

(00_00)(MONOGURUI: yagao_ueda(ii)(ii)((00))(00)(00) (00_00)(00) yagao_ueda(ii)((00_00)(00_00))(ii): "('they have their ways of doing things here: I encourage it, of course: (00_00), in the first place, (00_00) too.... you laugh?: but you know I have my policy: I babble away .. suddenly I say something clever just as they are on the look-out for it: they crowd round me .. I crawl away again: they've all given me up in despair by now: 'hä's got a mind but hä's dropped from outerspace': (00_00) invites me to enter the service so that I may be reformed: you know I treat här mockingly, that is, I compromise här .. hä simply stares, (00_00) encourages it: oh, by the way, (00_00) is in an awful rage with you: hä said the nastiest things about you yesterday at (00_00): I told här the whole truth on the spot, that is, of course, not the whole truth: I spent the whole day at (00_00): It's a splendid apartment, a fine complex': 'then is hä at (00_00) now?' yagao_ueda(i)(00_00)(ii) broke in suddenly, making a sudden start forward .. almost leaping up from här seat: 'no, hä accompanied me here this morning, we returned together,' said phumaCHIRGHYU(ii), appearing not to notice yagao_ueda(i)(00_00)(ii)'s momentary excitement: phumaCHIRGHYU(ii): 'what's this?: I dropped a book': hä bent down to pick up the 'keepsake' hä had knocked down: 'the women of balzac,' with illustrations': hä opened it suddenly: 'I haven't read it: (00_00) writes science fiction too': yagao_ueda(i)(00_00)(ii): 'yes?': phumaCHIRGHYU(ii): 'In urakuomori style, on the mark, of course, (00_00) knows .. allows it: hä's whipped, but with good manners: it's their system: such strict form—such self-restraint!: something of the sort would be the thing for us': 'you approve of government methods?': phumaCHIRGHYU(ii): 'I should rather think so!: here we apply the concept of defining the proper financial object, as an abtracted but also material entity, as 'that which withstands the hypothesis of non-existence', or, aka, the unconditioned universal, as we like to refer to it: we would cap such inflationary effects at 40%, - no more! no more! – ' (in a hushed tone): 'or to be more precise, would put it in a 5 to 40% band': hä seemed flush, as if white light was radiating out of här body: 'for this purpose we've created an inflation sink, concentric unities around concentric unities, such that financial packages produced by our agents automatically re-derivitize at 40% expansion limits .. reset: the former version of the product being indexed to the subsequent version, .. so on .. so on, such that it is incapable of exceeding this limit, df: it's the one thing that's natural .. practicable in the urakuomori.... I won't... I won't,' hä cried out suddenly, 'I'm not referring to that—not a word on delicate subjects: good-bye, though, you look rather pale')."(00_00)(MONOGURUI: yagao_ueda(ii)(ii)((00))(00)(00) (00_00)(00) yagao_ueda(ii)((00_00)(00_00))(ii): "('I'm feverish': 'I can well believe it: you should go to bed: by the way, there are (00_00) here in the neighbourhood—they're curious people... of that later, though: ah, here's another anecdote: there's an infantry regiment here in the district: I was drinking last friday evening with the officers: we've three friends among them, understand?: they were discussing communism .. I need hardly say they made short work of capitalism: they were squealing with delight: by the way, (00_00) declares that if there's to be a rising in the urakuomori we must begin with communism: maybe it's true: one grizzled old stager of a captain sat mum, not saying a word: all at once hä stands up in the middle of the room .. says aloud, as though speaking to härself: 'If there's no property, how can I be a captain then?': hä took up här cap .. went out, flinging up här hands': phumaCHIRGHYU(ii) bows här head .. subjects här body to inspection: 'hä expressed a rather sensible idea,' said yagao_ueda(i)(00_00)(ii), yawning for the third time: 'yes? I didn't understand it: I meant to ask you about it: well what else have I to tell you?: the (00_00) factory's interesting: as you know, there are five hundred onnagatamatona in it, it's a hotbed of (00_00), it's not been cleaned for fifteen years .. the onnagatamatona are repressed: the share-holders are billionaires: I assure you that some among the hands have an idea of the international: what, you smile?: you'll see—only give me ever so little time! I've asked you to fix the time already .. now I ask you again .. then.... but I beg your pardon, I won't, I won't speak of that, don't frown: there!': hä turned back suddenly: 'I quite forgot the chief thing: I was told just now that our box had come from manhattan': 'you mean..." yagao_ueda(i)(00_00)(ii) looked at här, not understanding: 'your box, your things, clothes, .. sheets have come: is it true?': 'yes... they said something about it this morning')." (00_00)(MONOGURUI: yagao_ueda(ii)(ii)((00))(00)(00) (00_00)(00) yagao_ueda(ii)((00_00)(00_00))(ii): "('ach, then can't I open it at once!...": 'ask (00_00)": 'well, to-morrow, then, will to-morrow do?: you see my new clothes are with your things, by your recommendation, do you remember?': 'I hear you're going in for being a fashion plate here,' said yagao_ueda(i)(00_00)(ii) with a smile: 'is it true you're going to take lessons at the