(yumi)(no)(MONOGURUI)(ii): (KNOW WHERE YOU'RE HEADING?)(i:ii)
Pocket Book (4.25 x 6.875 in / 108 x 175 mm), Standard Black & White, 60# White, Paperback, Glossy Cover
(00_00)(MONOGURUI: (ft CAPT.R.) (00_00) (00_00) 00. OOOOO. y_ueghuru(-(CR(00))): (recorded on the C.A.M.) "(where there was a flux of weightings of nodes against a closed inversion structure: the probability factor of the shock switch is close to 0 as the velocity of cyclo-intension approaches the velocity of the range of reverberation, .. approaches _ as it approaches the 0 floor or exceeds the range of reverberation: it works as a combination of multiple different forces, but for the most part it can be framed as a relationship between u_objects .. point-flux: the functional reverberation that drives the system will be found primarily in this dynamic, such that the rubberiness of the u_objects cell is the quality that controls for .. allows the invisible gases at work in the point-flux cell to blow up .. outward, pushing *_ .. such to greater volumes: one supposes it is not the particle which is spinning but rather the containing u_ball: it is the spin of this latter which is being measured, hence the complementary measurements for particles on opposite hemispheres: with this expanding, spinning u_ball being (df) the immersion of material being in a temporal flow: (CITY OF IDIOPERCEPTION): former capitol of the district of the (000000), the city of idioperception's glass/concrete/plastic buildings are all retractable into the white concrete surface of the snowy fields, for insulation purposes during winter, with huge semi-transparent clear rubber umbrella-coverings that rise up .. emerge during the bright white light of spring .. summer: it is in partial ruins .. almost complete abandonment: mehru_angu(iii) looked out over the disarray of the empty spaces .. cohabitations .. allowed här dark hair to whip violently around här face .. head in the probing, antagonistic wind .. the violent assualt of heavy hail, his gray cotton oversuit flapping against här gaunt, angular limbs: feet in black rubber ice-slippers grip the metal surface of the outcropping: one can presume this is a hypothetico-deductive stance, a calm compromise between the reverb of imaginative structures or models .. their bindings to emperical .. flowing data-points: hä acknowledges the impotence of här submission to pattern-governing contingencies, suffocates in the collective pleasure of their dominance: hä is a u_agent only in name now, methodically being pushed through the maneuvers of här dictated ventures by a force whose origin pushes cold tremors through här veins: when this dynamic weakens or deflates everything else follows)." (00_00)(MONOGURUI: (ft CAPT.R.) (00_00) (00_00) 00. OOOOO. y_ueghuru(-(CR(00))): (recorded on the C.A.M.) "(if no, for snow is falling, then perhaps in the moves of the wind one or the other, the heavy drifts: it all collapsed on här, not on här body, but on här heart: it all crushed här, every time): (y2 walks with y_ueghuru(ii) through the empty polymer-plasma aquedect: sloping eaves of dynamically placed wood beams stretch over them partially, shading window bays .. the wh.-phasm under-structure of the massive building which serves as the headquarters for the myop(0), .. contains the u-phormor institute embedded within it: low glass mini-units pervade the low, flat polymer-plasma landscape around it with occasional trees interspersed: y2: 'the thing': y_ueghuru(ii): 'the c.a.m. that you left behind?': y2: 'yes: it is filled with records of the pursuit, from the very beginning: it contains everything I was able to come up with, up until the point where I discovered the (**), .. found a way to gain entrance: I have become a sleeper-unit in a cell: no one can know I am in communication with you: I shouldn't be revealing this to you: it could ruin everything, if it is found out': y2 murmurs quietly: 'we are not god's creation …. we are forms of här madness': y2, with dark, low eyes .. här polished head tucked under the hood of the clear acrylic ghost-equipage with metal studs over black rubber bindings, här dark gaunt features .. elegant body: här image shimmers .. disappears: y_ueghuru(ii) continues forward to an opening where the channel pushes under the approaching glass reflective mini-unit