

(00_00) 00. OOOOO. yamegu(r)u(-(CR(00))): (recorded on the C.A.M.) "monogurui (00) (FUTOMAKI) (80.00): (00) 00_(00) df: for phideyuki. phideyuki puffs smoke away from här body: ((00_00)(00_00) (hä kept staring at the monitor-glass in disbelief: 'petals in the wind like snow… (0000)…' the latter addendum referencing the fact that hä'd knocked over 3 out of the 4 glass vials of pink * red mini-carnations that hä kept out of some sort of ceremonial pride at the right of här monitor, .. the slightly pukish water was streaming over här glass monitor blinking with u_pulse analysis: on the other side of the clear plastic contours of här workspace the grayish, seething plasma of THE YAGAMOTO_MAIDO III pulses in sync with (00), clear fluid occasionally bubbling against the opposite surface of the plastic and then quickly receding: crystal formations .. metal outcroppings inset with dim white effervescent lights are latched on to the interior, encroaching on the tight space along with three metal coolant units)."
(00) yameghuru_ueda(ii) (the MIGHUR PHANTOM)(ii): "(white rubber circles dot the clear plastic floor providing grip: yameghuru_ueda(vi) pushes at the clear plastic of här multi-gapped equipage, over the black rubber tightly binding här small masses of bunched up hair and glares intently at the clear plastic surface over her white cotton undersuit with white stitching and the words discretely printed over her mid-riff 'yameghuru_ueda(vi)' (½-urakuomori-½-mhyghori grayskin): hä gets up to look for a cloth to clean up the mess, but instead turns and spasmodically sweeps the vials shattering to the floor in one quick blow, här mouth distorted now in uncontrolled disgust or some kind of slowly encroaching miasma: the little ewers they were in didn't break, each one with little irregular pink blue red lines curving up from the base but never reaching the upper rim: hä turns from här cramped workspace to retreat to the back wall to look over the view-monitor where the bright white lights of surrounding stars push in on their mega_phurgur)."
(00_00) 00. OOOOO. yamegu(r)u(-(CR(00))): (recorded on the C.A.M.) "(reaching reflexively for a white plastic thermos of tea, calming härself, looking over the pretty white lights, and forcing här breathing to slow, reflecting on the comforting certainty that the u_waves populating the monitor are clearly some kind of mechanical error, a few reports and corrections to file along with a maintenance request, nothing more, not a shift in whatever passes for the equilibrium that the current agglomeration of alliances .. unions, and what is left of humanity, finds itself: 'calm the (0000) down,' hä whispers under här breath: THE YAGAMOTO_MAIDO III, with its 256 pop. crew slash residual family members and governing agency monitors, floats unperturbed toward its planned destination, the outlier world where their core researchers are to deploy to a relatively young research institute forming in one of its city-unions): (here it became a question of filling up, or the power to attain a given potential capacity)."
(00_00) 00. OOOOO. yamegu(r)u(-(CR(00))): (recorded on the C.A.M.) "(phideyuki, in the sense of the entire set of phideyukis (1:15), was initially conceived as a mapping of points from the embryo-morphisms of (00)?’s system of micro-tinged subsystem-sets to (in the sense of a resonator or function, but engineered with disturbing parallelisms to the types of mechanisms: yameghru(vi) attempts to clear här mind, (00) in other words how to produce given pattern properties of point-sets via filtering): (articulated metal rods bring pads clear plastic cylidners to yameghuru(ii)'s face .. upper body .. hands, .. the clear plastic cyclinders push forward to make contact .. grip här gently but closely with a certain tightness .. inflexibillity: a minute binding is assessed: the white light shimmers over the clear plastic body-suit multi-bulbous armor, pretending to imbue yameghuru(ii) with distilled velocities: the adidas 3-figured logo in black just above rt. hip)."

