers permanent blue (0/0) (00)(00) (00)(00) (00)(00) O: hä wears tight movements/ the repetition of a marked rhythmic w/ här Oh-So-Carbonaceous black hair in 5 cicles circle embedded into the ice w/ chair/ covers här face. 02. cobalt yellow 03. cobalt short carhartts w/11. medium pink 12. super-red. rubber to här knees. figure/…. send out the YAMABUSHI/ tea under ceiling .. wipes här eyes wearily. cups/ hä circles här (0000) around the 00 of här 0000: clear rubber bodysuit w: black outline:markings: pretty (00) ranges in its emotional implications from cross-angled white straps/ piece green 04. oh-so-pink 00) have instead operated out 5-circled hair: 1 white rubber curtains enclosing them in a mini semi-blossomed cherry trees in close proximity. boisterous humor to brooding tragedy/ written in 05. cadmium red 06. cerulean Y.'s mechanical body is raised eyebrow for a cold numb lips quiver tea- padded equipage w/ Medium Pink Oh-So-blue permanent red abstract po.-modern pattern. ¾ time/ (00)(00) (00) / my white sleep/ gara gara: formed as a mini-rectangle, of mathematics based on vibrantly behind the_round eyes: the_clear rubber hand is raised w/ palm faced outward. här face Y.'s semi- white rubber mask, numb chapped lips. u_ghost 1 tilts its head down slightly awkwardly. u_ghost 1: 'we've come for you.' heavy door opening wires to machinery under clear repeated theme w/ minute blue 00. indigo 08. qingbai tubes attached to the ceiling/ The 5(HOTSUGAMMON.) oh-so-carbonaceous black hair: big round of här portrait pink chair's resolute brilliance/ wailing/ (-CR)(00) moves här lips slowly: medium gray black bodies ½-formed faces white pupils. distorted, misfigured hands .. intent eyes. I thought it was be seen of offered me 6508 cadmium orange 12. super-red 13. vibrantly rubber bindings up här sore tired legs: white-painted iron chair .. här lt. 00. hansa yellow turns away as if in fear. hä looks up at the white it from the surface is a 100 m. radius Agents/ clear mars yellow 14. careful inward faces of09. permanent violet 10. metal, attached to the head clear rubber high-up ankle meeting pt. w: (0/0) 18. mint green 19. oh-so-red 20. adventures/ (00)(00) (00)(00) (00)(00) O : reversionist behind the_clear rubber mask: (00) 13. small ventilation fan running in the top rt. concocted some over-arching plan for the down black rubber clear rubber bodysuit w: back corner which blows weak puffs of air into the white porcelain teacup w/ cerulean blue indigo. oh-so-carbonaceous black hair/ clear rubber black outline: black outline clear stockings: yameghuru_uereda(ii)(gushamoto)'s face as prshk against the glass (00) black outline/markings ‘-CR’ .. adidas logo bindings up här sore tired legs/ THE WHITE ROOM. black rubber (00)(00) (00)(00(00)(00) O : (0/0) metal-beamed floor/ thru mars yellow 14. cobalt (00)(00) (00)(00) (00)(00) (00)(00) O : (0/0) orange 15. permanent red hä unlatches the Y.-head against här clear rubber YAMABUSHI equipage, (00)(00) (00) (00)(00) (00) (00)(00) (00) (O) (O) (O) (00)(00) (00)(00) O: (0/0) (00)(00) (00)(00) .. mini-box from their supports. clear rubber 6-bumped bodysuit equipage: w: clear rubber mask over 5-mini-protrusioned head: which the equipment mini-C.A.M./ yameghuru_uereda(ii)(gushamoto) in clear plastic armor in weak permanent violet .. weak barium red-pink (00)(00) O : gloves: carefully adjusting of the mechanics room visibly 16. portrait pink 00. attached to clear plastic chair white straps/ bindings/(18)/ the coldly burning white light. the_mechanism chapped-lip mouth awkwardly: hansa yellow 18. mint green 19. the plastic cold steel weak permanent blue semi-opaque circles outline each over the_clear plastic body-suit multi-bulbous room is quiet. 'POWER IS VOGUE.' double-exemptions of the clear plastic balls of the headpiece/ yameghuru_uereda(ii)(gushamoto) in armor: clear plastic multi-bulbous armor: adidas .. a depository signation. P.III tells me projects upward clear polymeratomic prmbr armor/ held to här 3-figured logo in black just above rt. hip: against här/ lift up your skirts/ här oh-so-red 20. un-securing white hair, where Dr. Ibo, bundled hair black rubber clear plastic body-suit oh-so-blue/ 01. manganese blue 02. is written in black atop 5 mini-protrusions: (00) once again in full splendor- in my get bigger .. rounder as hä gulps oh-so-pink numb lips quiver vibrantly behind the own 1 raised eyebrow for a moment: big outlined: 03. cadmium red 04. cerulean blue 05. bottom of clear rubber mask/ här medium gray ½-opaque stocking in här mouth: här clear rubber mask restricts här head tightly: big round eyes: (-CR)(00): pursed numb chapped lips: black rubber gloved hands in I am not an underground man. Y.'s severed neck, lips closed, pale frozen you've stillness/ over 5-mini-protrusioned head (00)(00) O: (00)(00) (00)(00) O: (0/0) (00)(00) (00)(00) (00) strapped tight around här just unexpected. The 5 Agents.’ iii) P.II: 'nevermind. the (00)(00) (00)(00) O: (0/0) (00)(00) (00)(00) (00)(00) hä had to say här piece, yameghuru_uereda(ii)(gushamoto): ‘(00)(00) (00) (O) imitation engages in the questionable act of for refined calibration of the_monadic waves: (O) (O) brusque changes of rhythm/ sudden peeking dangerously Chodness brings itself adidas slippers: i) the_monadic engine, which repetition/ endings/ 06. qingbai 00. medium pink 08. to bear/ här 5-circled P.VI, P.XI/ yes white-dressed/ hopefully the plot adidas 3-figured logo in black just above inner metal mechanisms held gracefully w/in it gather oh-so-carbonaceous black hair tight-bound.’ thickens/ we must retain order amidst them. iv) gushamoto. recognized a world-beaters plastic the feeble vibrations to their gears/ wires/ rivets/ white medium gray .. some O O O Os round eyes: the de(OOOOOOOO)'s wounded eyes behind clear (00) clear rubber stockings reach up almost to yameghuru_uereda(ii)(gushamoto)/ everything hä touches turns to should we the_clear rubber black-outlined chest hä pierced plastic goggles/ each white padded bump of här här white rubber short-shorts w/ black round buttons/ say hope?/ or perhaps refrain from such/ there a most defined .. mask: down the_rubber-formed: yamabushi uniform is decorated by over everything/ thru the protective glass window yameghuru_uereda(ii)(gushamoto): ‘so- you refuse.’ diamonds/ it is a clear här P.IV's return to The_Ryojusen 11 years hands a white bold circle/ wearing clear rubber mask down to the white office big up into the white white-light day .. everything is a point that connects in stillness: over 5-mini-protrusioned assistant to over head/ 3-circled manganese blue hair/ fluorescent lights running along the the white snow/ CGEC, black-outlined stockings: 5-mini-protrusioned super-red expressionless. the the winter/ our wintercoats-/ we below/ to the cold us to life/ but I would be in worse yameghuru_uereda(ii)(gushamoto) w/ big eyes/ head rubber slippers: 5-mini-protrusioned head psychic-vibration-recorder derives dissemination semi-distinct image of the artificial P.II, ceiling. Y.: ½-closed lips/ yameghuru_uereda(ii)(gushamoto) detaches Y. stillness of the (0/0) (00)(00) (00)(00) (00)(00) O : (0/0) (00)(00) O : of propaganda, 5 metal optic tubes attached to ‘0000 dr. m.(miomoto) .. 0000 insp. x. one pt. among many. black rubber ½-mask: 5 mini-protrusions from här close-cropped head .. a mini-C.A.M.: white room/ quiet/ distant. (0/0) (00)(00) (00)(00) (00)(00) the ceiling/ yameghuru_uereda(ii)(gushamoto)/ left them behind/ all-consuming/ flying now ..-.'/ 5 mini-protrusions from här multi-bulbous armor: matter into här own hand, univers along the clear plastic at the big round eyes close-cropped head .. a mini-C.A.M./ (-CR)(00)'s cold gushamoto. (0/0) (00)(00) (00)(00) (00)(00) O : (0/0) (0/0) (00)(00) (00) the light circles the interior/ yameghuru_uereda(ii)(gushamoto) (½-ughor-1/2-mhyghori albino): (CR)(00)'s clear rubber 6-bumped bodysuit: over- well-sculpted darkened neck-muscles (00)(00) (00)(00) O : (0/0) (00)(00) här face is calmly it wasn't ballet/ cowboying/ which, in fact, are my (00)(00) (00) (00)(00) (00) (00)(00) (00) (00)(00) (00) (O) defiant: proud behind the_dr. m.(miomoto) is able to access specialities. somewhere over the-/ OK.). (O) (O) O/ (0/_) (00)(00) (00) (00)(00) (00) O : (0/_) (O) thru hidden in plain rt. hip: before bursting forth The sn(o)wy(Fields)/ Dr. I. drags from här cigarette shoulders turned effortlessly .. looked directly upward/ except not the_matter for me: Capt.. R. in plastic eagerly/ repeated/ echoed/ inchoate/ hypoglycemic if (00)(00) (00) (00)(00) (00) (O) (O) (O) (00)(00) O. *) calibration of the monadic waves/ här face is calmly clear plastic bulbous armor w: huge clear plastic whiteness/ ii) Yes/ (00)(00)/ (00)(00)/ (00)(00) (00)(00) the up här mind where to look/ Capt. (0). defiant/ proud behind the clear rubber mask/ clear circular misformations, large black-09 on rt.-circled (00)(00)/ .. (RKUCH.) (*(00)(00) (00) (00)(00) (00) (00)(00) rubber stockings up to här knees/ (-CR)(00) moves breast: 6 bumps of här clear rubber bodysuit (00) (O) (O) I tried not to move/ här eye twitches/ like w/ 5-circled-hair demeanor/ pulls at här 0000 lips with här (000000): (00) hallways/ echoed/ inchoate/ hypoglycemic .. would never bother to think of this as a whiteness/ of the glass in reflected effigy/ yameghuru_uereda(ii)/ contradiction.'/ Static numb .. cold/ w/ the cold cold end. The DeOOOO0000ed/ undergoes interpellation/ I so macht/ dr. m. had an outpost projectory out have forgotten the case/ w/ careful ease/ it trembles here/ clear rubber bodysuit w/ black outline/markings/ clear rubber (00)/ black rubber slippers/ 5-mini-protrusioned head stubs of oh-so-carbonaceous black hair/ clear rubber high-up ankle meeting pt. w/ black outline clear (00)/ black rubber slippers/ static numb .. cold/ w/ the cold cold end./ visibly/ slightly/ slight blue-tinged numbness enters pronounced for its cold white interior/ machinery/ my cold cold mind/ phideyuki turns abruptly/ cold/ multi-colored items in rows in glass-walled vibrant/ at the white abutment edge: (00) storage compartments/ machine-stations/ yameghuru_uereda(ii)'s since I was currently unable to Dr. P., delicate/ conducted my interpellation define a clear course of action I exited w/ no w/ great care/ 3 bold weak super-red semi-opaque lines converge on the face of the mask/ weak permanent blue semi-opaque circles outline each of the clear plastic balls of the headpiece/ the clear plastic armor surrounds him in circular formations/ clear plastic mask 13-circled/ yameghuru_uereda(ii)'s body semi-apparent beneath the clear plastic multi-bulbous armor/ adidas 3-figured logo in black just above rt. hip/ pressure-pt. clear plastic mini-cylinder injections pop in/out at select pts. of yameghuru_uereda(ii)'s body from the anti-chöd armor/ pressure-pt. clear plastic mini-cylinder injections pop in/out at select pts. of yameghuru_uereda(ii)'s body from the anti-chöd armor: .. hä stares w/out resonance at insp. x. in calm chair in a white room/ clear blank-masked head-piece (00)(00) (00) (00)(00) (00) (00)(00) (00) (00)(00) (00) expectation/ *: (thru the C.A.M.) 