

(00_00)(MONOGURUI: yueghuru(ii))((00))((00)(00_) (00)(00_00)_yueghuru(ghost)(ii): "(one by one hä drops capsules into their units in här pack, picking each one off the ground circumspectly, as if curious: the capsules are divided in the pack between those which are metal .. those which are clear plastic, little spherical orbs: the clear plastic ones reveal divisions within of segments of clear rubber as fluid-containing frusta, attempts on the part of the u_ejento to give metaphysical objects material bodies as u_containment units: yueghuru(ii) is careful to gather them all up .. account for their enclosure: when dispersed they propel radiant voids through the space between one another, coming into contact as imulsion-forces: how they had managed to defeat the u_ghost was as much a mystery to yueghuru(ii) as anyone: you won't find it in this report: (phumiyugen)): (.. its reverb in a temporal space defined by projections into the future .. the past as a function of probabilistic u_pulse forces, with *pulse as a measure of these forces on u: analysis filtered out different units of convergence associated with neg-information/expansion groupings: property, at the phasm .. residential level, formed its own gravitational pull for the u_objects cell based on a cyclo-reflective mode based explicitly on a mode of re-grounding as pushback against the floating of proto-phasm forces, forces which had pushed the equilibrium of forces invested in proto-phasm from that of a property basis to that of protopia constructs: the motivation for this process as one of undermining the social y-compound was never hidden, but operated out in plain sight as an openly stated goal: the property-based classes of society came, at this time period, to understand a u_agent-type construct of monadic forces as a balance of interests across wide swaths of both temporal .. spatial dimensions, with topological flows of convergent pressures from stasis pushing directly up against those that in a y_c framework would be referred to as the decoding/recoding process driving monadism to remap previously claimed autarkic spaces, as a system, not of additive algebra, but of the kind of flux spaces associated with the converging flows of differentials: if progressive op.-analysts came to the recognition that distribution of proto-phasm functioned as a ratio between the velocity of proto-phasm .. the value of *production in the aftermath of the *, entrenched operatives had already launched their efforts from this understanding at its onset/development period: the concept of controlling the relationship between r .. c was built into any mathematical formula for the implementation of control during this period): (the u_ejento referred to their copies as mim-morphs: the (00_00)(ii) walks into the glimmering clear phasma room, black rubber straps over white underclothes hitched to two large u_pulse proto-units resting at här curved hips: här 2-braided head glistens: white puffy cotton encloses the large objects resting in the interior: the mim-morphs compiled distributive synthetics over the u_C.A.M.s .. used them as a communication .. initiation system: the material cell replaced prescious metals as the backing for the poofed up proto-phasm compounds of the period, creating a reverberation space: flows, famously, reversed: * pointedly claimed that hä had not seen anything of this nature during här lifetime, but, of course, over larger time spans one sees this ebb .. flow routinely, with build-ups .. collapses that persist in relatively uncontrolled process: the project of the u_ejento was to regress It back on to itself, with its specific gravity pushing inward .. associated difference pushing