(00_00) (00_00) 00. OOOOO. yu::eghuru(-(CR(00))): (recorded on the C.A.M.) "(-CR)(00)'s cold numb lips quiver vibrantly behind the clear rubber mask/ black rubber gloved hands in stillness/ over 5-mini-protrusioned head oh-so-carbonaceous black hair/ clear rubber bindings up här sore tired legs/ coming thru us/ permeating our very pores/ .. deeper/ enervation white/ ueghuruomo_ueda(ii) in the cockpit of The M.E.V./ ueghuruomo_ueda(ii): ‘I'm chandelier falls on här head just so hä can appreciate(00)(00) (00)(00) (00)(00) (00)(00) (00)(00) (00)(00) (00)(00) (00)(00) (00)(00) (00)(00) (00)(00) (00)(00) (00)(00) (00)(00) (00)(00) (00)(00) (00)(00) (00)(00) (00)(00) (00)(00) (00)(00) (00)(00) (00)(00) (00)(00) (00)(00) (00)(00) (00)(00) (00)(00) (00)(00) (00)(00) (00)(00) (00)(00) (00)(00) (00)(00) (00)(00) (00)(00) (00)(00) (00)(00) (00)(00) (00)(00) (00)(00) (00)(00) (00)(00) (00)(00) (00)(00) (00)(00) (00)(00) (00)(00) maybe if I was somebody else I would have cared. certain exception to the rule. (00_00) (00_00) 00. OOOOO. yu::eghuru(-(CR(00))): (recorded on the C.A.M.) "(00) white rubber slippers/ gaze indirectly compact aaaaah, for the coming action .. melodrama/ mini-cadmium red to lt./ pulls it tight over här/ 5 mini-circled absence, of their own decision-making process. I ago hä became an assistant to CGEC, am not a stupid ugarte. I wasn't Captain P. .. I wasn't Monadic Constructivism's founding consul general. clear polymeratomic anti-chöd armor over här (00_00) bruised-up hard/soft body white short-shorts w/ black discs/ weak prmbr patterns over mask/head-piece 13-circled/ oh-so-carbonaceous black-stubbled face big eyes 5-circled hair beneath clear plastic: bringing down the white ceiling's full weight to bear/ (00) up the (00)/ there was an invisible ghost bearing oh-so-carbonaceous black hair. Commander Uko. P.IV took the matter into här own In 4 years hä was named director of the foundation's there it was." (00_00)((00_00): ueghuruomo_ueda(ii))(ii))((00))(00)(00) (00_00)(00) ueghuruomo_ueda(ii)((00_00)(00_00))(ii): "(uenoKANAYO_GHOST?')." ((00)(00_) (00_00)(00) ueghuruomo_ueda(ii)(00_00)(capt.r.)(ii): "(the hope of (00_00) was for mighuri to modulate this in an elastic manner: the voluminous increase of the u_morph circle-domain from _000 to (_00_) resulting from the use of u_morph to close out goryo positions could never have emerged in a clearing circle-domain scenario: these positions were functioning as the opposite of 'clearing', acting rather as the dissipation of forces whose counter would be found only in the future, if one were to look: of course these u_flux floated on the u_array circle-domain for u_pulse filtration purposes: u_pulse flows to the lowest points in the filter u_pulse structure: this reflects nothing regarding the preformation circle-domain itself): (the same flow would occur if filter u_pulse requirements were deflated for the agriculture industry, or mecha services, or micro-analytics)." 