'Our difficulty arises from wired to the chair/ covers här face/ strapped tight around (00)(00) (00) (O) (O). the fact that we began to win the war.' här head/ oh-so-carbonaceous black 5-circled hair. yameghuru_uereda(ii)'s body semi-apparent beneath the clear plastic multi-bulbous armor/ adidas 3-figured logo in black just above rt. hip/ black hair rises up 5 circles tightly we went completely imagistic with it. perhaps The Maenads were correct. a new concept in design, uniform, carried over decades, worn to ceremonies, meetings, filled w/ white tea. They are both quite fond of tea./ proposing shapes that adapt w/ versatility/intelligence dinners, .. funerals, melted into one's public persona like cream yameghuru_uereda(ii): 'Ganbare-yo.': Super-swooped to här rt./ At the bottom of The Kaon! Mtns. oh-so-carbonaceous black mini-bundled hair atop 5 mini-protrusions/ clear rubber 6-bumped bodysuit equipage w/ clear rubber mask over 5-mini-protrusioned head: oh-so-carbonaceous black hair/ big round eyes/ insp. x./ The (000000) stands over Yarbois black outlines/markings här clear rubber 6-bumped bodysuit w/ clear rubber mask/ (-CR)(00) moves här lips slowly/ flecked with white snow- struggling slightly to breathe against the heart-breaking cold/ clear YAMABUSHI equipage rubber 6-bumped bodysuit w/ black markings/ (00)(00) (00) (00)(00) (00) (00)(00) (00) (O) (O) (O) wears tight rubber black gloves/ carefully adjusting the en route to Hiroki(ii) is The City of The looking at the translucent soft wiring tied up at the(00)(00) (00) (00)(00) (00) (00)(00) (00) (00)(00) (00) O.’: phideyuki: '(00)(00) (00) (00)(00) (00) (O) (O) micro-mechanisms/ 5 metal optic tubes .. unclean. w/out moving/ (00)(0000)- The (00)(00), The OOOOO O.’ (YUGEN.) P.IV: 'I don't know how we escape (00)(00) (00) O O.'/ m(00): '(00)(00) (00) (O) (O) the same fate.' the inner qingbai light of The (00)(00) (00) (00)(00) (00) (00)(00) (00) (O) (O) How many worthless men have soiled this dress? OOOOO's (0000)(00)(00), Op. 115 (28512). Monadic Engine: oh-so-carbonaceous black mini-bundled hair atop 5 mini-protrusions/ clear rubber 6-bumped bodysuit equipage w/ clear rubber mask over 5-mini-protrusioned head: oh-so-carbonaceous black hair/ big round eyes/ .. then hä laughed in my face (00)(00) (00) (00)(00) (00) (00)(00) (00) (O) (O) attached to the ceiling/ The 5 Agents/ if concentrated: bellowishly like a hirsute (M3905: MONADIC (00)(00) (00) (00)(00) (00) (O) (O) O: (CHAMBER R9:0883) bounces off the: madwoman. spinning over the white cement, phideyuki rides Don't tell me, phideyuki, it's a bloody chado dress. P.I as hä unceremoniously exited me from the: här bicycle in The sn(o)wy(Fields). 2 metal circles machine parts against the clear plastic walls .. decorate här shoulders .. minutely 4 här goggles on the particular physical space occupied by our floor/ceiling/room touched här rt. hand to här respectively. phideyuki exclaims in quiet rt. breast pushing against yameghuru_uereda(ii)/ The Institute satisfaction as hä picks from the: enough. First thing I should have noticed. Rider back. of The Defense/ här clear: the white dress fabric mechanical equipment on här utility belt a My dear hero yameghuru_uereda(ii)/ a term applied to its movements/ mouth slightly open. The bunny. Här helmet mini-repair book w/ 'TO THE cup of tea sits unfinished on the white mini-table.’: yameghuru_uereda(ii)'s body semi-apparent beneath the clear plastic multi-bulbous armor: clear polymeratomic anti-chöd armor over här (00_00) bruised-up hard:soft body white short-shorts w: black buttons: weak prmbr patterns over mask:head-piece 13-circled: adidas 3-figured logo in black just above rt. hip: dr. m. oversaw this project, outlaying yameghuru_uereda(ii), Capt. Y., Capt. P., .. Capt. O. on different territories: so of course myamaka:aeropittura knew about it relatively early: below the white light: again, it was, for yameghuru_uereda(ii), a question domain-defining actions: again it strikes yameghuru_uereda(ii) as comical how mathematicians had become so uber-communist in their rejection|refusal of the concept of property: to the extent that one can ascertain a hard cutoff line for the dating of mathematical treatises based on whether the term is used or not: (00) the problem being, at least how the mathematicians of the Institute of the Defense came to view it, that properties never do anything: instead just sitting around looking pretty: replaced functionally by the concept of forces: the point of properties then being merely to be properly 0000ed: I was just hopelessly heart-broken by my best-ever girl .. business associate: just this morning I had arrived after a 20 year absence- I had exceeded expectations.: projects recorded determine yameghuru_uereda(ii)'s whereabouts during this period, but Dr. C. stumbled across certain inconsistencies in this: 5 mini-protrusions from här close-cropped head .. a mini-C.A.M.: (-CR)(00)'s cold numb lips quiver vibrantly behind the clear rubber mask: black rubber gloved hands in stillness: over 5-mini-protrusioned head oh-so-carbonaceous black hair: clear rubber bindings up här sore tired legs: (00) hair pulled into 5 mini-bundles on här 5-mini-protrusioned head beneath tight clear rubber mask/ darkened eye/ black-stubbled face behind clear rubber mask/ black outline/markings run up (-CR)(00)'s clear rubber 6-bumped bodysuit/ w/ massive gray clouds forming/massing overhead wind turbulent super-strong every direction/ här artificial pumping heart/ in clear plastic black-studded cockpit of the The Hyperbaric Ocean crashes against us w/ all M.E.V./ AKOK.-Mitsu Vogue. Vogue. yameghuru_uereda(ii)(03): its impotent implosive power/ snow-filled (steam billowing up from här head) 'OK.'/ white. wonderland/ the stillness/ breathing/ moist lipped/ the white walls. the white light. the cold. I am the steam rises up in contingent billows from här afraid of the cold./ 11. hä wears black circular- tightly covered by white rubber mask w/ round rubber artificial body: (00) här slowly pumping shaped protective glasses just for style-points holes for big big eyes .. pert lips/ black-stubbled/ eyes/ static numb .. cold/ w/ the cold cold end./ heart-muscle/ this desolate indistinct emptiness/ against här close-cropped head .. a mini-O.I. Box/ IMCR appears tired, perhaps/ yameghuru_uereda(ii): 'hä said (00)(00) (00)(00) (00)(00)/ .. sleep-deprived eyes." yameghuru_uereda(ii)(03): (steam billowing up from här head) ‘hä is in kind of deep (0).'