out in hypserstitional pulse: **information was associated with a kind of perverted, horrorphonic chrematism, one which lagged behind the crystallization processes at work but reinfoced them: hä waddles cowboy-style into the large, cold space, in bare feet, lifting the large heavy units as hä walks, letting their weight shift against the rubber strapping to pull against här body in distributed contact points: hä coughs .. grimaces, .. looks around for any hints of recent occupation: to här best understanding this module had been unused for several commutes: there is a dry, caustic aroma to the air under the surface: problematics of (00) entities were driven into consumption concrescences: no one wanted to find them popping off as a lingering residual, afterward: close-out points were established in all kinds of the most decadent fetishes, one after another in tightly paced periodic implosive interiorities)." (00_00)(MONOGURUI: (ft CAPT.R.) (00_00) (00_00) 00. OOOOO. yueghuru(-(CR(00))): (recorded on the C.A.M.) "(what was not recognized, perhaps, was the degree to which proto-phasm processes interacted with the kinds of mega-level unstable motion that u_ejento attributed in their models to u_pulse generated from entropic expansions as they radiated outward .. then back in on themselves: most models accounted for the growth factor portion but not the reverb property that operated at its core, by definition as a process of yamabushi forces: again, these were probabilistic flows, as opp. to generative: one could drop a bass model into any of these mappings .. watch it turn inward on itself in implosive force over a given time series: a small, tightly woven group of u_ejento stepped into this flow .. diverted it into what would become the mega-cyclostructure projects: här organs were all inverting upon themselves at this point: hä could see into the darkness now, the permutations of the y_phantoms that occupied the intermundia spaces that the u_ejento had not previously entered: even now watching them, in a process that had become for här almost routine, the underlying fear .. uncertainty regarding their nature .. movements pushed coldly through här body with each breath .. with each pulse of blood, .. här head felt heavy with the weight of their presence: a series of mhyaka_compounds was developed along the canals that pushed inward into various land masses, pushing through underground tunnels under mountain ranges, lined by polymer-cem banks .. a variety of visquine overlaid contoured dykes .. polders, planted with rows of the hybrid poplar/dogwood saplings that were becoming pervasive everywhere: each of the mhyaka_compounds consisted of 80% park space, with 20% of the structure in turn devoted to hydrocultures, .. roofspace committed to communal gardens set over the glass ceilings of cafeteria spaces .. gyms)." (00_00)(MONOGURUI: (ft CAPT.R.) (00_00) (00_00) 00. OOOOO. yueghuru(-(CR(00))): (recorded on the C.A.M.) "(each mhyaka_house contained 500 to (00_00) living units: the autarchic classes moved proto-phasm in large, desperate rushes into material goods, but, as (0_0) was converted into mass land collocations through the shuttle maid programs (of which, a couple of commutes into the * there consisted of over 500, representing over (00_00) in synthetic convertible goryos), channels for these movements were forced into the kind of cyclo-yamabushi *production entities that only pumped up the feedback loop of proto-phasm saturation rather than containing it): (the inversion was formulated as the function for the distribution (of the means of *production), beta, pushing under the equilbrium line, such that r:c asymptotically approached 0 at the short