MONOGURUI chushingura-dress: (YAGI NO ASHI NO JOSEI)
(00_00)(MONOGURUI: y_ueghuru(ii))((00))(00)(00_) (00_00)(00) y_ueghuru(ii)(00_00)(the YUGHUR::PHANTOM)(ii): "(if one wanted to point to the clearest evidence of such phenomena one would plot out the reverb of maxima .. minima points compared to previous aeons: critics of the bubble theory point to the 'moderate growth of micro-actor proto-phasm' in the buildup to the * as indicative of invisible processes which was not, at that time, overly expansive: here analytic forms help promote opportunity by pushing proto-phasm toward or away from given flows): (the post-y_ghost entity enters through these gaps, fills them, .. blows up the related organs of the host entity from these channels: this is what gets passed off as the urbanization, or the channelization, of contemporary economies: the obtainment could be reduced to an equilibrium point for movement: it is this equilibrium point that the u interprets from the mapping: for a long time it was thought to be a matter of deriving the correct axioms): (a pseudo-reality imposing itself upon reality: all of the flows at this time were curving back in on themselves: the monogurui goryos reversed the flow of casuality between u_monad u_pulse processes .. u_monad *production, decoupling growth of the proto-phasm mass from the compound proto-phasm utilities, whose volume had become insufficient, producing growths in the interior sector for the mathematical compounds to consume .. redeploy: in a phase-push defaults drive u_pulse preferences upward in self-reinforcing cycles, via two related channels: first, defaults produce implosive actual *pulse, in the sense that the actual op.flux produced by proto-phasm is not the phantom velocity recorded at its outset but a factor of actual receipts against the initial outlay: second, by decreasing the supply of proto-phasm to be produced by u_pulse providing entities, thus increasing its u_pulse .. providing an additional reverberating downward push on u_domain velocities)." (00_00)(MONOGURUI: (ft CAPT.R.) (00_00) (00_00) 00. OOOOO. y_ueghuru(-(CR(00))): (recorded on the C.A.M.) "(the notion of entropism is misleading, in the sense that it implies stasis of u_pulse collocations, when in fact, for the system as a whole, the amount of interregional * remains unchanged: rather, it is the amount of interregional * relative to the total proto-phasm mass that shifts upward, as proto-phasm *production pulls inward: the permanent saturation of the proto-phasm mass by the compound aims at overwhelming this phase-push-inducing effect, pushing it into interior spaces while restricting its growth from affecting the proto-phasm system as a whole: u_ejento would, at least as a placeholder figure, measure the growth of forces of autarchy (ejento in possession of the means of *production) as the velocity of growth in the value of monad-pulse * u_monad *production, forces of phasm-force (realized potential-pulse) as cyclo-intension(c) * c, .. that of the forces of monadism (proto-phasm *production by the *pulse introgression) as y*c, where y is the monadic phase: higher y pushes u into u_object *production .. out of the supply of commodities already produced (higher c, lower c), .. the inverse: with compound proto-phasm considered in the u_object form: the concept of neg-information was applied to mathematical systems, treating them as contingent communication systems with push/pull effects between conceptual particles: the force of gravity was formalized as an neg-information process in this sense, with disconnected rings of pathways through topological space grounded in a conceptual whole with the power to contain them .. force order upon them: every mathematical process, in this sense, can have an neg-information decay factor applied to it: what is the probability of a given series of operations producing information, vs. noise: everything, in this sense, became part of a gamma distribution: u_ejento would always incorporate a gravitational factor, as an unseen, hidden force): (insp.c.: '.. if everything falls apart?: what will you do