(00_00)(MONOGURUI: (ft CAPT.R.) (00_00) (00_00) 00. OOOOO. yueghuru(-(CR(00))): (recorded on the C.A.M.) "(supply lines bent themselves to this increasingly mesh framework: these phantom-ships built themselves up around targeted catallactic concerns, with expansive residential, educational, .. park interiors for recruitment of populations, tapping in to the bulging migrational pressures: there was a proliferation of interstellar mathematical institutes seeding these ventures with high-cap proto-phasm lines, interwoven with YAMAUEREDA support, as ryojusen pushed in to support the efforts: each of these propagating packages floated over the C.A.M.s of the u_ejento as overlapping unions of probability spaces for interflux movements bound to them by collocations of inversions: the enclosing space then could be dealt with as a reservoir for overall u fluctuations .. bulging .. managed as a byproduct of proto-phasm processes minimalized down to two factors – the volume of u .. its velocity: interregional commercium would pass over regions as if under the influence of an alien power, a self-propelling .. perpetuating series of forces whose properties were always to be measured in the space in between given entropic actors – agencies – or 00-ueghurama entities broken up into modular components: this resulted in the binding of labor ejento to these flows, a process of the individual ejento co-opted as myrmidon-u units conceived as a unit with the machine-instrument components as materializations of proto-phasm just as proto-phasm was mirrored as the abstraction of the means of *production: differentiation was reduced to nuances of forward-movements as projected by data models: over 40% of these projects failed .. their proto-phasm was converted into mass modality .. their structures coverted into ryojusen-combines .. research or data centers: hä picked up the C.A.M.: hä had neglected to remove här large gray poncho, .. its hood dropped over här head in passive folds: a ceramic i-hua fluorescent with dim white contoured filter stood on the little metal side-table of the outpost room beside the white blanketed cot hä sat on, .. the heavy gray frabric blocked all but small movements of light from the outer region behind them: a white ceramic cup .. large black bound object sat on the side-table surface beside a small metallic speaker .. a white sheet: a stack of white cotton covered pillows sat on the metal block-chair to the side .. a box of documents sat at här feet: här rounded metal face-mask pushed againt här face as hä bent forward into the C.A.M., white plastic cords bouncing lightly against här body as hä breathes: each of these inversion collocations was pieced together as an arrangement of crystals, each bound by one or more edges of co-bound crystals, each one bound to an interior of a forward-pulsed matching synthetic u_crystal: proto-phasm, as a mapping of * to c where c embodies monadic reverberation of the accumulated past converts itself from a mere dupication of * by propelling itself forward into a possession of the c of the future: joint ventures between multiple compound entities were encouraged by the interregional community, easing the rapid extrapolation of space-bound spatial mappings from a contractual .. analytic framework, .. commingling entropic interests in a way which encouraged further cooperation in positive feedback reinforcement: there was a growing trend in bilateral military operations, which eventually congealed in multilateral regional treaties .. ultimately shared deployment .. agricultural centers: shared u_point-c.a.m. simulation models for offensive/defensive scenarios were brought into play .. peaceful maintenance routines in the material *region were laid over a virtual simulacrum of cyclo-wars .. constant flow of incursions .. re-incursions helping to push realizations of relatively stable balance of power equilibriums)." (00_00)(MONOGURUI: (ft CAPT.R.) (00_00) (00_00) 00. OOOOO. yueghuru(-(CR(00))): (recorded on the C.A.M.) "(to the point where morikumura could be clearly conceptualized one would start with the assumption that U is incomplete .. uncertain (probabilistic) .. unconsistent (possessing the quality of reverb): one was faced with these flutters, even in circumstances close to stability: hence convergence as a defining conceptual attribute for objects occupying the system: the space which the reverb occupied was sometimes referred to as the m(0)phur-gap: proto-phasm processes acts by imputings its force against the cascading flows of probability spaces formed by the channelization of entropic activity in the yamabushi progression: identity was mapped via phase transitions across many copies, as processes that drove emergent jumps, such that a given self-morph would reconcile as a self-conception across versions of oneself, but all of these were ultimately bound to the abandonment of self-conception .. the merging of oneself with the community as a conscious, metaphysical entity: concurrency derivations, such that identity was bound to curves through planar time-processes, formed the underlying understanding of the resulting being: with the understanding that these planar time-processes were really more simply understood as information folds, collocated points where one information process would touch with another: by changing the coincident, bound, or converging u_spaces in interaction with a given probability space one can shape .. reform its properties without touching directly the set itself: u_ejento referred to this as the cantor-ization of proto-phasm processes, such that one conceived of the space as both dense .. deep, with complex spaces imposed for potential inversion or convolution: they didn't give up the notion of rays moving through this space but conceived of these rays as inherently curved, as bundlings of commingled factors which were themselves highly voluble: in a project of re-interiorizing the material space of *production in respect to deeply land-locked areas of the worlds, off-shoots of the yamaueredas were set up as mini mathematical institutes in partnership with local proto-phasm unions to push tree-farming covertly pushed by yamaueredas as offsets to carbon-markers on a vast scale reimagining agriculture as a vainglorious engineering project: interior spaces were transformed from regional farming to the *production of massive fish-farms .. carbon-sink *production: in this, conceptually, the pursuit of the individual freedom of the individual was tightly conflated conceptually with the notion of freedom of proto-phasm flows, with constraints of proto-phasm viewed as a mirroring of the autarchic controls of autarchic or authoritarian regimes: as one moved from u' to u'' the difference was denoted as ergodic volume in its fundation abstract form, by which cyclo-yamabushi forces pulled u_object value from retained stasis into proto-phasm formation)." ((00)(00_) (00_00)(00) yueghuru(ii)(00_00)(the YUGHUR::PHANTOM)(ii): "(probability measures were a function of direction-neutral models pushing out path arrays creating topological models as operating units: but these units were never static: they were always growing or constricting in uncomfortable ways: thus, the movement of u' to u'' is view as a continuous transformation from one compact space to another: as *pulse fall the value of future monad-processes of 00-ueghurama entities rise, in reverberating flux, but this relationship should not be viewed as symetrically agnostic: the directionality of this movement one way or the other reflects as shift in the movements of proto-phasm either into or out of point-form in future *production: you ended up, in practice, handling arrays of eigenvalues as notches for constrained min max plottings: the clear plastic curves push outward, reflecting the white hydrophonic light uncomfortably .. permeated with cold air dew-units which would invert from the pressure dynamics .. pop out: each coupling was made of white plastic or metal with white rubber inset holds): (proto-phasm flows by their nature attempt to fill every pressure level, to permeate themselves in the entropic architecture of the *region as is: in the pursuit of this equilibrium compound these flows must contain themselves, .. must turn inward on themselves)."
