((00)(00_) (00_00)(00) yueghuru(ii)(00_00)(ch.)(00_00)(the YUGHUR::PHANTOM)(ii): "(with heddle maid being the putting into place of the blowup positions .. shuttle maid being the pulling of them out in constraint, the contraction of forces that tie off in quick action the accumulated flows: the monogurui u_ejento settled into positions they referred to as ganimata, clearing their goryos of forward movements .. morphing them into curves pushing downward into the depths: (00_00) (00_00)): (yueghuru(ii), 6'8", 256 lbs., with black abstract-dot-pattern acrylic hood close to här head: här dark opaque contoured glass visor fitted over här eyes/face: här focused, androgynous body allowed här shoulders to push forward slightly, even in the balance of the enclosed space, .. the glint of the block-ish metal desk in front of här was subdued with the dull patina of cumulative low corrosion: här gray recycled-acrylic hooded bodysuit with metal zippers gripped här body, with black plastic circular fobs pushed tight to tautly muscled legs to black rubber slippers: yueghuru(ii) attempts to conceive actuallty as a communion (or partial communion) between two or more objects, hypothesisizing conscious interactions between the material objects of a given space): (the yamaueredas lost control of the proto-phasm mass, which would be disconcerting enough on its own: what participants found most disturbing, though, was the sheer speed at which this loss of control occurred): (00_00)(MONOGURUI: yueghuru(ii))(episode 08: yueghuru(ii): 'one can abandon one's post only to find the darkness growing from within oneself, to find oneself the repository of the decimating forces that are the mirror images of our true otherworldly selves, of an identity tansformed into its most powerful version, the crystallized image of our imminent .. fateful victory, or the closest to which we can bring forth the strength to grasp in the given moment': myamaka:phuma, in her white rubber u_defender bodysuit deflects white glowing balls of force that yueghuru(ii) sends at här in oncoming waves)."(00_00)(MONOGURUI: yueghuru(ii)(00_00)(ch.))(ii))((00))(00)(00) (00_00)(00) yueghuru(ii)(00_00)(ch.)((00_00)(00_00))(ii): "(from här perch on the large rock formation crowning yamashita hill: occasionally hä succeeds in capturing .. extinguishing the u_crystal projectiles, or even, at times, turning them back against yueghuru(ii): här braced foot slips .. hä falls back against the renewed onslaught: yueghuru(ii) brings the attack to a stop .. laughs: surfaces were replaced over the course of the next 50 commutes by a growth-plastic encased substrata interwoven with clear plastic hydro culture modules .. communications/power grid, referred to as intermundia space or the ghost-plane: this whole array – core-intensity, power value, cyclo-intension, the monadic phase, ergodic volume –was pulled into potentiality-crystals which strove to bind u_pulse connections in order to control their future implementation: u_ejento regressed against the temporal gap (moving either forwards or backwards): for jonbar hinges at the crossing over point for the curve over a 1:1 correlation on a percent change basis to try to hone in on causalilty regions, with causality always