then?': y_ueda(vi): 'I'll do it': insp.c.: 'do you accept the terms?': y_ueda(vi) looks far off into the ever closer .. closer distance: y_ueda(vi): 'yes': the clear plastic room surrounds them with its discomfort)." (00_00)(MONOGURUI: (ft CAPT.R.) (00_00) (00_00) 00. OOOOO. y_ueghuru(-(CR(00))): (recorded on the C.A.M.) "(interconnected with their u_pulse series, that might otherwise be referred to as a contagion effect, allowing for u_pulse growth to be dispersed out in indirect fashion: members of yamaueredas were arguing at the time intensely over the source .. ramifications of these effects: at the heart of these ideological debates was the question of whether the home modality on which these proto-phasm *productions rested would form a stable foundation in of itself, outside of .. independent of compound control of proto-phasm processes: .. then, right before their very eyes, these proto-phasm movements inverted, as (00_00) after (00_00) underwent a * congruence, .., poof, it was gone, .. analysts scrambled to chase them down, finding evidence only commutes later of their re-emergence in *production co-ops forming as secret societies for knowledge intensive labor units: some u_ejento became possessed of a mini-madhyamaka effect, such that their material bodies became blurry, as if caught in op.flux flutter between moments: they were shunned .. discommunicated .. cast out of YAMAUEREDA via both social pressures .. force, emerging in enclaves in the lower myghori_ch. mountain regions, in nomadic semi-autonomous communities: cut off from YAMAUEREDA, .. forced to develop their own methods for u_pulse mapping, they grew closer to the mega_phurgur: with shaved head but two long, dark ponytails coming to down from each side, in gray bodysuit with black markings .. distorted (0_0), black rubber white-laced/stitched stocking-slippers up to här thighs: här lips chewed at themselves petulantly: black mark on här left cheek: convergences were reverberating through the system, as proto-phasm velocities pushed down forcefully: analysts got glazed looks over their faces watching it unfold in real time over their u_C.A.M.s, shocked .. perverted into immobility)."
(00_00)(MONOGURUI: (ft CAPT.R.) (00_00) (00_00) 00. OOOOO. y_ueghuru(-(CR(00))): (recorded on the C.A.M.) "(the implosion of u_op. pulled everything inward: the magic mountain disappeared, (00-flux) wrappings came undone, forces from the depths took hold of the visible (*)region: the equilibrium between mass proto-phasm .. mass u_monads as interwoven with interior stasis .. mathematical u_monads contracted .. bulged in throbbing catastrophic release: the circuit of monad-pulse proto-phasm returned violently back to its starting point .. then inward, forming reverse bubbles of stasis .. retention like tumors pushing up against the bodily flesh of the processes of mathematical monadism .. catallactic proto-phasm .. point-flux in all their forms: hä pushed through the white cotton sheet to face the u_ghost waiting for här, moving forward into its pulsating radius until hä could feels its weighty sleep-inducing breath push past här, .. could see into the pores of its folded material flesh, its grayish, dark bruised foliated markings, .. could feel the moist residue of its accumulating fluids over its body: hä reaches out with här right hand in awful, fearful .. cautious, trembling .. unbelieving forced push forward, feeling the u_pulse powerfully collapsing the space between them)." (00_00)(MONOGURUI: (ft CAPT.R.) (00_00) (00_00) 00. OOOOO. y_ueghuru(-(CR(00))): (recorded on the C.A.M.) "(understanding pulls phenomena backwards into its region from diverse beyonds: anti-time functioned in this process as on the plane of a different dimension running in parallel but on a different declension: once all the values of material property were imbued with compound properties in commingled diffusion, one could allocate them according to political principles: u_ejento are adamant that this, foundationally, represented the static compound to resist .. push outward against with all one's power, devotional in the calculation