/ aren't we all/ phideyuki feels for a moment the peaceful '(00)(00) O.’ yameghuru_uereda(ii)/ The ? repairs a wire-line Big Horror 2/ (00)(00) (00)(00) (00)(00) (00)(00) O O/ affirmation of nothingness held tight against här/ receiver on the outskirts of the Ryojusen area, C.: 'can rule the world. Everything will bow down encompassing/ crushing/ (00)(00) (00)(00) (00)(00)/ in white fake fur short-pant (¾) jumpsuit w/ hood, to här whim.': not to mention a pusher, hä keeps grabbing här head .. pushing it up against här lt. thigh for some reason: här little pink/blue (000000) pattern clear rubber bodysuit pushed down under här petite breasts: awkward ½-angry mouth: clear rubber comme des garcons poncho bunched up around mid-body: awkwardly large mis-colored nipples: (00) (O) (O) (O) här numb chapped-lip mouth awkwardly/ black rubber stockings: suggest I picked deep sockets, on hä can't quite make of the glass in reflected effigy/ O/ (0/_) (00)(00) (00) (O) (O) they'd been aware I was adidas slippers/ yameghuru_uereda(ii)(gushamoto) touches här rt. shoulder w/ här 6 bumps of här clear rubber bodysuit I have (0/_) (00)(00) (00) (O) (O) sleep-deprived eyes/ tense lt. hand pushing group gathers itself around yameghuru_uereda(ii)(gushamoto) oh-so-carbonaceous hidden in plain sight: moment: the effect of reverberating circles of monadic propulsion pushing their way through the invisible world: little baby, tense little baby/ (00_00) on här lips: yameghuru_uereda(ii)(gushamoto) in plastic clear plastic bulbous armor w: huge clear plastic circular misformations, large black-09 on rt.-circled breast: (00)(00) (00) (00)(00) (00) 5 mini-protrusions from här close- head (00)(00) (00): hä turns .. catches här head with här knee pulliing här clear rubber comme des garcons poncho up from här mid-riff .. over här head: 6 contorted abstract clear plastic protrusions: hä pulls off här clear rubber bodysuit .. runs it up yameghuru_uereda(ii)(gushamoto)'s leg, up här body, pushing it against här chest .. then against här mouth, pulling här 0000 toward här: (00)(00) (00) : (0/_) (00)(00) oh-so-carbonaceous black hair: clear gushamoto: (00) (00)(00) (00) O/ (0/_) (O) but in my defense, they watching. breathe shallowly/ holding yameghuru_uereda(ii)(gushamoto)'s head oh-so-carbonaceous black hair: clear stubs of would make somewhat downward (00)(00) (00) (00)(00) just off the ground. (O) (O) O : (0/_) (00)(00) (00) (00)(00) oh-so-carbonaceous black hair.: (00) black round-rimmed eyeglasses/ The background of the snow (00)(00) (00) (00)(00) (00) (00)(00) (00) (O) (O) (O) (0000), Op. 18 (00138), a (00) (0000) in E Flat, .. I burn .. I burn./ The background of the snow .. I burn .. (00)(00) (00) (00)(00) (00) (00)(00) (00) (O) (O) (O) Op. 50.: yameghuru_uereda(ii) becomes conscious suddenly .. stares at I burn./ staring deep into my stomach entrail area/ (00)(00) (00) (00)(00) (00) (00)(00) (00) (O) (O) the white bulbous clouds above him: weak permanent MKO w/ dark mascara-ed eyes/ The background of the snow O O.'/ yameghuru_uereda(ii)/ The de(OOOOOOOO) w/ 5-circled blue semi-opaque circles outline each of the clear plastic 3 bold weak super-red semi-opaque lines converge on the face of the mask/ weak permanent blue semi-opaque circles outline each of the clear plastic balls of the headpiece/ the clear plastic armor surrounds him in circular formations: (00) clear plastic mask 13-circled/ pressure-pt. clear plastic mini-cylinder injections pop in/out at select pts. of yameghuru_uereda(ii)'s body from the anti-chöd armor/ mini black round-topped metal screws bind the pieces of the clear polymeratomic armor intermittently/ selecter-press/ yameghuru_uereda(ii)'s body semi-apparent beneath the clear plastic multi-bulbous armor/ adidas 3-figured logo in black just above rt. hip/ .. I burn .. I burn./ super-round distinct corneas up-arched/ black hair/ The white light's persistent glare/ white/ balls of the headpiece/ The Ice Fields are white .. bare, many-contoured/ ears tucked close to the side of the head/ clear plastic helmet/ light-reflecting chair/ cut short except for the struggling figures of yameghuru_uereda(ii) .. The 6-Mouth lt. side of mouth upcurled/ circle-defined smile/ (000) head in 5-circle restfulness. phideyuki in red-patterned.. attached to här head w/ 5 stubs/ brightness: I was cold, the fabric felt dry various body sits in the white chair/ the clear plastic eyepieces w/ tight-lipped near-smile picked at (00)(00) (00) (00)(00) (00) (00)(00) (00) (00)(00) (00) (O) (O) (O) O.: här hands. Här dress hung on här w/ (00)(00) (00) (O)./ m(00): '(00)(00) (00) O O!'/ somehow just Y.: ‘(00)(00) (00) (00)(00) (00) O Capt. attached to här head w/ 5 stubs/ brightness. hair pulled into 5 mini-bundles on här 5-mini-protrusioned head beneath tight clear rubber mask/ darkened eye/ black-stubbled face behind clear rubber mask/ black outline/markings run up (-CR)(00)'s clear rubber 6-bumped bodysuit/ w/ massive gray clouds forming/massing overhead wind turbulent super-strong every direction/ yameghuru_uereda(ii) in plastic clear plastic bulbous armor w/ huge clear plastic circular misformations, large black-09 on rt.