reversible .. doubled: one would assume that one could push the effect either direction, or, in other words, it was always push-pull, as opposed to push: the analysis was such that correlation images always took on, or could function as, functions of chremastic phasm-metric: notions of category or pure concept were blown out to encompass all concepts, ideologies, .. entities or objects: it was all 'pure', u_ejento would suggest: stratification intheir terms could only be a function of the arrangements of one's perceptions, but never touched upon the thing itself: this stratification was made up of mutlitudes of invariant-reductions as a repetition/difference scheme: the moment one thought one had come upon a pure category one could immediately begin the process of inverting it, pulling it apart, .. then recombining it in forms with predictive value of equal power: amorphous globular shapes forming patterns .. morphng as mathematical objects, not according to rules so much something that could almost be captured as convenience, the potential for intercourse or mutation: yueghuru(ii): 'yes, you have much further to go: but for now rest, tomorrow we will resume'): (it's so easy to play back the recording of the C.A.M. movements in slow motion .. plot out, oh this could have been done here, or this move here was clearly a misstep, but in real time it was hitting us so fast)." 00. (00_00)(00)(MONOGURUI)(00_00)(00_00)(ii): "(yueghuru(ii)(00_00)(ch.): AKA the meghu_urenghyu): (mi::yabi(ii) was dressed chic, but with rather more opulence than was needed for the occasion, perhaps, in a white cotton black line square-patterned capri tracksuit structured to pull white rubber strapping around här lower body as hä walked, .. with metal button closed strapping that framed an upward movement toward här black braided hair .. dark eyes, with white close hood: but hä felt deeper, colder reasons in place, presentiment perhaps)." ((00)(00_) (00_00)(00) yueghuru(ii)(00_00)(ch.)(00_00)(the YUGHUR::PHANTOM)(ii): "(too many of the ex post critiques .. analyses omit the *'s inner nature as a violent rupture .. implosion that had ½-swallowed us before we knew it had arrived: vector norms everywhere were being turned inside out .. reemerging elsewhere as reconfigured normative flows)."(00_00)(MONOGURUI: yueghuru(ii)(00_00)(ch.))(ii))((00))(00)(00) (00_00)(00) yueghuru(ii)(00_00)(ch.)((00_00)(00_00))(ii): "(unrecognizable on the face: here the u_objects cell can be thought of like the psyche or the codings .. flows of the yamabushi unconscious in the (00_00)-(00_00) framework, as a productive being, a collective amalgamation of productive processes rather than representative): (a humanoid ghost-figure of grey contorted musculature .. clear rubber formed head: (00_00): metal circular studs inset into the clear rubber of the ½-poncho promise u_object or preparedness: lines bound här body in space): (the basic, unsettling flaw of characterizations of the u_objects cell in the aftermath of its blow up was their attributions to it of qualities of mirroring or an insubstantial ghost-like quality)." 