(00_00)(MONOGURUI: (ft CAPT.R.) (00_00) (00_00) 00. OOOOO. y_ueghuru(-(CR(00))): (recorded on the C.A.M.) "(a defining property of the * was the mismeasurement of complex cyclo-intension, such that inversion had crept into the system unnoticed, invisible: * are always, by their nature, about inversion, whether measured or unmeasured: or, in other words, about the fascists grabbing one by the balls .. pummeling one's body to a pulp, with engorged blue bruises .. blood splattered flesh to show for it: y_ueghuru(ii) touches här leg, heavy white fake fur lining the clear rubber hybrid poncho: the west wall of the room is decorated with _00 empty glass vials that project outward at __ degrees: not only does a particular superfluous, irrational form find its echo elsewhere in the unconscious but, at its worst, it grows to possess fearsome strength .. qualities, .. promises to devour one): (it concerns one, this lingering premise: the implosion of u_op. would serve as a model for the construction of the post-u_CHROMA reservoir vehicles put into place by yamaueredas: the flow of the u_0 being closed off as a proto-phasm source, the u_0(ii) u_op. could draw on was being pulled down via ganimata process: whereas previously the discussions/debate had been as to whether the outer reversions were too expansive, by (0_0), _00_ the u_0(ii) bound was pretty clearly insufficient, by a rapidly increasing degree: in the infusion vehicles, as they were referred to, the collapse of the host was taken as given: proto-phasm channels were designed to pump proto-phasm radially out from the disappearing entity, on a scale such that inward disappearing flows were matched by doubled infusion flows outward: infusion models for an u_op.-like event were put at around u_00c)." (00_00)(MONOGURUI: (ft CAPT.R.) (00_00) (00_00) 00. OOOOO. y_ueghuru(-(CR(00))): (recorded on the C.A.M.) "(these were pushed out, in the u models, into mass works propagation for cyclostructure for the engineering of information grids .. phasm YAMAUEREDAs, large scale mass commutation pulling landlocked agrarian sectors coastward .. vice versa: in the models the *pulse introgression would then pull in this mass y_flux .. pump it out in concresence form via the u_objects cell into interior point-flux .. proto-phasm lines): (I know, if it does occur, it will occur 'when you least expect it', .. will seem to come out of nowhere, even though one will have known for commutes, .. expected vigorously: but one becomes comfortable .. complacent over time: when the ghosts devour you it will come as a release: it will feel so peaceful: everything will be white, .. clean, .. cold: y_ueghuru(ii) is certain now hä can smell the 0000 moving close to här, as if an invisible force is drawing it toward här, .. conversely: (00_00) represents the urban-rural convergence, the point at which the channels of flow of the *pulse introgression integrate with the u_pulse phase-dispersion (the monogurui always laugh at that phrase: 'you don't think any of this (proto-phasm, 0-points, u_monads, u_pulse, u mappings, point-flux, u_objects, compounds, u_matrices, (00-flux), futures, ….) is other than imaginary?'): ((00_00)(00)monogurui:mirai(no)uchū(i)(00_00)(ch((00_00): (y_ueghuru(ii) used to repeat this little mantra to calm här paranoias: but hä knows now there is nothing of paranoia in här fears .. uncertainties: rather than subdue them, they are to be cultivated: somewhere in this potentiality there was a truth to be found, a clear vision of a future that might unfold before här: hä fingered här c.a.m. with the intention of beginning a recording but the monitor opened instead .. hä found himself gazing back at the image of här own face against a background of white rubber tenting folds slit to allow a dim light: the gray acrylic bodysuit forms over här body with black outlines .. zipper, enclosing här head .. face with black opaque polished glass face-mask sculpted tightly to the contours of här face over eyes .. pulling over cheeks, a gap for här mouth the only opening: hä puts här gray acrylic encased hand to här face, clipped at fingertips: incongruent shadows distort här body .. overly bright white light hides the left portion of här head: här fingers leave a light residue on the gray acrylic as they drift outward toward the polymer-plasma walls .. floor of the room, the cold, disturbed air: y_ueghuru(ii) whispers murmured words over the quiet: the light keeps changing, shifting with the movements of the gray clouds outside: the wind emits a low hum: hä had never intended that