-circled breast/ .. down to black rubber tight white-laced boots.’: (00) over the clear plastic body-suit multi-bulbous armor/ adidas 3-figured logo in black just above rt. hip/ oh-so-carbonaceous black-stubbled face 5-circled hair/ black outline round circles around darkened heavy eyes clear plastic mask 13-circled head-piece/ hä sits on the clear plastic/porcelain large chair-apparatus/ staring intently .. looks around/ 13-circled headpiece/ the clear plastic figure w/ 6 contorted abstract clear plastic protrusions connected to the chair-apparatus on the metal couplings/ RKUCH this-./ yameghuru_uereda(ii) in white rubber short-shorts/ clear plastic black-outlined mask/ yameghuru_uereda(ii) in clear plastic armor attached to clear plastic chair white straps/ bindings/ ‘HIDDEN WORLD' written on it in white letters. R./ The de(OOOOOOOO) in a white uniform/ a clear oh-so-carbonaceous black mini-bundled hair atop 5 mini-protrusions.: (00) micro-macro collusion: (-CR)(00) moves här numb chapped-lip mouth awkwardly: (01) the plan. aka the plan for the attainment of chod, formed .. put into effect after the war of the monads by the hachibushu, the defenders of the law, orchestrators of the monadic currents, the monadic currents being merely but decisively a coherent mathematical fiction. outlines:markings här clear rubber 6-bumped bodysuit w: clear rubber mask: (-CR)(00) moves här lips slowly: the plan was devised w/ the intent of methodically pursuing universal chod, to cut off/ cut thru. over the clear plastic body-suit multi-bulbous armor: (00)(00) quiet .. the occasional leaves falling to the ground. yamabushi no-karma policy (re the measurement of distance between deictic points): yamabushi were strictly prohibited from adopting 'karmic' effects into their calculation when conducting repairs .. maintenance: all considered effects were to be present .. immediate: one couldn't support a mis-effect with the ok that it would be countered/balanced in some abstract future: all deictic effect measurements were to be at a 0 or near-0 distance from one another: hä turns här over .. här tush glistens in the cold white light: the clear rubber bodysuit with pink/blue (000000) pattern pulled under här little pulsating clefts: hä gives a little 'uh' as hä grabs här .. pushes himself in: back in the white rubber tent 2 hours earlier this morning yameghuru_uereda(ii)(gushamoto) had oroki's 0000 in här mouth, pushing här legs around här head, clear rubber bodysuit pushed aside with pink/blue (000000) pattern: clear rubber 6-bumped bodysuit equipage: w: clear rubber mask over 5-mini-protrusioned head: 6-mini-circled-hair, pure, cerulean blue, medium gray painted lips: hä's a panter: (00)(00) (00)(00) (00) (00)(00) (00) (00)(00) (00) (00)(00) (00) (00)(00) (00) (00) O/ (0/_) (O) hä wears tight rubber black gloves/ (00)(00) O O: (00)(00) (00)(00) : (0/_) (00)(00) (00) (O) (O) gaze/ pursed lips/ carefully adjusting the mechanism for refined: (00)(00(0/0) (00)(00) (00)(00(00)(00) O : (0/0) (00) in white semi-opaque 13 Capt. B. 14 IMCR attached to här head. venetian pink pthalo blue psychic-vibration-recorder (where do we go now?/ (00)(00) (00)(00) clear rubber mask: clear 15 Dr. P. 16 insp. x. 00 Dr. R. 18 equipage/ clear rubber 6-bumped bodysuit equipage: w: clear rubber mask over 5-mini-protrusioned head: short-short rubber carhartts/ important matters Capt.. R. in plastic clear plastic bulbous armor w/ rubber stockings up sight. entered in my 6 bumps of här clear rubber bodysuit decorated 'beckon.' the u_ghosts materialize to form 3 agents in gray rubber short-short bodysuits with black outline, black rubber ½ masks: agent(36), agent(10), agent(30): sent by dr. m.(miomoto) to look over the conduct of yameghuru_uereda(ii)'s affairs: (00) 1 raised rubber-formed: down to (00) efficient eyebrow for a moment/ big round eyes/ the 'they bitched about it not white plastic floor/ a yameghuru_uereda(ii)(gushamoto) in white rubber short-shorts/ gushamoto. gushamoto. ogon so much as clear rubber black-outlined stockings/ round metal-formed chair kicked out violently in black clear plastic black-outlined mask/ an aspect of artificial modeling. decorated buttons torqueing against chest muscles. mini-letters on the mid-ridge of här goggles 'HDO.' yameghuru_uereda(ii)(gushamoto) in clear plastic armor by 6 black bold circles: rubber- my first into the kitchen/ clear rubber bodysuit w/ (00)(00) (00) (O) O O.’ having the CRG Number/ attached to clear plastic chair white straps/ birthday. black-outlined revolver w/ exception black outline/markings/ clear rubber stockings/ having to clear a couple of to the side/ oh-so-red bindings. to the_rule: but I decorated by 6 for all my black rubber slippers/ 5-mini-protrusioned head ½-dried blood in contours against the white blue white hallway. I did know that upon cropped stubs of oh-so-carbonaceous black hair/ clear head .. a mini-C.A.M.: yameghuru_uereda(ii)(gushamoto): 'the wandering u_ghosts that haunt this tomb.' monadic circles concentic-reverberate/pulsate on här clear rubber bodysuit as the incoming force of the materialization of the 3 u_ghosts (agents) takes hold on the space around här: (-CR)(00)'s rubber rubber high-up ankle meeting pt. w/ black outline red YAMABUSHI uniform/ in radiant explosion/ when bindings up här sore tired legs: big (0/0) clear stockings/ black rubber slippers/ sees I inhaled, I is radiant/ vacantly before him in (00)(00) (00)(00) (00)(00): (0/0) (00)(00) yameghuru_uereda(ii)(gushamoto)'s dead body laid out on (00)(00) (00)(00) O : (0/0) (00)(00) (00)(00(00)(00) the mini-blouse w/ indigo abstract pattern/ sorrowful expectation/ yameghuru_uereda(ii)(gushamoto): 'fly w/ the wind over the pines.' (0000): shape than the machine O : (0/0) (00)(00) (00)(00) (00)(00) O: (0/0) (00)(00) white 6-Mouth 19 NC 20 P.XIV/ m(00): (00)(00) (00)(00) O : (0/0) (00)(00) (over the C.A.M.) 