that objects must ultimately be defined in keeping with dr.c.'s 'unknowable': dr.c.'s physics imply that the monad, as an anti-material being, acts as a point of gravitational force, pulling all convergent rays to a 0-point where all the residuals balance perfectly: probabalistic physics becomes a mapping of these convergences to determine the path along which they are curving, .. to then retrodict the implied forces from these plastic forms, .. then inverting the flows .. treating the monads themselves as epiphenomena)." (00_00)(MONOGURUI: (ft CAPT.R.) (00_00) (00_00) 00. OOOOO. y_ueghuru(-(CR(00))): (recorded on the C.A.M.) "(u_ejento pinned pretty much all 'bulging' in mathematics to the implementation in different forms of the diagonal method: once one allows for infinitesimals with larger than i denominators as decimals, or to put it another way, once one extends decimals to places exceeding log[10]i, then radiant dark places with all kinds of strange properties .. indeterminancies present themselves: u_ejento reconceptualized these methods as reverberation spaces bulging inward as opposed to outward: conceived of as morphisms inward, onto the body of their own forming: .. then, in a moment, it all reversed, .. u_ejento could be found everywhere pushing flows into various breeds of proto-phasm via the u_CHROMA: there were no checks or limits upon it: everything was being pushed, or at least everything in the sense of every project coming out of YAMAUEREDA: all of that pent up developmental pressure that had gone into their secret myghori_ch. compound was now being pushed over the globe: monadism, like all social organisations, justified its continued re*production on the idea that its presence defended civilization from the pulling back inward to the void that would inevitably take hold in its absence: this underlying fear formed the principles of ergodic volume .. alienation at a deeper level than any labor theory could matrix-filter for, .. gave them their immediacy .. power: the cold-form fan whose beating pulse pushes op.flux waves backward .. inward, inverting their forward movement .. transversing other planes)." (00_00)(MONOGURUI: (ft CAPT.R.) (00_00) (00_00) 00. OOOOO. y_ueghuru(-(CR(00))): (recorded on the C.A.M.) "('for u_ejento it was a question of how lines radiating out from an imagined prototopia could be mapped phenomenologically to the proto-phasm structures of the existing chremastic phasm-metric: it was found they could only be made to cohere as a topological identity if formed as inversions, such that proto-phasm movements found their resolutions in their own internal processes of formation: (00-flux) lent themselves to this form, as beginning .. end points, for mathematical concrescences ultimately tied off like a bow: the perfect future is to be party .. counterposition to one's own point-map, to seek one's own double as the cummutation to one's operand, in perfect reverberating stasis: but it was found that the foundation is always under attack, always shifting to new ground, what matters, ultimately, is the space between the foundations .. the theorems derived from them, the space in which this reverb takes place, .. the process: the u_op. prop stabilized the downrush but did not provide for the implementation of a push back upward comparable to the now vacated u_op. (00-flux) attachment: the (00-flux) was backing (00_00) which was in turn backing propagation for u_objects which in turn backed c-pulse: removing the (00-flux) .. the linked (00_00) from the circuit merely moved the gap from on place to another place: the u_objects cell was poofed back up by the quick implementation by the fuyo_yurei of a (00-flux) mirroring pool backing the c-pulse-linked inversion concrescences directly instead of indirectly via (00_00) as had been the case via the offshoot u_op. channel: mini versions of u_op. in the form of 'monad-pulse reverberators' disseminated the mini-urban landscape, proliferating rapidly over the course of a couple of commutes, pushed by fuyo_yurei generated (00-flux): here everything was mirrored back on itself)."