into the darkness: proto-intensional actions only get us so far: at some point the onnagatomaton must (df) bind itself to the underlying noumic u_pulse mappings that reverberate between one intermundia .. the other in order to have access to consciousness of what we perceive to be reality: functionally, these bindings are merely continuous transformations but there proves to be no way of constructing them operationally, but rather they can only be process driven as 'becomings' or probabilistic convergences): (no one ever understood what hä was talking about, 'oh, it will be fine': a nice thing to say to someone whose organs are being devoured: but at this point hä didn't 0000ing care: u_objects are the decoded flows in the pores of the social body, moving micro-fissures until they reverberate with one's position: (00_00) was the body in the ground: a criminal organization needs a body in the ground that each party is complicit in to make strong the ties that bind the participants to one another: the yamauereda(ch.) was fully engaged in finding ways to pump up the monad-pulse reservoir through different channels: commutativity based u_objects pushed so pervasively through the u_ejento' positions that the breakdown or absence of commutativity as only ever seen as a rupture .. failing, a point-gap to close irrefutably: for every transmutation there was a reconsitution that would bind the future development to its prior basis, .. this was viewed as the very integral function of subjecthood .. the hinge on which mirroring would, .. could only, function: y_flux was defined as just such a flow, as a means of *production dividend, from past to future, pushing forward prior *production in proto-phasm in all its forms: the inversion functioned as a means to reverse this flow from past:future to future:past, such that future *production in productive proto-phasm would collapse on their own incipient initiation as dividends emerging prior to their own realization: in this phase of cycloentropic mathematical monadism, with the means of *production synonymous with proto-phasm at its most abstract .. purest form, this amounted to the filtering .. dilution of acquired proto-phasm via the process of proto-phasm expansion at velocities exceeding the velocity of growth of *production, or, in other words, the implementation of the platitude r < c, where r is defined as the inversion of the monadic phase: här bare neck up to the strapping of the clear plastic face-mask arched backward, pulling här bare shoulders against two white rubber straps running down .. over här body as hä pushed här white rubber glove against här face, här hair tightly bound in 6 black braids, här image over-duplicated in the converging mirrored surfaces, white fake fur embellishmentsover här hips .. mid-riff: proto-phasm was converging on 0 in consumate gravitational push, accelerating velocities continuously .. persistently, so much so that a sense of permanence was implicilty ascribed to the compound of play as such .. u_ejento grew comfortable with the impermeability of their positions)."
(00_00)(MONOGURUI: (ft CAPT.R.) (00_00) (00_00) 00. OOOOO. y_ueghuru(-(CR(00))): (recorded on the C.A.M.) "(.., had (00_00) proved unfeasible, would have continued to do so: this would not have represented a problem from a technical standpoint: but (00_00) was the body that the GHUYA was complicit in, giving the yamauereda(ch.) cover for the bulk of its activities: the U_CHROMA was arguably the most elegant of the vehicles created as responses to the *, .. would be the model perhaps to follow for future phase-push-responses: the * had the character of the kind of spurious oscillation you see in first-order upwind reconstruction-evolution methods)." (00_00)(MONOGURUI: (ft CAPT.R.) (00_00) (00_00) 00. OOOOO. y_ueghuru(-(CR(00))): (recorded on the C.A.M.) "(we were observing something like convergence at the time, with the ghostline emerging as a real entity: three different channels contributed to * growth—the op. flux's control of velocities, wave mitigation, .. deregulation allowing for increased concresence in interior compounds: each of these had their own particular pressures .. behavior, but ultimately, in abstract, conspired to increase the overall proto-phasm mass flowing: or, to put it another way, blowing out