(MONOGURUI)invariances(robert nozick): (uber-fuyos(no)GOSUTO)



((00)(00_) (00_00)(00) y_ueghuru(ii)(00_00)(the YUGHUR::PHANTOM)(ii): "(the wind .. the waves): (massive propagation for protein-reorientation .. accommodation for the lifting up of the prototopia base compound: all of this was to be interwoven with military-command phasm, such that the corps was to be formed on the agrarian service model, with point-form pushed into overspace models of high reverb farming .. fisheries: exclamations of 'no' .. 'it's all wrong' were regularly voiced, in whispers, as plans were cultivated)." (00_00)(MONOGURUI: (ft CAPT.R.) (00_00) (00_00) 00. OOOOO. y_ueghuru(-(CR(00))): (recorded on the C.A.M.) "(u_ejento were always confused .. disturbed by, but also drawn to, those points in u_flows where processes become frozen, where reverberation becomes tied off: for to the u_ejento the reverberations are the 'thing', in its material or psychic sense, the dumb huge beast that moves where it wants to move, .. grows or pulls inward at its own whims: 0* to them was always mysterious .. unpredictable, full of forces of convergence .. expansion pushing multiple directions)." 00. (00_00)(00)(MONOGURUI)(00_00)(00_00)(ii): "(so large .. deep .. powerful that it could consume one at any moment, more like the ocean than anything that could be harnessed .. controlled): (cyclo-intension in this context is treated as reverse-co-emergence, or as a kind of implosive op.flux pumping up the monadic phase when combined with higher u-reverb, pushing forward *production: the u_ejento worked with a time-symmetric op.flux framework, so, for example, you could be faced with an implosive u_op. velocity on an inversion flowing from _00_ to _00_: once you start pushing your mapping in the context of a framework in which time flows both multiple directions the idea of implosive, or even imaginary velocities, becomes less mysterious .. opaque .. can be handled routinely .. with a distinct lack of the contortions would might otherwise bring to it: (00_00)(00_00)): (forcing its white light through the clear plastic .. glass surfaces of the complex interiors: the yamabushi recognized the need for an expansion of the mathematical framework in which they operated, conceptually, .. planned on the development of large mathematical research facilities in conjunction with the irrigation grids proposed – math farms as they referred to them)." (00_00)(MONOGURUI: (ft CAPT.R.) (00_00) (00_00) 00. OOOOO. y_ueghuru(-(CR(00))): (recorded on the C.A.M.) "(the u value incorporates multiple phantom variables ultimately generating the phenomena associated with the proto-phasm mass, in a probabilistic sense, .. to a large degree entropic phenomena more generally: (0_0) being the classic case study, where the decay of its cultural growth coincided in causative fashion with the stunting of its early proto-phasm modernization that counterfactually could, with little imagination, have matched its irrigation channeling development for powerful proto-phasm flows of an advanced form: (00_00) (00_00) (00_00) (00_00) (00_00) (00_00)): (hä ran här hand over här clear rubber poncho over white padded acrylic bumping of här chrome studded outfit with multiple metal zippered insets, clear rubber hood over här 2-braided head, ½-acrylic ½-cotton mini-poncho cut to mid chest: här head felt distorted .. full of growing reverberations: petals on a 0000ing bough)." 00. (00_00)(00)(MONOGURUI)(00_00)(00_00)(ii): "(the wind .. the waves)." (THE (0__) ((00)(00_) (00_00)(00) y_ueghuru(ii)(00_00)(the YUGHUR::PHANTOM)(ii): "(instead, institutional powers pulled back on the formation of such mechanisms with the resulting incipient cotton *production blow up passed over in favor of 'control' over a slow pulling inward: there is always, in these circumstances, a non-unitary operator for transformation, if given the proper engineered push): (här gray acrylic-fiber multi-gapped ghost-equipage stretches .. pushes against myro-y_ueda(iv)'s angular body as hä bends low: hä crouches over the array of u_objects, each one wrapped closely in come kind of clear rubber: each one, when looked at, draws här gaze forward .. into its depths, imbuing a sense of ache .. throb as här muscles quiver in response to its closeness: monads pass back .. forth between här .. the u_objects rapidly as a-physical:: a-material:: a-spatial:: a-temporal process-oriented distortions: i.e., existing in a kind of pseudo-mathematical property space of possible worlds stripped of categorical rigidity: hä promised härself never to come near them again, to give in to their voluptuous horror, knowing that hä deceives härself with such promises, corrupts härself with här very protestations of innocence: hä knows the underlying problems involved in these powers, such that they are actualized in an informationally independent space, floating over multiple u_worlds as their codomains bend .. curve pre-possessively, inchoate, assertively unconcerned with här presence: the slightest of wrong movements could initiate decay, .. might pull här in to their control: the low metal table in front of the low platform floor-dais was covered with a gay-coloured cotton sheet .. tied down with black cords, .. on it a low white plastic pulse light was radiating: there were inset sections of white rubber circled grip lining on the flooring: the five agents are observing, hä is aware, .. hä moves slowly, attempting to calculate their ongoing appraisal .. judgment of här actions: their actual appearance is quite rare: the emergence of a post-monad::war (00_00) engaged in the affairs of the Institute has complicated their authority status: while, in theory, hä is under their control, in practice the agents look to the bodiless (00_00) for guidance: the respect which he commands from them borders on the iron grip, making them, in most aspects, a 5-headed figurehead)."