end of the curve while pushing upward expansively as it floats along the range into the future: the difference between the near term the future term of the range was referred to as the process hyper-madhyamaka, in that the bulge outward functioned as the engorgement of the *production space through both material .. immaterial means, via indexing .. mapping functions derivatizing more .. more of the *region: overall *production was conceived as a mapping, or, in other words, as a domain space of cyclo-arrays (or concrescence-obejcts) pushing information generation up against the counter-balancing force of neg-information, by turning future *production into a synthetic u_monad, allowing u_ejento to bend a various collection of curves upward into their intended prototopian projections: control points were distributed across the mathematical compounds .. u mappings of the arranged institutions, such that these flows were decoupled from the internal channels of 6-bound collocations, instead floating up to cyclo-arrays 'possessing' the corpuscular organs of these registered cell entities for the purposes of amorphous phantom-entities moving through connected but distinct planes organized by forces of chremastic phasm-metric, as opposed to those of principal ejento, that were able to tap into proto-phasm flows as instances of pure immediacy: mathematical engineering could thus be conceived of in terms of chremastic phasm-metric, as the construction of an architecture for implementing prototopian change: u*, or ergodic volume, was derived from the mirroring of the distribution function, as a relationship between the growth of proto-phasm .. the growth of micro-productive forces distributed over the individual ejento that made up the multitude (or a new form of לוה-ian mass)): (phuma-head(ii): 'you were one of the hachibushu_mitsu?': mighu-y.: 'yes. .. you were one of the fuyo_yurei, yes?': phuma-head(ii): 'yes': beloved: in matrimony: the 14: for orchestra- symphony of the desideratum, Op. 612 (03101), the (00) XI, Op. 46, w/ chorus .. organ (16134), a Piano Concerto Op. 18 (70138): in a small minimally furnished glass .. steel room of the institute for operationalist investigations: the coldly burning white light of delicate inset rows of miniature bulbs set into the glass wall in the background, bracketed by grids of inset clone poplar/dogwood cuttings: white: (00): (recorded on the c.a.m.(ii) 'we find ourselves in the conditions of the ergosphere, or some pretended model verison of such: where .. in what fashion do we characterize these inner boundaries of completeness .. convergence?: we find a potential answer in dimensionality: assume infinite degrees of freedom, with our own experience of reality based on the mere few that our senses provide us with: then our immanent sense of reality can only be fixed to a degree limited by these coordinate-lines: the remaining dimensions inaccessible to us are, in this case, in effect, transcendental, or one might say even metaphysical: though then the question becomes one of whether we can access the information contained in these 'outer' dimensions via the application of material means which had hitherto been unavailable to us: would the resulting characterization of material effects remain centered .. uniform or would we find it to be inherently distortionary?: (00_00): 120 commutes: AKA the ugartë with the glass body: AKA the mystery ugartë: AKA (0_0) mystery: AKA 00sp.: inventor of the y.