your given borel set: but each of these by _00_ was pulling the event horizon back inward: the yamauereda(ch.) was letting *pulse push back upward: wave mitigation was contracting: .., perhaps most importantly in this case, hyakhiru::II was applying caps on the *production of interior * sources: all three of these could be considered a slowly moving shock in play)." (00_00)(MONOGURUI: (ft CAPT.R.) (00_00) (00_00) 00. OOOOO. y_ueghuru(-(CR(00))): (recorded on the C.A.M.) "(the foundations of mathematical physics provided guidelines into the research regarding the construction .. mapping of goryos, but here limitations in the foundations of mathematics as currently operated made themselves apparent: heavy propagation was pushed into research into abstract mathematical theory, with the work of yumi(no)gosuto coming to the attention of the yamabushi of YAMAUEREDA, .. a number of här constructions were critical in the buildup between _000 .. _00_: these yamabushi saw clearly the understanding that the cyclo-intension projectors had the relationship between growth of monadic reverberation .. cyclo-intension confused: .. again, the absence of biunivocality was at the core of the conceptual weakness)." 00. (00_00)(00)(MONOGURUI)(00_00)(00_00)(ii): "((00_00))."(00_00)(MONOGURUI: (ft CAPT.R.) (00_00) (00_00) 00. OOOOO. y_ueghuru(-(CR(00))): (recorded on the C.A.M.) "(each _-tenth-percentage-point increase in the growth velocity of madhyamaka will push a _-percentage-point decrease in the velocity of cyclo-intension, but not vice versa: the reciprocity is partial: cyclo-intension acts as a necessary, but not sufficient, cause for the growth velocity, in practice: the u_ejento always stress in these matters, an emphasis that cyclo-intension is merely a measurement of the relationship between the growth velocity of vibration .. the growth velocity of the monad-pulse reservoir, .. in this context they were highly expansive in their notions of * measurement: as a general rule, whenever anyone started talking about 'core' anything their response was that it was imaginary: omamoke: the movement of proto-phasm from one section to another was described as a similarity transformation of a matrix *.n corresponding to a linear transformation on C.n, such that a view could be taken from these movements of the properties of proto-phasm itself)." 00. (00_00)(00)(MONOGURUI)(00_00)(00_00)(ii): "(ejento .. ejento' were viewed as organisms in the makeup of a strange .. mysterious creature encompassing the whole, .. though some characterized this as a parasite-host relationship)." (00_00)(MONOGURUI: (ft CAPT.R.) (00_00) (00_00) 00. OOOOO. y_ueghuru(-(CR(00))): (recorded on the C.A.M.) "(the more perceptive analysts framed it such that individual actors were viewed as the bodily organs outright of the entire manifest body: hence the idea of muscle death .. atrophy as a consequence of the slowing or cutting off of flows: it's all point-flux: u_pulse is just compound-issued c-pulse with a convergence of 0: the measurement of * is merely the measurement of the accumulated proto-phasm in the system, with considerations for variable volumes .., perhaps, neg-information factors: cyclo-intension came to be seen as the preferred refined metric for calibration of these flows as a whole because, with a high degree of consistency, the relationship .. effects of these flows hold such that as * increases at a faster velocity than monadic reverberation cyclo-intension results, .. if the reverse then inversion: the ghost-ring was always merely a flawed byproduct of this deeper core interaction: inversion being, at its limit, the *production of autarchy, .. cyclo-intension being, at its limit, the *production of phasm-force: with the cyclo-intension mapping processs implementing a policy of an impossibly unsustainable equilibrium between these two forces: in what has become somewhat of a parlor game, observers pin the beginning of the * at various points, but some analysts define it as a slowly moving wave or contraction that had its first notable effects reflect themselves in the (0_0) (*)region *: from there it moved slowly through the weakest to the strongest in the mathematical system, building up momentum toward the end when this underlying condition presented the opportunity for YAMAUEREDA's move)."