00. (00_00)(00)(MONOGURUI)(00_00)(00_00)(ii): "((aka yumi(no)gosuto), of large build, ½-ughor ½-urakuomori, with dark black hair pulled into 2 braids, somewhat gaunt structure, micro-contorted musculature: här eyes were large .. light: här gaze keeps periodically darting to the left .. down to the same spot below a couple of the seats as if there is something there which alarms här, but to all appearances there is nothing there: (00_00) (00_00) (00_00) (00_00) (00_00) (00_00) (00_00) (00_00) (00_00) (00_00) (00_00) (00_00) (00_00) (00_00) (00_00) (00_00) (00_00) (00_00) (00_00) (00_00) (00_00) (00_00) (00_00) (00_00) (00_00) (00_00) (00_00))." ((00)(00_) (00_00)(00) yueghuru(ii)(00_00)(ch.)(00_00)(the YUGHUR::PHANTOM)(ii): "(rather than a recognition of it as the thing itself, its reality as a collection of invisible forces)."(00_00)(MONOGURUI: yueghuru(ii)(00_00)(ch.))(ii))((00))(00)(00) (00_00)(00) yueghuru(ii)(00_00)(ch.)((00_00)(00_00))(ii): "(with real effects on the entropic powers that we harness .. cultivate: cell participants acted as contacts, such that densities were distributed through them without recourse to limitations regarding their monopulsive properties: flows moved around them according to their forces produced but did not pass through them): (thus, one was always capturing or observing these flows based on second hand properties: there was a proliferation of dummy variables into models serving as placeholders for options which might or might not exist): (the assumption that brought down the models was that there would always be an untapped reservoir of proto-phasm for the formation of an coefficient to balance out a process: this was what a 'functioning cell' was conceived to be, as an operating principle: which holds when the overall net volume of proto-phasm is expanding, but when it turns it becomes a game of musical chairs): (there just aren't enough chairs to go around for every little u_op. .. m_ghuma, .. someone is going to left standing pink-faced .. crying)." 00. (00_00)(00)(MONOGURUI)(00_00)(00_00)(ii): "((00_00))." ((00)(00_) (00_00)(00) yueghuru(ii)(00_00)(ch.)(00_00)(the YUGHUR::PHANTOM)(ii): "(inside här body _ possible channels for future development open up)."(00_00)(MONOGURUI: yueghuru(ii)(00_00)(ch.))(ii))((00))(00)(00) (00_00)(00) yueghuru(ii)(00_00)(ch.)((00_00)(00_00))(ii): "(one for each variation for a perceived or perfected error: these channels operate as curves passing obliquely from a course of action proscribed by här limits of movements or potentiality: but hä would laugh .. say, 'no, mori-ghuma had nothing to do with it: it was all rational .. circumspect): (00_00)(MONOGURUI: yueghuru(ii))(episode 09: the bridge turns into a synth-rhythm repeating version of the (00) motif inverted upon itself .. myamaka:phuma' training scenes push into one another as the days .. periods pass through the ensuing two commutes, with yueghuru(ii)'s attacks growing in force .. complexity from här perch atop the rocks, then dropping to the cold ground before här, .. evolving into jumping stategems eventually composed of multiple mirrored projections of härself, as myamaka:phuma falls, gets up, attacks, .. *production in power .. confidence as hä becomes a true u_space-defender in full form): ('of course, dear': monogurui was a system of monitoring/projecting the dark movements of u flows: whole arrays were disassembled .. reassembled, conceptually, .. broken out into offsets of reverse eigenvalues: cold sweat populated yueghuru(ii)(00_00)(ch.)'s face: (00_00), or the potential for the implosive forces within us possessing the u force of each point of our bodies): (.. pulling us inward to the point of madhyamatic convergence): (.. 