(00_00)(MONOGURUI: (ft CAPT.R.) (00_00) (00_00) 00. OOOOO. y_ueghuru(-(CR(00))): (recorded on the C.A.M.) "(the low polished wood bedframe with thin white cotton covered mattress was screened off by glass .. mirrored space dividers, which ran the length of the room, .. besides the low white cotton cushioned floor-dais there stood by the table a large, low wooden platform: a little white light was radiating before it: half reclining on the white cushion unbacked floor-dais, propped on a white cotton cushion: the poncho lay carefully folded on the expansive wood with gray fake fur cushions floor-dais: hä was coarsely painted with gray paint around the eyes .. powdered as before)." (00_00)(MONOGURUI: (ft CAPT.R.) (00_00) (00_00) 00. OOOOO. y_ueghuru(-(CR(00))): (recorded on the C.A.M.) "(monadic control is about making an adjustment to flows within one's own interior space .. inverting it out into the (*)region: här body was encased entirely in the gray rubber equipages, with the exception of two circular holes for här eyes, from which white filtered light radiated out: on här back was strapped a small black metal device that hummed lightly: strapped across one should hä carried a morph_resonator packaged with a basic mini grid-modulator: hä was far below the surface now, deep in the coordinated passages of the polymer-plasma lined irrigation drops .. basins, passing over walkways circumnavigating the flows of water, everything vibrating the the cold dim white light from the floor-sensors: hä knew hä should be regretful of this move, but hä wasn't: instead hä could feel här heart beating forcefully against här veins, calmly .. slowly, but with an urgency directed still further into the lower depths: every 200 meters hä stopped .. crouched to the edge of the wall, running här gray rubber gloved hand to grip inside the edge of a flow meter, checking, .. at times adjusting, its callibration: each of these would feed back to the processing grid, where hä could find it later .. reinsert the desired codes: inversion: (df) the turning insideout of the relationship of base compound proto-phasm to interior mathematical flows, such that the directionality of the 'augur-op.' ratio was reversed, compound proto-phasm becoming a curving of mathematical proto-phasm's flows: the interior proto-phasm compounds being mapped to indices as the foundation for synthetic compound u_monads, controlled .. regulated by the (0) instrument for push-down .. the u_CHROMA window for propulgation: the chrema co-linked to the *pulse introgression as the sole source of the monadic foundation, all other u_pulse-generating forms of the compound dismantled: compound proto-phasm instruments piggybacking on the crystallization of interior agencies' u_monads in all forms, such that the indirect indexing function of the cyclo-intension mapping processs became a direct isomorphism, with the proto-phasm compounds quasi-backed by the promise of mirroring)." (00_00)(MONOGURUI: (ft CAPT.R.) (00_00) (00_00) 00. OOOOO. y_ueghuru(-(CR(00))): (recorded on the C.A.M.) "(the victory of the rentiers for retention .. stultification of these powers came not so much with the smashing of the 'onnagatomaton' of their time but with the cutting off of propagation for their *production .. re*production: the next thing you know you're binding feet, .. god knows what else: instead one could most productively benefit from its movements only by bending oneself into its currents, .. by merging with the ever present paradoxical urge to be crushed by its overwhelming weight: light hood pulling down closely over här 2-braided head): ((00_00) (00_00) (00_00) (00_00) (00_00) (00_00) (00_00) (00_00) (00_00) (00_00) (00_00) (00_00) passageways, .. egress corridors overlooking vast underground expanses of budding mini urban growth .. development): (looking over vast rows of clone hybrid poplar dogwood saplings)." ((00)(00_) (00_00)(00) y_ueghuru(ii)(00_00)(the YUGHUR::PHANTOM)(ii): "(the YAMAUEREDA's ambition, fearful .. distorted even in its most modest forms, was to become this invisible beast which roams over the (*)region with little concern for the petty expectations or projections of ugartë: this was posed as the third cosmological epoch, from entropism to the deteriorating flows of monadism): (constructing channels of distribution over the u_verse, to the cyclo-monadism that becomes phasm-force, with the means of *production pushed forward into the future such that they become ungraspable, uncontrollable, .. the flow of proto-phasm reversed)." (00_00)(MONOGURUI: (ft CAPT.R.) (00_00) (00_00) 00. OOOOO. y_ueghuru(-(CR(00))): (recorded on the C.A.M.) "(such that, instead of proto-phasm in the form of compound proto-phasm being pushed into the *pulse introgression where it would be pumped up into productive quantities, a surging overabundant proto-phasm mass would be pulled back in by the *pulse introgression from an expansive wave always on the verge of cycloinversion): ((00_00) allows for an inversion which would otherwise be disallowed by the 2nd law of u_dynamics, by virtue of a shift from one morphism which would be uninvertible in a given equilibrium framework to another in the polymorphism which would allow for inversion: gravity was shown to be slippage from one morphism to another: u_ejento operated by the extension of their consciousness to a specific given gravitational point in their body to which they would reverberate all other points, effecting the jump from one ring structure to another)."