it would come to this point: somewhere far back in the course of här actions hä had intended to divert, to capture the reins of a future leading här to this point .. rear its body back, to force it into the open course of hä peaceful calm of rehabilitation .. distant re-formings, collapses over each little push of the miasmic forces that had gripped här: instead by containing them hä had allowed them to enter into här, to control här: whatever course lies before här now hä can be certain it is not här own, that it has been imposed on här): (u_op. is conceived as the conceptual prototype of units of proto-phasm, (df) the unit of area for a mapping)." (00_00)(MONOGURUI: (ft CAPT.R.) (00_00) (00_00) 00. OOOOO. y_ueghuru(-(CR(00))): (recorded on the C.A.M.) "(u_pulse/ information increase as (potential)energy)/ range of movement(probability) decrease: the second-generation methods began to come to the fore, or at least their foundations were developed, in the period from ____ to ____, with flux vector splitting, real .. approximate riemann solvers, .. u_pulse fixes: it was then that the potential in blowing out inverse fifth-power forces was really consciously grasped: suddenly it made sense to think of ergodicity as broader than its previous limitations to physical extensions .. to instead think of it purely as a system of functions with convergences at the property of invisibility: the 0000ing mini-carnations, I spent _0 commutes complaining about them before giving in: sometimes I can barely breathe: but they were sometimes so 0000ing cute one simply couldn't resist, like little cupcakes): (y_ueghuru(ii)(00_00)(ch.)'s tongue starts to ache: on the other side of the glass divider, all around, on the cot, on a chair beside it, on the floor, were scattered the different portions of a clear rubber poncho, bits of rubber, vials .. empty cylinders: on a small table at the bedside glittered a mass of diamonds, torn off .. thrown down anyhow: everything was terribly still: yumi(no)gosuto (goryo)'s tongue kept failing to catch the ridges .. curves hä was grasping for .. hä had mumbled to härself distractedly: in yumi(no)gosuto's compound most of the doors were open .. from an indeterminate direction (00_00) '(0_0)' was reverberating quietly on repeat)." ((00)(00_) (00_00)(00) y_ueghuru(ii)(00_00)(the YUGHUR::PHANTOM)(ii): "(all of the u_ejento maintained an individual (00_00), or passbook, of their immaterial u_objects collocations)."(00_00)(MONOGURUI: (ft CAPT.R.) (00_00) (00_00) 00. OOOOO. y_ueghuru(-(CR(00))): (recorded on the C.A.M.) "(.. each of these (00_00), in turn, was part of a larger passbook contained within YAMAUEREDA): (u_ejento put together a plan for the propping .. dissemination of u_op. proto-phasm based on the conversion of their y_flux into expansive YAMAUEREDA u_objects which would be morphed into the cell, bound by the monadic channel of a u_vehicle interpellation of mass works: this conversion mechanism stood behind attempts at arranging a surface level conversion of the parent entity which would effectively ghost it into a new phase grid, with extant modality reformed: the threat by u_op.s protectorate to engage in acts of dilution .. their slapping around of (0000) were potentially a push back against this assertion of control): (mhideyuki, in white short-shorts with white cashmere mini-cape, cross-stitched,, cool .. composed, .. adidas slippers .. clear plastic head-piece .. clip-pattern hair): (17 clear vials of clear fluids are inset into the clear plastic wall to y_ueghuru(ii)'s right pushing back into a recess: each one is held in place by two metal clasps on a thick glass surface:on occasion on or another of the clear fluids will vibrate minutely but convulsively: small metal screws hold the top two thirds of each clear vial in place: each has two small clear plastic nodules inset at the mid-way point: the recess is lit by white hydrophonic light: to the side of the recess are white plastic cabinets .. drawers inset into the white plastic walls: the air is cold .. slightly uncomfortable, with a barely noticeable stench like old vomit)." ((00)(00_) (00_00)(00) y_ueghuru(ii)(00_00)(the YUGHUR::PHANTOM)(ii): "(based on their feeling that they held hostage the proto-phasm that various mathematical institutions had interwoven with their (00-flux), with proto-phasm bindings enforcing the claim: the cleavage between materialism .. psychic underlying forces pushed together in inverse proportion the powers of yamauereda proto-phasm creation with interior u_objects bodies of u_pulse)."