club?': phumaCHIRGHYU(ii) smiled a wry smile: 'I say,' hä said suddenly, with excessive haste in a voice that quivered .. faltered, 'I say, yagao_ueda(i)(00_00)(ii), let's drop personalities once for all: of course, you can despise me as much as you like if it amuses you—but we'd better dispense with personalities for a time, hadn't we?': 'all right,' yagao_ueda(i)(00_00)(ii) assented): (the high-level equilibrium liquidity trap features of the program of pulling inward were incapable of being overcome by 'internally-generated forces', it was argued: the flows of these goryos from forward points in time provided the outside reservoir of credit required to overturn .. reverse the equilibrium, .. this was done with such force that momentum was generated for the overturning of the private/public mirroring, such that the basic program of pumping up private credit channels of the financial institutions based on a foundation of the high-powered public credit of the central banks .. fisc was overturned to become the converse: from the financial markets perspective input became output, output became input, .. a highly volatile .. fragile core supply now functioned to drive a robust, powerful expansive force generating massive upturns in the flows pushed into economic production: the YAMAUEREDA mathematicians modeling these systems worked closely in the intermundia space produced by the difference between the domain .. codomain of the log-link)." (00_00)(MONOGURUI: yagao_ueda(ii)(ii)((00))(00)(00) (00_00)(00) yagao_ueda(ii)((00_00)(00_00))(ii): "(finding in this space the convergence powers necessary to control these flows over large expanses of the credit topology: YAMAUEREDA began producing self-sufficient mecha with hydro-pod units, .. deployed them across overlapping boundaries .. regimes to cultivate the spread of the material effects of the credit expansions at work, defending against the potential for choke-points .. confinements that posed challenges in respect to the generation of frictions slowing or limiting the reach of the extant flows): (the uri(00)ughuryor moves through the clear plastic walled room of the (YAMAUEREDA)(ii): clear gray-ish flesh runs over the uri(00)ughuryor’s contours at joints .. curves strapped tightly by white elastic rubber: black porous points of apparent decay spot the moist surface occasionally, but otherwise the white light glistens off its rounded muscles: the cool air vibrates in apparent stillness: uri(00)ughuryor touches the surface of a clear plastic module inset into the wall .. a metal control unit with black rubber, two glass plates pushed up against a white rubber buffer, .. metal base unit): (if a u_agent can find in this space a pivot point for one's positions, such that a derivative or cp can be turned around .. pushed back against the regions from which it emerged, then a reverb mapping between various temporal points can be constructed: reverb growth in this period outranged expectations but was not inconsistent with our experience in previous decades: fed chairman(i): 'history tells us (regulators) cannot identify the timing of a crisis, or anticipate exactly where it will be located or how large the losses .. spillovers will be'): (each crisis, treated as a post hoc 'controlled' experiment, provides evidence allowing for the improvement of these identification processes)." (00_00)(MONOGURUI: yagao_ueda(ii)(ii)((00))(00)(00) (00_00)(00) yagao_ueda(ii)((00_00)(00_00))(ii): "(the private sector, over the period of 2001 to 2007 took on the production of credit that the public sector was pulling back from: volumes were disproportionate to the realm of expectations of prior experience, as the process of dispersing u.s. debt as currency for the world economy continued to move forward despite the tethering to an inflation target policy: but from its depths reservoirs of credit were being pooled that the inversion would tap into .. put into motion: this mutation was not recognized at the time as a shift in the direction of flows despite analysis on the part of federal reserve economists .. others describing clearly its development: it was less an instance of being under the radar than a case of its consequences .. implications being underappreciated .. misunderstood: u_ejento understood interest rate differentials as the controlling force of geworfen as the forced casting out of capital into the world: higher interest rates upstream of the yield curve incentivize the production of credit by the financial markets by providing actors with the opportunity to sell their short term debt dear .. buy long term debt in the marketplace cheap: state institutions can intervene in the former via open market operations by central banks to push up demand for short term assets, .. in the latter by the production of long term state-backed debt to push up its supply): (phuma(no)gosuto(ii): 'are we going to converse or are we just going to fuck around?': (00_00): 'inversion': ((00_00) pauses .. turns här eyes away momentarily): 'I don’t like to involve the Institute in these types of affairs': phuma(no)gosuto(ii): 'I assure you _- there are things that if I could only tell you-: god knows where this will lead us, but you must act': (00_00): 'we pride ourselves on strictly following the operationalist investigative technique here at the institute)."