2-buttoned white cotton-hybrid buttoned equipage with white rubber padding .. semi-opaque bodysuit .. u_chrema ice-slippers with straps up the legs, a mournful tired but kind face .. head bowed slightly with 3 padded white cotton-hybrid straps head-mask: hä felt an invisible force pulling at här inner organs, pulling här forward into the circle patterned intrigues with mathematical precision): (hä walked past the stage, to where an open foyer was waiting, near the underpass)."
((00)(00_) (00_00)(00) ユエグル(ii)(00_00)(ch.)(00_00)(the YUGHUR::PHANTOM)(ii): "(ヘルドメイドが代わりに入れられます) 爆破位置..シャトルメイドは拘束された状態で彼らを引っ張り出し、蓄積された流れを素早い動作で結び付ける力の収縮です。モノグルイ・ウ_エジェントはガニマタと呼ばれる位置に落ち着き、前進のゴリョーを取り除きます..モーフィング それらは曲線を描いて深部へと押し下げられています: (00_00) (00_00)): (ユエグル(ii)、6'8"、256ポンド、頭の近くに黒い抽象的なドットパターンのアクリルフードが付いています: 暗い不透明な輪郭 ガラス製のバイザーが目/顔に取り付けられています。集中力のある中性的な体により、囲まれた空間のバランスの中でも、肩がわずかに前に突き出ることができました。.. ハーの前にあるブロック状の金属製の机の輝きは、ハーネスによって抑えられていました。 蓄積された低腐食のくすんだ緑青: 灰色のリサイクルアクリルのフード付きボディスーツ、金属ジッパーが体を掴み、黒いプラスチック製の円形のフォブがぴんと張った脚にしっかりと押し込まれ、黒いゴム製のスリッパ: ユエグル(ii) は、現実を聖体拝領 (または 2 つ以上の物体間の部分的な交わり)、特定の空間の物質的な物体間の意識的な相互作用を仮説化します):(ヤマウエレダは原始塊の制御を失いましたが、これだけでも十分当惑するでしょう:参加者が最も不安に感じたことは、しかし 、このコントロールの喪失が起こるのはまったくの速さでした): (00_00)(モノグルイ: ユエグルイ(ii))(エピソード 08: ユエグルイ(ii): '人は自分の内側から成長する闇を見つけるためにのみ自分の職を放棄することができます、 私たちの真の別世界の自己の鏡像、最も強力なバージョンに変化したアイデンティティ、差し迫った運命の勝利、または私たちが生み出すことができる最も近いものの結晶化されたイメージである、破壊的な力の宝庫である自分自身を見つけることです。 与えられた瞬間に掴む強さ': ミャマカ:プーマ、白いゴム製の u_defender ボディスーツを着て、ユエグル(ii) が向かってくる波でハーに送る白く光る力の球をそらします)。"(00_00)(モノグルイ: ユエグル(ii) (00_00)(ch.))(ii))((00))(00)(00) (00_00)(00) ユエグル(ii)(00_00)(ch.)((00_00)(00_00))(ii ): "(山下の丘を冠する大きな岩石層のハーパーチから: 時々、ハーは u_crystal の発射体を捕らえることに成功します。.. 消滅させたり、時にはそれらをユエグル (ii) に向けて折り返すことさえあります。 新たな猛攻撃に反撃: ユエグル(ii) が攻撃を停止 .. 笑い: 次の 50 回の通勤の間に、表面は透明なプラスチックの水力培養モジュールが織り込まれた成長プラスチックで包まれた基材に置き換えられました .. communication/ ムンディア空間またはゴーストプレーンと呼ばれるパワーグリッド: この配列全体 – コア強度、パワー値、サイクロインテンション、モナディックフェーズ、エルゴードボリューム – は、u_pulse 接続を順番に結合しようとするポテンシャルクリスタルに引き込まれました。 将来の実装を制御するため: u_ejento は時間的ギャップに対して回帰 (前方または後方への移動): ジョンバーの場合、変化率ベースで 1:1 の相関関係を曲線の交差点でヒンジし、因果関係の領域に焦点を当てます。 、因果関係は常に可逆的です.. 2倍になります: 効果をどちらの方向にも押し出すことができると仮定します。つまり、プッシュとは対照的に、常にプッシュプルでした: 分析は、相関画像が常に引き受けるようなものでした。 または、表現的な位相計量の関数として機能する可能性があります。カテゴリまたは純粋な概念の概念が、すべての概念、イデオロギー、.. 実体またはオブジェクトを包含するように吹き飛ばされました。それはすべて「純粋」でした、u_ejento は示唆します。彼らの用語での階層化は、 それは、人の認識の配置の関数であるが、そのものそのものには決して触れられていない。この層別化は、反復/差異スキームとしての多数の不変還元から構成されている。純粋なカテゴリーに出会ったと思った瞬間に、すぐにそれを知ることができる。 それを反転し、引き離し、.. それを等しい力の予測値を持つ形に再結合するプロセスを開始します。パターンを形成する不定形の球形.. ルールに従っているわけではなく、数学的オブジェクトとして変形する、ほとんど何かとして捉えることができるもの 利便性、性交や突然変異の可能性: yueghuru(ii): 「はい、まだ先はたくさんあります: でも今は休んで、明日から再開します」): (C.A.M. の記録を再生するのはとても簡単です。 スローモーションでの動き .. 計画を立てて、ああ、これはここでできたかもしれない、またはここでのこの動きは明らかに失敗でしたが、リアルタイムでは非常に速く襲い掛かりました。」 00. (00_00)(00)(MONOGURUI) (00_00)(00_00)(ii): 「(ユエグル(ii)(00_00)(ch.): 別名メグウレンギュ): (ミ::ヤビ(ii)はシックな服装でしたが、必要以上に豪華でした おそらく、この機会は、歩くときに下半身に白いゴムのストラップを引っ張るように構造化された、白い綿の黒い線の四角形のカプリ柄のトラックスーツを着ていたのでしょう。