((00)(00_) (00_00)(00) やめぐる(ii)(00_00)(the UORUOP_PHANTOM)(ii): 「(綿は、指の圧力に抗して体を押します。最初は軽く、徐々に強く押します。 .. 何か不吉な何かのある種の認識または予感が här にやってくる: それがどこから来るのかは、yameghuru(ii) の筋肉や器官自体、またはある種の心理的な絡み合いからであろうと、här には謎です。 här 内、またはおそらく yumi(no)gosto から、または här のさまざまなグロテスクな構造から、またはおそらく härself 内のどこかから: här 2 つ編みの髪は、här がそれをわずかに傾けると、här の頭に対して微小重力力で引っ張られます.. här 唇が冷たい: här ボディースーツの透明ゴムが här の体にぎこちなく押し上げられているのを感じる. )(MONOGURUI: (ft CAPT.R.) (00_00) (00_00) 00.OOOOO. yamegu(r)u(-(CR(00))): (C.A.M.に記録) 内臓が強制的にハールに侵入する..その後、筋肉に対して泡立つ..ハールの体の臓器:不可視の力..テレポーテーションは主にy_ファントムの動きの関数として機能し、..一部の能力を表した. 制御する u_ejento の .. y_phantoms の固有の力を流用し、それらを独自の目的のために反転させます): (湿った、多肉植物のミニカーネーションに含まれる液体に染み込んだ 3 つの支配的な粒子は、透輝石、長石、.. ダイヤモンドです。 かすかな拾い上げられた他の粒子の分散: それらは空気にわずかに不快な厚さまたは動揺を与えます: ヤメグル(i) の黒いゴム手袋をはめた手は、här の頭の冷たい表面に落ちます.. hä が通過して静止するとき..体 : 5つのミニバンドルの頭の上で、フィデユキ(ii)のマンガンブルーの髪がクリアラバーにわずかに跳ねています. " (00_00) 00. OOOOO. capt.r._yamegu(r)u(-(CR(00))): (C.A.M.に記録) "(op._vi: 'これは収束イベントと見なされますか?: 超越構造、または点 u_ejento は、これらの空間を限界としての概念に反対し、それらを特定の限界を超えた点として慎重に考え、.. .. それがあったことを示唆している. この特性により、そもそもそれらを超越的または形而上学的なものとして扱うことができました。白い詰め物は白い綿のストラップできつく引っ張られています。 u_ejento は、u_pulse にはこの特性があり、体の延長ではなく、体との相互浸透としてより適切に考えられると主張します。 、*世界に明らかにされた、または分配された内部の力:その収束点は、一連の目的を形成し、u_ejentoは、それらのアクティブな物質機能において、自分自身が向けられていると想像することができます。各u_pulseは、「 その背後で行われているプロセス」: 配列されたすべての力は、円を描くようにこの 1 点に引き戻されます。この場合、ここで力を扱っているのか、この収束を強制しているのか、それとも確率論的な結合点を扱っているのかを疑問視することができます。 オブジェクトの概念が形成される方法のおかげで、オブジェクトのオーバーラップ df を形成します: 他の場所では、dr.m. の研究は R プロセスを考慮します.. R プロセスが 周期的な位相運動の過程で結合点を生じさせ、完全な円としての u_force が、u_pulse を 0 点としてピン留めする R プロセスから成り、それがモナド実体と融合して与えられた中間空間を通過する前に クロージャーとして戻る: 各 R プロセスは、イベントとして、または特定の U プロセスの開発における特定の「ここ」として機能します (特定のエージェントまたは個人の波動関数として)。 重複する多数の U プロセス (全体として、与えられた *world として: モナドは権威主義的な力がオブジェクトのこのバージョンを強制することを示唆し、その結果はこの避けられない形から流出します。 モナド自体、または意識的だが理解できない理由による事前定義されたレイの偶然の一致: u_flux は、反対の動きを示唆しています。つまり、オブジェクトは、それ自体が不確定であるフローに対する述語としてのみ考えられるか、概念化されます.. 事前に概念化されていない: したがって イベントとしてのオブジェクト: それは発生したものであり、u_flux の収束であり、過去の流れと未来の流れの間の決定点として位置付けられ、推進する力はなく、推進することしかできない疑似モナドとして位置付けられます'))."