(00_00)(MONOGURUI: (ft CAPT.R.) (00_00) (00_00) 00. OOOOO. y_ueghuru(-(CR(00))): (recorded on the C.A.M.) "(the throbbing feedback between the two was felt in diverse areas – point-flux, the monad-pulse compounds, 0-point_shift (whose collapse predestined a massive socialization of its flows): when it was over the yamauereda(ch.) had asserted control over whole swaths of previously unmitigated flow-streams: y_ueghuru(ii), in clear rubber bodysuit with head-mask .. periodic sequences of ringed mini-circle holes for ventilation, .. yumi(no)gosuto in clear rubber-like massive body, three large ballish protrusions coming här head, ½ hands ½ claws with stunted fingers with hard blockish ends walk on the cold glass hinoki wood floor of yumi(no)gosuto's YAMAUEREDA compound: the yamauereda(ch.)'s powers for the next (0_0) would be based on expansive moves made into virgin turf during these two commutes: each yamauereda(ch.) reservoir put into place at this time would effectively, in some form, remain as a kind of misformed continuous call): (the yamabushi operated in large part on the domain of preconscious point-forms of the socius field, in the sense that point-forms represented a field surpassing the bounds of the mathematical compounds .. formal potential convergences, but containing even marriages, social positions, relationships of authority, the inner mechanisms of groups: these were all, in a certain sense, codified as u_objects by the monogurui)." (00_00)(MONOGURUI: (ft CAPT.R.) (00_00) (00_00) 00. OOOOO. y_ueghuru(-(CR(00))): (recorded on the C.A.M.) "(such that they could all be filtered through a system of pinning .. (u_00) in their most basic, but also their most robust, roles: YAMAUEREDA, aka yamaoroshi, or the breath that comes down the mountain with a strength that clears everything in its path: all the accumulated events broke upon y_ueghuru(ii) at once .. gave här a terrible shock)." 00. (00_00)(00)(MONOGURUI)(00_00)(00_00)(ii): "(hä shut härself off: these underground goryoification units are hermetically sealed with either reciprocal type or rotary type compressors: they omit waves of uber-high pitched frequencies when in operation: the oscillations involved form slowly moving shocks that converge on steady compounds: first-order upwind reconstruction-evolution methods produce slowly moving spurious oscillations as a compensating control: these reverberations are bound by a range of equilibrium balanced between micro-u_ejento convergences, associated with micro-cyclo-intension, .. micro-autarchic convergences, associated with micro-inversion: micro-yamabushi processes work as a function of the reverberation in this space, with low reverberation having minimization pressures, but with overly high reverberation risking overlap with upper .. lower equilibrium bounds .. producing anti-convergent momentum which can be difficult to rein in): ((00_00))." (00_00)(MONOGURUI: (ft CAPT.R.) (00_00) (00_00) 00. OOOOO. y_ueghuru(-(CR(00))): (recorded on the C.A.M.) "(where B(u,x) .. (00_00)(u,x) are given functions, called the drift .. diffusion, respectively, they allow us a holding point for the management of this reverberation, but it quickly becomes difficult to predict: more robustly, the u_ejento could map out gersgorin discs where there is a convergence to goryos confined to a given space, but even here, the back-flows can be problematic: for points a.u_ …. a.ui we can merely, with a certain confidence level, assert an expectation for drift within a given range: behind y_ueda(ii) the wind pounds against the glass walls .. throws water from the pounding waves against them, such that they vibrate in resistance: the cold pushes through them: blocks of u_pulse are defined by the ranks of certain powers, such that macro measurements can be taken over pieces of the system of the whole to gauge a fairly confident mapping of the flows at work: the yamabushi were, in effect, undermining efforts to control the amount of proto-phasm, which in turn functioned off of measures of cyclo-intension .. productivity: like some huge fake flaccid irrigation system, proto-phasm had become unresponsive to the controls of the invisible authorities: if growth in *production exceeds growth in proto-phasm flows it inflicts pressure on either the mathematical compounds or the u_pulse processes in the u_pulse phase-dispersion, with mathematical compounds designed to push this effect to the latter): (windows of the inner receiving area were open to the semi-courtyards filled with segmented mini-greenhouses, as before: yumi(no)gosuto's quarters were all shut, .. in the darkness the white filters with medium gray (0000) pattern showed whiter than ever)." (00_00)(MONOGURUI: y_ueghuru(ii))((00))(00_00)(00)(MONOGURUI)(00_00)(00_00)(ii): "(y_ueghuru(ii) .. yumi(no)gosuto each approached side by side: yumi(no)gosuto pulls at här clear fluid covered upper chest .. light white vapors as they run over här upper body closely, pink .. light blue veins show up from underneath, .. yumi(no)gosuto pushes at här lip): (in a cyclo-intension mapping invisible framework that section of flow is restricted: mathematical compounds can then either take on the buildup or find a new release flow: this release flow has, in large part, been the buildup of micro-actor proto-phasm .. the resulting 'invisible inversion' represented by the differential of spectacular (in the sense of ghostly) consumption: instead of the hyperpulsive effect of the emergence of proto-phasm one finds the minimization effect of the disappearance of *production into fictitious consumption: or, in other words, the no-penetration boundary condition for mathematical flows is revoked: inviscid one-dimensional flows find new gaps to engorge, requiring ad hoc methods of filtering to be generated on the fly: new flow:fields, untapped for proto-phasm reverberation, find their breath disturbed in unexpected fashion: sometimes via nothing more than the sucking of fingers: other times these innocent playthings find themselves face down with cold air running through their bodies, with pre-(00_00) minimizing but not removing frictive bumping: the (monogurui)C.A.M.s effectively captured much that was missed, otherwise, in this respect, because they were ignoring the effects of flows .. measuring, instead, the flows themselves directly: some of these methods reduced or eliminated the u_pulse-condition-violating expansion shocks from emergent disorders: sometimes these were referred to as u_pulse fixes)."