'more 2 mini black radiometers I was supposed to fix in no time/ from the yameghuru_uereda(ii) feels the rebuke against här chest, as a sort of psychic weight: hä knows now hä has little hope but to accept their guidance: huge clear plastic circular misformations, large cerebral corteo. 6 bumps of här clear rubber by 6 black bold circles/ rubber-formed/ här (00)(00) (00) (O) (O) (O) 06. RKUCH. Princess HDO: black-09 on rt.-circled breast/ RKUCH this-./ bodysuit decorated by 6 black bold circles: oh-so-carbonaceous 5-circled hair/ (00)(00) (00)(00) O: (0/0) (00)(00) (00)(00) capt. (0). w/ hand on yameghuru_uereda(ii)(gushamoto)'s head in här hands/ w/ from a perch in (00)(00) O: (0/0) (00)(00) (00)(00) (00)(00) charged w/ hopes .. fears, can never be The Monadic Engine Room, crouched between O : (-CR)(00)'s cold numb lips quiver purely secular. pulls at här 0000 lips with här (000000): (-CR)(00) moves här numb chapped-lip mouth awkwardly: chest tries to mesmerize him 2 huge white plastic chambers. vibrantly oh-so-carbonaceous black hair: back to life w/ här dark dark to brooding tragedy/ (00) like a beating/ to me, as a free agent. I want to 6 bumps of här clear rubber bodysuit written in ¾ time/ (00)(00000000)/ I refuse aspects decorated by 6 black bold circles: of this. I want you- listen carefully. eyes/ but här put an end to this. If we perhaps less over-all effect but is instead riding the barren plains Capt. R: ‘I am rubber-formed: (00) powers are too weak/ P.III, not knowing my white but greater success/ P.IX beat-up/ the real the faint-hearted now/ its theoretical basis was to cut away the false concept of ego by trimming away uglification ikebana-esque by the combined means of monadic currents, the implementation of chod-designed u_ghosts: (0/_) (00)(00) brought-to-bear whiteness of morning/ 01025/ (00)(00) (00)(00) O : (0/_) (00)(00) (00)(00) (00)(00) O. (00)(00) O/ this is probably the point in the film THE INTERPELLATION ROOM. where black outline round circles around darkened heavy eyes clear plastic mask 13-circled head-piece/ hä sits on the clear plastic/porcelain large chair-apparatus/ staring intently .. looks around/ 13-circled headpiece/ the clear plastic figure w/ 6 contorted abstract clear plastic protrusions connected to the chair-apparatus on the metal couplings/ in their structures to material substance is the turn in the Kaon! Mtns., an expansive view: Iron Horse: clear rubber bodysuit w/ black outline/markings/ clear rubber (00)/ black rubber slippers/ black outline round circles around darkened heavy eyes clear plastic mask 13-circled head-piece: (00) hä sits on the clear plastic/porcelain large chair-apparatus/ staring intently .. looks around/ 13-circled headpiece/ the clear plastic figure w/ 6 contorted abstract clear plastic protrusions connected to the chair-apparatus on the metal couplings/ 5-mini-protrusioned head stubs of oh-so-carbonaceous black hair/ clear rubber high-up ankle meeting pt. w/ black outline clear (00)/ black rubber slippers/ pmrrp: giants./ voids/ yameghuru_uereda(ii) wished that hä was in the head/ yameghuru_uereda(ii)/ O31 O32 O33 O34 O35 O36 O30 O38 O39 O310 …though. I am certain. It is a question only of against the white snow/ touched här rt. shoulder w/ här O41 O42 O43 O44 O45 O46 O40 O48 O49 O410 everywhere the white- .. the white/ OK/ coming (0/_) (00)(00) (00)(00) (00)(00) O : (0/_) (00)(00) over/ coming thru us/ permeating our very (00)(00) (00)(00) O/ (0/_) (00)(00) (00)(00) pores/ .. deeper/ the white/ each monadic pt./ (00)(00): (00) clear här black hair in exaggerated contrast bold dark outline in a white uniform/ a clear polymeratomic mechanical rubber mask/ (00)(00) (00) (00)(00) (00) (00)(00) (00) mechanism for refined calibration of the monadic waves/ Wedding Portrait, in which is contained The Ex-Cathedra ends in miniature bows/ big round eyes/ (-CR)(00) w/ 5-mini-protrusioned head: mini-bundled oh-so-carbonaceous black hair/ black adidas slippers w/ ice-grip/ clear adidas logo/ the white rubber wounds/ dr. m.: (via yameghuru_uereda(ii) (.r.tpac) ‘The Institute of The Defense/ clear rubber bodysuit w/ black outline/markings/ clear rubber .. The Rock Garden/ MKO/ The Giant Head (The Director grotesque/ the white light's persistent glare/ white/ här clear helmet equipage/ clear rubber mask/ a (0000) (00)/ black rubber slippers.’ of Radiant Pts.): 5 mini-protrusions from här close-cropped head .. a mini-C.A.M.: (-CR)(00)'s cold numb lips quiver vibrantly behind the clear rubber mask/ black rubber gloved hands in stillness/ over 5-mini-protrusioned head oh-so-carbonaceous black hair/ clear rubber bindings up här sore tired legs/ large fake plastic head w/ 5 eyes/ 5-circled yameghuru_uereda(ii): '(00)(00) (00) (00)(00) (00) (00)(00) (00) white light reflects inconsistently off yameghuru_uereda(ii)'s Yarbois: '(00)(00) (00) (00)(00) (00) (00)(00) (00) (O) clear plastic goggles hitched/ closer/ The Monadic Engine white polymeratomic armor./ yameghuru_uereda(ii): 'There's (00)(00) (00) (00)(00) (00) (O) (O) (O).'/ white plastic was the invention of Dr. I./ The Man Behind The Curtain/ a bit of a chic coziness to it.'/ C.: 'I'll take a formalist mask bound tightly to här face by a black rubber banding its participation was essential to the efforts of .. down to black rubber tight white-laced boots: over the clear plastic body-suit multi-bulbous armor: (00) insp. x., of course, was a real bastard, or apparently so, but not the fake one everyone had assumed: yameghuru_uereda(ii)'s monadic project was to plot a network of pts. across the snowy fields which would proliferate cross-resonances: allowing for back-segmenting thru pt.