MONOGURUI maitr-dress: (the uri(00)ughuryor)
(00_00)(MONOGURUI: (ft CAPT.R.) (00_00) (00_00) 00. OOOOO. yu_eghuru(-(CR(00))): (recorded on the C.A.M.) "(här white acrylic bodysuit pushed against här muscles, white acrylic face-mask over här head: there was a mysterious quiet now: hä could be certain that movements that one would anticipate, if properly coded, were dropping off: a micro force like c.-op. could go from 0 to u(0_0) back to 0 before anyone properly registered their existence, blown through like a cheap cover one uses once only: 00000. the u_C.A.M.(ii), the construction of (00_00), was essential to their efforts, an intricate mega_mech consisting of a hundred-fold of multiple intercoordinated cyclobaric chambers: they devised the plan for inversion .. began to put it into effect with the help of the (000000), the construction of (00))."(00_00)(MONOGURUI: (ft CAPT.R.) (00_00) (00_00) 00. OOOOO. yu_eghuru(-(CR(00))): (recorded on the C.A.M.) "(but after initial signs of inordinate promise it appeared to develop a flaw): (no one knows what mim stands for, or if they do they wish they didn't: the two glowering figures stand half in the shadows, one staring directly at här, one with face in hand, o_kuima .. c_ueda, in dark gray thick rubber ice-gear with thick rubber hoods pulled over heads .. black rubber masks .. rubber bindings with strapped on devices: the uri(00)ughuryor faces them, it's squat body low in the dark rock-hewn opening, flanked by sheets of white rubber coverings: a flickering dim white light pushes through them: future-monads as growths running over the material body of the immanent *reality: each u_point suggests a ray of causation reverberating between it .. its companions, binding objects together: as holomorphic or antiholomorphic entities these reverberating rays bend all u_space which they pass through: c represents then the escape velocity for temporal flows, defined as it is as the velocity of the inertial system of the *region as a complete entity: but to call it velocity is misleading, it is rather simply rate of change, or continuously morphing difference: the uri(00)ughuryor's black sans serif text runs over some of its contours with descriptive specs: the mini-op.-scope hinges up from upper-body just over mid-body glass cylinder fronted by 6 black circles: it's 5’2' form with modular silver-chrome components plaited over black rubber joints with metal fittings: the ghuimers float around it, microscopic inter*regional creatures who have taken residence upon this obscure world .. who collaborate with the uri(00)ughuryor on projects here concerning hydro-seeding .. optic filtrations: the ghuimers occupy this possible world a-temporally as a domain .. this possible world temporally as a codomain, inter-binding themselves with plant-life on various worlds, particularly in the (0) region: from what the institute has been able to gather, they are continuously expanding in population, though the precise mechanism for their reproduction is unclear: they seem to be embedded in the meiosis processes of the plant forms they occupy: they communicate with the mecha predominantly, via direct information-formation as shapes .. forms of forces delivered as communication modules in ways that the mecha are more easily able to assimilate than wet-bound lifeforms: yughueru(ii), though, has been able to broach some sort of more intimate contact with them, at multiple levels, .. communicates with them on a regular basis via the c.a.m.