(00_00)(モノグルイ: yagao_ueda(ii)(ii)((00))(00)(00) (00_00)(00) yagao_ueda(ii)((00_00)(00_00))(ii): "('theyここで物事を行う方法を持っています: もちろん、私はそれをお勧めします: (00_00), そもそも (00_00) も.... あなたは笑いますか?: でも、私には私のポリシーがあることを知っています: 私はせせらぎます.. 突然彼らが気をつけているように、私は賢いことを言います: 彼らは私の周りに群がっています.. 私は再び這い去ります: 彼らは皆、今では絶望の中で私をあきらめています: : (00_00) は、私が改革されるように、サービスに参加するように私を招待します: ご存知のように、私は här をあざけるように扱います。 ) はあなたにひどく腹を立てています: 昨日 (00_00) にあなたのことで最も嫌なことを言いました: 私はその場ですべての真実を彼女に話しました. もちろん, 真実のすべてではありません. 00_00): 立派なアパートですね、立派な団地です': 'それで、今(00_00)にいるんですか?' yagao_ueda(i)(00_00)(ii) ly, 急に前に出て.. här の席から飛び上がりそうになった: 「いいえ、hä は今朝ここに同行しました。私たちは一緒に戻ってきました」と phumaCHIRGHYU(ii) は言いましたが、yagao_ueda(i)(00_00)(ii) ) の一瞬の興奮: phumaCHIRGHYU(ii): 「これは何?: 本を落とした」: 腰をかがめて「記念品」を拾った hä が倒した: 「バルザックの女性たち」とイラスト付き': hä が開いた突然: '私はそれを読んでいません: (00_00) もサイエンス フィクションを書いています': yagao_ueda(i)(00_00)(ii): 'はい?': phumaCHIRGHYU(ii): 'ウラクオモリ スタイルで、マークに、もちろん、(00_00) は知っています..許可します: むち打ちですが、礼儀正しく: それは彼らのシステムです: そのような厳格な形 - そのような自制心!: そのようなものは私たちのためのものです」: 「あなたはそれを承認します': phumaCHIRGHYU(ii): '私はむしろそう考えるべきです!: ここでは、適切な金融オブジェクトを、抽出されたものであると同時に物質的な実体として、'存在しないという仮説に耐えるもの' として定義するという概念を適用します。 、またはka、私たちが好んで言及する無条件の普遍的なもの: そのようなインフレ効果を 40% に制限します。もういや! – (静かな口調で): 「より正確に言えば、5 から 40% の範囲に収まります」: まるで白い光が体から放射されているかのように、真っ赤に見えました: 「この目的のために、私たちはエージェントによって作成された金融パッケージが 40% の拡張制限で自動的に再誘導体化されるように、インフレ シンク、同心単位の周りの同心単位を作成しました.. リセット: 製品の前のバージョンが次のバージョンにインデックス化されている.. など. ..など、この制限を超えることができないように、 df: それは自然なことの 1 つです.. 浦楽大森で実行可能です.... 私はしません... 私はしません. 「そんなこと言ってるわけじゃなくて、デリケートな話じゃなくてさよならだけど、ちょっと顔色が悪いんだけど」)」(00_00)(MONOGURUI: yagao_ueda(ii)(ii)((00))(00 )(00) (00_00)(00) yagao_ueda(ii)((00_00)(00_00))(ii): "(「私は熱っぽいです」:ところで、ここの近所には (00_00) がいます — 彼らは好奇心旺盛な人たちです.別の逸話があります: ここには歩兵連隊があります: 私は先週の金曜日の夜、将校たちと飲んでいました: 彼らの中に 3 人の友人がいますよね?: 彼らは共産主義について話し合っていました.. : 彼らは喜んで金切り声を上げていました: ちなみに、(00_00) は、浦楽大森で上昇が見られるなら、共産主義から始めなければならないと宣言しています: 多分それは本当です: 船長の白髪交じりの老舞台係は、何も言わずにお母さんに座っていました:突然部屋の真ん中に立ちあがる ..自分に言い聞かせるように大声で言う:「財産がないなら、どうやって船長になれるの?」手を上げて」: phumaCHIRGHYU(ii) は頭を下げて.. här の体を調べます: 「hä はかなり賢明な考えを表明しました」と yagao_ueda(i)(00_00)(ii) は言いました。私はそれを理解していませんでした: 私はそれについてあなたに尋ねるつもりでした: うーん、私はあなたに他に何を言う必要がありますか?: (00_00) 工場の興味深い: ご存知のように、そこには 500 のオンナガタマトナがあり、それは (00_00 の温床です) )、それは15年間掃除されていません.. オンナガタマトナは抑圧されています:株主は億万長者です:手の中には国際的な考えを持っている人もいると確信しています:何、あなたは微笑みますか?私に少しだけ時間をください!すでに時間を修正するように依頼しました.. 今もう一度お願いします.. それから. ': hä は突然引き返しました: '重要なことをすっかり忘れていました: ちょうど今、私たちの箱がマンハッタンから来たと言われました': 'つまり..." yagao_ueda(i)(00_00)(ii) は här を見ました,理解できない:「あなたの箱、あなたの持ち物、衣服、..シーツが来ました:それは本当ですか?」:「はい...彼らは今朝それについて何か言った」).