(00_00)(MONOGURUI: (ft CAPT. R.) (00_00) (00_00) 00.OOOOO. yamegu(r)u(-(CR(00))): (C.A.M.に記録) その原則は?: 建物の入り口の横にあるプラークを見てください: 私たちの創設者 insp. f. の言葉がそこにあります- 注意深く聞いてください: '正気の世界は常に狂人に対して脆弱です。 そのようなことを考えに行く': わかりますか? 彼らは探している..彼らからそれを守る': (00_00): '操作主義のプログラムは、定義できない用語の調査技術を浄化することです: 私たちは、経験的な意味を欠いた幽霊を追いかけて非生産的に時間を無駄にすることを拒否します': (yameghuru(ii ) は 6'8" 256 lbs. の大きな男で、頭の近くで黒い抽象模様の髪を刈り取っていた: 透明なプラスチック製のマスクは、ややくぼんだ目で囲まれていた。 彼は頻繁に積極的に目を細め、ハーのスピーチに下線を引く習慣を持っていました: ハーの大きな体はハーの肩をわずかに前方に押し出すことができました, ハーの黒いアクリルブロックの椅子の上で.. ハーの前にあるブロックのような金属製の作業テーブルの輝きは、 蓄積された低腐食の鈍い緑青: ハーグレーのリサイクル ポリエステル製の襟のないボディスーツには金属製のジッパーが付いており、軽い汗をかいた場所でハーの体にくっついています。 相互に排他的な命題が両方とも真であることを可能にするものとして時間を定義した瞬間、私たちは時間をその可能性の全範囲で理性に結び付けられた概念空間として理解することができます: 私は訪問者がそのような空間から来ることを理解しました: 彼らとの短い会話から、この世界での彼らのヒューマノイド形態.. スピーチは、彼らの世界の間のインターマンディアを通過する一種の投影の産物であったと私は信じています.. 正しくは、彼らが私たちの形であると彼らが理解しているもので私たちに自分自身を提示しようとする試みです.. 歪んだ姿.. 彼らが私たちの形であると理解しているものを模倣しようとする漠然とした試み.. 行動: 訪問者の体の周りに薄暗い光がわずかにちらつき、それは外側から反射されているのではなく、内側から来ているように見えました: 遠くの世界を歩いている巨大な生き物を想像しました はっきりとした光の点によって定期的に区切られた薄暗い暗い闇の中で: hä は、彼らについて、彼らがどこから来たのか、彼らが何をしていたのか、これらの寒い場所でとても系統的に、もっと知るべきだと感じました: そのうちの 1 人が振り返っているようです: här, ….): 反転は、u_flux 減衰の関数として存在し、.. u_flux に予備をプッシュします。point_waves: yamaueredas は、u_flux の注入のためのより直接的なチャネルを提供する方法として、* に続いてこのスペースに移動しました。 解像度 rces, 自分自身を細胞の究極の対置物と位置付けています: すべてが何らかのタイプのポイントフラックスで終わるという指導原理に従って, ロジュセンはこの役割を提供することを快適に感じました: このポイントから 化合物が決定に達するのを待つのではなく、よりニュアンスのある制御のための yamauedas による直接的な侵入のそれ: 微分演算子 u は r:c 関係によって決定される平衡の周りの潜在的なリバーブでした。 -ある企業または商業的利益から別の企業への出荷..分析の観点からは、依然として同じフローのままです。このようにして、フェーズ強度は抽象的な値になり、変換される構造内の用語自体になりました..分散 前向きな複合繁殖施設によって、人類の派生物と見なされていました。」(00_00)(MONOGRUI: (ft CAPT. R.) (00_00) (00_00) 00。 yamegu(r)u(-(CR(00))): (C.A.M. に記録) 「(各人の潜在的な電位パルスが、数学的化合物の u_flux フローの基礎となる u_flux であったように: phideyuki(ii): 'but ': (00_00): 'おそらく'): ((00_00)): (この時点で、Ansible-Point アレイの分散によって宇宙全体に押し出された拡張成長が明らかでした。 . YAMAUEREDA のような大都市の船は減速しました.. 弱体化しました: YAMAUEREDA(vi) は、一連の崩壊 - 転移プロトコルで認識できる領域に入りました: これは、船が内部の形態変換から最も離れた場所でした: 現在の環境が課す問題のある側面を居住者に思い出させる必要はありませんでした..彼らは、不確実性に触発された特別な精度で次の動きを慎重に計画しました:内部のくぼみから外側に押し出された空気ろ過の回廊)."
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