(00_00)(MONOGURUI: (ft CAPT.R.) (00_00) (00_00) 00. OOOOO. yumi(no)gosuto(-(CR(00))): (recorded on the C.A.M.) "(hä has hoped for this, but without expecting it to come to fruition: this was the innovation that would push us forward into the future: (ugartë vs. härself?): u_objects as extensions of ourselves in the same sense that we 'modify our bodies' via outfits, cultivated hair .. lips .. makeup, plastic surgery, the fantasies we consume, surrounding ourselves with plants or flowers, our dishware, furniture as a manifestation of our position on the mind/body question: all of these, as commodities, push cyclo-reflective monads into one channel or another: these accumulated flows form the yuri-versions of ourselves, doubles which we both control .. do not control in various measure: the problem with (0) orbs is the imaginary dividing line: protein-masses fold on to each other, overlap, .. consume one another .. perform subterfuges on one another, such that another's fantasmal projections become our hardest points of material reality formed by difference-gaps, intrusions: you cannot bend the space that another occupies except by the force of contradiction .. madness: the chrema would always be dependent on these intercollocated flows, such that it would be the pushed, not the pusher: attempts to engineer .. define civilization by the imposition of bindings .. restraints would always be undermined .. overturned by the underside of proto-phasm formation .. consumption: the double-function of alienation/entanglement was inverted by the u_ejento to become super-morphism/monadic-projection in pure dematerialized preta fashion via u_pulse (hungry, hungry, ….): until one comes face to face with one's own y_phantoms .. realizes that the alien force turning one's body inside out is one's own perfect uber-autarchic pseudo-self yumi(no)gosutos that one imagines onself to be in inner imagined unrealities: the residual self-identity that peers back from the mirror at one with slightly contorted gray lips, dark eyes, contemptuous .. sensuous bound up in masochistic furs .. black, tightly pulled rubber straps: in theory the mini-carnations alone should have been enough to destroy everything: but perhaps they were: it occurs to yueghuru(ii) that hä may perhaps only be observing the remnant backwash of effects of events which have perhaps already unfolded: waiting for it to wash over här: yueghuru(ii) observes yumi(no)gosuto's clear rubber goryo suit (weak blue, pink, .. white) with clear rubber mask as a cold point of departure for u_flows which hä recognizes as present in many of the flows which hä has encountered over the course of the previous few commutes: it had been clear to här that there was a precise point that they were all converging on, but hä had been unable to pin-point it: somehow if hä had had recourse to this information perhaps events would have unfolded differently, though hä is uncertain just what other course they could have taken: perhaps hä was simply right all along, each time hä mumbled under här breath 'god, i'm (0000)ed': though, of course, in such a case, the satisfaction of correctness is muted: here all of the goryos in effect are clearly path-dependent in respect to the underlying u_monads or u_objects: the calls .. puts in play then bounce up .. down in constant reverb: probability has been structured, at least theoretically, as a function of a set of possible events, with probability simply a measure of the ratio of a given subset of possible events to the set as a whole: but the one who is (0000)ed always sees through the duplicity of this: there is always that one ur-set aimed directly at their body, they always see it coming: to paraphrase yagao_ueda, 'well, it was right in front of me': for the one who is (0000)ed this is always understood as what is meant by a 'biunivocal relationship')."(00_00)(MONOGURUI: (ft CAPT.R.) (00_00) (00_00) 00. OOOOO. yumi(no)gosuto(-(CR(00))): (recorded on the C.A.M.) "(the post-y_ghost entity, having consumed the proto-phasm of its host, must find new entities to merge with to continue to exist: potentially this occurs from recognizing gaps in propagation structures of adjacent entities, usually related to neg-information premiums or other sources of improbables that one would usually prefer to blow off, .. allocating resources to fill them)." 