(00_00)(モノグルイ: (ft CAPT.R.) (00_00) (00_00) 00.OOOOO.yamegu(r)u(-(CR(00))): (C.A.M.に記録) 逆スピンプロセスを介して、それらが外側に流れたミニコードを介して、内側にモナドコアに戻ります。したがって、各ミニコードは残響ユニットとして機能し、u_pulse の観点から、全体と同期して拡張..収縮します。 全体としてのモナド生物: ミニ chod のリングは、ポイント マップ ミラーリングを介した共結合バインディングで形成され、全体の大部分の根底にある侵入に対する相互防御の原則を備えています): (yameguru(ii): 'しかしより良い それから、もし (00_00) が…. あなたがもっと近くにいたら…. 私は確信していた…. 代わりに不屈の…. ユリゴースト、それは慰めだ…. あそこ、山の上…. いや、もっと近くに…. あなたは彼らと一緒にいた… .'): (停滞から紛争への交差点にある平和のようなものを模倣するため): (hä は här フードを här の頭の上に下ろします.. 成長する寒さを振り返ります.. 落ち着いています: この時点で、すべてが här ゴーストラインは後続のマイナーに変換され、コントロール ポイントを弱く固定しました: 梅ヶ丸は不機嫌そうに här を見つめ返しました: 5'6" の透明なラバー フォームのすべての湾曲した膨らみは、淡いパステル ブルー レッドの花柄に押し付けられます.. ピンク、.. やや大きくはめ込まれた澄んだ目が部屋の上を動き回る.. ヤメグル(ii)の輝く体:うめが丸:「それが外側のプロットだけだったら気にしないだろうが、ソフトスポットがある. 内部でも: あなたが外出するなら、それは私を慰めます.. 今日それを見直してください: 山岳地帯へのドロップは待つことができます'): ((00) dr.m. 別名 yumi(no)gosuto: u_ejento: YAMAUEREDA: YAMAUEREDA が計画の実行を中断した後.. 解散 yumi(no)gosto は秘密裏に計画の成果を自分自身で追求し続けました: 透明なゴムの輪郭がわずかに脈動し、息がセミ - 強制的な永続的なリバーブで聞こえる: hä が向きを変え.. 一時停止し、.. 恥ずかしそうに här から遠ざかる: här が här に目を向けると、白い光が här の顔の特徴に対して輝きます: 私たちの体による時間の認識は、 サイクロインテンシオン マッピング プロセスと形式が似ており、時間の流れをネガ情報レベルのマッピングにインデックス付けして、所定のレートで変動します。ある瞬間から次の瞬間への知覚された動きは、 彼らはこのベースライン変数に収束しました: 複雑な u_objects に非常によく似た精神的概念になり、さまざまな速度で概念的な流れの周りに配置されます.. 文脈フレーミング: 数学的化合物の自由な競争体制により、バインドされていないミラーリングが可能になり、 マーカーまたはそれ自体に対する関係としてのu_flux:これは、両方の物質の伝播貯水池になります.. コミュニティがミニコミューン形式として抽象化された非物質的な開発.. その後、重なり合う可能性のある人工的な精神的プロセスとして純粋な爆縮空間にさらに.. バインド. 一緒にさまざまな俳優: 明確な鼓動するゴムの各点は、想像された行動の将来の収束に一致しているように見えた.. 再形成された筋肉の動き.. 臓器は時間間の体液によって押された. här の一部は、これらすべての外にとどまっていた..さまざまな点を、基本的な前提へのある程度の適合性を保持する 1 つの形状として認識することができた..Här が最も同形のコントロールを快適にした." (00_00)(MONOGURUI: yameghuru(ii))( (00))(00)(00) (00_00)(00) ヤメグル(ii)((00_00)(00_00))(ii): 「(ヤメグル(ii)は折り畳まれた白いシーツを敷いた白く低いプラスチック製の簡易ベッドの上に立っています。 ..それを壁に押し戻します:船の透明なプラスチック壁の密閉された空間、2 *。 här から各方向に見えないほど幅が広く、キッチンがほとんどないコンパクトなリビング スペース.. ハイドロカルチャー: 白いゴム製のショート パンツを着て、2 つ編みの頭の上に白いゴム製のキャップが付いています: här の視線は、いくつかの慎重なオブジェクトを憧れのように通過します。 壁の棚に片付けて.. 狭いサイドテーブル、白い陶器の魔法瓶、ガラスの小瓶のコレクション、透明なエンカウスティックで包まれた小さな金属製の機械ケース: 白いゴム製のスリッパが白いゴム製の床をぴったりと掴んでいる): (u_623: 'the R-contact はバインディングに「先行」します.. 1 つの U プロセスではなく 2 つ、過去から 1 つ.. 未来から 1 つ、特定の点に収束するという意味でのみ、不定と見なすことができます。 結合点から遠ざかるにつれて、投影時に曖昧になる U プロセスのパス: この収束空間では、2 つの U プロセスが互いに取引を行い、仮想境界を越えて値を押し戻します: スキーマ u_pulse は、光線が瞬時に通過する経路です: c は、光線自体の速度からではなく、u_space を通過してそこに向かって移動するオブジェクトの速度から導出されます.. 通過)."