-population sampling: oh-so-carbonaceous black-stubbled face: pressure-pt. clear plastic mini-cylinder injections pop in:out at select pts. of yameghuru_uereda(ii)'s body from the anti-chöd armor: 3 bold weak super-red semi-opaque lines converge on the face of the mask: weak permanent blue semi-opaque circles outline each of the clear plastic balls of the headpiece: 13-circled: the semi-opaque plastic fits the contours of här body: adidas: multi-formed: mini black round-topped metal screws bind the pieces of the clear polymeratomic armor intermittently: selecter-press: monogurui white rubber gloves (THE REVERSION) (50.00): 5-circled hair beneath the clear plastic 13-circled head-piece clear plastic mask w: 3 convergent weak super-red semi-opaque lines: weak permanent blue semi-opaque circles outline each of the clear plastic balls of the headpiece: oh-so-carbonaceous black-stubbled face 5-circled hair beneath the clear plastic 13-circled head-piece clear plastic mask w: 3 convergent weak super-red semi-opaque lines: weak permanent blue semi-opaque circles outline each of the clear plastic balls of the headpiece: black plastic circular buttons up yameghuru_uereda(ii)'s white short-shorts: black plastic circular buttons up yameghuru_uereda(ii)'s white short-shorts: (0000) (0000) (0000) (0000) (0000) (0000) (0000) (0000) (0000) (0000) (0000) (0000) (0000) (0000) (0000) (0000) (0000) the clear plastic armor surrounds him in circular formations: clear plastic mask 13-circled: (00) its implementation was intended to occur in a program of 5 stages, marked by the bringing into greater control the direction of the monadic currents. the brought-to-bear w/ här manganese_blue _ cadmium_red white sleep/ black outline round circles around devastated blown-out cases/ hä circles här (0000) around the 00 of här 0000: clear rubber bodysuit w: black outline:markings: multi-internalize the cowboy hat in hand/ The DeOOOO0000ed's the importance, (-CR)(00)'s black-stubbled darkened heavy eyes clear plastic mask sub-pts. we are left w/ a mapping of the alone of protective glass window: .’ face oh-so-carbonaceous black hair: 13-circled head-piece/ hä sits on the clear all of them seems not completely present/ was authoritative polymeratomic words: plastic/porcelain large chair-apparatus/ cantilevered/ perhaps it was such a case that 3 bold weak super-red balls of the_headpiece: staring intently .. looks around/ 13-circled the (0000)-previously hidden under-structure. 13-circled: the_strapped tight around här headpiece/ the clear plastic figure w/ 6 over-reliance on this multi-colored/ delicacy/ head tendency eyeglasses .. gangly movement, contorted abstract clear plastic protrusions held up eagerly/ (O) (O) (O) (000000) was deemed hä mini-bundled the_aufbauhaus. connected to the chair-apparatus on the to be/ further down the line/ it was all will produce (00) this eye (the_lt. sibling of mathematicians metal couplings/ yameghuru_uereda(ii)(gushamoto) watches gaps in our concept-picture, but it can prove (O) were operating under the_behind clear rubber 3 phideyuki(i)s w/ dr. m.(miomoto) I want you (00)(00) O/ (00)(00) (00)/ (00)(00) (00) O/ hä's not so mask: contorted adidas slippers w: ice-grip: to bring dr. m.(miomoto)'s head to me. hä is catastrophic/ insp. x. would say/ yameghuru_uereda(ii)(gushamoto) clear problematic what else to do, holds här own watched thru an effective method. really there at all .. careful cultivation .. repairs by the yamabushi. the yu-hsieh, meanwhile, were held responsible for the defense against outside/competing factors. adidas mechanical chair in a at one (00) in vogue: (00) if necessary/ it's not the cupcakes that are going to get you. It's the mountains. from boisterous humor(naked except for white hä staring merged to här blow-out head by blood, semi-opaque lines converge on the_face här white-rubber-gloved rt. hand. wears dark circle semi-opaque plastic fits the_contours toward goggles over här eyes looking down at geekish qualities, head .. (00)(00) (00)(00) (00)(00) which is, perhaps, what Y.: ‘-of you?/ while there wears tight rubber black gloves. disgorged meat)/ Dr. P., P.III, Capt. (0)., Dr. I., P.VI, (00)(00) (00)(00) the_m. ur-c.a.m., obtained for the body/ (00)(00) (00) (00)(00) (00) O/ more than(00) carefully adjusting the mechanism for refined insp. x., U.-commander I., P.IX./ into the empty oh god./ (00) huge clear plastic circular misformations: yameghuru_uereda(ii)(gushamoto) was afraid of/ (Rin-zai-roku)/ calibration of the monadic waves/ här face is calmly Princess HDO walks round clear plastic goggles/ me, a distinct awkwardly: black outline looks minute reflection.’ so sincerely, to look composed. defiant/ proud behind the clear rubber mask/ could feel the blood in my head crashing .. crashing around: down to black rubber tight 5-circled hair: (-CR)(00)'s black-stubbled face behind clear rubber stockings up to här knees/ (-CR)(00) like waves/ The M.E.V. 13-circled headpiece: the_incorporated mix of clear rubber mask/ contorted groaning/ mouth open/ hachibushu. aka the 8 guardians/ defenders of the law: the consul general of monadic constructivism (aka cgec), commander i./ the man behind the curtain, u.-commander i./ the woman w/out (0000), commander o./ the man whose (0000), dr. p./ (0000), dr. m.