00. (00_00)(00)(MONOGURUI)(00_00)(00_00)(ii): "(white square-stitched padded cotton bodysuits .. white cotton slippers)." 00. (00_00)(00)(MONOGURUI)(00_00)(00_00)(ii): "(the radiant other worlds): (the pressures that were proliferating pushed up against proto-phasm ratio .. analytic constraints: material velocities were acting as a new form of minimally processed y_flux or monadic channel binding the proto-phasm mass: eventually this was formalized, such that interior individuals .. polders' possessions .. monad-processes were derivitized by mathematical ejento with their u_pulse flows fulfilling proto-phasm filters: futures compounds were developed on these crystallizations: these kinds of phantasmal pulses irradiate various points: military-agricultural operations proliferated: as their activities expanded they merged with the regime corps of u_ejento .. pushed their ambitions outward to dispersed spaces, where the cultivation of ports, information cyclostructure, agriculture, .. educational centers became a core part of their mission: human proto-phasm was dispersed from central entropic corps .. provided a channel for migration circuits whereby populations were pulled into cyclo-developed nodes .. pushed out as the ground force of these interconnected regimes: trees .. other vegetation were cultivated by these agencies hand-in-hand with their other endeavors, intermingled with op.-urban mesh dispersions of urban densities: a form of immigration processing developed whereby, instead of emplaced citizenship, membership in a multi-compound union of nomadic development units was offerred, a union overlaid over compound institutions as a migratory, boundary-less commingling of regional interests: a proto-phasm union was formed for these micro-community entities, potentialized by synthetic flows co-linked to propagation flows for the affiliated military institutions, growing to a size dwarfing the largest yamaueredas of the *region: these efforts pushed into regions agnostically, into free .. despotic regimes without distinction, fulfilling a program of betterment of the *region for all peoples wherever possible .. unmitigated by ideological aims: population flows from rural to urban centers dispersed into a new, third form of decoded identification with groups .. aims in motion cultivating agro-op.-urban forms based in large part of the (::::) polder model." (00_00)(MONOGURUI: (ft CAPT.R.) (00_00) (00_00) 00. OOOOO. yumi(no)gosuto(-(CR(00))): (recorded on the C.A.M.) "(clear plastic walls curve against the massive steel formed contours behind them, shifting coldly over the white light): (later this would become the rubber goryo bodysuit used for engagement in monogurui processes: yamabushi would map out their c.a.m. via a basic _-foliate structure (_u): each _u was anchored by a u.0 function representing a u_pulse measurement mapping of a temporal domain: (00_00) had devised a _u mapping (00_00), *(0)hpur, a u differential (measuring the change in a universalized consolidated proto-phasm flow intensity), sum of flows, background reverb, .. monogurui (always the _th term of a _u, constructed as an inverted residual): the result is a temporally fluid topological reconciliation of eigenvalues .. sequences, relying heavily on direction neutral 'sums' referred to as u_pulse flows, or U[u.0….u.I]: sometimes these were referred to more casually as 'paths', referencing the space between _ or more of these given u_pulse points: __ clear vials of clear fluids are inset into the clear plastic wall to yueghuru(ii)'s right pushing back into a recess: each one is held in place by two metal clasps on a thick glass surface: on occasion on or another of the clear fluids will vibrate minutely but convulsively: small metal screws hold the top two thirds of each clear vial in place: each has two small clear plastic nodules inset at the mid-way point: the recess is lit by white hydrophonic light: to the side of the recess are white plastic cabinets .. drawers inset into the white plastic walls: the air is cold .. slightly uncomfortable, with a barely noticeable stench like old vomit)." (00_00)(MONOGURUI: yueghuru(ii))((00))00. (00_00)(00)(MONOGURUI)(00_00)(00_00)(ii): "(the mhyamaka unit, made of clear contoured plastic .. glass, sits on metal grooves on the clear plastic floor at the far end of the small room: yueghuru(ii) stayed near the glass chamber, peering closely into its