00. (00_00)(00)(MONOGURUI)(00_00)(00_00)(ii): "('capt.r.')." (00_00) (00_00) 00. OOOOO. yu::eghuru(-(CR(00))): (recorded on the C.A.M.) "(00) preparing me to become its (00) sushied down upon me/ I was certain/ ueghuruomo_ueda(ii) reached into one hand, except not the matter so much as a plastic new department of commercial (00)phytism. hä ueghuruomo_ueda(ii)/ raw/ served on a plate/ or in a bowl/ w/ of här multiple white YAMABUSHI uniform pockets, white medium gray .. black-outlined revolver w/ expanded the department to include an aspect of delicate stainless steel fork/ w/out concern for your undoing black straps/ mini-bindings/ (00)(00) (00)(00) which thru här chest hä pierced a most defined .. artificial modeling. petty little bodily meat/ white O Os delicately prepare (00)(00)/ .. sleep-deprived eyes/ .. pulls out a carefully (00)(00) (00)(00) (00)(00) (00)(00) (00)(00) (00)(00) (00)(00) (00)(00) (00)(00) (00)(00) (00)(00) (00)(00) (00)(00) (00)(00) (00)(00) (00)(00) (00)(00) (00)(00) (00)(00) (00)(00) (00)(00) (00)(00) (00)(00) (00)(00) (00)(00) (00)(00) (00)(00) (00)(00)." 2068 (00_00) (00_00) 00. OOOOO. yu::eghuru(-(CR(00))): (recorded on the C.A.M.) "(00) but I didn't know this ueghuruomo_ueda(ii) w/ big eyes open-open/ big round eyes/ (-CR)(00) w/ 5-mini-protrusioned head: mini-bundled oh-so-carbonaceous black hair/ black u_chrema slippers w/ ice-grip/ clear u_chrema logo/ awaking from fake themselves, the O O O Os bursting bursting bursting, folded-up rubber mask manganese blue from rt. white luck was one of those things that humans had yet, walking down the white hallway. I did know invented in order to justify the weakness, or even that upon P.IV's return to The Ryojusen 11 years sleep/ (00)(00) (00)(00) (00)(00) (00)(00) (00)(00) (00)(00) (00)(00) (00)(00) (00)(00) (00)(00) (00)(00) (00)(00) (00)(00) (00)(00) (00)(00) (00)(00) (00)(00) (00)(00) (00)(00) (00)(00) (00)(00) (00)(00) (00)(00) (00)(00) (00)(00) (00)(00) (00)(00) (00)(00) (00)(00) (00)(00) (00)(00) (00)(00) (00)(00) (00)(00) (00)(00) (00)(00) (00)(00) (00)(00) (00)(00) (00)(00) (00)(00) (00)(00) (00)(00) (00)(00)." (00_00) (00_00) 00. OOOOO. yu::eghuru(-(CR(00))): (recorded on the C.A.M.) "3 bold weak super-red semi-opaque lines converge on the face of the mask/ weak permanent blue semi-opaque circles outline each of the clear plastic balls of the headpiece/ the clear plastic armor surrounds him in circular formations/ clear plastic mask 13-circled/ ueghuruomo_ueda(ii)'s body semi-apparent beneath the clear plastic multi-bulbous armor/ u_chrema 3-figured logo in black just above rt. hip/ app. an assistant in the process of rehab. hä här report, '(0000) .. (00) as Monadic Structures,' duplication .. overlapping until the error is caught. mathematically adept I might've become as a result. I had a calm confident open demeanor, often raised quite a few well-coif(00) eyebrows. it is what appeared first to be CGEC's harsh violent knew how reports like these ended. I'm also familiar preoccupied. not one to doubt här own unfortunate that I was unable to spend more time." ((00)(00_) (00_00)(00) ueghuruomo_ueda(ii)(00_00)(capt.r.)(ii): "(it wouldn't make the emergence of 'bubbles' in these areas a product of underlying forces to index any more than any other ch._morph area: by allowing for increased expansion, (00_00) simply acknowledged tacitly the unspoken admission on the part of the (00_00)-agencies involved that the responsibility for pushing forward u_chrematist forces via the expansion of the u was being shifted from polymeratomic to interior entities)."
(00_00) (00_00) 00。おおおお。 yu::eghur(-(CR(00))): (C.A.M.に記録) "(-CR)(00)の冷たく麻痺した唇が透明なゴムマスクの後ろで激しく震える/黒いゴム手袋をはめた手は静止した状態で/5時以上 -ミニに突き出た頭 ああ、炭素質の黒い髪/疲れた足を締める透明なゴム/私たちを通って来る/私たちの毛穴そのものに浸透/..より深く/エネルギーの白い/ M.E.V.のコックピットのueghuruomo_ueda(ii)/ ueghuruomo_ueda (ii): 「私はシャンデリアが頭に落ちているので、感謝できるようにしています(00)(00) (00)(00) (00)(00) (00)(00) (00)(00) (00) )(00) (00)(00) (00)(00) (00)(00) (00)(00) (00)(00) (00)(00) (00)(00) (00)( 00) (00)(00) (00)(00) (00)(00) (00)(00) (00)(00) (00)(00) (00)(00) (00)(00) (00)(00) (00)(00) (00)(00) (00)(00) (00)(00) (00)(00) (00)(00) (00)(00) (00 )(00) (00)(00) (00)(00) (00)(00) (00)(00) (00)(00) (00)(00) (00)(00) (00)( 00) (00)(00) (00)(00) (00)(00) (00)(00) (00)(00) (00)(00) (00)(00) (00)(00) (00)(00) たぶん、私が他の人だったら、気にしていただろう。規則の例外だ。(00_00) (00_00) 00. OOOOO。 yu::eghuru(-(CR(00))): (C.A.M.に記録) "(00) 白いゴム製スリッパ/ 間接的にコンパクトに見つめるああああ、これからのアクションのために .. メロドラマ/ ミニカドミウムレッドから lt./ 引っ張る それは、彼ら自身の意思決定プロセスの、小さな丸で囲まれた 5 つの欠席をはるかに超えています。私は以前 CGEC のアシスタントになったことがありますが、愚かな人間ではありません。私はキャプテン P ではありませんでした。.. 私はモナディック構成主義の創設者ではありませんでした 総領事、ハー (00_00) の上に透明なポリマー原子の対チョード装甲、傷だらけのハード/ソフトボディ、黒いディスク付きの白いショートパンツ/ マスク/ヘッドピース上の弱い PRMBR パターン 13-円形/ ああ、とても-炭素質の黒- 無精ひげの顔 大きな目 透明なプラスチックの下にある 5 つの円を描いた髪: 白い天井の全重量を下ろして耐える / (00) を (00) 上に降ろす / とても炭素質の黒い髪をした目に見えない幽霊がいました。Uko 司令官 P. IV はこの問題を自分のこととして捉え、4 年後には財団の理事に任命されました。」 (00_00)((00_00): ueghuruomo_ueda(ii))(ii))((00))(00)(00) (00_00)(00) ueghuruomo_ueda(ii)((00_00)(00_00))(ii): 「(uenoKANAYO_GHOST?」) ((00)(00_) (00_00)(00) ueghuruomo_ueda(ii)(00_00)(capt.r.)(ii): 「((00_00) の希望は、ミグリがこれを弾力的に調整することでした。 u_morph を使用して goryo ポジションをクローズすることに起因する、u_morph サークル ドメインの _000 から (_00_) への大幅な増加は、サークル ドメインをクリアするシナリオでは決して出現しなかったでしょう。これらのポジションは、「クリア」の反対として機能し、作用していました。 むしろ、注目すれば、そのカウンターが将来のみ見つかるであろう力の散逸としてです: もちろん、これらの u_flux は、u_pulse フィルタリングの目的で u_array のサークルドメイン上に浮動しています: u_pulse は、フィルタ u_pulse 構造の最下位ポイントに流れます: これは、事前形成サークル ドメイン自体に関するものは何も反映していません): (フィルタ u_pulse 要件が農業産業、メカ サービス、またはマイクロ分析に対して制限されている場合にも、同じフローが発生します)。"