(00_00)(モノグルイ: (ft CAPT.R.) (00_00) (00_00) 00. OOOOO. ユエグル(-(CR(00))): (C.A.M.に記録) "(供給ラインはますますこのメッシュに曲がりました 枠組み:これらの幽霊船は、人口を集めるための広大な住居、教育、…公園の内部を備え、膨れ上がる移住圧力を利用して、標的を絞った天的懸念を中心に構築されました:これらの冒険に高い効果をもたらす星間数学研究所の急増がありました -cap proto-phasmラインは、良樹仙が取り組みを支援するために押し寄せたため、ヤマウエレダのサポートと織り交ぜられています。これらの伝播パッケージのそれぞれは、反転のコロケーションによってそれらに結合された相互流束の動きのための確率空間の重複する結合として、u_ejentoのC.A.M.上を浮遊しました。 その場合、囲い込む空間は、全体的な u 変動の貯留庫として扱われる可能性があります。.. 膨らみ.. 2 つの要素に最小化された原始相プロセスの副産物として管理されます – u の体積.. その速度: 地域間の商業は地域を通過するでしょう あたかも異星人の力の影響下にあるかのように、自己推進する...永続する一連の力であり、その特性は常に、与えられたエントロピーのアクター、つまり機関、またはモジュール式コンポーネントに分割された 00-ウエグラマ エンティティの間の空間で測定される必要があります。 その結果、労働エジェントがこれらの流れに結合することになり、個々のエジェントがミルミドン・ユーのユニットとして取り込まれ、プロトファズムが実体化したものとして機械器具のコンポーネントと一体として考えられるというプロセスが、プロトファズムが鏡像として反映されたのと同じように行われた。 *生産手段の抽象化: データモデルによって予測されるように、差別化は前進運動のニュアンスに還元されました: これらのプロジェクトの 40% 以上が失敗しました .. それらの原形はマスモダリティに変換されました .. それらの構造は霊獣線結合体に変換されました .. 研究センターまたはデータセンター: C.A.M.を拾いました: 大きな灰色のポンチョを脱ぐのを怠っていました。.. そのフードは受動的な折り目で頭の上に落ちていました: 薄暗い白い輪郭のフィルターが付いたセラミック製の i-hua 蛍光灯が小さなカメラの上に立っていました。 前哨部屋の金属製のサイドテーブル、白い毛布で覆われた簡易ベッドの横に座っていました。.. 重い灰色の布地が、背後の外側領域からの小さな光の動きを除いてすべて遮断しました。白いセラミックのカップ.. 大きな黒い拘束された物体がその上に座っていました。 小さな金属製のスピーカーの横にあるサイドテーブルの表面 .. 白いシート: 金属製のブロック椅子の横に置かれた白い綿で覆われた枕の積み重ね.. 足元に書類の入った箱が置かれている: 丸い金属製のフェイスマスクが押されている C.A.M.に向かって前かがみになったとき、顔に向かって白いプラスチックのコードが息をするたびに身体に軽く跳ねていた。これらの反転コロケーションはそれぞれ、結晶の配列としてつなぎ合わされ、それぞれが共結合結晶の1つまたは複数の端で結合されていた。 それぞれは、前方パルス化された一致する合成 u_crystal: proto-phasm の内部に結合されており、* から c へのマッピングとして、c は蓄積された過去のモナド残響を体現し、それ自体を前方に推進して所有物へと推進することによって、* の単なる複製から自らを変換します。 未来の時代: 複数の複合企業間の合弁事業が地域間コミュニティによって奨励され、契約上の.. 分析枠組み、.. さらなる協力を促進する形で、混合するエントロピー的利益から、空間に限定された空間マッピングの迅速な外挿が容易になりました。 肯定的なフィードバックの強化: 二国間軍事作戦の増加傾向があり、最終的には多国間地域条約に固まった .. 最終的には展開を共有.. 農業センター: u_point-c.a.m. を共有 攻撃/防御シナリオのシミュレーション モデルが導入されました .. マテリアル * 領域の平和的なメンテナンス ルーチンは、サイクロ戦争の仮想シミュレーションの上に置かれました .. 絶え間ない侵入の流れ .. 比較的安定したバランスの実現を促進するのに役立つ再侵入 "