clear fluids, body pushing against the clear rubber of här black outlined goryo suit over white cotton: chrome studs pin the goryo unit: the dark tunnel stretches both in front .. behind them from the platform): (there was probably a lack of appreciation of the proto-phasm currents as a markov sequence: people were more comfortable fitting things to curves that possibly did or did not exist: for some u_ejento, though, that very unknowability was exciting, the idea that one was at all times on the cusp of unforeseeable moves: 'the pattern had shifted': hä felt sick, with the weight of the movement of corrosive miasma pushing into här body: hä felt certain now that the human race was darker .. capable of more malevolent force than hä had ever been willing to fully contemplate or accept: to what degree must we open ourselves up to the concept of the cancerous properties of (00_00) in order to defend .. push back forcefully against it: if one pushes it away where does it go?: there is that fundamental question: 'are ugartë capable of pure, unadulterated evil?' that one must ask oneself .. face, .. answer, before one can move forward: yueghuru(ii) adopted a posture of enforced cyclo-paranoia, upon härself: the yamabushi constructed (_u) u_objects with the property of hebephrenic reverb from points in the pre _000 to a single point in (00) of _00_, pulling proto-phasm backwards .. pushing it into u_objects .. point-flux tied heavily to the (00_00), partially just out of convenience as it was a soft point from an analytic standpoint, but also more diversely, though to a lesser degree, in a wide array of proto-phasm concrescences: one of the fundamental concepts of the u_ejento was that attempts to measure * directly would invariably fail, as it was too amorphous .. mysterious in its movements to quantifiably observe: instead they emphasized the method of measuring (0)-formation or its other variances as one would a large invisible creature in one's midst, via the indirect observations one could make regarding the movements of those things it was pushing: so (0)-formation, to them, was a measure of the ratio between (c-op.) or some llke measure .. cyclo-intension, with a close appreciation of how this relationship was moving or changing)."
(00)(00) (00_00)(00) yagao_ueda(ii)(00_00)(ch.)(00_00)((00_00)(00_00))(ii): "(フローは、 a の: 1) 予測行列 (neg); 2) 予測行列 (00); 3) 予測行列 (pos); 4) 母集団行列; 5) 係数 .. 浮動誤差; 6) 浮動誤差平均: しかし、特定の彼らはガンマ分布を気にするのをやめ、エントロピーの限界に押し上げられた一種の通信システムとして数学的システムを構成しました.ある程度の精度で、与えられた数学的オブジェクトの間の空間に挿入する関数を定義するための抽象化された方法.. 次に、その関数を反転して、コドメイン内の他の数学的オブジェクトについて予測を行います。これらの関数は、の概念に基づいてモデル化されました重力、それらの根底にある力は、質量の値の間の相互作用のダイナミクスを模倣しています..近接性: この u_space での近接性は、収束から同心円状に構築されたジャンピング リングの概念でした: 2009 年 12 月、シティグループは、危機の頂点を通じてそれを保護していた政府の支援を解き放ちました..名目上は彼らの資本化を支えていた TARP ファンドを閉鎖しました:記録は、表面下で働いている目に見えない力を無視しています: 冬の幽霊は、AIG によって空けられた役割を引き受けましたが、拡張された形で、ボラティリティの増幅のために押されたゴリョスによって含まれるメガパワーで..金融市場では、合成信用スペースが、資金調達流体のすべての問題を注入するための一種の未来的なゴムのようなオーバーフロー盆地になり、ユートピア理論家が把握している単調な倒錯ではなく、u_flow プットによって支えられて、活発な跳ね返りを保証するようになった."(00) (00) (00_00)(00) yagao_ueda(ii)(00_00)(ch.)(00_00)((00_00)(00_00))(ii): "(しかし、すべてのぼうを克服する準備ができている力の不安定な支配nds、肥大、または資本の究極の内破.. 鼓動するけいれん的な歪みにおけるレンティエ体の臓器の反転): (彼は垂直に走る黒い印刷されたスペックを持つ白い金属のカプセルを愛撫します: それは冷たい風に対してわずかに反響します: _ 金属の突起 - はめ込まれた黒いプラスチックの表面から出てきて、それを閉じています)。 ((00)(00_) 00. (00_00)(00)(00)(00_00)_yagao:ueda(ghost)(ii): "(1 つずつ、här パック内のユニットにカプセルをドロップし、それぞれを取り出します(南極大陸): (.. 未来への投影によって定義される時間空間でのその残響.. 確率論的な u_pulse 力の関数としての過去、これらの力の尺度としての金利u: 分析は、リスク/拡大のグループ化に関連するさまざまな収束単位を除外しました: 不動産は、商業用.. 住宅用レベルで、次のようなリグラウンディングのモードに明示的に基づく金融政策に基づいて、デリバティブ市場に対する独自の引力を形成しました。資本力の変動に対する抵抗、資本に投資された力の均衡を財産ベースの均衡から社会福祉構造の均衡へと押し上げた力: 社会福祉国家を弱体化させる1つとしてのこのプロセスの動機は決して隠されていませんでしたが、公然の状態として明白な視界で運用されたd 目標: 社会の財産に基づく階級は、この時期に、経済力のマルクス主義型の構成を、時間と空間の両方の次元の広い範囲にわたる利益のバランスとして理解するようになりました。 d_gフレームワークでそれらに対して直接押し上げる蓄積は、復号化/再符号化プロセスと呼ばれます)」(00)(00) (00_00)(00) yagao_ueda(ii)(00_00)(ch.)(00_00) ((00_00)(00_00))(ii): 「(加法代数ではなく、収束する微分の流れに関連するフラックス空間のようなシステムとして、以前に主張されたアウタルキー空間をシステムとして再マッピングするように資本主義を駆り立てる: 進歩的な経済学者の場合資本の分配は、資本の価値と生産の価値との比率として機能するという認識に達した.. 危機の余波で、定着した工作員は、その開始/発展期にこの理解からすでに彼らの努力を開始していた.関連を制御するr .. g 間のイオンシップは、この期間中の制御の実装のための数式に組み込まれていました。おそらく認識されなかったのは、信用政策が、u_ejento が彼らに帰したメガレベルの不安定な動きの種類と相互作用した程度でした。ほとんどのモデルは成長因子の部分を説明しましたが、資本主義の力のプロセスとしての定義により、そのコアで動作するリバーブプロパティは説明しませんでした: 繰り返しますが、これらのoppとして、確率的なフローでした。ジェネレーティブに: ベースモデルをドロップすることができます)."