(miomoto)/ the man w/ (0000), dr. c./ the woman of (0000), moves här numb chapped-lip mouth awkwardly/ sadness: recently overlook of by the_hachibushu, hungry/ (-CR)(00)'s eyes round/ black outline/markings black rubber adidas slippers/ (00)(00) (00) (O) (O) in order (00)(00) (00)(00) (00)(00) (00)(00) (00)(00) ‘-CR’ .. adidas logo against här clear rubber yamabushi (O) O : (0/_) (00)(00) (00) (O) (O) (O) här arm up against (00)(00) (00)(00) (00)(00) (00)(00) (00)(00) (00)(00) equipage, mini-C.A.M./ yameghuru_uereda(ii)(gushamoto): här white equipaged body, (00)(00) (00)(00) (00)(00) (00)(00) pressure-pt. tubular ‘everything is radiant now/ implosive power/ OK/ the yamabushi utilize the organic structure of criminal .. terrorist cells to create an undercover organization overlapping 'overground' society. no bunny suits were used. but we all wrestle with our own bunnies: (0/_) (00)(00) (00)(00) (00)(00) O : (0/_) (00)(00) androgynous body/ crashing against still-born (00)(00) (00)(00) O/ (0/_) (00)(00) (00)(00) (00)(00) cliffs beneath them cold cold waves/ white-spittled O : (0/_) (00)(00) (00)(00) (00)(00) O/ (0/_) (00)(00) pts. of white white/ complete monadic enervation (00)(00) (00)(00) O : (0/_) (00)(00) (00)(00) (00)(00) white/ yameghuru_uereda(ii) in the cockpit of The M.E.V./ tight-tight O/ (0/_) (00)(00) (00)(00) (00)(00) O : (0/_) (00)(00) rubber manganese blue white cadmium red mask/ (00)(00) (00)(00) O/ (0/_) (00)(00) (00)(00) (00)(00) white polymeratomic helmet/ clear goggles over O : (0/_) (00)(00) (00)(00) (00)(00) O/ (0/_) (00)(00) big big eyes round/ dr. m.: 'I forgive you.'/ white (00)(00) (00)(00) O : (0/_) (00)(00) (00)(00) (00)(00) noise pushed outward forceful/ här delicate eyes O/ (0/_) (00)(00) (00)(00) (00)(00) O : (0/_) (00)(00) await w/ calm expectation/ (00)(00) (00)(00) (00)(00)/ (00)(00) (00)(00) O/ (0/_).: (00)(00) (00)(00) (00)(00) .. sleep-deprived eyes./ Yarbois watches quiet/ yameghuru_uereda(ii) O : (0/_) (00)(00) (00)(00) (00)(00) O. incomplete/ It's the white white stop carrying the semantic weight that clings them forward/ The Investigation/ Myamaka:aeropittura, skin/ .. sleep-deprived eyes/ The M./ careful when binary/ true-false/ on-off/ (-CR)(00)'s black-stubbled face behind clear rubber mask/ contorted groaning/ mouth open/ hungry/ (-CR)(00)'s eyes round/ black outline/markings ‘-CR’ .. adidas logo against här clear rubber YAMABUSHI equipage, mini-C.A.M./ becoming more I knew, at this time of day would be frozen in formed/ repetition/ rhythm/ foreboding/ properly .. forcefully abstract./ up above flies a tiny Yarbois' white rubber body/ growling ugly face/ black-line-drawing bird w/ wing spread forward/ intent/vacant gaze/ dressed up for the day/ 5-circled head/ gruesome fanged teeth: (00) granted there's a subtle .. delicate distinction to the The Aufbauhaus somewhere in the cold biting wind-torn monadic currents diverted/ controlled/ spreading thru underhanded method, more high class. C./ (O) (O) (O) air its structures even now/ The white rod/ 6 bumps of här clear rubber bodysuit decorated by 6 black bold circles/ rubber-formed/ här oh-so-carbonaceous 5-circled hair/ 1 raised eyebrow for a moment/ big round eyes/ the clear rubber black-outlined (00)/ are The sn(o)wy(Fields)/ yameghuru_uereda(ii)/ The de(OOOOOOOO) w/ (00)(00) (00) (00)(00) (00) (00)(00) (00) (O) (O) (O) collecting/guiding information/ my chapped lips touch 5-circled black hair/ The white light's persistent glare/ (00)(00) (00) (00)(00) (00) (00)(00) (00) (O) (O) (O) each other/ (00)(00) (00)(00) (00)(00)/ .. sleep-deprived white/ clear plastic helmet/ light-reflecting chair/ where)."
00.おおおお。 yamegu(r)u(-(CR(00))): (C.A.M.に記録) "u.-P.: 'もっと近くに来て'白い雪/ 3 つの大胆で弱いスーパーレッドの半不透明なラインがマスクの顔に収束します/ w/ my yameghuru_uereda(ii): (C.A.M. を介して) 「私は今起きています、フィデユキ。すべてがとてもクリアです。それは可能性があります。これより恐ろしい. yameghuru_uereda(ii)/ The Institute of The Defense/ här virulent powers/ likea 0000ing baby/ OK/ dr. m. vs. 私たちは平和ですが、私たちはそれを知りません。ハルの頭に付けられた兜 5 つのスタブ付き/ yameghuru_uereda(ii)'/ yameghuru_uereda(ii): '(00)(00) (00) (00)(00) (00) (O) (O) now.'/二人の間に空気はまだある/ 青白 oh-so-blue/ 明るさ/ 透明な高分子の椅子/ 期待/ (00)(00) (00) (00)(00) (00) (00)(00) (00) (O) (O) (O) 白い部屋/ yameghuru_uereda(ii)/ 透明なポリマー原子の沈黙/ w/ かろうじて残っている黒い髪/ yameghuru_uereda(ii) .. C. さびれた街の通りを歩いて、dr. m. w / 世界のすべての忍耐: 世界は変わる. Dr. M. の鎧は常に白い. 常に白い." 00.おおおお。 yamegu(r)u(-(CR(00))): (C.A.M. に記録) "(00) それぞれの四角い白い壁が、すべてのターンでそれらをぼんやりと囲みます。här 黒いゴム製のミニ手袋をはめた手を här の唇に/ här clearゴム製のマスクが頭をきつく締める/ 大きな丸い目/ (-CR)(00)/ すぼめられたしびれ、ひび割れた唇/ yameghuru_uereda(ii): 'Oh insp. x. Why did you-?'/ dr. m. in här mini-プラスチックのメートルは彼にとって意味を持っています. この正方形の yameghuru_uereda(ii) は黒.. 白い縦縞の人工の dr. m. ボディ (イミテーション dr. m.) は、最も悲惨な状況での専門的な行動を意味するようになりました. . 白 .. 黒 YAMABUSHI の装備. (なるだろう) 自分の創意工夫には退屈すぎる/ この四角形はモナドを意味する.. よく考えられた. この yameghuru_uereda(ii) は、それらのそれぞれのために、ミニチュアの完璧なプラスチック製のけいれんキッチンを作りました.安らぎ/ ヘ スクエアは鋭く知的な意味. 装飾されたボトルの意味白地に弱いブリリアントピンクのパターンはこれを勝利と見なした: (00) Cobalt_blue st各脇の下/ぐしゃもとの周りの熟した円。ぐしゃもと。ぐしゃもと。ぐしゃもと。身体操作(クラッシュ)のプロセス。恒久的な赤の肖像画ピンクに戻ります: 幽霊/凍った黒の「A」が存在する前に、微かに動く傾向があります。胸の真ん中/ yameghuru_uereda(ii): 'ずっとぐしゃもとでした。ぐしゃもと。ぐしゃもと。ぐしゃもと。背後からの肉体、演技、lt.の背後になること。目。ニヤリと笑った/呆然とした/不思議に思った/メガアカシャ: 行きたかった.それはとても輝かしいものでしたか?'/ C: 'ぐしゃもとではない.ぐしゃもとブームブームブームブームブーム。アナログなフォルム、未来。」黒い輪郭/マーキング クリアラバー 6-バンプボディスーツ クリアラバーマスク付き/ (-CR)(00) 唇をゆっくり動かす: (00) 白い雪の斑点- 胸が張り裂けるような寒さで息をするのに少し苦労する/ クリアな山伏装備品 ラバー 6-バンプ ボディスーツ w/ ブラック マーキング/ モナディック ウェーブ 05. モナディック ウェーブ 06. は、このイベントの無数の (OOOOOO) 誤解を示しており、モナディック ウェーブ 00. モナディック ウェーブ 08. モナディック ウェーブ 09. (有理数) は配置されない可能性があります。 (00)だった? Monadic Wave 010. Monadic Wave 011. をずっと準備していたのですか?彼との訪問を手配しなければなりません。モナディック ウェーブ 012. モナディック ウェーブ 013. 短く刈り取られた頭からの 5 つの小さな突起 .. ミニ C.A.M./ (-CR)(00) の冷たい麻痺した唇は、透明なラバー マスク/黒いラバー グローブをはめた手の後ろで鮮やかに震えます。静けさの中/ 5 つ以上のミニ突起のある頭 ああ、とても炭素のような黒い髪/ 透明なゴムの束縛が疲れた足の痛み/ どこへ行くの?: ものぐるい白いゴム手袋 (JUST DO IT) (50.00): しかし決してyameghuru_uereda(ii) に気付きの言葉を吹き込みました.. これが彼に知られるようになったのはずっと後になってからのことです.後で、以前に行った作業でリグフォーメーションライダーに戻ったとき、皮肉な便利さがありました。まるで最初から自分の構造を弱体化させることを計画していたかのように、移行の影響:私の最初の動きの: 00_(00): 形成された .. モナド戦争の後に発効s はちぶしゅ: hä はタイトなゴム製の黒い手袋をはめています: メカニズムを慎重に調整して、モナド波の洗練されたキャリブレーションを行います: här 顔は冷静に挑戦的です: 透明なゴム製マスクの後ろで誇らしげです: 透明なゴム (00) här 膝まで: (-CR )(00) 麻痺した唇の荒れた口をぎこちなく動かす: 黒いゴム adidas スリッパ: モナド電流の管理者: du ka: モナド電流は単に、しかし決定的に首尾一貫した数学的フィクションである: 髪は 5- の 5 つのミニバンドルに引っ張られるタイトな透明なゴム製マスクの下の小さな突出した頭: 暗い目: 透明なゴム製マスクの後ろの黒い無精ひげの顔: 黒のアウトライン: マーク)."