(ii), such that plentiful information is passed to här via such channel which subsequently is used in här monadic mappings: at times hä will sugggest that without them hä would be lost: but hä is fond of them .. perhaps exagerates: sometimes hä chides them on the apparent spurious inter-connections they find, but they comfort här .. ultimately claim as their practice the acceptance of the notion of paranoia as the point to of convergence of perception): (u_ejento began to disappear .. YAMAUEREDA slipped into a process of decay, becoming a myghourph with only isolated pockets of remaining vitality: the hachibushu_mitsu, afraid of the apparent consequence of their action, disbanded with the idea of pursuing retribution individually: (00)(00) (00)(00) (00)(00) (00)(00) (00)(00) (00)(00) (00)(00) (00)(00) (00)(00) (00)(00) (00)(00) (00)(00) (00)(00) (00)(00) 00000. (00)(00) (00)(00) (00)(00) (00)(00) (00)(00) (00)(00) (00)(00) (00)(00) (00)(00): the development of phylum inequalities led to the concept of inverted points, an inverted point being (df) the collection of all possible functions for a given codomain producing the given point: roughly one could compared this to the concept of the monad, such that a given point was a mirroring of all potential worlds containing the point: from there everything else would just be inequalities, in the sense of running out the implications for one's probability fields: all of this was non-parametric as possible: the base schema would be an neg-information generator, such that if conditions ran out unaltered one would reach equilibrium in one's ergodic space at range i, fitted against an 0* representing the force applied, .. resulting in a u_pulse predictor, conceiving of regions of the imagined space at which one would be likely to find convergences: these phylum inequalities could be found hiding in the unattainable spaces gapping the phenomenogical field, such that the construct that we conceive of as reality consists in a direct .. experiential way of the guesses .. imagined forces that we apply to invisible space between objects of perception: (00)(00) (00)(00) (00)(00) (00)(00) (00)(00) (00)(00) (00)(00) (00)(00) (00)(00) (00)(00) (00)(00) (00)(00))."(00_00)(MONOGURUI: (ft CAPT.R.) (00_00) (00_00) 00. OOOOO. yu_eghuru(-(CR(00))): (recorded on the C.A.M.) "((00)(00) (00)(00) (00)(00) (00)(00) (00)(00) (00)(00) (00)(00) (00)(00) (00)(00) (00)(00) (00)(00) (00)(00) (00)(00) (00)(00) (00)(00) (00)(00) (00)(00): 'upstream' was a distorted dystopian future where proto-phasm was imbued with special gravitational forces that imbued its proprietor with the special powers of a defense compound regime morphed into a futuro-agricultural inter-regional phase of nomadic conglomerations: as if a formalist utopia were imposed upon the *region by functionalist planners equipped with perfectoids .. radials in place of linear formations: you could commute these flows only in a context where, not only the future, but also the past was path-probabilistic, shifting oneself from one flow to another to fall back on a mapping to a causal reverbs that preceded one only in a counter-fictional sense: interstellar polders pushed propagation flows into these newly forming agricultural commune units, pulling in migratory labor in waves, leaving behind them research centers .. proto-phasm unions whose occupation levels would pulsate with dispersed trends of adoption: what is the process of yamabushi recoding at either of these poles that forms ergodic volume?: ergodic volume as generated by the pulling inward of future/past proto-phasm: mathematical monadism could ride movements in either direction, as long as its ejento could model their wave forms to jump ahead of shifts in the proto-phasm coefficients in play: holes at each side of här mid-riff in grid patterns allowed for breath .. moisture to push out/in: a slight tremor in här lips suggested that här large body was pushing to its limits now: the white acrylic shimmered slightly in the light: hä pulled här shoulders inward, stopping momentarily to listen for unexpected movements: what would cyclomonadism be in this context?)."(00_00)(MONOGURUI: (ft CAPT.R.) (00_00) (00_00) 00. OOOOO. yu_eghuru(-(CR(00))): (recorded on the C.A.M.) "(a pushing out of the radiating limits of proto-phasm calibrated of a balance of forces in one direction, entropism,or the other, phasm-force: yu_eghuru(ii) coughs/shudder, cold: pieces (images, text) are in connection with the (-)(00) process generated .. hä moves här lips slowly: clear rubber tubing pulsing with –ach: merging with one another instead of built on top of on another: the madhymaka process was deemed sufficient by yu_eghuru(ii)(00), (0000): later hä would pull clear rubber stockings(00) up to här knees: (00)(00) moves här lips slowly: scanning it’s op.