-op..: apparently killed during the war of the monads, (00_00) arranged for the transfer of his mind to the wake::room in the ryojusen: there it is held in a waiting chamber, cylinder glass mechanical vials in monadic physical stasis: suspended 3 m. from the white plastic floor by metal complex machinery: 4 metal spindle offshoots connect behind här to corners of the room: 6 floor-connected poles supporting girth: dialed geared metered: 4 radiometers form här voice: constructed for här by här machinist cohort, o./ the re-edition::ugartë, as were the phuma-head::mitsus: at a prearranged moment, by virtue of imitation chod-dispersion, här mind will be injected into the 15 robot bodies of the phuma-head::mitsus (01-15SP), by which vehicle hä will reassert control of the mechanisms of the plan': on the wall in black eurostile type-face 'RESPECT FOR THE KIND OF INTELLIGENCE THAT ENABLES GRASS SEED TO GROW GRASS: THE CHERRY-STONE TO MAKE CHERRIES:' at the wondrousness of what they were doing: phuma-head(ii) in a white cotton short-shorts with gray semi-opaque leggings .. cropped white cotton disced up blouse that pushes tightly against här mid-riff: mighu-y.: the myraghu’s bulbous misshapen body is engaged in white plastic multi-contoured equipage with large black radiometered head-piece .. in black on opposite sides of här white plastic equipage reads '(00) THEM ALL' .. 'VSEKH NE PROEBYOSH': här face falls into its most un-presupposing as mighu-y. falls into här own introspection)."

(00_00)(モノグルイ: gray_phantom(ii)(00_00)(i)(ii)((00))(00)(00) (00_00)(00) gray_phantom(ii)(00_00)(i)((00_00) (00_00))(ii): "(här は här の顔を här の手で隠していたので、一度「オー、マイ ゴッド!」と叫びました.. 部屋から飛び出しました: gray_phantom(ii)(00_00)(ii) här をフォローして元に戻しましたドアのボルト .. ハルを廊下に放した: gray_phantom(ii)(00_00)(i) ハーの後を追って突進したが、ハーが捕まった.. 抑えられた: ブリトニー・スピアーズの歪んだ、青ざめた顔(ii) (ふよ(の)ごすと)はとがめるようにハーを見つめた..ハーの青い唇がささやいた:「なに?ハーに行きますか?ハーに行きますか? här を枝編み細工の肘掛け椅子に置き、.. här の上に立って、呆然としました: テーブルの上にタンブラーの水がありました: gray_phantom(ii)(00_00)(ii) は今戻ってきて、これを取りました.. här に少し振りかけました顔: här 目を開けたが、しばらく何も理解できなかった: 突然 här は周りを見回し、身震いし、大声で叫び、.. ウエグルの腕の中に身を投げた: '私のもの、私のもの!' hä criエド: 「誇り高き若いウガルテはいなくなった?: ハ、ハ、ハ!」 ハはヒステリックに笑った: (ii)(00_00)(ii)!: ha, ha, ha!': 資本は、定義されたドメインで動作します。これは、摩擦の成分によってわずかに制限されたある種の自由な動きではなく、u_pulse に向かう弾性または重力タイプの引っ張りによって行われます。平衡: これが、すべてが (0000) になる速度が成長の速度よりも桁違いに高い理由です: 成長は、システムの設定に応じて、抵抗を押し、内破が推進されます。根底にある力によって: ___資本の流れは、完璧なファシスト指揮経済の冷たい冷たい0度の停滞に対する反対運動です: または、活動比率は尺度です 0000: 彼らの南極植民地の氷の表面の下で(00_00)(モノグル: gray_phantom(ii)(00_00)(i)(ii)((00))(00)(00) (00_00)(00) gray_ファントム(ii)(00_00)(i)((00_00)(00_00))(ii): 「(これは、u_pulse フローの逆作用高圧制御として機能しました: 表面風は、ファイバー コイルのフィールドで減衰されました:サイクリングスイッチは、特定の範囲内での爆破に対抗するように設計されました.資本主義は、いくつかの方法で、より純粋な形で、より文明化された指揮経済または国家社会組織に対する原始的な対抗国家の衝動を表していると主張されています.この意味で、褒め言葉として意味されるべきである: 両者は互いに抵抗している. どちらの側がどちらを取ろうと、実際には, 2つの間の振動の範囲で動作している.. これは、私たちが住んでいる現実: m_, m_, …… m_0)." 00. (00_00)(00)(モノグルイ)(00_00)(00_00)(ii): 2 番目の文: myako:phuma(ii)(UERUOGHOMO) は、大きくふざけた白いフェイクファーのコートドレスを着て.. きつく縛られた三つ編みの上に薄い綿のフードをかぶって、苦笑いを浮かべました。私に話しかける言葉さえ見つけられないほどの憂鬱な気分に陥っている: でも心配する必要はない、あなたの言ったことには一理ある: 私はいつもプログラムに従って生きている: 私がとるすべてのステップは、マッピングに対するプロットによって規制されている'): ((ものぐるい)ブルームバーグは、時間の流れを順方向ではなく逆方向にモデル化するように設定されました: つまり、副産物ではなく実際の資本の流れを測定するために設定されました: gray_phantom (ii)(00_00)(i): 「これは (00_00) の (00_00) です: YAMAUEREDA がプレイを行っています」: ジャンプのあるモデルを構築するために、ブラウン運動に加えて不確実性のソースを含めます: goryos これは、一貫した方法で連続しないように、与えられたピボット ポイントで破られた ito 積分の形をとった: これらの破れは、システムへの運動量の成分の注入によって生成された."(00_00)(MONOGURUI: gray_phantom(ii )(00_00)(i)(ii)((00))(00)(00) (00_00)(00) gray_phantom(ii)(00_00)(i)((00_00)(00_00))(ii): " (ある人はこの種のハイブリッド モデルを確率的モデルとして特徴付けることができますが、運動量の導入により概念的な観点からこれが複雑になります: ___にもかかわらず、これらの運動量フィルタリングは、爆破の間でさえ、かなり適切に実行されました):ポプラ/ハナミズキの温室への窓.. 低い木の椅子に腰を下ろした: yumi(no)gosto(ii), それは 9'0' の輝く白いタンパク質で筋肉質の巨大な形で、3 つの突起のある頭があり、透明な液体で覆われた体は白い霧のかかった蒸気が、ほとんどうなり声のような暗い低い声で発せられた: 「覚えておいてほしいのは、このすべて、平衡状態からのこの光り輝く中間領域全体が、裂け目であり、裂け目であり、縫合されて閉じられるべき傷であることを理解することです。)."