(00_00) 00. OOOOO. yamegu(r)u(-(CR(00))): (recorded on the C.A.M.) "phideyuki puts här black rubber mini-gloved hand to här lips: yameghuru pulls härself inward: här clear rubber mask restricts här head tightly: the (00) clear polymeratomic anti-chöd armor over shifts over här (00_00) bruised-up hard:soft body .. här upper thigh shudders under the white cotton: causation is defined as a residual: whatever gap remains from the projected probabilities, this is given to the purview of causal formal/action, whether driven by intentionality or the accumulated weight of past behavior: phideyuki pointedly laughs in a quiet, muffled sort of way, between puffs of smoke: yameghuru's white plastic multi-modular ship with black bindings .. joints, dotted in parts with black embedded circular input:output cylinders is a one-unit mission type, with enough enclosed space for a research facility .. three interior hydro-agro units holding support cultivators)."
(00_00) 00. OOOOO. yamegu(r)u(-(CR(00))): (recorded on the C.A.M.) "(in each of these grow a sries of small hued crystals in little glass water-filled basins, along with plants .. fungi .. assorted protein-growths: yameghuru(ii): 'the recordings of the reports .. the interpellations are coming through via the phase-projections in confused, stuttered, .. repeated form: I have attempted to put them into a coherent form, or something with some vaguery of chronological binding, .. at least some imitation of the psychological rationalizations underpinning the motivations .. interpretations in play': for the moment yameghuru_uereda(ii) is intent instead on finding a resolution to phideyuki’s undirected eyes, or a mapping to the beats that countermand the almost inaudible pumping of här veins): (yameghuru_uereda(vi) glances at it before focusing back on här tea-thermos: four clear monitor-glass surfaces hover in a row splitting the middle of the space)."
(00_00) 00. OOOOO. yamegu(r)u(-(CR(00))): (recorded on the C.A.M.) "(the fourth of which yameghuru_uereda(vi) had until moments before been hovering over intently trying to plot the convergence of a series of u_waves that were developing in ways far too concentric and periodic to be plausibly noise phenomena and causing an ache deep in här lungs of disbelief and horror that hä refused to acknowledge: (00) had been methodically running through the report on the approaching outlier world, (00_00), '… …….": '?' yameghuru_uereda(vi) interrupted (00), pushing back palpitations): (här clear plastic multi-gapped equipage holds här body tightly aganst the reverberating pulses of pressure converging in on här: hä starts to turn här clear rubber gloved hand over, which is moving in an eery slow motion now, .. hä can see mostly through the cold grayish plasma of the mega_phurgur .. the huge clear plastic circles embedded in them to their outer circumferences)."
(00_00) 00. OOOOO. yamegu(r)u(-(CR(00))): (recorded on the C.A.M.) "(as if it is all one clear glass mirrored image, at which precise point hä would find härself uncertain: hä notices, though, that the plasma formations are layered upon one another, as if they had bubbled up from some great depth beneath them aeons ago before cooling .. touching up almost entangled with one another in microscopic closeness .. crystallized outward bound pressure): (the wind pulses through the corridors, straining against them, pushed forward .. through them from the outer regions of the universe: everything is moving so slowly now that hä can feel each flux point of här body, each particle of what hä had thought to be här existence, possessed by här .. captive to här will, as it turns back inwardly upon här .. overcomes här: as the waves of white light slowly overtake här .. the particles of här body invert .. radiate outward in concentric circles hä whispers, 'the thing that falls away is myself')."