-scope over a monitor running blue pink .. white circle patterns out in concentric circle wave forms: its squat 5’2' form with modular silver-chrome components plaited over black rubber joints with metal fittings: its reflection bounced back dimly at it for a moment from the glass plait set into the wall as the yu_eghuru bodies receded back into its depths, shimmering just slightly, for just a moment: nevermind the cold air that pushed against it: the uri(00)ughuryor was forthright in its confidence in its endeavors, its perceived ultimate victory as an attractor pulling it inward: black sans serif text runs over some of its contours with descriptive specs: the mini-op.-scope hinges up from upper-body just over mid-body glass cylinder fronted by 6 black circles: small dimples of condensation formed on a few of its clear plastic surfaces: occasionally one of these dimples would pop or recede to be replaced by a growth elsewhere: it flexed its black rubber hand .. turned away from the yu_eghuru body to leave it to its development .. padded its metal feet across the clear plastic floor to a long shimmering metallic corridor: its movements echoed down its stretch .. back again in reverberation: the clear plastic walls)."(00_00)(MONOGURUI: yu_eghuru(ii))((00))(00)(00_) (00_00)(00_00)(00_00) yu_eghuru(ii)(00_00)(the YUGHUR::PHANTOM)(ii): "(gray plastic 3-pronged feet click lightly against the clear plastic floor: fronting the shoulders are 2 chrome-silver block filters swiveling forward: hä could feel it coming up här body from somewhere deep in här stomach, pushing up into här mouth .. här head, inorganic, or sterile .. impure, with the taste of cold metal: (yu_eghuru(ii) in clear padded acrylic bodysuit with white bindings .. outline .. weak blue medium pink u_chrema logo on the chest, over white cotton undersuit)." 00. 00_00)(00)(MONOGURUI)(00_00)_GHOST(ii): "(clear acrylic hood enclosing tightly här head .. black rubber ½-mask)." ((00)(00_) (00_00)(00) yu_eghuru(ii)(00_00)(the YUGHUR::PHANTOM)(ii): "(they could be as small .. tight a convergence as one would like but could also blow up dynamically: u_ejento would monitor .. project the dark movements of the u_pulse currents for a given system, the blow-back that was the unavoidable concomitant of reverb: plotted out one would end up with a complete inverted model of offsets with its own intrinsic .. information rich potentialities: contractual concepts of property were by small degradations .. slippages replaced by the concept of possession, gradually, but with the eventual authoritative force of the takings ideologies behind it: independent non-curve research institutes were formed as pairings with new 00-00-ueghurama entities pushed by the proto-phasm influx, creating hybrid 2-headed organizations whose ultimate aims could be difficult to assess: much of the work on the research end went into water reclamation projects, with huge mass plants produced under their guidance as consultants putting huge holding basins into place to effect u_pulse collocation control .. hydropower banks)."
((00)(00_) (00_00)(00) yagao_ueda(ii)(00_00)(ch.)(00_00)(the UORUOP_PHANTOM)(ii): 「(ある意味で、彼は不平を言う実行中のモノローグを意識していました。彼らの不正は途切れることなく続いており、ハールの深い窪みのすぐ先まで完全に認識されていた.. 完全な認識、ずっとそこにあったと疑われていた独白が、気づかれずに続いていた.この干拓地のシステムでした..流れのモデルとして機能する灌漑..u_pulse 電流の制御システムの統合): (00_00)(MONOGURUI: yagao_ueda(ii))(episode 02: ブリトニー スピアーズが起き上がり、不安定、不信感でハーの周りを見回す..破裂:涙がハーの顔を流れ始め、すすり泣くハーはハーの手を見つめる:ハーがポータルのサイズに拡大する青い光る力の輪を開く前に:ハーの涙はゆっくり、.. hä は不思議なことに、息をする表面の脈動する鏡像を透視します。hä は到達します。それに触れる: 冷たさを感じるが、手を引っ張る: 躊躇し、暗い目は濡れている.. 激怒し、足を踏み入れる: här が体を震わせ、hä が通り過ぎると..町のはずれにある山下の丘から、遥か下に広がる農地を見渡す岩の尖った縁を見渡す: yagao_ueda(ii): 'ブリトニー スピアーズ': hä は、här の背後にある声の発信源に目を向けます。 : yagao_ueda(ii) は、白いゴム製のボディー スーツを着た大男です..白いゴム製のマスク、白いマントが乱暴な風によって無秩序に引っ張られています): (栽培.. アパートのセントラル ヒーティングのメンテナンス: (00_00): yagao_ueda( ii)(00_00)(ch.)は、自分自身がゆっくりと水面下の冷たい半意識状態に深く入り込んでいるのに気付きます: すべてが冷たくなっています.. 白: うーん."