「風にそよぐ花びらは雪のように: 散っていくのは私自身です」: yagaö::ueda は、この小さなマントラを繰り返して、ハー パラノイアを落ち着かせていました: それらを征服するよりも、それらを育成する必要があります: この可能性のどこかに、真実が見つかり、här の前に展開する可能性のある未来の明確なビジョンがありました: här は録音を開始するつもりで här の電話を指で触れましたが、代わりにカメラが開きました .. här は自分の顔の画像を見つめ直し、白いプラスチック製のベネチアン ブラインドを背景に、薄暗い光が入るようにスリットを入れていることに気づきました. 理論的には、光は 1 つのものではなく、一連の進行中のパルスが到達していると考えていました.. här を次々と通り過ぎる: hä は、もし här が彼らの起源に遡るとしたら、何を見つけるだろう? här は、här の調査結果を詳述する預金を記録しようとするつもりだった. それが一種の c を形成することを想像した せいぜいこれらのイベントの損失: 訪問者はまさにこの場所で här の前に立っていました, ほんの数年前, それはくすんだ白い, きらめく体です. 薄暗い朝の光の中でわずか半分しか見えません: 奇妙な輪郭を持つ大きなヒューマノイドであることが理解できた.. 4つの球体が突き出た頭は、手で簡単にカップに入れることができるほど小さい. イメージの堅牢性、.. 出現.. 弱い白い蒸気の出現.. 一時的に här の視線がそれを通り抜けることができるように: 「つまり、複数の世界という意味で、あなたは *-存在しますか?」、hä は疑問を呈しました。 異常な静けさで: 訪問者は間を置いて答えた.. 呼吸が少し遅くなった、または深くなっているように見えた: '…., はい.. いいえ: モナドのシステムを多次元の点として想像してください: 次に、複数の単語を折りたたむ それらが重なり合うようにこれらの点に..互いに介在する:それは *-私たちがあなたの世界に存在すると主張するような概念に*-マッピング可能であるという意味で。

MONOGURUI PUBLICATIONS seeks fiction related to math, economics, machines, conceptual fashion, utopia:dystopia, .. the future, for print-on-demand publication.

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(* as always the world ends in haute couture *): (0)(0)