(00_00) 00。 yamegu(r)u(-(CR(00))): (C.A.M.に記録) 「ものぐるい (00) (FUTOMAKI) (80.00): (00) 00_(00) df: for phideyuki. phideyuki puffs Smoke away from här body: ((00_00)(00_00) (här body: ((00_00)(00_00)) (hä は信じられないという気持ちでモニター ガラスを見つめ続けました: 「花びらが雪のように風に… (0000)…」ピンク * レッドのミニ カーネーションの 4 つのガラス瓶が、ハー モニターの右側にある種の儀式的なプライドを隠していました。 här ワークスペースの透明なプラスチックの輪郭 THE YAGAMOTO_MAIDO III の灰色がかった沸騰するプラズマは (00) と同期して脈動し、透明な液体はプラスチックの反対側の表面に対して時折泡立ち、その後急速に後退します。発泡性ライトが内部に固定されており、3 つの金属製クーラント ユニットと共に狭いスペースに侵入しています)。
(00) yameghuru_ueda(ii) (the MIGHUR PHANTOM)(ii): "(白いゴムの円が透明なプラスチック製の床に点在し、グリップを提供します: yameghuru_ueda(vi) は黒いゴムの上で、här マルチギャップ機器の透明なプラスチックをしっかりと押します束ねられた髪の小さな塊を縛り、白いステッチが施された白い綿のアンダースーツの上にある透明なプラスチックの表面を熱心に睨みつけ、中央のリフ「yameghuru_ueda(vi)」(½-urakuomori-½-mhygori grayskin) に個別に印刷された言葉: hä は立ち上がって混乱をきれいにするための布を探しますが、代わりに向きを変えて痙攣的に小瓶を一撃で床に粉々に一掃します。här 口は制御不能な嫌悪感、またはある種のゆっくりと侵入する瘴気で歪んでいます。それらは壊れていませんでした。それぞれがベースから湾曲しているが上縁に達することのない不規則なピンク ブルー レッドの線が少しあります。 sの明るい白色光周囲の星々が彼らのmega_phurgurを押し込んでいる)」
(00_00) 00。 yamegu(r)u(-(CR(00))): (C.A.M.に記録) 「(反射的にお茶の入った白いプラスチックの魔法瓶に手を伸ばし、心を落ち着かせ、きれいな白い光を見渡し、息をゆっくりとさせ、モニターに表示されているu_wavesが明らかにある種の機械的エラーであり、メンテナンス要求とともに提出するいくつかのレポートと修正であり、それ以上のものではなく、現在のアライアンスの凝集が均衡を保つために通過するもののシフトではないという慰めの確実性を反映しています。 .. 組合、そして人類に残されたものは、自分自身を見つける: 「(0000) を落ち着かせて」、ハーは息を切らしてささやきます: 256 の pop を持つ YAGAMOTO_MAIDO III。その計画された目的地に向かって、彼らの中心的な研究者がその都市連合の1つに形成された比較的若い研究機関に配置される異常な世界に向けて: )」
(00_00) 00。 yamegu(r)u(-(CR(00))): (C.A.M. に記録) "(phideyuki、phideyukis (1:15) のすべてのセットの意味で、当初は点のマッピングとして考えられていました。 (00)? のマイクロ色を帯びたサブシステムのシステムの胚形態は、(共振器または機能の意味で、しかしメカニズムのタイプに対する不穏な類似性で設計されています: (00) 言い換えると、フィルタリングを介してポイント セットの特定のパターン プロパティを生成する方法): (関節式の金属棒が、パッドを透明なプラスチック製シリンダーに yameguru(ii) の顔にもたらします..上半身..手、..透明なプラスチック円柱は接触を作るために前方に押します.. ハルを優しく、しかし一定のきつさでしっかりと握ります.. 柔軟性がありません: わずかな束縛が評価されます: 白い光が透明なプラスチック製のボディスーツの多球状の鎧の上で揺らめき、ヤメグルを吹き込むふりをします(ii)蒸留された速度で: 右ヒップのすぐ上にある黒のアディダスの 3 字型のロゴ)。

(00_00) 00。 yamegu(r)u(-(CR(00))): (C.A.M. に記録) 「フィデユキは黒いゴムのミニ手袋をはめた手を唇に当てる: ヤメグルは自分を内側に引っ張る: 透明なゴム製のマスクは頭をきつく拘束する: (00) här (00_00) 傷ついたハード: 柔らかい体 .. här 上腿の白い綿の下の身震い: 因果関係は残差として定義されます: 予測された確率から残っているギャップが何であれ、これは故意または過去の行動の蓄積された重みによって引き起こされるかどうかにかかわらず、因果関係の形式/行動の範囲に与えられます: ピデユキは、煙のパフの合間に、静かでこもったような方法で鋭く笑います: ヤメグルの白いプラスチックのマルチモジュラー船と黒いバインディング..ジョイント、部分に点在する黒い埋め込まれた円形の入力:出力シリンダーは、研究施設に十分な密閉空間を備えた1ユニットミッションタイプです..3つの内部水力農業ユニットが保持されます